Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Sunday Share:
    First, sorry I've been so inconsistent about posting lately, but I still read the thread everyday to keep up with your lives. I don't think there have been a lot of newlings lately, so no need to share my back-story. Instead, I will share what I've been up to lately.

    This past week we had parent/teacher conferences on Thursday night and then Friday was an Institute Day. Both went pretty well though they can be very energy draining. I've also been doing okay at keeping up with grading, but as most of you have already gathered from my years of posting, it almost never ends (at least not until June). We have our 2nd round of conferences on Tuesday, but then I'm off Wed. for Veterans' Day. I plan to finish up the Blake journals tomorrow and Tues, then I will grade the rest of the Thoreau essays. I've already collected more but will wait to add it to the list. None of it needs to be returned this week.

    In addition to work, I've managed to get out most days to walk gunner, but very little additional exercise. I did. however, finally renew my gym membership yesterday. Yay!

    I've also kept up with logging my food most days which is something I've struggled with lately.

    Still feeling behind with household stuff--I need to clean my fishtank, rake the front yard, and my dining table is buried in junk--but that will get done when it gets done. I refuse to stress about it.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 25/41 Blake journals
    2. 39/59 Thoreau essays
    3. 59/59 Montana 1948 diction assignments DONE

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner + yard work
    Tues-- rest day (P/T conferences)
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    Returning to MFP after a long hiatus. Need to lose a bunch ;)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good Morning.

    I’ve been really inconsistent with posting lately too, I do read every day though. There hasn’t been much activity and I haven’t had much to contribute.

    I am back at work full-time, but pretty much a couch potato when I get home. Followed up with the doc on Thursday—got the rest of the sutures out along with a new cast (lime green this time). There is still a lot of swelling but I’m progressing as expected, next appointment is on the 19th. At my mom's suggestion (okay, more like insisting) I have hired a woman to clean my house, she comes this afternoon. I’ve never had someone clean my house before so this should be interesting, she came highly recommended by my next door neighbor though so I’m sure she’ll do a good job for my OCD self. :wink:

    Thank you for all of the birthday wishes on Friday. It was a good day—my boss knows the way to my heart so gave me a couple boxes of Starbucks K-cups for my Keurig. He also brought in the makings for yogurt parfaits for b’fast, and then a friend/co-worker baked a yummy red velvet cake that we had in the afternoon. I didn’t do anything else to celebrate, was tired from the week—it was a nice day though.

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. The temps here have finally turned “fallish,” maybe I can actually turn the a/c off! :lol: Have a great week!
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    My goals for this week:
    Treadmill 60 minutes 5 times this week
    Log all food intake
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Chaos Never Dies Day!
    Date When Celebrated : Always November 9
    Chaos Never Dies Day recognizes the turmoil in modern, everyday life. Are things a little crazy at home? Is school a little on the wild side? Is your work place hectic and disorderly? We thought so.
    Just when things seem to calm down at work and home, along comes something to disrupt your life. Yes, disorder is everywhere. Hectic schedules, changes to plans, unexpected tasks and chores, the list goes on and on and on.......
    Today is designed for you. It's a day to recognize the chaos in your life. You can best celebrate this day, by recognizing that chaos never dies. Rather, its a way of life. You can partake in this special day, by putting just a little order back into your life. You can start, by picking one thing that is really disrupting your life, and change it...for the good.
    On the bright side: If you think your life is chaotic today, just wait until the holiday season arrives.

    “The best angle from which to approach any problem is the try-angle. “~Author Unknown


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good morning everyone. Welcome back aboard @Ann_Marie_2x_MORE ...sorry that you had to return, but glad you are doing something about it. Hope that 60 minute treadmill goal means that you have been building up to doing 60 minutes.

    Monday check-in ... I stayed the same this week.

