Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Watching now!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    yay! I passed!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi Guys!

    @niki-- how do your bacon and eggs have carbs?

    The one slice of bread I had with em, Oh, and the bell pepper!. ... however, with that meal for breakfast I was not hungry again until nearly 4PM ... so I only had 2 meals and one snack yesterday instead of 3 meals and 2 snacks. ... and I think I'll make that my Thursday Share today!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2015
    @Mel~ Congrats! :grin:

    @Niki~ Bacon and eggs for b’fast is really high protein, so it definitely will hold hunger back longer--that was my go-to (sans toast) when I was following Paleo. Try searching for lower-carb breads for toast, there are so many choices now—maybe a “light” or “thin-sliced” variety.

    @Karen~ I see that your grading list grew! :wink: I hope the Blake journals and Thoreau essays were a good read for you (I know sometimes they're lacking). Hard to believe I went into accounting instead of English/Literature. :wink: I’ve never had someone clean for me before, it’s a little strange (and I’m a little OCD, but she probably noticed :lol:). Since vacuuming is off limits and I can’t get on the floor to wash the bathtub, I had to hire someone—I was just glad my neighbor was able to recommend someone, instead of me trying to find a service that may or may not do a good job.

    @Tracy~ Darn, I saw your post too late. :frowning: I forget that Family Feud comes on early here—I think at 5pm.

    AFM~Not much to report except that I did get accepted into the grad program I applied for. :smiley: I'm excited but it sure is going to be weird going back to school after so many years.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday share: I'm not sure I even belong on here. My efforts at weight loss have been pretty feeble lately. I hurt a rib when I fell last week, and it has been more sore now than it was last week. The stress of DH's situation has me exhausted, too.
    We saw the neurologist yesterday. His spine is severely deteriorated. He has lots of arthritis and bulging discs. Because there is no pre-fall MRI, she can't say how much of the problem is related to aging and how much to the fall. He should be getting on-going PT for the rest of his life, but he's already reached Medicare limits for now. I have to go to the clinic and find out how Medicare works and how we can get more benefits. In the meantime, our SIL who is a PT assistant is going to help us work out a program for exercise at home. We are also going to get a home traction device that Medicare will pay for. He also has severe carpal tunnel in both wrists. Surgery has been ruled out for his spinal problems, but maybe not for the wrists. Because of his stroke history and meds, surgery is really risky. I was awake all night trying to figure out what I need to do how to get everything done.
    Family Feud is on at 4 here and we were taking care of dr. appts, etc. so I missed it.
    There has been so much happening with all of you that I'm not going to be able to comment on all of it.
    Kelley, I'm glad that you are recovering from your surgery.
    Karen, your school load makes me tired. Nicole has invited me to read the blogs her students do on a kidblog site. I haven't had time to do that yet.
    Mel, good job on the singing. That is one of the many things that I cannot do.
    Well, my kiddos will soon be here so best get things going for breakfast.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Pneumonia Day

    ”An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.” ~Author Unknown


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I think I will pass on the World Pneumonia Day. I've had my shot. Does that count?
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Kaye I too think I will pass on pneumonia day.

    Did my exercises this AM, then rewarded myself and baked cookies. Go figure. Fortunately, once the cookies are cool I can usually stay out of them...and DH can enjoy them. The exercise felt good as I haven't done that (a DVD) in a while....seems it got harder too.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mountmary (barb?)-- I just went to the gym for the first time in about 2 months, and I agree it was harder, but felt good.

    @kaye-- It makes me so angry when I hear someone can't get health services they need. It's ridiculous that we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but people still have to struggle and fight for medical care. I hope you are able to get the PT your DH needs for his back. And please don't ever feel you don't belong here--we all have times when life gets in the way of taking care of ourselves. If we didn't, we would probably wouldn't be here.

    @kelley-- yes, my grading list grew! The Blake journals were fun, but the journals always are b/c I don't have to worry about grammar, formality, or even accurate analysis. As long as they try to analyze the works and address the literary devices in the journal prompts, they get their points for effort. The Thoreau essays were less fun, but mostly okay.

