Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello again! It's so nice to have a working internet. Can't say more 'cuz I have nothing nice to say it being down...

    So, has everybody been good? Cuz I sure haven't tried to catch up - but I did see @Laurie's pix - beautiful pictures of your mom and dad's anniversary. Wow, its hard to imagine that you and @Skinnyjeans parents are celebrating 50th wedding anniversaries when my older sister is going to celebrate her 50th next year! What a coincidence.

    Welcome to people I'm just now meeting. Great attitudes. Lets all keep this idea of "we're in this together" in the back of our minds if we have struggles during the day. We'll meet back up here and buoy each other up.

    @Kaye - I'm sorry to here your battling a few pounds but it does happen to the best to us and you are the BEST of us! I do believe so.

    @Niki - thanks so much - friendship is rare and precious and the best gift any one can offer another.

    @Zoe - Tuesday goal - yes- lets stretch - I'm gonna stand UP NOW!

    In fact, thats going to be my tiny little December goal, every time I post, after I hit POST REPLY, I have to stand up and stretch.

    Thanks for the idea, Zoe!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Tuesday Goal update: epic fail! I fidgeted some, but that's about all. :|
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    I started an Abs challenge today. Completed that (day 1) goal. Yay me! Need to log 500k steps by month end. Logged just a bit over 12,000 today. Realized that I would need to log a little more than 16,100 each day to reach that goal. It sucks to start out in the hole, having to do make up steps another day. :/
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Robin WOW! Welcome back!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi Robin welcome back. Its great to "see" you again :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- Good to see you back and to hear that the computer problems are over and hope they stay away.

    Faith- Don't think of it as a fail, use it as a beginning and start from their. These are a challenge so if you don't reach the entire number expected on the first day, it's okay. The next step is to increase today total for tomorrow. So today you logged just over 12,000 steps so tomorrow you aim for just over 13,000 etc. Keep increasing your steps every day and you will succeed in the end because you did not give up and you improved your own record by pushing yourself to do better than the day before.

    Kaye- Good to see you again. I know you will get back on track with the walking and encourage your family to join you. I love hearing about your family gathering and the large numbers. That is what I miss most about my family, we use to have 17-20 people for the holiday meals but now the cousins are living in CO, now it is just a small gathering these days.

    Zoe- Tuesday is not over yet, so stretch.

    Kelley- Hope the transition goes well from cast to boot. Time has flown by since the surgery. Congrats on your new niece.

    Karen- I am looking forward to seeing everyone in April for the Shamrock Shuffle. I hope Brian will be able to join us.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Monday- Gym- trainer workout
    Tuesday-REST from exercise
    Wednesday- gym
    Thursday-Gym and rock climbing
    Friday- Rock Climbing
    Saturday- rest but might walk the park
    Sunday- gym or outside activity

    Not to let life get in the way of my exercise.

    Niki is right about other factors that affect our weight. Weight changes daily and sometimes by the hour, remember it is a number at that point in time. Our bodies process things differently and need time to adjust to the changes so it can catch up. The point is don't get discouraged when the weight does not change, or goes up temporarily give yourself time. Keep tabs on the weight but also use other measures such as measurements or how clothes are fitting. If you notice a weight gain that is not dropping, then reexamine your diet and make a change. Improving our health is the most important thing along their journey and that means making the time for ourselves to exercise. It is okay to focus on ourselves instead of always giving to others. Don't be afraid to ask others to join you, go for that walk etc because we all need to do things to help ourselves. Exercise is a great mental release from the days stress and events.

    Have a great Wednesday.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday Goals ... As today was the 1st day of the month, I did a check-in on both weight and measurements ... and was mildly pleased. I went back to measurements done at a gym by the trainer, about 16 months ago ... and in the time since I have trimmed 14 pounds and 6 torso inches.

    That's certainly not stellar but it is in the right direction. So now I am newly motivated to not only continue recording my food intake daily and weighing-in every week, which have become second nature now; but also to focus more actively on body mass. I want to see if I can trim another 6 inches off my torso in the next 12 weeks.

    In the past, the body shape was always assumed to shrink some as I lost weight, but I'm more soft in the body than I every have been ... I was always strongly built and solid, very solid. But now, I can feel softness under my skin when I touch myself over my ribs and in my arms and thighs, and even my face appears more fleshy than every before ... Thus I want to get more solid again ... I suppose that means I need to get up off my duff and do hard physical activity. That won't be easy what with the arthritis in all my joints and throughout my spine ... but I will find things that will be weight bearing that I can tolerate. I'll share with you all as this story unfolds.

    @zcb94 ... I'm of Russian origin, and in that language your name is Zoya, in Polish it is Zoja. From early times it was adopted by Hellenized Jews as a translation of EVE. ... interesting name, interesting person.

    @RobinsEgg ... Ellen, so glad to read your post; so happy that your computer issues are resolved for now and you can join us once again. I like your 'tiny little December goal' ... stretching is so good, and getting up from the computer is even better! ( I spend way too much time on mine!)