    Yesterday I made a big pot of traditional Russian Red Borscht, but with no meat in it. Earlier in the week I cooked up some meaty ribs for the broth and refrigerated it to skim the fat ... but somehow the meat ended up being gobbled up and only the broth remained ... thus, no meat cabbage and beet soup. I don't often make the Red Borscht (borscht just means soup) because in my memory we usually had it without beets as my dad had too many of them as a child and refused to eat them, but my mom loved them and would sneak some in once in a while. Thus, my flavors tend toward savory and beets version is on the sweet-sour side. However, I wanted the nutrition that beets provide so this soup was chock full of beets as well as cabbage. Today, after the flavors had overnight to blend and mellow, I froze a half-gallon of the soup in a ziplock bag and put the rest into quart jars in the fridge to enjoy over the next several days. This is a soup I serve as 2-cup portions casue it goes down so good and easy.

    Making this soup is a labor of love for me.

  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    My "Monday" check-in (11/9/2015):

    Weight today: 247.8
    Weight GAINED since previous weekly check-in (11/4/2015): +4.8 pounds (I did poorly last weekend).

    I'm still trying to transition from 2 meals/day to 3 meals/day but could not do that even once during the last 7 days.

    I exercised (45-60min walking) only twice during the last 7 days.

    I did well (weighed 242.8 on Friday) up until this last weekend when I ate double what I should have each day.
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    I have been building up to 60 minutes, started at 30 with almost no incline and slowly inched my way up to 3% incline to start and 60 minutes - all the way up to the max the machine will go, I alternate every 2.5 ish minutes at 3%, 5%, 7%, 8% & 12% and I'm still only at 2.5 MPH, I will inch that up when I'm happy with the inclines. I spend at least two days when I increase my workout acclimating to the new speed or incline. I want to get to where I start at a 5% incline, and am at 3 MPH - but I'm not there yet.

    I like to hike and backpack, and unfortunately since I let things "slide" I have been unable to do things that are my favorite things to, I'm trying to build back up my stamina so I can go miles and miles with a pack on my back :)

    I'm not making excuses this is totally my fault, but I'm a 45 year old woman that just returned back to school and I was having a difficult time balancing a 60+ hour work week, working out, logging my food, and returning to school after a 25+ ish hiatus. I've now determined that I can read my school books while on the treadmill and it makes my life that much easier because I've just killed 2 birds with one stone. I don't allow myself to change the incline on the machine until I've finished the page I'm reading, so it's two fold. I finish reading faster, and I'm working out at the same time :) Since I've backslided and gained back every one of the 60 pounds I originally lost 2 years ago, I hate to say I think I have it now....but I really do, I think I have a plan and can make it work. I already feel 100x better than I did 6 weeks ago when I started working out and eating better again. I was starting to feel lethargic and miserable (again). I find that I don't have hot flashes anymore (bonus), either that or I'm getting them while I'm on the treadmill and don't notice because I'm sweating buckets already.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @ann marie-- I love your plan to workout and read at the same time. I wish I could grade while running on the treadmill, but alas, that would not work. I'm 46 and have also lost about 60 lbs, but after maintaining that for a couple of years, I've been struggling the past 6-8 weeks. Fortunately, the scale has only inched up a tiny bit, but your story is a good reminder to me that I need to get back on track before a few lbs. turns into 10, 20, ... It's so easy to get off track and none of us are immune to the backslide. You are also a great inspiration that no matter what, we can always make the choice to move in the right direction.

    @niki-- as you know, I don't like to cook and am not very good at it, but your post about making soup reminded me that I make a really good cream of mushroom soup. I got the recipe from my Covent Garden soup cookbook I bought while visiting my sister in England years ago. Now I can't wait to buy the ingredients and make a big pot of soup to take to school for my lunches. :)

    @kelley-- glad you're mending as scheduled and that you had a nice birthday.

    @barney-- we all have bad days; or in my case, a bad month and a half :wink: I'm sure that small gain will drop right off with a few days of better choices. I know when I overdue it on weekends, it's usually eating a lot of restaurant or processed foods that are high in sodium leading to some water weight.

