Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The date was nice and the guy was pleasant. I can't say there is the instant chemistry i was wishing for but you never know. I am curious to see if he will call me again.

    Craft- welcome to the thread, come join us often and get to know us. Some of us are more active on this friend than we are with friends on the newsfeed. You are welcome to send friend requests, it helps to include a note saying where you found us. Just say I introduced myself on "Robin's Thead". That way we know who are are.

    Have a great Sunday.
  • ctaft81
    ctaft81 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, will do.
  • theheartfactory
    theheartfactory Posts: 1 Member
    Im new here, but fit the profile, lol. 50 yrs old and going for a total 10 pd loss. Focusing on the positive: after hitting a three week long plateau, instead of giving up i switched gears and am going for the macro nutrient diet and looking forward to some pounds lost now!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well I spent hours and hours shopping with my middle daughter and my mom. On the whole a great day. Got some christmas presents and some jeans for my husband who desperatley needed them. I also found several new tops for me and they were 2x. Yeah and yippe. The first ones of that size I have bought in way longer then I can remember. The only down side to the day was that while I can walk miles and miles in my tennies I was wearing some cute little ankle boats and more poor feet are now in agony. Oh well I will live. Now its time to relax and listen to the football game hubbys watching and play around on the computer. Have a great one everybody :):)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ...
    I'm trying to find the words to verbalize how it felt today to gather up items for the Vietnam Vetarans Association pickup ... I'm trying to not feel defeated by the bigger mess I made in the 3-season porch and garage getting these things out of storage to give away. I'm trying to feel good about letting go. I'm struggling to find a connection between shedding several boxes of personal belongings to shedding several tens of weight off myself. Somehow, I think there is a connection ... like, the more I open up spaces and get them neat and tidy, and smaller in volume, the more things will fall into place in everything else that I do. It was hard to give away those items even though I don't use them any longer, and it's hard to shed the excesses in my life that keep me in the physical and mental condition that I currently inhabit. There's a connection, I'm certain of that; it's just that today I cannot quite grasp it in my head.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited November 2015
    Monday Check-in ... down less than a pound ... but down!

    Im new here, but fit the profile, lol. 50 yrs old and going for a total 10 pd loss. Focusing on the positive: after hitting a three week long plateau, instead of giving up i switched gears and am going for the macro nutrient diet and looking forward to some pounds lost now!

    Welcome ... may I ask; what is the macro nutrirnt diet?
    I've been working on changing my relationship with food ... because I like almost anything edible and have alsways 'turned to food' it's been my quest to use food as fuel and medicine insead of pleasure or comfort. That's had some modest success.

    Would you be willing to share the guidelines and tips for your diet?

    AFM ... planning to use the mild weather we will have the next few days to get that mess sorted out that I made in the 'storage areas' of my house.

    I didn't make a soup yesterday ... actually ended up finishing off last weeks soup at lunch and had oatmeal with nuts and berries for supper because I was too busy to cook and am trying to stay away from pickup/delivery food. I'm craving pasta today, but cannot ID what my body is crabing because pasta is not on my chart of "what your body needs when you crave this"; bread, however is on there and that points to nitrogen .. so I'm going to have somrthing high protein, like beans.

    Have a great day everyone,
    Follow-through Niki!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good Morning.

    @Laurie~ Glad you had a nice time out with a new guy. Not to be a downer, but I've never really held much stock in instant chemistry or the existence of soulmates. Just as friendships need to grow and develop, so do romantic relationships--its the formula for longevity. I think you should have fun playing the field for a while. :wink:

    @Tammy~ Hooray for smaller clothes, that’s my favorite part about weight loss! :smiley: Yep, lesson learned on wearing the right shoes to shop, bet you’ll never do that again. :wink:

    @Niki~ It’s a known fact that once your house in order, everything else falls into place. When you feel good about one aspect of your life, it spreads into other areas. I’ve always felt that way anyway. As hard as it seems to go thru and donate things, its cathartic in a sense—once it’s been donated to a person less fortunate that can make good use out of it, you’ll feel accomplished and you’ll feel the sense of relief that comes with it.

    Welcome to the newlings that have stopped by.

