Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Santa's List Day

    Date When Celebrated : Always December 4
    Today is Santa's List Day. Have you been good all year? Have you been Naughty? Or, have you been nice? Santa knows.
    Santa's Elves have been everywhere, checking up on children all over the world, to see who has been naughty, and who has been nice. Thanks to the hard work of his elves, Santa Claus has two lists. The short list contains the names of a few children who have been naughty. A much longer list is filled with the names of children who have been good all year long.
    Which list are you on?
    Kids..... make sure to be especially good around the holidays. That's when parents need children to be on their best behavior, as they are busy preparing for the holidays.
    Happy Santa's List Day!!!!
    Origin of Santa's List Day:
    We have it on good authority, that this day was created at the North Pole.
    We interviewed Santa, and a few of his top elves. They tell us that they strive to make the first draft of Santa's "Naughty" and "Nice" lists by this day. Then, they review and adjust it, all the way to Christmas eve.
    Santa told us that doing extra chores, or something special to help out around the house between now and Christmas, will get you off the "Naughty" list, and onto the "Nice" list.

    To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have. ~Ken S. Keyes, Jr., Handbook to Higher Consciousness


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, here I am at the end of another week of falling short of all of my health goals. It finally warmed up enough for a walk last night after dinner. I'm really glad to have Cathy and her little chaweenie Burt for walking partners. Yesterday I did a bit of Christmas baking and that never goes well for my diet. No baking today. Just cleaning house and hoping for another walk.
    I'm hoping to get the family to help me put up the Christmas tree. We won't have outside lights this year. DH needs to keep his feet firmly on solid ground. No climbing for him and I don't do heights. I should just adopt Karen's philosophy and enjoy everyone else's decorations and forget my own. It may come to that anyway.
    Have a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    Friday Fitness: To be honest, I don't know what I'm going to do. I woke up stiff and achy, especially in the back. I "might" stretch again, with more focus on the back muscles. I'll check in again when I've decided.
    KYOG40DAYS Posts: 12 Member
    Ran over 3 miles today, but drinking beer tonight. Shouldn't (hopefully) go over! This weekend I'm eating really healthy, working and running, so I'm allowed tonight
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Set out on a walk with DIL this evening. About a block from home we started sliding on the black ice. Turned around and came home. :(
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    Friday Fitness: To be honest, I don't know what I'm going to do. I woke up stiff and achy, especially in the back. I "might" stretch again, with more focus on the back muscles. I'll check in again when I've decided.
    Update: sadly, stretching kinda hurts today. I should have mentioned in my introduction that I'm wheelchair bound and deal with severe scoliosis, which hurts sometimes. Therefore, all day, I felt like my spine would explode, and my back is still killing me, especially when I move! As opposed to trying to work it out, I'm just sipping a glass of lemon water (which is good for your metabolism, if I recall correctly, so that's a plus) and praying that it's just tension due to mild dehydration.
  • elpurple
    elpurple Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I have a lot to lose, it's been an ongoing struggle with me feeling worse and worse about myself. I've joined a gym and am really enjoying going (although haven't been this week as I'm not well).

    It's hard to see how much I have to lose, it feels overwhelming. I would like some new friends on here who can inspire me, who I can learn from, especially others who are going through the same.

    I really want this start to be the last new start I need to shift this weight.

    Thanks for reading
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hi, I have a lot to lose, it's been an ongoing struggle with me feeling worse and worse about myself. I've joined a gym and am really enjoying going (although haven't been this week as I'm not well).

    It's hard to see how much I have to lose, it feels overwhelming. I would like some new friends on here who can inspire me, who I can learn from, especially others who are going through the same.

    I really want this start to be the last new start I need to shift this weight.

    Thanks for reading

    Hi ... I just wanted to give you a word of encouragement as I don't 'do' friends on MFP, only using the thread as my form of support with others who post here.

    I took a peek at your profile and see that you have 19 friends in your ball court ... so if you are looking for new ones it might be because you are not getting the support you feel you need from them. Infortunately, most of us who need to lose weight are tipping the scales on the side of needing support ...

    I'd like you to stop down-talking yourself in your head. I'd like you to stop thinking there is magic from going to the gym that will suddenly transform you from 'overweight' to 'fit and fine'. What I would tell you to do is to pay attention to what you eat and drink. If you take medication, I'd also suggest you talk to your doctor about how those meds might or might not be affecting you metabolism ... or to ask for a referral to a nutritionisht so you can get assistance in making up a healthy menu plan.