    @niki-- Thanks for clearing that up--I was worried that there were some new-fangled eggs that had carbs. That would be a nightmare for me b/c I eat eggs almost every day. LOL

    @mel-- congrats!!

    Thursday Truth:
    I can't believe it's been about 2 whole months since I went to the gym. It felt so good to run again even if my endurance was lacking a bit. I managed to finish 2 miles running at 5.5 mph (which used to be my forever pace) with some 4 mph walking breaks every half mile.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 7/41 Tone quizzes
    4. 15/15 Speech quizzes DONE
    5. x/59 M1948 diction assignments

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE + yard work DONE
    Tues-- rest day (P/T conferences)
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE---But I WENT TO THE GYM!!!! :smiley:
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Karen I guess we proved to ourselves that these exercises matter. I am a bit sore and was tired later today so it sure did it's job. I KNOW I will feel better if I keep at this. As Niki says "follow through".
    The cookies are safely packed away, mostly frozen so they are "safe".
    @Kaye You really seem to have your hands full these days. You looked terrific in the photo I saw with baby Jane this past weekend.
    @Lori Just want to say "hi".
    I keep forgetting to look for Family Feud.
    I sure hope we don't all blow away. Gosh, that wind is strong out there tonight. .. and noisy.

  • sapphirewind
    sapphirewind Posts: 55 Member
    edited November 2015
    Friday - weigh-in day at my gym.... not fun, haven't ate much today, no simple carbs, just yogurt, fruit, soup, some milk in my coffee....
    Don't care about the weekend much...just trying to get through the next few hrs...wish I didn't buy all the Pepero (Pocky which is buscuit sticks with chocolate or sweet yogurt and maybe nuts) the other day, it's for family back home... but I might just eat it...

    Going to the gym later, must remember to bring a snack with me...
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good morning everyone.
    Friday Fitness ... I'm keeping up with the MFP Barre Squats Challenge ... today is day 5 and I have 1 set done, did it after my 'morning motions' routine while my breakfast was being cooked. Sunday starts a change in the squat movement ... it's called "Turned Out Barre Squates", and the only change is the position of your feet ... the heels are together and the toes are set apart about 45 degrees ... it pulls on a different part of your thighs and butt ... Today I did raise up on my toes but did with with shoes on so I didn't raise very much, and the knees were hurting during the night so I kept the squats high not to strain them ... still could feel the tightness in the parts this targets so that's good.

    My home 'project' is way behind because (1) I procrastinate, (2) I'm slow and tire easily (lungs) so everything takes multiple times longer than I imagine they will when I plan the tasks. However, for this weekend, there are several items on the priority list to choose from and all involve a lot of moving about, bending, stretching, lifting, and carrying heavy items.

    @cblue315 ... the quote from @Morgori yesterday was so appropriate for you ... ”An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.” ~Author Unknown ... SAD is a rotten mood disorder to have. I was surprised to read, recently; it isn't just the short winter days that could set it off, some poor souls actually have it in the summer or with every seasons change.

    @Melwillbehealthy ... congratulations on the Capella chorus. Singing is so good and good for you.

    congratulations @Kah68

    @skinnyjeanzbound , @grandmakaye44 , @mountmary84 ... we're all back to doing something physical ... that is good!

    @sapphirewind ... your posts reminds me of something my mom used to do ... she, and my dad too now that I thing about it, would stray from their diets and medication during part of the time between doctor appointments, and then when it was about 10-14 days away they would become strict adherers to their instructions. I used to feel frustration with them about not sticking with their routine better than they did ... and now I find myself sticking to mine a bit better as milestones such as checkups come up. Hope your last-ditch efforts helped on the scale.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Kindness Day!

    ” It's your body. Tell it what to do.” ~Chris Powell


  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    I’m still here, lurking about – watching people post :) I took a day off from working out yesterday, and plan on having my first cheat day food wise in 24 days – just can’t go one more day without some pizza…I feel a little guilty about it, but I’ll make it up on the treadmill.