    AFM~I’m over the Cowboys, they have just unraveled since Romo was injured early in the season—I just can’t watch them anymore. :frowning: They should have been able to beat Tampa yesterday. :rage: Oy! Sadly, I think their season is over. Really isn’t much to report, my shopping excursion on Saturday to stock up on a few things left me hurting/resting yesterday--too much walking. Other than visiting with my next door neighbor that stopped by yesterday afternoon, Zoe and I napped. She has been quite the snuggler lately. :heart: I did finally get caught up on Blindspot though—love that show! It’s been 4-weeks since surgery, the time has actually gone by rather quickly though—I look forward to seeing on Thursday what my surgeon says about my progress, I should be in a cast for just 2 or so more weeks. Of course, then I’ll be back in a boot for six weeks. :expressionless:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy International Day for Tolerance

    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Morgori - Tom, your quote today is just what I needed to hear.
    Hat's off to Tolerance ... sometimes it's in real short supply.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I spent a lot of time this morning going over papers and bills sorting out the expenses from DH's fall. The bills have been slow coming in, but I finally got the ones that have come sorted out and ready to send to the property owner. I had to pay them, because they are getting overdue. I hope he reimburses me! He refused to file a claim with his insurance company, but said he would pay whatever Medicare doesn't. Here's hoping he's good at his word. It is a big load off of my mind to have that done. I dropped the letter off to an attorney friend this afternoon. He offered to review it free of charge to be sure I had included everything that I needed to.
    @Karen I'm not upset that Medicare won't pay for any more therapy. I'm upset with the property owner that wouldn't file a claim with his insurance so we could get the help that we need and some pain and suffering to help out. The whole thing is a big pain!
    My weight is looking pretty dismal. At this point, I think that I just need to try to hang on without gaining until the first of the year. Then I am tackling the whole thing. Hopefully, things will have settled down here to a routine that doesn't feel so overwhelming. I need to put some real effort into the weight loss. I have gained some so now I need to lose 25# to be at my goal. I am getting in some good walks. I'm glad that my DIL is wanting to walk, too. I have decided that I can't safely walk alone after dark anymore.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well I had what seemed like a good job interview this afternoon. She said she was going to have her boss call me for a second interview and call to check my references but so far everything looked great. I am really hoping it works out. I am trying to get a position as a home healthcare aide for the elderly. I really feel that this is a job I would enjoy and be very good at. After my interview I went to the gym. Overall it was good. I was doing chest and triceps today and my arms seemed a little weaker for some reason. They were shaking so bad towards the end I had a real hard time finishing. The treadmill on the other hand was great. I was able to jog 20 out of the 30 minutes and I was really enjoying it. I cant believe I am about to say these words but I think there might be a runner inside me. I am really enjoying it and seem to get almost a high for awhile after I am done :) Well I hope all is going well in your worlds and I will cya all tomorrow :):)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning everyone.


    ” Success is due less to ability than to zeal.” ~Charles Buxton


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @grandmakaye44 ... i hope you made copies of all those bills before you mailed them off, and if you wrote a note to go along with them, a copy of that as well.

    @jtcons ... A few years before I retired, I worked for 'Assisting Angels' as a home aid for an older woman with moderate Alzheimers after my day job was done. It was a big satisfaction to help her because I had been used to assisting my parents and missed the company of older folks once they were gone. Funny ... I'm near to that age myself now, Thank God I am still healthy enough to live on my own without assistance.

    And Happy World Peace Day to @Morgori, and everyone.

    AFM ... Tuesday Goals ... to get out to do my declutter in the sunporch earlier today than yesterday. My cat is already outside waiting for me ... but I had to come on here to log my breakfast before going out and wanted to pop in to say hi to everyone.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I sent the copies of the bills. I have the originals. The letter is in my computer. I hope that I have covered all of the bases!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Vichyssoise Day

    View recipe

    The greatest wealth is health. ~Virgil


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good afternoon everyone ... Wednesday Wish, the long way around....
    Although, it doesn't seem like many people stop by here anymore, I know that more people do than have the time or inclination to post. It's, I think, hard for a community on a public thread to have a sense of community when there are no shared activities. We, who do post here, usually give short info on something in our lives and comment on the posts of person's we have come to know while casually welcoming those who dropped in. That's about par and what I always expected from these threads. That said, for a while, this one seemed to be unique and different when I first spotted it in the autumn of 2014. Perhaps it was that the person who started it was an active participant in it, or that the 'group' tried different challenges together. Some even made real-life friendships and were chatting on here about their joint ventures ... which was nice to read about ... but the thread seems like a lonely place the past couple of months.

    I guess life gets in the way ... people find other things are more important than spending time writing on a motivational thread when they are busy or having serious problems at home; having a hard time of it themselves and so don't have much motivation to give; and not finding anything particularily interesting being said by those who did write. So, this thread is going to a dry period; and my Wednesday Wish is that some verve and energy come back into it.

    Now ... for the IMPORTANT stuff ... stuff about me! (I hope you are laughing, because that was meant as a joke!)
    An update on my project ... still working it and still behind; and kicking myself in the pants (figuaratively, as I cannot kick my foot back that far), for being such a procrastinator and slow mover. However, to look at the bright side, it is getting done ... and that's how my weight loss is going also.

    When did I become such a procratinator? I think I must have always been that way and just was too busy taking care of the other people in my life to recognize that I put off taking care of myself or things that were mine. That's IT! That's why I have been so grossly overweight for 30 years, with just modest success along the way with an inadvertant slide back up the scale higher for every downward trend over time ... I put things off. I get complacent. I get discouraged and give up. ... Well !!!! Not this time.

