Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good Morning & Happy Sunday.

    @Laurie~ Congrats on your run, sounds like you made great time! Hope you had a good time at the party last night. I'm living vicariously through you and am outside, exercising in spirit--haven't been released from couch potato duty yet! :frowning::wink:

    @Nikion901~ It's such a good feeling when you finish a project like that. I love walking by my guest room now that its free of clutter, painted and all put-together.

    Sunday Share~I haven't shared in a long time, since we have some newlings (hopefully they stick around, we've had a lot of one-time posters it seems). I'm Kelley, late 40s, and an accountant in the Dallas area. I'm not married and have one sweet furbaby, a Maine Coon, Zoe. Who at the moment is tearing my house apart--I think the cool morning gave her a case of the cat crazies! :lol: I've lost, never to be found again, 100#--the bulk of which I lost on WW, joined MFP in 2012 but then last year went back to WW to change things up a bit and to support a friend. While I no longer track on MFP, I've made a lot of friends here so continue to post here for extra support and motivation. I suffered an Achilles tendon injury about a year ago, which led to surgery last month--miraculously, I haven't gained weight during this time but haven't lost either. :frowning: Hopefully things will be on a downward trend again once I'm fully healed. According to several sources, WW is announcing some big changes to their program in a couple of weeks so I'm anxious to see what they are--rumor has it they are focusing more on living a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Cooking (if you can call it that) for first time since surgery--pulled BBQ chicken in slow cooker. Making that along with a cucumber salad for lunch this week, just a 3-day work-week. Yay! :smiley:

    Have a great day
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday check in ... scale says I'm not budging from week to week ... I'm better than I was a month ago, but the weekly weigh-ins are less than a pound apart and have been going up and down like a see-saw ...


    This has got me doing a closer look at my macro's again ... and by averaging out my numbers for the past 22 days I can see that my average caloric intake per day is only cutting 9% of calories from my BMR ... so what do I expect, a loss or a maintain? Gotcha Niki! ... The macros are pretty good. My carbs came in at an average of 44% and I 'd like to cut them back another 4%, giving those calories over to protein ... which has always been a hard nutrient for me to get enough of. I suppose I'll need to suppliment with a protein shake and see if that helps.

    Of course ... I could eat the same but do a lot more exercise to change the comosition of my body from mostly blubber to more solid muscle mass ... :)

    Hope everyone has a good week this Thanskgiving week and anyone planning to do Black Friday shopping ... have fun!
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    Check in as of today I'm 9days in and 4lbs lighter!(=
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A long day of parent conferences at least tomorrow is a short day. I hope to get some Christmas shopping done. My parents will be celebrating their 50th Wedding anniversary. Not sure how we are going to celebrate this special occasion, since my dad is still in a nursing home. We may just have a simple family celebration at the nursing home.

    The weather turned cold this week but should warm up again I hope. Looking forward to bike riding this week if it warms up again.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys--
    Sorry I fell off the thread again. :blush: I've been reading though.

    Monday Check-in:
    I've been a bit over goal every day recently, but nothing too bad. I think I need to re-assess my calorie setting. I reduced it to a net of 1510 over the summer, but that's not so realistic during the school year when I have less time to work out.

    On the plus side, I made it to the gym again on Thursday and actually had my first good run since getting back to running after my illness. I felt good at my previously comfortable pace of 5.5 mph and ran almost the entire 2 miles. My previous 2 runs had been a struggle at that pace, with only being able to run for about 5 minutes at a time. I have my Turkey Trot on Thursday, so hopefully it will go okay. I don't expect to PR, but at least I feel I can finish around my average of 36-37 minutes.

    I also burned a bunch of calories shoveling out after Bella the snowstorm hit our area. As much as I hoped the forecasts would be off, I ended up jinxing myself b/s they were off in the wrong direction. They were predicting 6-10 inches and my town ended up with almost 17 inches!! It took me an hour to clean off my car and just shovel the driveway. DH was at work Saturday, and I needed to go to my mom's b/c my aunts were visiting from out of town. At least the snow stopped falling a couple of hours before I had to drive, so the roads weren't too bad.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 27/59 M1948 diction assignments
    2. 15/41 Grendel journals
    3. 15/41 Blake reflections
    4. 2/4 student rec letters

    Exercise Goals:
    Tues-- rest day
    Wed-- rest day (meeting)
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but SHOVELED SNOW
    Sun-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday Goals ...
    Kitchen KP ... big time!
    On Wednesday I am baking a pumpkin pie and making the cranberry relish/sauce for the gathering on Thursday at my sis' house. I hear we might have some more people at the table ... A niece and hubby are hoping to drive in from New Hampshire, a grandnephew and a nephew are bringing dates. It will be good to see those of us who can make it to get together this year.