    Monday Check-in:
    As I mentioned above, I've seen a slight increase on the scale due to my inactivity and lack of logging the past couple of months. However, I've been doing better this past week with food, and even got in some extra exercise today raking leaves for an hour. I had to sacrifice gunner's walk to do so; it gets dark so early now there wasn't time for both and the leaves are piling up.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 37/41 Blake journals
    2. 39/59 Thoreau essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE + yard work DONE
    Tues-- rest day (P/T conferences)
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday Goals ... 1) get the Vietnam Veterans Association donation ready by working through some stored stuff in the garage and 3-season porch. 2) roast a bone-in chicken breast half with root vegetables.

    Today is rest day in the 28-day Squat challenge. I was able to complete the required sets for day 1 and day 2. After day 1, I had a lot of pain in the toes of my feet by standing up on them,, so on day 2 I did the squats flat footed on the ground and didn't have to take any pain meds afterwards. Will try up on my toes again on day 3 to see if I can.

    Trying to beat the coming-in rain this morning so no personals today.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nikion901~ Sounds like you’re doing calf raises rather than squats if your toes are sore afterwards; I’ve never had that happen before but could be possible if you’re holding the position too long. Squats work your quads and hamstrings, if done correctly. Also if you have bad knees, you shouldn’t do squats or lunges (at least knees should not go past your toes)—you can do irreparable damage. Kudos for trying. Let pain be your guide, but if soreness is to the point it requires pain medication afterwards, you should stop immediately.

    @Ann_Marie_2x_MORE~ Smart to ease into exercise the way you have. We’re in the same neck of the woods; I’m in the suburbs northeast of Dallas.

    @Karen~I hate how early it gets dark now. :frowning:

    AFM~Not much to report. Since I’m out of commission, I had my house cleaned yesterday--she did a phenomenal job.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Science Day for Peace and Development!
    10 November

    "Science stands at its heart as a force for positive transformation and a development multiplier."
    Message from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
    on the occasion of the World Science Day for Peace and Development

    Human DNA. Credit: Creative Commons CC0
    2015 Theme: Science for a Sustainable Future; celebrating the UNESCO Science report
    Science will be essential to reach many of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and, thus, to ensure a sustainable future. The UNESCO Science Report is one of the tools that countries can use to monitor progress towards the goals of Agenda 2030.

    Every five years, it analyses emerging trends in science, technology and innovation policy and governance. The latest edition will be launched on World Science Day for Peace and Development, 10 November 2015. The key message of the Report can be summarized in just four words: more research - better development.

    Proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference (Resolution 31C/ 20) in 2001, the World Science Day for Peace and Development is an annual event celebrated all over the world to recall the commitment made at the UNESCO-ICSU World Conference on Science (Budapest 1999).
    The purpose of the World Science Day for Peace and Development is to renew the national, as well as the international commitment to science for peace and development and to stress the responsible use of science for the benefit of society. The World Science Day for Peace and Development also aims at raising public awareness of the importance of science and to bridge the gap between science and societies.

    ” The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice that which we are for what we could become.” ~Charles Du Bos, Approximations, 1922


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited November 2015
    kah68 wrote: »
    @Nikion901~ Sounds like you’re doing calf raises rather than squats if your toes are sore afterwards; I’ve never had that happen before but could be possible if you’re holding the position too long. Squats work your quads and hamstrings, if done correctly. Also if you have bad knees, you shouldn’t do squats or lunges (at least knees should not go past your toes)—you can do irreparable damage. Kudos for trying. Let pain be your guide, but if soreness is to the point it requires pain medication afterwards, you should stop immediately.