    Also ... stop looking at the whole picture of how much you have to lose ... after all, if you have been stepping on a scale or shopping for clothes you will recall that you didn't go from 'normal' weight and clothing size to 'overweight' in one fell swoop ... it took time, possibly all the years since you were a teenager ... so don't think you can drop huge amounts of weight really fast and be back to where you want to be in a short amount of time.

    I know that television shows and commercials about big weight loss are popular ... but remember, the ads are there to sell products that may be of dubious benefit and the TV show participants were under intensive care of a trainer, a nutritionist, and a doctor, and even then they struggled and had set-backs.

    Think of this losing weight goal as a long-term learning to love yourself process. Celebrate the small victories by setting small and realistic goals ... like one day at a time doing one or choosing one healthy alternative .... and do get educated about nutrition and health.
    Good luck.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    zcb94 wrote: »
    Friday Fitness: To be honest, I don't know what I'm going to do. I woke up stiff and achy, especially in the back. I "might" stretch again, with more focus on the back muscles. I'll check in again when I've decided.
    Update: sadly, stretching kinda hurts today. I should have mentioned in my introduction that I'm wheelchair bound and deal with severe scoliosis, which hurts sometimes. Therefore, all day, I felt like my spine would explode, and my back is still killing me, especially when I move! As opposed to trying to work it out, I'm just sipping a glass of lemon water (which is good for your metabolism, if I recall correctly, so that's a plus) and praying that it's just tension due to mild dehydration.

    Stretching always hurts some when I do it ... perhaps you are over-stretching a bit and that's why it hurts uncomfortably?

    I don't have scoliosis ... which I know is a bent spine ... but I do have spinal stenosis from severe arthritis and several nerves have been pinched that go to my arms and legs ... but 'Thank God' I am still not wheelchair bound like they thought I would be by this time in my life when I was first x-rayed back in 1990. I cannot image or relate to how you get the physical movement you need without having a physical therpist doing it with you to maneuver your limbs in ways that you cannot do yourself. ...

    Hope you had a better stretch today than yesterday.

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    edited December 2015
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    zcb94 wrote: »
    zcb94 wrote: »
    Friday Fitness: To be honest, I don't know what I'm going to do. I woke up stiff and achy, especially in the back. I "might" stretch again, with more focus on the back muscles. I'll check in again when I've decided.
    Update: sadly, stretching kinda hurts today. I should have mentioned in my introduction that I'm wheelchair bound and deal with severe scoliosis, which hurts sometimes. Therefore, all day, I felt like my spine would explode, and my back is still killing me, especially when I move! As opposed to trying to work it out, I'm just sipping a glass of lemon water (which is good for your metabolism, if I recall correctly, so that's a plus) and praying that it's just tension due to mild dehydration.

    Stretching always hurts some when I do it ... perhaps you are over-stretching a bit and that's why it hurts uncomfortably?

    I don't have scoliosis ... which I know is a bent spine ... but I do have spinal stenosis from severe arthritis and several nerves have been pinched that go to my arms and legs ... but 'Thank God' I am still not wheelchair bound like they thought I would be by this time in my life when I was first x-rayed back in 1990. I cannot image or relate to how you get the physical movement you need without having a physical therpist doing it with you to maneuver your limbs in ways that you cannot do yourself. ...

    Hope you had a better stretch today than yesterday.
    It is kinda hard. I don't know what I did wrong, tbh! I normally ride a horse for therapy, but can't right now due to a poorly placed wound. However, that does burn a truckload of calories and offer healthy motion, not to mention the great pain relief/"runner's high." I tried gym-style PT, but (with all due respect to the therapists themselves) for the most part, all they do is injure you during exercise or make you feel totally awkward during passive work, or teach you how to do it yourself during a prescribed workout! Ouch. Pass!
    BTW, Saturday Success: I didn't go insane (just got slightly grumpy/blue) when my back gave out for the umpteenth time, or when my hormone patch ran dry.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... I just looked at the clock and it is Sunday already ... so here I am now instead of in the morning after sleeping. For those who are new here, my name is Niki and my 2015 motto is 'follow-through' because I made it a New Year Resolution that my goal for 2015 is to accompllish the golas of 2014 which I should have done in 2013 because I made a promise in 2012 and planned in 2011. ... Yep, I'm a procrastinator and had been a quitter. Get that ... 'had been'? ... :)

    This eening after supper I had a fun time creating Christmas gifts online via Shutterfly. I probably should have done it sooner as two of the gifts still need to be shipped out of state after I get them. However, I didn't think of that gift idea until now. But not to worry because if they don't make it to their final destination by Dec 24, they will be that much more appreciated when they arrive before the New Year.

