

  • teamtutu
    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body?

    Cause people are lazy.
    Ya know, this may sound mean, but I agree!
    I think people use this "weight loss requires all these complicated tricks" things to give themselves an EXCUSE not to try to lose weight. "Oh sure, she looks good but she probably has a personal trainer and everything to help her lose weight, because it's so complicated" kinda thing. XD

    Wait, I don't get it, what is the trick? Is it a trick if you cut out desserts to try to lose weight? What about eliminating alcohol? Are these tricks? Low carb is just one strategy to create a calorie deficit (beyond the initial water weight loss that comes with depleting your glycogen stores), it's not a trick and it's not complicated. It is just one strategy for eating less and if it is easier for some people what's wrong with that?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body?

    Cause people are lazy.
    Ya know, this may sound mean, but I agree!
    I think people use this "weight loss requires all these complicated tricks" things to give themselves an EXCUSE not to try to lose weight. "Oh sure, she looks good but she probably has a personal trainer and everything to help her lose weight, because it's so complicated" kinda thing. XD
    Your posts just keep getting more and more moronic.
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    CARBS=SUGAR......nuff said
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    You know, I generally leave people alone in regards to their choices about cutting down carbs.

    A few years ago, I read a study that talked about how low carb diets had the smallest long term compliancy while plans like Weight Watchers and simple calorie counting had the longest term.

    Also, I know a lot of people site insulin resistance/diabetes as reasons to cut carbs but I've also read about people eating high carb diets and improving their diabetes, it depends on the type of carbs. Some diets, such as South Beach diet do try to emphasize the right type of carbs.

    Of course it is alluring to follow a diet that empties out your glycogen stores and reduces water retention from the beginning so that you lose a lot of scale weight at first. I'm not interested in scale weight myself, I'm worried about fat loss so I'll continue to eat my relatively high carb diet.
  • teamtutu
    Oh, also, for those mentioning active lifestyles. I will admit that it is hard for me to do longer, sustained high-intensity exercise when eating very low carb. If I have a long race (like the triathlon I did this weekend) I do eat some carbs before/during so that I have some calories that are quickly accessible for my body. I don't find this necessary with regular workouts (<1 hour). However, the benefit I get from eating this way greatly outweighs this sacrifice in performance.
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
    If we have to reduce calorie intake carbohydrates seems a good place to start, given that there are none we need to eat. Most folks can take 125g of carbs out of their diet (500 calories) and leave fats and protein alone.

    There's more energy in fat (9 vs 4) than carbs, and carbohydrates simply aren't a nutrient that you have to eat.

    20 or 30g of carbs in a day would be a vegetable intake beyond what many can manage, if sticking to the lower carb veg. So I can eat a pound of veg and be under 20g of carbs.

    ^^^Great answer!
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Carbs give you energy, but do not repair your body.

    Fat and protein repair your body.

    You only need a certain amount of energy. That is why you should not go crazy on carbs. They do nothing but give you energy. I hate hate HATE seeing people on high carb, low fat diets. Destroying their body.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    CARBS=SUGAR......nuff said

    Sugar = primary food of the brain.

    Again, it is up to people to eat whatever they want but there are plenty of people who lose on high carb diets and are healthy.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    We are all individuals. Why not let each of us decide how to best handle our weight, health and fitness?

    Let us define low carb, slow carb, etc. And decide what's best for us.

    signed: not low carb, but I know my 47 year old body lets go of weight easier when I cut back on the grains. And when you're pushing 50, let me know how easy it all is.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Ok, I wasn't going to comment on this until I saw this. Ummm....excuse me??!! You think I am lazy because I cut certain carbs?? I work full time, have 3 kids, run or workout most days and I am LAZY because of the way I CHOOSE to eat??!! Give me a friggin break!! I feel better when I don't eat a lot of carbs. My skin is better, I have more energy, I wake up with no alarm, I run better, workout better/harder. Man, I am one lazy mama!!

    And being low carb is not a "fad". I have eaten low carb for years and will eat low carb forever and ever because I like it. I feel better. It's my lifestyle, not my "fad diet". Ok, go ahead and pick apart every word I've said and bash me for the way I choose to live. I'm so lazy I won't be able to come back to this rediculous conversation. :laugh:

    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body?

    Cause people are lazy.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body?

    Cause people are lazy.
    Ya know, this may sound mean, but I agree!
    I think people use this "weight loss requires all these complicated tricks" things to give themselves an EXCUSE not to try to lose weight. "Oh sure, she looks good but she probably has a personal trainer and everything to help her lose weight, because it's so complicated" kinda thing. XD
    Your posts just keep getting more and more moronic.

