Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~My nephews liked to use me as a jungle gym when they were younger too, now they like it when I scare them by playing hide ‘n seek. I hope that your “aggressive PT” goes well and that full range of motion in your shoulder returns soon.

    @Tracy~The cake for your sisters baby shower is adorable, great job as always! :smiley:

    AFM~Insomnia reared its ugly head all of last week, I was exhausted by Saturday. So Saturday after picking up a few things I needed, Zoe and I napped—I needed to shop but was just too tired. We had storms and floods here again yesterday, I think my area received another 4"--we are starting to have a lot of problems with road erosion and the already swelled rivers and lakes are really taking its toll. Several high water rescues. Yesterday I made some gazpacho and grilled some shrimp—in hindsight, not the best choice for lunch this week as it’s really low in protein. I never realized how low in protein shrimp is (~1g per large piece). Still no exercise for me, I follow-up with ortho on Thursday so keeping my fingers crossed I get the green light for something.

    Have a good week.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 953 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Baby Boomer's Recognition Day!
    Baby Boomer's Recognition Day

    @Kelley- I eat lots of shrimp, protein to calorie ratio is pretty good.

    Self Nutrition Data



  • phanatic82
    phanatic82 Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning! I'm new here so I thought I would introduce myself. I am on day 24 of my diet and am actually doing pretty well so far but I have a very long way to go. I am a newly single mom and I need to find my confidence again. My big goal would be to lose 100 lbs, but I would love to go for 125. My lowest in a long time was 75lbs ago... so that is my minimum loss goal. I am 10lbs into my journey! Nice to meet you all!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited June 2015
    Welcome @phanatic82~Good start on your weight loss journey. You'll find lots of support here.
    Morgori wrote: »
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Baby Boomer's Recognition Day!
    Baby Boomer's Recognition Day

    @Kelley- I eat lots of shrimp, protein to calorie ratio is pretty good.

    Self Nutrition Data




    Hi Tom, thanks for the info--I need to remember that site. I love shrimp (love lobster even more)! Yes, the protein to calorie ratio is good as its 90% protein but you need to eat a lot of it to get that much protein since they don't weigh much. I bought a pound which factors out to 6 large shrimp per serving--there is only 6g of protein in 6 large shrimp (not enough unless you are pairing it with another high protein food). I try to average 20g protein for each meal, the lunch I made for this week is only 11g of protein (includes 1/2 cup gazpacho, 6 large shrimp and homemade pumpernickel croutons).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley-- Sorry about the insomnia--I sure know what that's like. There's so much I love about summer vacation, but the best part of it is that I don't usually have to wake up early, so when insomnia hits, I can just get up and do something productive without worry about getting enough sleep. Yeah, it's so funny that I only see Violet maybe once a month, but we've got our flip perfected to the point that I barely even notice she's there. Yesterday, I was in the kitchen talking with some of the adults, and she just grabbed my hands and started climbing--I didn't miss a beat of the conversation. LOL

    @phanatic-- welcome!

    @tom-- I love shrimp! My husband marinates his in a garlic sauce that he makes himself, then he grills them in a basket. So delicious!

    @tracy (tlh)-- the cake is gorgeous and so is your sister. She looks just like you!!

    @niki-- Great to see you pop in! Yes, sometimes reading all of the posts takes up so much time, that I just skip personals.

    @laurie-- sounds like our goals for the summer are almost identical. I also want to break into a new low on the scale so that I'm hovering about 10 pounds lower than my current weight. Once again, we are dopplegangers! LOL I know we can do it if we both put our minds to it.

    Monday Check-in:
    Father's Day at my sisters was great, and it didn't turn into a free-for-all of food. My sister's husband is actively trying to lose weight, so they are eating much healthier which helped. My only splurge was a few beers which is rare for me. I still came in really close to goal-- in fact, I thought I was under until I recalled a mocha light frap that I got at starbucks for the car ride.

    Today I hit the gym again. Did my core work and wasn't quite as sore as last time. I also ran my 8k today. I set the treadmill for 55 minutes figuring I would add minutes if needed. Well, I was going along at a good pace, feeling really strong, then the treadmill stopped after 25 minutes. I have no idea why--just before it stopped it was clearly counting down and about to approach the 30 minutes remaining mark. Very odd and annoying. The unexpected halt completely disrupted my rhythm as I had to stop to program another 30 minutes (re-entering all of my info). I ended up walking for a couple of minutes before cranking it back up to my prior pace, but then right as I approached 3 miles, I had to stop for a bathroom break. Needless to say, this second disruption left me struggling to even finish. I ended up alternating some walking in my last mile, but I did finish in about 59 minutes (not positive b/c of the unexpected stop). It was disappointing, but I'm glad I didn't use the machine's behavior as an excuse to stop.