    Tonight for dinner, I concocted a linquine dish. I've been craving pasta and decided that this thick long noodle would give me the mouth-feel that would be soul satisfying, and it was. The al'dente noodles were tossed in the skillet with a saute of onions, bell peppers, chili peppers, brocolli, shrimps and a bit of the pasta cooking water. This was a new one for me and I liked it very much.

    I'm still doing the Barre Squat challenge ... I plan to do it all the rest of this month by just upping the number of squats per set ... except that I cannot do them standing up on my toes as instructed, and I don't go down very low either so as to spare my knees. But still, I can feel the tightening in my core muscle area when I execute the movements, and it feels good. I am now holding weights in my hands for the sets ... (cans of tomatoes).

    Have a great day everyone and I will talk at ya on Monday's check-in.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    Sunday Sharing: I'm an avid TV nut, but almost half of our channels aren't working for me right now. :/
  • qtr0se
    qtr0se Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Nikion901. This is my first ever being on this website and came across this group. I don't know how to quote the advise you gave to Elise but I wanted to tell you that I needed to hear the same thing and it was wonderful reading yours. I'd like to share my story with everyone.
  • qtr0se
    qtr0se Posts: 3 Member
    This is my story. I apologize for the length of it.

    When I started it was great. I've been seeing a nutritionist and I have gone down from 220 to 193 by swimming daily, giving up alcohol when I get together with friends and tracking my food intake for 1,000 calories a day. I changed my basically changed my life style. I was losing 2 lbs a week. However, 3 months ago my back started to hurt so bad that I couldn't get out of bed. The pain would wake me up at night and I'd wake up crying. All of this was new to me because I have a high tolerance to pain and I'm able to deal with almost all pain that I get from migraines and a hairline fracture on my neck. It turns out that I have arthritis not just in my neck but all own my spine. I am constantly in pain. 24/7. I don't take pain medication because I feel that it only covers up the pain and I over work my back when I don't feel pain. Due to the pain of any movement while I'm on my feet I have not done any exercise since late September. I would have loved to continue swimming but it got cold and my pool is almost frozen. Not exaggerating. Anyway, I am up to 197 and I am seriously depressed over this. I worked so hard in staying fit and eating right for so long that I feel as if I'm heading back to where I was. My nutritionist is always hard on me. She takes no excuses. For example If I'm bed bound I can still exercise my arms. No excuse for not burning calories. This is why I love her. I am always afraid to see her. She seriously puts fear in me. ha. I always want to show improvement when I see her every month. She obviously has been disappointed in me these last few months and I won't stop seeing her because I feel as if I'd lose all hope of ever going back to my normal weight of 110, for my height that's acceptable. I guess I need someone to hear my story since I have no one else to talk about this to but my husband, who is extremely supportive and has done everything I've done with me. Sometime's he's too supportive by accepting my excuses or making them for me. I'm at a loss at how to keep losing weight. I have lowered my food intake to 750 and have taken all vitamins that my dietitian says helps in weight loss. Even though it's healthy food I'm afraid that going lower than that might put me in the path of an eating disorder. I am desperate to lose most of the weight before April 30th since I am a bridesmaid. Of course I want to look great for pictures that not only will be shown to everyone but also keepsakes for the rest of her life which means I will see them on her wall every time I visit. If anyone has any advise on how to do more than just lowering my food intake I would appreciate. Right now I'm at 195 and I know its not healthy to lose more than 2 lbs a week which means if I am able to lose at least that I would be at 153 on the 30th. Still obese but at least at a weight I feel a little comfortable with and with the girdle we're wearing I think I will be okay. I still keep track of my food on the MFP app and in order to move on to the next day I enter what I call "Ghost Calories". And no, my nutritionist does not know about my lower calorie intake. I will see her again in about a month and that's when she'll find out by looking at my Food Diary. I'm pretty sure she's not going to be pleased. I also start seeing a pain management Dr. and a Physical Therapist in about a month. Not sure what they do and if what they do will help me with losing weight. Any suggestions or advise will be helpful. Even some encouragement would be great right about now. I feel like crying even as I type this.
  • hallmark_gal2001
    My first time here & it's Sunday so a bit about myself. I'm a pretty confident person until it involves my weight. I'm at my heaviest & am over but list on how to get started. So here's hoping this helps me.
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    edited December 2015
    @Mel – thank you for such a great and inspirational post. Even after just a 23 pound loss I find that I am more likely to be photographed now. I generally try to avoid photographers at ALL cost.