    In preparation for a full day of bending, reaching, sweeping and washing as planned for the kitchen today I had a power breakfast ... a stuffed omelet that will keep me energized until late afternoon ... and then there is a piece of salmon in the fridge that didn't get cooked yesterday just waiting for me to flash pan cook and get served up with a tossed salad of romaine and spinach with some shredded carrot in it. Then I'll veg out in front of the TV for old science fiction shows on Comet TV ... The Outer Limits followed by Stargate ... if I stay awake that long.

    So ... I have my day all planned and it's time to get my duff in gear and...
    Follow Through, Niki
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    Busiest day of my work month is over, bring on the Holiday!!!! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I get to see all my family in one spot at one time - LOVE IT!!!! I'm not travelling until Monday, and I actually get 1/2 day off tomorrow, all day Thursday, and all day on Friday. So, plenty of time to finish strong in my classes.

    On a scale related note, I'm down 2 more pounds so I'm officially at the 100 pounds left to lose mark.

    On a non-scale related note, my hubby bought our Christmas pressie to each other a new tent and I'm taking my incline treadmill conditioned legs out on the trail, besides losing weight THIS is the reason I kill myself on those inclines. We're leaving the Monday after Christmas for a week long backpacking trip with the doggies, and I seriously can't wait - no school, no electronics, no work - all outdoors all the time 24/7 for one week :) I hope we don't freeze.

    The Way is calling
    Whispers in the night
    urging my thirsty feet forth - a haiku by me
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen, great news about the run. Good luck with the 5k on Thursday. I am also doing an informal run Thursday morning around Annapolis. It should be warmer than the run I did on Saturday. Sorry about the snow hope it doesn't stick around to long.

    Anne Marie congrats on being down two pounds. Enjoy the vacation sounds fantastic.

    Tuesday goals
    Keep exercising and now it is back to basics for strengthening shoulder muscles. I get a month or so off from run training but I plan to work on improving my speed for next year.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Back from single moming it for 2 months to FIVE kids. Don't mind saying that was pretty much a nightmare! My husband was TDY with the military for the first time since the adoption. So that was no fun, and everyone mostly ate pizza for two months haha.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @toots--welcome back!! I was hoping to see your smiling face again. :) Whoa, only you with the 5 kids? That's waaay outnumbered!

    @laurie--Good luck on your Thursday run as well. The snow is already melting and it's supposed to be in the 60s possibly for Thanksgiving--so crossing my fingers that it all goes bye bye.

    @annmarie-- Your vacation sounds great--my DH and I used to go camping every summer with friends. We sold all of the gear 6 or 7 years ago though then we realized we were getting too old to be happy sleeping on the ground. LOL! Now, if we want to go on a fishing/ hiking trip, we stay in a hotel and sleep in a comfy bed. :smile: Where are you guys going for your trip? Someplace with nice weather, I hope.

    @niki-- I hope your cleaning and cooking all went as planned today. My DH and I also love those old sci-fi shows!

    Tuesday Goals:
    My main goal is to stop using "celebrations" to eat more than my calorie allowance. Some colleagues organized a pot-luck at work today and it turned into quite a gluttonous affair. :blush: So much so that I made an unplanned gym visit. I don't usually like to run for 2 days before a race, but I was feeling so full after the all-day grazing that I knew it was necessary. I felt a lot better after walking gunner and running 2.5 miles (though I was still probably over calories).

    Tomorrow will be some cleaning and some grading and some grocery shopping, then I will head to my parents' in the evening. My sister and I are meeting some neighborhood friends out for drinks in the evening (not too much though--I have a race in the morning!), and I will spend the night at my folks since the race is in their neighborhood bright and early Thursday morning.

    I will update grading goals tomorrow--it's just too sad to add it all tonight. Good night, friends!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 27/59 M1948 diction assignments
    2. 41/41 Grendel journals DONE
    3. 41/41 Blake reflections DONE
    4. 2/4 student rec letters

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- rest day
    Thurs-- Turkey Trot 5k
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I wish I was 1/2 way to my goal weight and YAY, I got my wish! As of this morning I'm 1/2 way. The last month it's been a struggle, but I feel a lot more encouraged now. I still have a long way to go, but this is something I've been waiting for. I want to be on the other side of that mountain!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited November 2015
    @Melwillbehealthy ...congratulations on the half-way mark!

    @skinnyjeanzbound and @Lauriek70 ...good luck on those Thanksgiving Day runs. You two inspire me to walk more since I cannot lift my feet high enough or fast enough to run.

    @tootsanderson ...glad to see your post. Wanted to ask you a question about PCOS .. it runs in the women in my family also. Do you have male-pattern baldness signs from it? I didn't have thinning hair until I was in my 40's, but always had the hairline for it.