    On another note, the weather here is so strange. It was stormy this morning even thought the forecast was for rain and possibly hail later in the day. Now, it's 4:30 in the afternoon and the sun is shining. Maybe we won't get the nasty weather this evening after all? <knocks on wood>

    June Challenge:
    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 25/30 days -- 11/25

    Exercise = run 10 x minimum this month including at least one 8k.
    3/10 runs; 1/1 8ks

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + PT
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + PT
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Bigfoot 5k Trail Run

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Happy Monday to all of you! Oregon coastie here, with news that SUMMER has arrived, (for all of you inland).... The wind is warm, and the sun, if you face it, is WARM too....imagine that! My tomato plants, (all 6 of them), have a life all their own, so I am just going to let them grow, and do their thing. I have no actual tomato trellis's, and no funds to buy some. I was actually thinking of sticking some tennis rackets in the soil and string string from one face to the other.... I don't know. I have to check to see if its ok with the son. He never plays, but the moment I jab them into the ground, he will ask to!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning all,

    @Annr - Love that summer is here but the solstice reminds me that now the days will be getting shorter.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - A few of the treadmills at my gym time out after 25 minutes. So very frustrating if you do not over ride before you start out.

    @phanatic82 - Welcome. One of my favorite sayings: I did not say it would be easy, I said it would be worth it.
    Come back often, this is a great group.

    @tlh0407 - Love that cake! You are so very good at this. I love to see people at the top of their game.

    AFM - Went to bed early last night, I am pretty sore from the run and boot camp class. Woke up at 1:30, no more sleep for me tonight.
    My kitty is not feeling well, I will try to get her into the vet today.
    I have a very high end client who is having a dinner party Thrusday evening. Her fabric was on back ourder then it did not come at all. Now I found a replacement and am frantically working on her items. I am hoping to finish today.
    My sister is taking me to a play for my birthday The Dixie Swim Club. A community theatre production, The venue is Riverside Park Pavilion. The audience is three sides and the stage is in the center. They put up screens on the pavilion so the bugs are not too bad. They hand out little cups of popcorn for .50. This is the pavillion


    This is another pic of the park


    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    Monday - Boot camp class - Done
    Tuesday - Trainer WO
    Wednesday - either Total Body class or 20 mile bike
    Thursday - Trainer WO
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - Run or bike or both - My 55th birthday, I will have cake
    Sunday - Edge the Ledge Mud Run - Ahoy, it is pirate themed!

    Get my water in every day
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Kelley…that makes me feel dumb whining about our storms, when you got 4” in one storm!!! OY!
    @Karen…sorry your rhythm got interrupted, but I agree – good for you to not let that be an excuse.
    @Lori…enjoy your birthday celebration with your sister. Love that fountain!

    Tuesday goals…I was told yesterday that I probably shouldn’t go white water rafting while in Colorado due to my weight (they won’t stop me but don’t recommend it). The website says the weight limits are 50-280 lbs and I’m at 260. Hmmm. I have to think about that. I’d really love to lose at least 10 pounds by July 18th.

    Today, my baby turns 9. We are doing her actual birthday party in July so it’s kind of low key. I did get up early to let her have Cinnamon Rolls with a candle for breakfast before she headed to Summer School. She has chosen to go out to Space Aliens for her birthday celebration. I will need to get on the website and do some scouting for what I want to eat tonight that won’t blow my calorie budget.

    I went to the gym yesterday and got some time on the treadmill, bike and stair stepper (limited on the stair stepper – HA). I also met my 10,000 steps yesterday.

    Monday: Cardio - DONE
    Tuesday: Lift
    Wednesday: Cardio
    Thursday: Lift
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday/Sunday: Trip to Minneapolis…my goal is to get lots of steps in.

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @tlh0407 - If the weight limit is 280 then you should be fine, don't let the haters stop you! Good for you for trying to lose more by your trip, but I say go for it. I'd love to go white-water rafting! And the cake is awesome! So glad I don't live near you, I'd be mooching cake all the time (not really, I don't really LIKE cake, but yours look so delish I might make an exception!).

    @cblue315 - those pics are great! I love that fountain.

    @NK1112 - hope your water problems got solved!