    Thanks for the advice. These are Barre squats as shown on the MFP Hello Healthy challenge. You raise yourself onto your toes and then do the squat, and you hold onto the back of a tall chair for balance. I have arthritis in all my joints and the toe joints have been particularily painful the past few weeks.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @GOINSTD12 ...caught the first of the shows your Bell family is on TV for Family Feud tonight. Love that show.
    Your son is a cutie.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks, I still haven't seen it, as I have to work until 1 am tonight, but I recorded it. He is good looking, isn't he?
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good morning all.
    @kah68 - Happy belated birthday, I hope it was the best ever.
    @Lauriek70 - Great on the Zombie Run. So sorry to hear the news about your dad, I hope all goes well for his speedey recovery.
    @GOINSTD12 - Caught the last few mins of one show, how fun was that!
    @Nikion901 - Thanks for your dedication to this thread, I love hearing about your cooking.
    @Morgori - As always I do enjoy your daily posts. I laughed out loud when I read about Chaos never dies day!
    @skinnyjeanzbound - Glad to see your infection is now at bay.
    I am so sorry I have been absent from the thread. I do miss all of you.
    Life has gotten in the way. Business is very good and this is the busiest time of year for me. My sister took two weeks off to go to Florida where her son was married and then she took the baby for a few days so they could have a bit of a honeymoon. She came back yesterday and I about cried to see her I was so happy.
    Oldest son lost his ride home from work at 1AM so I have been doing that 2 or 3 days every week. It is a 70 minute drive round trip.
    Workouts, food and my general well being have been suffering. I have SAD and have decided to go back on the anti depressants and that has been good. I am feeling somewhat better but some regular sleep would do wonders.
    I am currently a couple of pounds above my ticker. I have been waiting for motivation and then was reminded that motivation comes after we start acting. That it builds from small changes that roll into larger ones. So to that end today I will eat well, no candy, no donuts. I will find at least 1/2 hour for some exercise and I will drink 8 glasses of water.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wednesday Wish ... that I could control my Diabetes better than I do.

    I know it's not just all about carbohydrates, but also the other macronutrients we consume at a meal and also the amount of movement we get that go hand in hand with controlling this disease ... and the third hand is medication. However I tend to focus on carbohydrates primarily because I've never experienced a potion of protein or fat setting off a craving; only carbohydratges to do that for me. Maybe I should turn my wish around and state it a different way ... I wish I finally make a habit of small servings of carbohydrate at a meal.

    Even my healthy-for-you and oh-so-tasty Traditional Red Borscht needs to be eaten in small portions because it sets of sugar cravings if I eat too much of it in one sitting ... even though the carb count is really quite low on it.

    So today ... no Borscht! This morning I started the day off with, actually higher carbs than the 2-cup serving of soup would have (and definitely more calories) but it should hold me without cravings for a long time ... bacon and eggs.

    PS ... did my Barre Squats ... today it was 2 sets of 20, but did them flat footed instead of up on my toes.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Wed. wish....I want to pass my audition into an a capella's tonight. I wish I wasn't so very nervous about it...
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Guys!

    @niki-- how do your bacon and eggs have carbs?

    @lori-- Glad you are feeling better with the meds. I have also spent too much time waiting for motivation. I think my bigger problem though, is letting the life/work balance get the better of me. Once again today I let grading override my desire to go to the gym. Darn job!

    @tracy-- I missed the first episode of your son's family. I will try to catch it tonight if they are on again.

    @kelley-- good to hear the cleaning went well. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a cleaning service. My house has been woefully neglected lately. Getting the bathroom sink cleaned today was a major victory. LOL

    Grading Goals:
    1. 41/41 Blake journals DONE
    2. 59/59 Thoreau essays DONE
    3. x/41 Tone quizzes
    4. x/15 Speech quizzes
    5. x/59 M1948 diction assignments

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE + yard work DONE
    Tues-- rest day (P/T conferences)
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi guys, tonight is the second episode of the Family Feud for the Bell family, hope you get to see it tonight and tomorrow.