    This week has been good, I haven’t weighed myself yet this week – but I feel good so that’s all that really matters and I’m burning a bunch on the treadmill, still reading my school books. I’m kinda freaked out by some tests coming up, so burning off that extra anxiety has been good for me.

    @Skinnyjeanz – what grade do you teach? My English courses are my favorites, and the ones I care most about my grades in. I currently have a 4.0 but I really care when my English professors grade my writing, because I leave a little bit of myself on every page.

    @Nikion – how are the squats going, are your toes feeling better?

    @kah68 – how nice to have someone else clean, I know it can be a little awkward, but still, it’s fun your house is clean and you didn’t have to do it.

    @Morgori – your posts seriously crack me up, a) I never realized how many senseless “holidays” there are and b) National Pneumonia day – they seriously have a day for everything.

    @goinstd – nice to meet you, is it your family that is on the Family Feud?

    @cblue33 – I’m glad that you found GLAD

    @mellwillbehealthy – SUPER congrats on making the cut, I hope you have a blast

    @grandmakay – I’m so sorry that the healthcare system has bit you in the rear

    @mountmary – way to go freezing the temptations ;)

    @sapphirewind – good luck at the gym today

    Goals for the week:
    Saturday – Treadmill and homework
    Sunday – Treadmill and homework
    Monday – Treadmill work and homework
    Tuesday – Treadmill work and homework
    Wednesday – Treadmill work and homework
    Thursday – Treadmill work and homework
    Friday – Work and homework

    Most exciting thing I will be writing this week, is the software manual I’m working on right now (yawn).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @ann marie-- I teach 11th grade American Lit and 12th grade AP Lit and Composition (so really a college level course). I love it and wish all of my students viewed their writing as you do--leaving a bit of themselves on the page. I would say most of my seniors feel this way, but the juniors are not there yet. The "rubric" mentality has led them to just follow formulaic writing style to earn points without much thought about truly developing their writing skills.

    I'm sickened by what has happened in Paris today. Even more so, I'm disgusted by the posts on my FB page jumping to conclusions about who's to blame, pointing fingers at the poor Syrian refugees who have left everything behind to run from the terror in their own countries. I don't claim to know who's responsible. but it makes zero sense to me that those poor people would have the resources to carry out such an attack. Perhaps I'm naive...

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hello again,
    It seems like these breaks I keep taking are getting longer but life does get in the way. I hope my schedule will finally calm down and the number of meetings will be reduced. The long days are taking their toll but I am still working out.

    Kaye, you do belong here. We are a support system for you and you are part of our extended family. I know I keep disappearing but I still fell like part of this group and I do miss everyone.

    Mel- congrats on the singing.

    I am using my phone so sorry for the limited personal responses. I will catch up this weekend.

    Update- last Sunday I crashed my new bike. I am okay but my knees are bruised of course. I might go back to the chiro tomorrow for additional treatment. I need the bruises to heal quickly. I was still able to run last week. Tonight, I went climbing and it felt good but my knee is a little sore.

    My dad left the hospital on Tuesday and returned to the nursing home. He is doing better and we hope he will regain his strength.

    I have a date tomorrow night and I am very excited about that. I jist hope there is some type of chemistry between us. It would be nice to have a boyfriend for the holidays.

    Have a great day.