    @FaithIt365 ... are you in a challenge and pledged to walk that many steps in a month? I'm lucky if I walk 1000 steps in a day ... cannot even imagine walking 16 times that much! Although, I did once know a young woman of about 30 years of age who walked for 8 hours a day over the course of one summer and lost 40 pounds that way. She also got a really fit body and great legs from it.

    Off to hit the post button and stand up to stretch!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @Lauriek70, good point! I just got 5 minutes in as I wind down for bed. I think I might have unveiled some hidden tension that was in my back/spine, because that part of my body feels lighter now than it did 10 minutes ago.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @zoe-- great job getting that stretching done!

    @niki-- yes, moving in the right direction is the way we all start. I need to follow that advice. :blush:

    @laurie-- the last time I talked to Brian, he was still planning to join us.

    @faith-- yesterday, I did ab work for the first time in months. Boy am I sore today. :smiley:

    @robin-- great to see you back. We had some tech issues at the HS yesterday and my students freaked out. I was like, "um, just take notes on paper for now." Sheesh are they computer dependent. LOL

    @kelley-- considering it's been over a year since I could lift, I wasn't too sad about the decrease in weight. I'm more disappointed that I still can't do squats b/c I'm fearful I'll never get enough range back to do so. Crossing my fingers that your transition to bot goes as planned.

    Tuesday Goals:
    I would like to get through another 10-12 essays before the end of this week. Here at home, I need to clean my fish tank. :neutral:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/10 Grendel analysis activities DONE
    2. 1/41 AP essays
    3. 2/4 student rec letters

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Today we had our first ever Writer's Day at the HS. Several authors came to speak to the students, sign books, and perform readings. I only got to see one, Mary Kubica, author of The Good Girl and Pretty Baby. She's also an alum.

    In addition, some of the faculty and students shared their writing. Here is the link to a youtube video of one of my AP students who performed. She does spoken word poetry and is so awesome!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Wednesday Wishing: first of all, I wish everyone else well, and pray that anyone who is ill/in pain finds relief soon. I personally wish that the stupid hole in my backside would close NOW!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wednesday Wish ... that everyone had been able to have a taste of the dinner I cooked tonigh! Seriously, it was siimple, quick to put together and very tasty.

    I happen to like Salmon, and prepare it a couple of times a month ... the rest of the fish meals I put together are either some form of Tuna, sardines, whitefish, or shrimps. Today it was Salmon .. a measured raw 4 ounces, with an even thickness from near the tail. It came out firm but still juicy and tender with a nice crust on the skin side.

    The other ingredients were onion, baby bell peppers, grape tomatoes, a left-over baked potato the size of a 1/2 cup round, and a side of raw cucumber slices. The only seasoning was a bit of salt. The only fat was a bit of olive oil to saute in.

    It came together in about 15 minutes from start to finish and made one plate of colorful, aroma-filled, satisfying food. Everything was added to the pan in stages and while it was finishing the dish garnish of 1/2 a raw cucumber slices was fanned along the edge of the plate and sprinkled with a pinch of salt.

    First a scant amount of good olive oil was added to the pan and the heat turned to medium. Then, the onions were added to start to caremalize, next the peppers, then the potato was cut up and added to get a bit of crust on those cut ends, the salmon was nestled into this goodness in the pan and left alone until it browned on each side, and tomatoes were cut in half and added at the same time so they warmed and released their juiciness.

    That saute pan, or my wok, are the two most used utensils in my kitchen, except for maybe the soup pot! I have a larger pan also, one that would hold enough to make this dish for two.

    Tried something today to help my aching knees and it seems to be working, at least right now ... Picked up a couple of those Ace knee supports that you slip on and tighten down with velcro straps. Seemed to help me while standing and walking to not have as much pain radiating from my knee-cap area down the shin-bones of my legs.
    They don't feel very good while sitting with bent knees however ... definitely something to have on only while up and about.

    Hope everyone is having a good day ...
  • jojo8974
    jojo8974 Posts: 17 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm new on here, my name is Josie.... it seems like a really fun group!

    Wednesday- I wish I had some more MFP friends to help stay motivated and on track. I also wish I had a fruit salad... but I'm going to settle for an apple.
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    @Nikion901 yes, I am in a challenge and I pledged to walk the 500k for the month. I figured if I can do 10k per day with just a little extra effort, I can put in some real effort and meet the goal. Uhm...I'm going to try!

    @skinnyjeanzbound - me too! I did just a little ab workout yesterday and today and my belly muscles are so tight (under the fat, of course) that I feel like I should have six-pack abs right now!