    @Ann_Marie_2x_MORE ...I only went camping in a tent one time and like cabins much better! But to unplug and spend time in the woods is like heaven for me.

    AFM ... My Wednesday Wish is that I hope I am not really coming down with something right before the family get gathering. I had tummy issues last evening and night, and woke up with a stuffy-but-runny-nose this morning. And right now I'm a wheezing a bit in my chest. .... Trying to decide if I should call and cancel myself out while someone else can make the dishes I was to bring.

    EEFR challenge update ...
    Exercise and Endurance ... Keeping up with my Barre Squats and Morning Moves but only get half done of what I planned for other physical activity ... Then I either poop out or get too sore to continue.
    Food ...Thus far I am still having trouble keeping my calories stable ... seems like I have a spike in my eating every 3rd day.
    Replace ... Since my grocery shopping does not include any 'bad' food, I focus on replacing one habit of living instead of one habit of eating ... and am focusing now on the big declutter project, which means I am trying to trim back everything that surrounds me in my spaces. This is harder, emotionally and physically, than I expected it to be.

    Follow-through, Niki
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good Morning.

    @Karen and @Laurie~ Good luck and have fun during your Turkey Trots tomorrow, I’m running with you in spirit. :wink:

    @Mel~ Yay, congrats on being half-way. What a great feeling! :star:

    @Toots~ So glad to see you check in. How dare the hubby get put on duty and leave you alone with five kids! :confounded: I bet you’re exhausted.

    AFM~Not much to report. My sister and nephews are here (BIL has to work T-Day so flew back to CO yesterday), so I’ll head to my parents in the morning and spend the day. May spend Friday with them too, not sure yet—weather is going to be icky/rainy. I'm working all-day today (have appt w internist in a bit for annual physical and to go over lab work), then off on Friday (we actually aren't closed, taking a vacation day).

    Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving, be safe if you’re traveling.
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    @Skinnyjeanz We’re going to the Quachita Trail up in Oklahoma, the weather will be “brisk” but it’s the way I like it when I have a 40 pound pack on my back. My hubs and I have figured out that we’re too old to sleep on the ground too, and normally hammock camp but we’re taking the dogs and I don’t know how they’re going to do. So, a tent it is  When is the school semester over, that’s a lot of grading going on.

    @Melwill CONGRATS, huge accomplishment – WTG.

    @Nikion After this semester, I need it badly – I haven’t had a moment to myself in a while. I have a kindle reader that I’m taking in the woods with me, so I won’t be completely unplugged but it just weighs a lot less than the books I want to bring with me. I hope you’re feeling better and not getting the crud.

    @everyone – hope you have a fantabulous Holiday, may your food have no calories, and may your napping be successful.

    Today started out as a rest day, but then I just couldn’t do it and got on the treadmill anyway. 1 more hour of work and then I’m off for 4 days. Plenty of school work to keep me busy though.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member

    @annmarie-- our semester isn't over until mid-January. Good luck with the dogs--we've never taken Gunner. We talked about a road trip last summer with him, but he gets too anxious in the car. I fear it would have been too stressful for him.

    @kelley-- enjoy your visit with family.

    @niki-- my Wed wish is that you aren't sick so you can join in the family gathering.

    @mel-- congrats on reaching the halfway mark!

    AFM-- lazy morning getting some dishes and laundry done, but now I need to get my butt out of the house. I was going to make this a rest day, but gunner is being quite a pain, so I think he needs a walk before I head out to grade and go grocery shopping.

    Okay, time to update the grading goals. <sigh>

    Grading Goals:
    1. 27/59 M1948 theme journals
    2. x/59 Scarlet Letter diction posts
    3. x/10 Shakespeare analysis activities
    4. x/10 Grendel analysis activities
    5. x/41 AP essays
    6. 2/4 student rec letters

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- rest day
    Thurs-- Turkey Trot 5k
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

    Toots- Glad you are back. I can't imagine being home alone with 5 kids. Hope the DH is back.
    AnneMarie- Have a great camping trip.
    Karen- Hope your 5K went well today.
    Kelley- Hope the recovery is going well and you will be back up an running soon.
    Mel- Congrats on the halfway point.
    Niki- Hope you are well and did not get sick for the holiday.

    Today, was a lovely day. The run went well this morning and I made good time considering how crowded the course was which slowed me down off and on this time. I also managed to take a walk this afternoon. I could not pass up the beautiful weather.

