

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    The only carbs your body needs are from those that are in fresh fruits and veggies.
    Everything else is total crap.
    The end.

    ...nuff said... :drinker:

    And what would be wrong with a potato once in while. High in potassium. A sweet potato even better. Both are considered starches. I fundamentally agree with the fruits and veggies statement but I don't think it's the end of the world if you have pizza every once in a while. It's all about dose and context.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Just for the record, Sidesteal expressed my point of view probably better than I could. If it works for you, do it, as long as you can do it long term. It's not the universal presciption for everyone. We should all chose what's best for ourselves in this regard.
    I have the following opinions:

    1) Low carb dieting is a legitimate method for some people in some contexts. Diabetics being one of them.

    2) Carbs are not essential.

    3) However, I think the reason that low carb diets may work is very misunderstood, which leads to people spouting BS about low carb diets, and I think that's a problem. They pick up a Taubes book, think that the cherry-picked studies are convincing, and then become convinced that carbs are the singular cause of obesity and that somehow the insulin fairy is out to make them fat.

    There's a whole lot of people who do just fine creating a calorie deficit with moderate carb intake. There are some people who will have better success by creating a calorie deficit AND eating low carb.

    It's a tool, it's viable for some people and it's far from an ideal choice for others.
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    I don't usually respond to uneducated, hateful statements, however; I can't figure out for the life of me why a low-carb diet = LAZY.
    Seriously??? I have more energy now than I did when I tried high carb/calorie restricted. And I need it.
    Hmmmmm..... Let's see:

    Up at 4:30 AM, take son to practice (I run up and down the bleachers)
    5:30-7:00, cook breakfast for 4 men +3 teenages, ready all for the day and school,crazy amount of morning chores.
    7:00-8:00, commute with said children to 3 differnt schools (due to my very un-lazy commitment to an amazing education for my boys, did I mention one of those boys struggle with Downs Syndrome?)
    8:00-2:00, teach multiple special needs K-2 children (oh yeah, my lazy butt recieved it's Doctorate in Special Ed this year)
    2:00-3:00, hit the gym, today a trainer tried to kill me, and it felt great.
    3:00-5:00, pick-up kids, commute to practices (run/walk the high school track), commute home (40 miles, half the year in snow)
    5:00-7:00, Cook dinner for everyone, gather horses and cattle with my hubby so our ranch hands can spend time with family. (you know how lazy us ranchers can be, freaking easy life!)
    7:00........ I am never in bed before 10 PM.
    This is an example of an easy day for me.......... I am not lazy.
    I'm not writing this to toot my own horn, a lot of folks have lives like mine, and love it like I do.

    As my husband would say "You couldn't hold my jock!"

    I don't insult people for the lifestyle they choose to live. Last time I checked I was not a judge, nor am I an expert on diet and fitness. I love to learn about the subject and have put a tremendous amount of thought and study into what I've chosen to do. Everyone needs to find what works for them and be happy for the successes. I am in a constant state of learning.... join the class!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I don't usually respond to uneducated, hateful statements, however; I can't figure out for the life of me why a low-carb diet = LAZY.
    Seriously??? I have more energy now than I did when I tried high carb/calorie restricted. And I need it.
    Hmmmmm..... Let's see:

    Up at 4:30 AM, take son to practice (I run up and down the bleachers)
    5:30-7:00, cook breakfast for 4 men +3 teenages, ready all for the day and school,crazy amount of morning chores.
    7:00-8:00, commute with said children to 3 differnt schools (due to my very un-lazy commitment to an amazing education for my boys, did I mention one of those boys struggle with Downs Syndrome?)
    8:00-2:00, teach multiple special needs K-2 children (oh yeah, my lazy butt recieved it's Doctorate in Special Ed this year)
    2:00-3:00, hit the gym, today a trainer tried to kill me, and it felt great.
    3:00-5:00, pick-up kids, commute to practices (run/walk the high school track), commute home (40 miles, half the year in snow)
    5:00-7:00, Cook dinner for everyone, gather horses and cattle with my hubby so our ranch hands can spend time with family. (you know how lazy us ranchers can be, freaking easy life!)
    7:00........ I am never in bed before 10 PM.
    This is an example of an easy day for me.......... I am not lazy.
    I'm not writing this to toot my own horn, a lot of folks have lives like mine, and love it like I do.

    As my husband would say "You couldn't hold my jock!"

    I don't insult people for the lifestyle they choose to live. Last time I checked I was not a judge, nor am I an expert on diet and fitness. I love to learn about the subject and have put a tremendous amount of thought and study into what I've chosen to do. Everyone needs to find what works for them and be happy for the successes. I am in a constant state of learning.... join the class!
    Lazy *kitten* girl! Get off the couch and DO something! :wink: :laugh: :drinker: Great post:drinker:
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    If we have to reduce calorie intake carbohydrates seems a good place to start, given that there are none we need to eat. Most folks can take 125g of carbs out of their diet (500 calories) and leave fats and protein alone.

    There's more energy in fat (9 vs 4) than carbs, and carbohydrates simply aren't a nutrient that you have to eat.

    20 or 30g of carbs in a day would be a vegetable intake beyond what many can manage, if sticking to the lower carb veg. So I can eat a pound of veg and be under 20g of carbs.

    Yup, and "healthy whole grains" ain't that healthy IMO ...

    There are much better sources for all the nutrients we need than non-veggie carbohydrate.

    I guess some people would rather be consuming too much 'quick energy' regularly and then trying to burn it off with exercise than fuel themselves with nutrient-heavy fodder and use their fat stores as fuel.

    And I like being fuelled, primarily, by my fat storage ... even in an outwardly lean state I still have plenty of fuel.

    I guess this thing will run and run but the momentum is building towards a generally lower carb intake both for weight management and good health ...

    Paleo is low carb and gaining popularity, LCHF has taken over Sweden, governments are reversing their positions on the low carb way, numerous studies are all tying this stuff together from a scientific perspective.

    And hence the popularity of the threads that seem to have annoyed the OP so much ... people are getting interested in it because other people are getting real-life results that they couldn't from other means and spreading the word.

    The internet, marvellous.

    Back to me bacon then. :)
  • MarissaCB39
    MarissaCB39 Posts: 115 Member
    Love ignorant people that make random statements and criticize others choices in diets. Why do you care if people choose low carb? Nothing better to do then write a post discussing a diet you obviously have not tried and have not educated yourself on?
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
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