    AFM - Yesterday I decided to work on my stamina so I decided to walk on lunch instead of going and doing the elliptical at the gym. I managed to walk 1.4 miles in just 27 minutes, which isn't that fast but it's a good start and I was really happy with my accomplishment.
    Best of all, I just weighed myself, and I have HIT 200 EVEN! Next stop One-der-Land, ladies & gents! If I keep this up, I might just get pretty close to my goal of 50 lbs by my birthday July 31st! Today makes 37, and I have 6 weeks left.

    Onward and downward y'all!
    Tracy (TX)
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Today I'm walking around my neighborhood again :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rachel-- great job walking again!

    @tracy (goins)-- I think 3 mph is a great walking pace--wonderful accomplishment! And congrats on hitting 200, I'm rolling out the red carpet for your entrance to Onderland. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :)

    @tracy (tlh)-- who is this "they" who don't recommend you raft? If it's the people running the activity, and their website says 280, then I don't understand why they would say that. Are they making an assumption that because you are a woman who weighs 260 that you must not be healthy enough? If so, that makes me really angry. If you were a 6 foot + man would they make the same recommendation? I can understand them letting you know there are certain physical requirements, but just assuming you're not fit enough b/c of your weight is wrong. I would ask them if the weight limit is 280 lbs--if the answer is "yes," then I agree with tracy (goins) that you should go ahead and do it. You work out, lift weights, and are an active person. Don't let someone else's reservations stop you.

    @lori-- I bet that's what happened with the treadmill. However, it let me program in 55 minutes and counted down from there but stopped at 30 minutes left. Not sure how I could've overridden it. I usually use a different type of treadmill, but someone was using it--next time, I'll just make sure to use my usual one. What a lovely park! The play sounds like a great birthday outing--have fun!

    AFM--I'm sure you've seen the tornadoes that hit IL on the news. A total of 4 touched down last night, but all were well south of where I live. Fortunately, no loss of life though the property damage is severe. One community, Coal City, was hit by another tornado just 2 years ago. Although we got some heavy storms north of the city yesterday afternoon, last nights system tracked south of us--I don't think we got any rain overnight.

    Today the weather was gorgeous. It's supposed to rain again the next couple of days, so I took the opportunity to mow the lawn and do some more weeding. It took up most of my afternoon, but I'm glad it's all done.

    I also started my "aggressive" PT for my shoulder. It wasn't much different from previous sessions; just a bit more stretching and light weight work. My mobility is much better since the cortisone shot, so that's promising.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. finish cleaning the bathroom and seal floor tile grout
    2. clean car interior
    3. get oil changed

    I would like to get all 3 done this week, but weather is a factor when it comes to cleaning out my car. I don't have a garage, so I can't do it in the rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be stormy again, so it may be a good day to finish the bathroom. I'm supposed to meet some friends in the afternoon, but I'm not sure what time--need to find out before making my plans for the morning.

    June Challenge:
    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 25/30 days -- 11/25

    Exercise = run 10 x minimum this month including at least one 8k.
    4/10 runs; 1/1 8ks

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + PT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + PT
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Bigfoot 5k Trail Run

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tracy~I’m with Karen, who is the “they” that said you shouldn’t participate in rafting because of your weight? To hell with them, you are under the threshold and just because you are overweight doesn’t mean you aren’t fit :rage: —I know plenty of “skinny” people that aren’t fit. Don’t let it hold you back. Do it, have fun, and prove everyone wrong! I’m actually in a similar situation. For my kayaking excursion in Alaska, there is a weight limit and I’m barely under the threshold but I’m doing it anyway—kayaking from Skagway to Haines (area with the largest Bald Eagle preservation) no way I’m missing out on that! :wink:

    @Karen~I thought about you yesterday when I heard about the tornadoes, I am glad no lives were lost and you didn’t sustain any damage. Hope the rain holds out for you today.

    @Lori~Beautiful park, sounds like a great way to celebrate your birthday—enjoy the play!

    @GOINSTD12 (Tracy)~Hooray for hitting that 200 mark! :star:

    AFM~Its just business as usual around here, anxious to follow-up with ortho tomorrow. Weather is hot and humid, typical this kind of year so I’m counting the days until my cruise—47 (fly to San Francisco in 44 days though).