    @zbc – welcome to the thread, are you taking your classes online?

    @Grandma – don’t beat yourself up.

    Sunday share – I’m a 45 year old who has successfully raised a 22 year old son Nathan. I have been married for almost 25 years (August 2016 will be our 25th anniversary). I’ve been working in the apartment industry for the last 22 years, and have been working in the corporate office as a software implementation specialist and software trainer and support for the last 13 years. I have also been travelling A LOT for business for the last 13 years, anywhere from 2 – 4 weeks a month. We currently have 3 fur babies, 1 very insane 100 pound neurotic Weimaraner, 1 half yorkie and half Chihuahua who will jump up and try to correct the very large crazy dog when he’s being especially neurotic, and a small standoffish black orange and white calico cat who has her own door because she thinks she’s an outside kitty. After a 26 year hiatus from school (in which I only completed one course) I have returned to school and after this semester is over will finally be a sophomore (taking all my classes online). I didn’t return to school for work, or not in the traditional sense, I went back to school because it’s always something I wanted to do. After we finish school (my hubby went back too), we’re planning on taking a 6 month break from life to do something I’ve always wanted to do, hike the Appalachian trail. We plan on selling all our stuff, buying an RV and living out of that after we complete the AT. What I will do after that is completely up in the air, to be honest we bought the house for my son, I got into the apartment industry to create a better life for my son and now that he’s grown up it’s my turn. I make really good money, so I very well may be going back to school to become a bum :smiley: Right now I’m planning on majoring in English Lit and History, I’m hoping to work for the National Park system and spout completely useless information at unsuspecting tourists – or that’s the plan right now.

    Update: We had a great week at work this week, it was Christmas Party time – so our department continued our tradition and did Zoo Lights at the Houston Zoo, so much fun and with my work out in the morning I ended up walking almost 8 miles that day. Now back at the school work to finish the semester strong, I’m off work this week so I can concentrate on my school work.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    @Ann_Marie_2x_MORE, no. I had to ask for permission to have a health sabbatical, or whatever you would call it. I tried to Skype into a regular class, and had a loved one attend my others and discuss the notes with me but realized that, due to poor prone posture and strong medicine, I couldn't pay attention or handle my homework! Therefore, I had to get out of there before I flunked out. Besides, I learn best by doing, and discussion about the material, as opposed to passive listening/reading, so no online coursework for me if I can help it! Now I just need to worry about how to achieve a better balance between that and other facts of life (HEALTH, family, faith, social life, etc.). Especially worrisome is the fact that, due to affiliation with a church denomination, we have a structured campus quiet time that is basically mandatory, although you can get an exemption. However, nobody in his right mind would want to miss Chapel for the world, IMHO! Furthermore, an organization that is supporting me throughout my college life requires that I use a full-time schedule. With all due respect to folks like you, I don't want to finally finish school as a great-grandma! Phew. Rant over, my apologies for the long post!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    qtr0se wrote: »
    This is my story. I apologize for the length of it.

    When I started it was great. I've been seeing a nutritionist and I have gone down from 220 to 193 by swimming daily, giving up alcohol when I get together with friends and tracking my food intake for 1,000 calories a day. I changed my basically changed my life style. I was losing 2 lbs a week. However, 3 months ago my back started to hurt so bad that I couldn't get out of bed. The pain would wake me up at night and I'd wake up crying. All of this was new to me because I have a high tolerance to pain and I'm able to deal with almost all pain that I get from migraines and a hairline fracture on my neck. It turns out that I have arthritis not just in my neck but all own my spine. I am constantly in pain. 24/7. I don't take pain medication because I feel that it only covers up the pain and I over work my back when I don't feel pain. Due to the pain of any movement while I'm on my feet I have not done any exercise since late September. I would have loved to continue swimming but it got cold and my pool is almost frozen. Not exaggerating. Anyway, I am up to 197 and I am seriously depressed over this. I worked so hard in staying fit and eating right for so long that I feel as if I'm heading back to where I was. My nutritionist is always hard on me. She takes no excuses. For example If I'm bed bound I can still exercise my arms. No excuse for not burning calories. This is why I love her. I am always afraid to see her. She seriously puts fear in me. ha. I always want to show improvement when I see her every month. She obviously has been disappointed in me these last few months and I won't stop seeing her because I feel as if I'd lose all hope of ever going back to my normal weight of 110, for my height that's acceptable. I guess I need someone to hear my story since I have no one else to talk about this to but my husband, who is extremely supportive and has done everything I've done with me. Sometime's he's too supportive by accepting my excuses or making them for me. I'm at a loss at how to keep losing weight. I have lowered my food intake to 750 and have taken all vitamins that my dietitian says helps in weight loss. Even though it's healthy food I'm afraid that going lower than that might put me in the path of an eating disorder. I am desperate to lose most of the weight before April 30th since I am a bridesmaid. Of course I want to look great for pictures that not only will be shown to everyone but also keepsakes for the rest of her life which means I will see them on her wall every time I visit. If anyone has any advise on how to do more than just lowering my food intake I would appreciate. Right now I'm at 195 and I know its not healthy to lose more than 2 lbs a week which means if I am able to lose at least that I would be at 153 on the 30th. Still obese but at least at a weight I feel a little comfortable with and with the girdle we're wearing I think I will be okay. I still keep track of my food on the MFP app and in order to move on to the next day I enter what I call "Ghost Calories". And no, my nutritionist does not know about my lower calorie intake. I will see her again in about a month and that's when she'll find out by looking at my Food Diary. I'm pretty sure she's not going to be pleased. I also start seeing a pain management Dr. and a Physical Therapist in about a month. Not sure what they do and if what they do will help me with losing weight. Any suggestions or advise will be helpful. Even some encouragement would be great right about now. I feel like crying even as I type this.