    @jojo8974 sending you a friend request

    Wednesday: Wish I could take a day off work to put up my Christmas decorations. I love Christmas because I love Christ. But I also just love the time if year (although not a fan of winter weather), the decorations, etc. Two years ago this month my grandmother went home to be with the Lord and I inherited her abundant supply of Christmas decorations. I wasn't ready last year to be super festive after her passing but this's on! I want my house to look like Christmas exploded all throughout just like it always was at grandma's house.

    Also wishing that each and every one of you on this thread has a wonderful, successful week!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Thursday Truth: I think I'm tired of my room. I still have a ways to go in my current recovery journey, and have guided the rearrangement of my room repeatedly, but it could still use some spice. The problem is that I don't have a ton of money or other resources.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Roof Over Your Head Day!
    Date When Celebrated : Always December 3
    Today is National Roof Over Your Head Day. It is a day of appreciation for the things we have, starting with the roof over our heads.
    For most of us, a roof over our head signifies living in a house that protects us from the elements, keeping us warm, dry, and cozy. Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky as you and I. There are many homeless people right here in our country. Some people live in a cardboard box on the street...... literally. There are millions of people around the world who live in poverty or disaster areas, and do not have a home to keep them comfortable and safe.
    Spend a few minutes being thankful that you are not homeless, and appreciating your roof and home today. Also make a contribution to a homeless shelter, so others can come in out of the rain.
    Happy National Roof Over Your Head Day!

    “When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease.” ~Terri Guillemets


    I made it back from my New England Thanksgiving with an extra 11 or 12 pounds :( Time to start eating better.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... I ate a whole lot of dried cranberries today ... once I put a bit into my mouth I couldn't stop eating them! However, I am making a vegetable soup for supper, so perhaps I can make some amends to my body!

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Thursday truth- After a long day and a terrible 4th period, I stopped at the Amish Market and ended up with a milkshake and a pretzel. The upside is I did climb at my gym tonight with my trainer, who is ready to come back to climbing. I did get some exercise and my muscles are sore from yesterday's workout. I don't regret it and tomorrow will be another busy day that should include more climbing. After school, I get to decorate the hay wagons at Kinder Park in anticipation for Jingle Bell Hayride on Saturday.

    Faith- I also love Christmas and decorating. The priest at my church talked about using this time to prepare for Christmas and let the anticipation build by putting things up slowly. Hope you get your day off.

    Robin- Glad you are back. Stretching is good.

    I am looking forward to Chicago and the Shamrock Shuffle, for those who are going have you started checking flights. I am looking at coming in on Friday morning and leaving on Monday just not sure what time. I don't want to rush on Sunday after the race but could look at leaving Sunday late afternoon.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Monday- Gym- trainer workout DONE
    Tuesday-REST from exercise DONE
    Wednesday- gym with trainer DONE
    Thursday-Gym and rock climbing DONE
    Friday- Rock Climbing
    Saturday- rest but might walk the park
    Sunday- gym or outside activity

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie-- sorry you had a rough day; when are you out for winter break? Our last day is the 18th, and boy am I ready for it! Glad you got to relieve some stress with a good workout.

    @niki-- I love dried fruit, but wowzer the calories add up fast, don't they?!? I'm jealous of all of your homemade soups. I plan to make some cream of mushroom very soon.

    @faith-- I am the opposite when it comes to decorating. When my DH and I used to host Christmas dinner, I would decorate. However, once we got the our dog, it became more difficult to find room for the tree (his dog bed is in the spot where we used to put it). I would also have to do a lot more cleaning to get up all of his fur before even beginning the decoration process and would take down all of the stuff right after Christmas because otherwise it just wouldn't get done. Our semester ends a week or two after Winter Break, and with grading plus finals, I wouldn't have time until February. So when my MIL decided she didn't like our dog (and would no longer come to dinner), and my SIL offered to host that holiday, I stopped decorating altogether. Now my Winter Break is much more relaxing and I just admire other people's decorations. :)

    @josie-- welcome!

    Thursday Truth:
    My weight is still wavering around 190 b/c I'm not wholeheartedly challenging myself to always stay under my calorie goal. At least I'm getting more exercise. Lifting at the gym today was a bit easier than Monday, but I'm still sore. LOL

    Didn't get any more essays done b/c yesterday I decided not to go grade after school. I was tired and could tell it wouldn't have been productive. Today, I spent my prep time getting ready for our next Public Speaking unit and grading some revisions students turned in this week. The good news is that I'm judging a speech competition on Saturday, and there's usually quite a bit of down time between rounds when I can grade some essays. I need to hand them back by Friday, so I want to get the bulk done over the weekend.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 1/41 AP essays
    2. 2/4 student rec letters

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... I have to work on my 'project' today and the over the weekend. The focus is to get all the laundry washed and put away today and to spend a lot of 'quality time' in the garage so that I can put my car back into it. I made an appointment to get it winter detailed and won't want it out all the time once that's done.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - Karen, I copied the link from the YouTube version of your students' poem and shared it on FB with my granddaughter ... who is about the same age. I hope she looks at it, I found it very creative.