  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Carbs give you energy, but do not repair your body.

    Fat and protein repair your body.

    You only need a certain amount of energy. That is why you should not go crazy on carbs. They do nothing but give you energy. I hate hate HATE seeing people on high carb, low fat diets. Destroying their body.

    You also only need a certain amount of fats and a certain amount of protein. No reason someone would necessarily destroy their body on a low fat, high carb diet.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Oh, also, for those mentioning active lifestyles. I will admit that it is hard for me to do longer, sustained high-intensity exercise when eating very low carb. If I have a long race (like the triathlon I did this weekend) I do eat some carbs before/during so that I have some calories that are quickly accessible for my body. I don't find this necessary with regular workouts (<1 hour). However, the benefit I get from eating this way greatly outweighs this sacrifice in performance.

    This is exactly my point. I agree, a short, high intensity workout does not require any extra carbohydrates because your glycogen stores are large enough to give you the energy required for the workout. However, once you go over an hour of intense exercising, your glycogen stores become depleted and that when you hit the wall, or "bonk." The purpose of eating simple carbohydrates while doing longer activities is to prevent your body from depleting the glycogen stores so quickly, and to give you quick energy that your body needs to maintain the activity.

    That why Gatorade is primarily sugar water.

    Complex carbohydrates are a totally different story.
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    However, the same information is why it is NOT good for someone who wants to have a very active lifestyle!
    There are endurance athletes who eat low carb. Have a read at the recent book "Low carbohydrate performance" (or similar) by Volek & Phinney if you like research. The body carries a lot more energy reserves as fat than as carbs, I have been low carb for 2.5 years and I can ride my bike for 12 miles or walk and jog for a couple of hours, which is as active as I've ever been.
    Likewise - I lost weight on a low carb diet, and maintain by choosing healthy carbs over empty carbs. I think it's simply a matter of what works for each individual. It took me almost 30 years of yoyo dieting to figure this out!
  • tismyhardbody
    tismyhardbody Posts: 100 Member
    The only carbs your body needs are from those that are in fresh fruits and veggies.
    Everything else is total crap.
    The end.
  • scooby47454
    scooby47454 Posts: 8 Member
    The only carbs I try to limit myself to (not take away completely) are simple carbs! But complex carbs are good they keep you full!! I can't never say," oh i am cutting that out!" because I found out if i treat myself when i do good, it motivates me!!!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Someone else from the "lazy" camp :-

    This guy doesn't like low carb either....
  • ichigo007
    Hmm My opinion from stuff I read like this article maybe its not realy low or hi carb or even 0 carb is the right choice. I think maybe that if you get rid of the bad carbs and eat the natural straight from nature carbs that you will be healthier thinner and live longer with fewier health problems. Kind of like good and bad fats from foods. A lot of the stuff in that article makes a lot of since.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    However, the same information is why it is NOT good for someone who wants to have a very active lifestyle!
    There are endurance athletes who eat low carb. Have a read at the recent book "Low carbohydrate performance" (or similar) by Volek & Phinney if you like research. The body carries a lot more energy reserves as fat than as carbs, I have been low carb for 2.5 years and I can ride my bike for 12 miles or walk and jog for a couple of hours, which is as active as I've ever been.

    Yes, the body does carry more energy as fat, but what if a) you only had 8-12% body fat, you wouldn't have enough fat to give yourself the energy for a long event, and b) if you're racing at an aerobic pace, your body cannot turn the fat into energy at the rate your muscles are burning the energy.

    I will certainly take a look at that book and give it a good read. I'd be interested in what it has to say.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    OK, I just keep seeing these stupid "no carb diet help pls" or "OMG I went over my carb limit what should I do??" Topics and just had to try and clear this up a little bit/.

    'Nuff said, honestly.

    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body? Why would depriving your body of ANY crucial nutrient would be good, especially carbohydrates, which are the building blocks of energy?

    I myself have lost a little over 20 pounds following calorie restriction combined with strength and cardio. It's really that simple, and almost anyone can do it. Expend more than your put in for a CONSISTENT amount of time;that is ALL you need to do. : )

    So please everybody stop depriving yourself of carbs and fearing carbs; when you eat GOOD foods, like whole grains and fresh vegetables, your body will thank you, and you will get the result you want!

    different diets work for different people. i'm with you on eating carbs but other people may find it easier to stick to atkins or paleo or dukan or whatever. live and let live.
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