    I’m kind of nerdy in that I follow the Aurora Borealis forecast, especially right now because I’m going to AK soon (we can actually request wake-up calls from the ship when they’re active—usually well after midnight). Conditions are almost perfect the next couple of nights for them to dip lower into the northern contiguous U.S. (MT, WI, ND, SD, WY, NE, IA, etc.) and Canada. You don’t get much notice, so have to be a night owl-- timing is between 11pm and 4am (EST). Their activity is dependent upon the activity of the sun and the sky needs to be dark/clear, just step outside and look towards the north. :wink:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited June 2015
    This is a picture captured here in ND of the northern lights. It was the night I actually went to bed on time. :'(

    But if it's going to happen over the next couple of nights, I will be up late (packing and making a final cake for June) so I'll keep my eye out for it. It is very strange to see the this time of year...usually we get them in wintertime.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 953 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Celebration of the Senses Day – taste, smell, hear, see, touch (and more)
    Today is Celebration of the Senses Day – a day to remind yourself of your body’s amazing sensory abilities.
    Given that, at any moment in time, we are bombarded by such a diverse combination of sensory experiences, our appreciation of the individual senses can become somewhat muddled. Our taste experience is affected by the smell, texture and temperature of our food. Similarly, our hearing is said to decrease after overeating, and our sight is affected by noises around us. Sight can also be hampered after eating fatty foods.
    On Celebration of the Senses Day, how about conducting a couple of in-house experiments to give your senses a shake up? Have a blindfolded smell-a-thon of items in the fridge. Listen to a piece of music in a pitch dark room. While you’re at it, dance around in the dark! Mix up your food experience by mashing, freezing or colouring different foods to create new and surprising sensory variations. Look at things around you through a looking glass. In short, utilise your senses to experience the world anew.
    Here’s another interesting snippet – if a sad, depressed person tells you their world is dull and grey, and flowers have lost their smell, they’re not just speaking metaphorically. Research shows that sensory perception can actually be diminished in depressed individuals.
    So focussing on a renewed appreciation of your senses can actually even help you to get out of that emotional rut you’re in.

    Negative thinking destroys your brain cells and causes global warming. Source: The Scientific Institute of GetOverIt! ~Dodinsky


  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish…Really wish that guy hadn’t said anything about my weight and rafting. It was one of the guys at the rafting company that said I shouldn’t do it because they’d have to be able to get someone back in the raft if they fell out. I get that, but it’s not like I’m totally useless…I’ve been working on my upper body strength. But it has put a little bit of fear into me – what if I can’t get back in? But you are all right…if they put a limit of 280, that would mean they have to have practiced with a 280 lb person, right?

    @Tracy…congrats on 200#...onderville is right there!
    @Karen…glad the tornados missed you. Property damage is expensive but at least there were no lives lost.
    @Kelley…that kayak trip sounds great. I’ve seen plenty of bald eagles in my lifetime (there are several at the lake we frequent in northern Minnesota), but I couldn’t believe how many I saw in Alaska.
    @Tom…one of the things my husband and I used to do was shut off the lights, throw on some jazz in the background, light a candle and just visit. But I would not be open to a smell-a-thon of my fridge…probably means I need to clean it out, but…

    AFM…yesterday we celebrated Emma’s birthday with supper out (did pretty good calorie wise but was over by about 150 calories). Then by the time we went to Grandma’s for gift opening and then I had to sign back in for work, it was getting so late and it started to rain quite a bit. I actually got as far as turning the TV on, but before I sat down, I forced myself to just grab the keys and head to the gym. So glad I did. I did Day 1 of Stronglifts 5X5 (seemed strange to start over at 45 pounds, but that’s what I decided to do). Then after that, I went over and did a few miles on the stationary bike.

    Today I am really glad I started at the 45 pounds – very light and very quick to do, but my thighs can tell that I haven’t actually done squats for at least 2 months. Nowhere near as painful as the first time, but sore.

    Monday: Cardio - DONE
    Tuesday: Lift – DONE plus a little cardio
    Wednesday: Cardio
    Thursday: Lift
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday/Sunday: Trip to Minneapolis…my goal is to get lots of steps in.

    My plan for the Minneapolis trip is to have salad for at least one meal and then just enjoy the other. I'm going to really try to log it so I can just be aware, but not get too worried if over a bit
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    making a note to save my spot,

    Still off and on the wagon seat this week. Going to weigh tomorrow so we will see the damage. I am going camping the rest of the weekend so bunch of fired food, but lots of activity.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @tracy(goins) -- thanks, the village got their job done exactly as promised. Water is all fine. Congratulations!!!

    @tracy(tlh) -- georgous cake! love that shade of lilac.

    thanks @Karen(Skinny) -- I always feel bad when I pop in and report but don't do personals, your comment made me feel better.

    AFM ...
    Wednesday Wish ... well, my wishes have thus far been granted. I had a follow-up doctor's appointment today to get the results of the recent tests and am glad to report that the one I was concerned about the most came back negative ... a brain scan. They want to take a closer look at the pituitary gland and will do so next month if the insurance approves it, otherwise my brain looks 'pretty good'. One concern out of the way. Yippee!!