    After I finished my run this morning I started reflecting on how far I have come with running in the past year or so. I started doing this Turkey trot about 3-4 years ago. That first year I walked most of the course and thought it was never going to end. Today, this 5K seemed so easy and I was not tired or out of breathe throughout the race. I maintained a good pace even with the crowd of people. The special part of this run was that I ran a 10K on Saturday then was able to run again only 5 days later. This just shows how far I have progressed in the past year alone. While I don't consider myself a running enthusiast, I find that I am starting to enjoy it and it is helping me to push forward with the weight loss.

    After a year or so of maintaining weight, I am once again pushing forward towards losing more weight. This means pushing myself in terms of exercise so I can build my fitness level. For those just getting started, this journey is worth it. Your fitness level will increase over time, endurance and confidence improves. The changes are gradual and you may not realize it but they are happening slowly. The bottom line is don't give up or be afraid to push your body beyond your preconceived limit because your body will surprise you. The end result is a healthier you that will have long lasting benefits.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope all you in the States had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday!!

    @laurie-- that's great that you had such nice weather and are starting to enjoy running. I recall not too long ago, you found it quite distasteful and kind of the "necessary evil" in order to compete in a tri. ;) My race went well even though we didn't have your lovely weather. It was a rainy morning, but quite warm temps at least. A friend and I both ran the course which allowed us to finish before the skies opened, but some other friends who walked it ended up drenched. We decided that staying dry was our "prize" for pushing ourselves to run. There was no timing chip and I didn't bother to use mapmyrun, so I have no official time. However, the finish clock said 39:07 when I crossed, and we started about 2-3 minutes back in the pack, so I finished somewhere within the 36-37 minute range. Not bad considering how little I've run lately. :) Now I just need to keep it up and do some longer distances so I'm ready for our 8k in April.

    AFM-- Thanksgiving at my sister's was okay. On the plus side, I got to see my niece who's just a pill--so bright and funny. On the dimmer side, my younger sister's MIL was there. She's a nice woman, but very much needs to control all conversation and NEVER stops talking. I had no chance to even visit with the rest of my family b/c no one else can ever get a word in edgewise. I think I could tolerate that if it weren't for how critical she is of my niece (her granddaughter). She's constantly reprimanding her for talking or interrupting her, and I just want to scream "HOW ELSE IS SHE SUPPOSED TO SAY ANYTHING!!!" I believe in teaching children good manners, but there were a couple of times when Violet asked to speak, and her grandmother just ignored her and kept on talking. It was very frustrating, to say the least.

    The food was also good, but I certainly ate more than usual--good thing I burned off some calories running in the morning. ;)

    Friday Fitness:
    Today I'm taking a rest day. Gunner wants a walk, but I'm out grading, so unless his dad takes him, he's out of luck. It's so cold and windy, I don't see myself venturing out with him. Perhaps he'll change my mind when I get home.

    I really need to finish grading goals 1, 3, and 4 this weekend. :(

    Grading Goals:
    1. 30/59 M1948 theme journals
    2. 59/59 Scarlet Letter diction posts DONE
    3. x/10 Shakespeare analysis activities
    4. x/10 Grendel analysis activities
    5. x/41 AP essays
    6. 2/4 student rec letters

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- rest day WALKED GUNNER
    Thurs-- Turkey Trot 5k DONE
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    Had a fantabulous Thanksgiving!!!
    Regardless of the political aspect of the holiday, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's a time when your entire family gets together and no thoughts are given to what you're going to get, or what you're going to give it's a holiday all about giving thanks.

    So, this year I'm thankful that I got to see my family, and I'm thankful that my brother seems to be doing really great after a major health scare.

    Fun note, we took advantage of some black Friday shopping deals to get some more equipment we needed for our backpacking trip. No, I didn't stand in line all night, I'm actually opposed to shopping on Black Friday but we really needed some good deals on some more camping stuff. We're completely ready for our week long trip as far as equipment goes, and another thing I'm thankful for....if I wasn't working out I couldn't go on this backpacking trip. So, I'm thankful that I get to do something I enjoy so much.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Sorry you had the rainy weather for your run. The rain is scheduled to hit us tomorrow and Sunday with temperatures dropping. Today, I was able to enjoy a nice bike ride since the weather was beautiful. You are right that not to many months ago I detested running and saw it as a necessity for a Triathlon. Now, I am starting to enjoy it and the benefits that come with it.

    Fitness- For those who don't know, I enjoy a wide range of fitness activity. My favorite of these is indoor rock climbing, followed by biking, swimming and running. Rock climbing is a great way to build upper body and core strength.

    This weekend, my parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. I am very lucky to have both parents who love each other and believe in the words "In sickness and health, until death do us part". We will have a family party at the nursing home. Then on Sunday, hospice arranged for a military tribute for my dad so he will enjoy that experience.

  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    This thread seems pretty awesome. I believe I will visit and post often!