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Sorry my posting is so sporadic. It is so hard to get anything done when everyone is home. I do love the time with them but.... I am kinda trying to train for the 5k next spring. I am up to light jogging 18 out of my 30 min on the treadmill. I have the speed set at 3mph for now which is also the pace I walk at. The goal is to first get to where I am jogging the whole time and then I will work on increasing the speed. I have somehow become a decent housekeeper lately which is unusual for me. I cant seem to handle any clutter or disorganization around me. I just got done prepping a bunch of smoothie packs and threw them in the freezer to make getting back into my smoothie habit easier. Otherwise it is a quiet day at home. I am watching my youngest nephew (4) for the day. He loves my dogs so they do most of the babysitting lol. I have a job interview on Monday with a company that supplies caretakers/companions for the elderly in our area. I am really hoping to get it. I will be able to work the 20-25 hrs I was looking for while doing something that I will find very rewarding. I have been reaching out on facebook to some of the women I went to school with because I am seriously lacking in references not related to me. I did tell the company that though and they said we should be able to work around it and just to do the best I could. Well thats about it in my life at the moment.

    @kah I am happy to hear you are healing nicely. I totally understand about having someone else coming in to clean the house. I would b very antsy about something like that myself.
    @karen ty for getting back to me with info about the race. I totally agree with everything you said about the Paris tragedy. I just hope there are no further incidents.
    @Laurie good luck on your date this weekend. I will keep my fingers crossed that you guys click Oh and ouch on the accident. It totally sounds like something I would do lol.
    @kaye I am sorry you and your husband are having to deal with so much. Thank goodness you know some one that can come in and at least help you set up some home pt. The way medicare run is a complete travesty in my opinion. I hope you are able to find a little time for yourself again soon.
    @lori I hope you are able to start feeling better soon. You have been through so much this year but have maintained such a positive outlook that you have been an inspiration to me.

    Well I think thats it for now. Have a great weekend everyone :):)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a quick check-in to update goals.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 21/41 Tone quizzes
    2. x/59 M1948 diction assignments
    3. 2/4 student rec letters

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE + yard work DONE
    Tues-- rest day (P/T conferences)
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE---But I WENT TO THE GYM!!!! :smiley:
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • ctaft81
    ctaft81 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I don't know if you all add people or not but I do need to lose just over 100 lbs and I could use some support. From what I was reading that's what this thread is all about. Do any of you add each other as friends? If so I could use some as I'm new to the app. I don't know exactly how the introductions go but I will give it my best.

    I joined just over a year ago with my fiancé to lose some weight. I was about 260 lbs then. I have never been big on the exercise and still don't do it.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    ctaft81 wrote: »
    Hello, I don't know if you all add people or not but I do need to lose just over 100 lbs and I could use some support. From what I was reading that's what this thread is all about. Do any of you add each other as friends? If so I could use some as I'm new to the app. I don't know exactly how the introductions go but I will give it my best.

    I joined just over a year ago with my fiancé to lose some weight. I was about 260 lbs then. I have never been big on the exercise and still don't do it.

    Welcome aboard ... this is an open thread under the general topic of 'Motivation and Support' .. just click the star at the top of the page, across from the thread name to bookmark it, and then you can find it again under the top star, (Bell, star, wheel) to return to the page you where last on. ... we welcome anyone who is looking to lose.

    Don't know how much support you will find us being, but many of us go to this page daily to read and post. Some people have made friendships, others just keep in touch through the thread.

    @Lauriek70 ...sorry the bike crashed. Glad you were not seriously injured. I still dream about getting a bike..

    AFM ... Saturday Success ... I was successful today in getting a $24.00 refund from the grocery store. Good thing I check my receipts pretty carefully when I get home. I found that one item I thought was $2.99 rang in at $5.84 and a head of lettuce that was $1.99 somehow ended up being $19.98 on the register tape. Hopped right back in the car and drove to the store even though it was dark out and I have 'given up' driving at night ...

    Regarding my weight-loss goals and plans ... I am just not moving down at all ... and I know it's because I am not active enough ... today I walked as much as I could or needed to (it was an out and about day) and it was all I could do not to moan and groan, whince and whine because of the pain from my knees through my toes. However, I am home now and can put these sore puppies up on the couch for a while. ... and I guess I got my whining out of the way right here, right now.

    Tomorrow is my 'day of rest' but i have not completed getting the VA Vets donation together of used merchandise for them and so I will be doing that tomorow afternoon instead of reading the paper.

    Follow thorugh