    New Recipe creation ... Black Bean Tuna Salad with peppers
    I made something up yesterday that actually turned out to taste really good to me. Had a taste for tuna fish ... I only use the light tuna, not Albacore, Blue Fin or Yellow Fin ... and wanted to make some sort of salad out of it, but I don't like mayo ... so ...

    I mixed up a 6 ounce can of light tuna, well drained (equals 4 ounces tuna), with a 15-oz can of drained and rinsed black beans, minced purple onion and yellow bell pepper and dressed it with 1/2 cup of plain yogurt... and it turned out very tasty. The remainder got a bit watery overnight in the fridge but a quick stir made it come together just as well as when I first made it, and it tasted just as good. Plus, it makes 4 good sized portions.

    There was something more I wanted to write but now my memory bank is blank!
    Have a great rest of the week everyone.
    Niki ... go and 'follow through"
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    tlh- Go on the rafting trip. If you fall out then float down the river until you are out of the rapids then you can climb back in. Chances are you will NOT Fall out. You are strong enough to pull yourself back into the raft. The cake is great, you are very talented in that area. Great picture of the Aurora B., I would like to see it one day.

    Niki-Hurray for the good news and one concern down. That is great.

    Karen-We will make our weight loss goals this summer. The worst of the storms missed my area last night as well the storms went slightly north. Glad the tornado's missed you. Good luck with the PT, I hope it works. Shoulder issue are no fun. I am also dealing with a slight shoulder issue when I swim. Therefore, I need to train my body to make sure I am doing the strokes correctly and stretching before and after I swim.

    Kelley- Enjoy the kayaking trip, I know you will have a great time. I love kayaking the hardest part for me is getting in and out of the kayak. The park where I kayak has a launch system which makes getting in and out of the kayak so much easier. Otherwise I tend to look like a beached whale that is afraid to get wet.

    Lori- That is a great location for a play and a beautiful park.

    Tracey In TX- Great walk today and yipee for being so close to onederland.

    Welcome to the newbie's. You have found a great thread. Congrats on taking the first step on your journey to a healthier lifestyle and you. Just keep moving throughout the day, it will make a difference.

    Today, was a good day. I started the morning with an aerobics class at the gym. From there I opted to ride the spin bike for 25 minutes then rowed for another 10 minutes before ending with a cool down walk. I am going to attend the aerobics class as long as it lasts then I will switch to the barbell weight class which is like a boot camp. I may do that as well right now, I will see how it goes. There is a hour between classes so not sure I want to spend 3 hours at they gym.

    Yesterday, was also a good workout day and my running is improving yipee. I am finally learning to run in a way that doesn't hurt my calfs. We had storms last night so I did not make it to the gym for a 2nd round of walking but I did have dinner with a friend.

    Wish- That I will lose the 10 pounds or so that I need to meet my summer goal.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone!

    @laurie and kelley-- when I went ocean kayaking last summer, it was a double kayak and my friend and I had a horrible time getting into the boat. Battling the waves while trying to keep hold of the oars and our flip flops--it must have looked like a slap stick comedy. I seriously would not be surprised to see it surface on youtube if anyone watching us thought to record it. It was honestly that ridiculous. LOL

    @tracy (tlh) and kelley-- shortly after we moved to our house north of Chicago, I got to see the Aurora Borealis. but I believe it was late Autumn. It was so beautiful! So many different colors. I called my dad (who's also a meteorologist) and said, "Hurry, go outside; you can see the Northern Lights!" Needless to say, he couldn't see them due to all of the light pollution in the city. With all the cloud cover we've been having, there's little chance we'll see them here (not even sure if they are supposed to be visible in Chicagoland this time around).

    @niki-- glad your brain is okay. :smile:

    AFM-- Had a good day visiting with my Switzerland friends, but ate way too many calories at dinner out. At least I went to the gym beforehand. Although the PT tuesday didn't seem that much more aggressive, I am definitely feeling the new exercises. Not in a bad way, but just some minor soreness in my back muscles (under my shoulderblade).

    Wednesday WIsh:
    Ditto laurie's wish. :smile:

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. finish cleaning the bathroom and seal floor tile grout
    2. clean car interior DONE
    3. get oil changed

    June Challenge:
    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 25/30 days -- 12/25

    Exercise = run 10 x minimum this month including at least one 8k.
    5/10 runs; 1/1 8ks

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + PT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + PT
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Bigfoot 5k Trail Run

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 953 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Color TV Day!
    Color TV Day

    Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun. ~Colleen C. Barrett