    At the beginning on this year, the group on here came up with mottos for themselves that they were going to live by for the whole of 2015. I chose Follow-Through ... and even though it's 11 months later now, I am stilling working that motto. Some days I do it better than on other days, but I am doing it.

    I guess the lesson learned for me thus far has been this ... Set a goal and keep that goal in front of you so you can see it, read it, think about it often.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    JT- you are experiencing the runners high which is great. I hope you keep up the running and hard work. I hope you get the job you want. Care givers are very special people and I have so happy that you found a field you will enjoy.

    Tom- I love your dedication to the day that it is. You keep me current on the latest celebrations and I enjoy reading their history.

    Kaye-Good luck with getting the bills paid. I hope the home owner follows through. Do you know the name of the insurance company that his guy has? IF so, maybe you can contact them directly if he doesn't pay. I hope DH is doing better and is healing quickly.

    Nikki, You are right this thread has slowed down and that can be good thing at times and not so overwhelming. I can tell you that the last couple of months, I became extremely busy and time just kept slipping through my fingers. Before I realized it I lost my record of number of days and I stopped checking in here on a regular basis. Even now, I need to make sure I visit the website daily at least to enter my food. My goal for Nov. and Dec. is to come back at least everyone couple of days and catch up with all my friends. I have made some very good friends on here and I am looking forward to our next adventure together.

    I am still working on my initial goal of losing 100lbs. I have reached about 70lbs and I feel so much better and have more energy. My journey began about 5 years and it is going strong. I keep learning new things and making better choices. My ability to exercise has improve 10-100 fold and is now an important part of my life. I have accomplished things that were not on my radar such as running a 5 and 10K, swimming in a swim meet, triathlon completed and now I have a road bike in addition to a hybrid bike.

    My motto for the year was consistency and determination. It has served me well and exercise became more consistent and I am determine to continue this trend.

    I have a meeting tonight that has the potential to be a long meeting and confrontal at points so I am not overly excited about it. I just hope it goes well.

    We have not done a group challenge in a while and maybe it is time we started again. So here is a proposal for the next 6 weeks- consider it a Holiday challenge.

    All of our challenges can be modified to meet the needs of each individual person.

    Exercise- Get and move for at least 15 minutes a day, for those further along challenge yourself to go for 1 hour.
    Try a new exercise- run, walk, jog, swim etc

    Endurance- Take an exercise that you already do and increase the intensity of the exercise or up the weight you are using.

    Food- Stay within your predetermine calorie intake.
    Replace one unhealthy food choice with a healthier choice.


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Morgori ... Tom ... that soup sounds great and I'm making it this weekend! Also ... love your quote,, but maybe it's because I was in love with a man named Virgil at one time in my life ... and the quote brought back warm memories.

    @Lauriek70 ... Laurie thank you so much for the suggested challenge. I'm in for it. EEFR is my game for the next 6 weeks ... and I will just do it and follow through.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @laurie-- I hope your meeting goes okay--it's hard to deal with confrontation at any time, but especially hard when it's an evening meeting after you've already put in a long day at work in the classroom. I also am struggling to even get on here to log my food--I've been better the past few weeks only missing a day here or there.

    @niki-- yes, I agree that the thread has certainly slowed. I find myself wanting to post, but then things like work and sleep beckon me away from the computer screen. :smile: I've always struggled balancing work with doing things for me, and this school year has been worse than usual due to being sick for those 6+ weeks. I still have a minor cough, and though I've gotten back to the gym twice now to run, I feel winded much more quickly, so I know my lungs are still not 100% clear. I love your sense of humor about the "important stuff"--but really, you should be the most important stuff to yourself.

    @tammy-- I hope you get the job, and if not this one, the one that's perfect for you. Oh, and hooray for smaller clothes sizes!!

    @kaye-- if the property owner wouldn't file a claim, isn't it his responsibility to pay for the care his insurance would have? I don't think it's right that he can make that choice to negatively affect your outcome. I think you should tell him what your DH requires and let him know that if he doesn't want to pay out of pocket for all the needed services, then he needs to file a claim so his insurance will cover them.

    @kelley-- I have been watching Blindspot as well and really enjoy it.

    Welcome to the newlings!!

    Wednesday Wish:
    I wish it weren't so cold and blustery--it's like the Hundred Acre Wood--and I really wish that the forecast for snow this weekend turns out to be a horrible mistake. I'm not at all ready for winter.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 22/59 M1948 diction assignments
    2. 2/4 student rec letters

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- gym DONE
    Tues-- rest day
    Wed-- rest day (meeting)
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Philosophy Day!

    Being in a good frame of mind helps keep one in the picture of health. ~Author Unknown