    I do not know you or your specific circumstances, but I do know that subsisting on 750 calories per day is not typically healthy. If your goal weight is 110 lbs and that is healthy, then you are probably somewhere around 5 feet tall. If you are very sedentary, at that height and your current weight of 195, you would need somewhere between 1700 and 1900 calories per day to maintain your current weight (depending on your age). Anything less than that as your net intake and you will lose weight. At about 1300 calories/day you would drop 1 lb/week. I know you said you are working with a nutritionist, but unless you have some very specific medical reason for it, I can't believe she would condone 750 calories/ day. I also hope you are stating that as your net intake and not your total intake.

    I'm sorry that you are in such pain and can't do much as far as exercise goes b/c my advice would be to up your food intake to about 1700 calories/day and then exercise to burn off 400-500 calories with the result of a net intake of 1300/day. You would be about 20+ lbs lighter by April 30th and much, much healthier in terms of muscle tone and general fitness.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    Please forgive me for being so very absent. So much going on in my life.
    My name is Lori. I am 55. have two grown sons. An active interior design business. I have lost over 120 pounds. this thread has been a great help to me.
    I injured my left knee a week ago Friday while working out with my trainer. I see the surgeon tomorrow. My general practitioner believes the injury is a torn meniscus. I will know if I need surgery after I see the surgeon.
    Surgery for my right leg (varicose veins) is scheduled for the 16th. It is a day surgery and I should only be out for a few days.
    My husband is planing on moving out at the end of this month. While this is what I wanted that does not prevent me from having lots of feelings about this. We have been together for 37 years.
    Oldest son goes to court tomorrow morning for the initial hearing for his 4th DUI. He is currently in AODA outpatient treatment and is doing well at this time. Wisconsin has mandatory sentencing and he will lose his license for 5 years, the fine is $10,000.00. He can be held up to one year in jail. Since he has a well established job and there were no combined charges he may be eligible for electronic monitoring if he stays clean and sober. This is a felony so he will be losing some of his rights as well.
    Currently I am picking him up from work 2 or 3 nights a week at 1AM. So needless to say my workouts and sleep patterns have suffered greatly.
    Youngest son is steady as a rock. Going to work and college and taking it all in stride.
    I live in a small town of about 22,000 people. There was an active shooter situation around the corner from my store yesterday morning. The ATF still has the downtown cordoned off at this time. I am hoping to get back there by tomorrow. I never made it into work yesterday but my sister was there when the whole thing started. She is fine but a bit shook up. She was not allowed to leave the store for several hours. One person was wounded and taken to the hospital and one police officer was grazed by one shot.
    Our downtown is only about 3 blocks long but there is one building that a local motorcycle club uses as a clubhouse/workshop. The police have been trying to get them out of there for several years. I am hoping this will be the final straw. The shooter had a dispute with one of the owners of the clubhouse and brought a gun to "settle things".
    I have read through the last week's posts. Welcome to all the newlings. Come back often, you will find help and support here if you keep coming back.
    I still have much to do before I go to bed and must get back my chores. I will try to get back this week for personals.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" ~ Voltaire
    A twenty minute walk that I do is better than the four-mile run that I don't do.