Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    OK gonna try this again:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I gave up on the picture last night. So now, that's the church (Catholic) where I attended, and have been creeping back to now that I am aging up. The Christ on the Cross is somewhat famous for being one of the largest that shows Christ looking towards his Father (head skyward) rather than the more familiar "head down" position often depicted. I realize I should be showing a Nativity scene - but I'll be getting to that in a week or so...

    I did wrap gifts last nite for my "block mates" the 8 other people who live in this section and floor of the condo. Then about 2 am I went and put them out on their doorsteps. I had been greeted yesterday am with the first gift, rich, warm baked goods from the eldest lady on block - a loaf bread, and sweets, all with nuts or dark chocolate or peppermint, so I will be regifting all. I nibbled a bit on the dark chocolate -OMGOLLY I hope its soon I can tolerate that goodness. Just too rich for me! I was not that thoughtful - I gave everyone calendars....

    I'm beginning to think I did a great job picking a contractor. He done tiling, and cleverly has painted behind where the washer/dryer goes and put the w/d back in the bathroom. It will be functional tonight although the vanity is not installed - wow how thoughtful is that - I'll be able to get my laundry done this evening.

    I am walking more each day, although I get pooped and sore I know its good for me. I do need to get these legs strong before I have any knee surgery.

    @MountMary - so glad your around -

    @Diva - hard to avoid those office cookies - I don't why its harder in an office environment - it think its the odor -it tends to linger in the air or did a great job! Keep it up all week long - maybe just one a day!

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited December 2015

    Tuesday Goals ... today my goals are not weight related but I want to share them anyway. It is to get the Christmas gifts that came in the mail today packaged and turned around to the post office for delivery to places far and wide.
    Around that activity, I am munching on salad for dinner because I had french toast for breakfast today.

    @RobinsEgg ... your lovely church photo prompted me to post a couple of the church I was brought up in ... Sts Peter & Paul Orthodox Church. It is a landmark now, as it was the first Russian Orthodox Church in Buffalo NY, built in 1894. The drawing shot is from it's centinial anniversary, and the altar shot was taken before a Saturday vigil with the church decorated for Advent, and showing the doors leading to the altar. As a girl, and today, I can look at the iconagraphy and murals for hours. That rendition of ? with baby Jesus and the Cherubin all around is amazingly beautiful.

    Follow-through, Niki ... follow-through

    PS ... anyone else have a shot of their place of worship you would like to share, I'd love to see it.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I just realized that I haven't checked in yet! Methinks my Tuesday Goal for now should be to keep pain at bay, as hard as it is right now.
    My Quiet Time/Worship area for now is my messy bed. You don't want to see that, I promise you. When I can return to college, I'll share the view from my seat in the auditorium where Chapel is.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I'm back. I have found the only way I have succeeded in losing weight is to plan, to have support and record my food choices. I am really trying to limit my carbs to 60 grams per day for health reasons. I am back in Georgia after spending the summer in northern NY near the Canadian border.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a quick check in. Today has been very busy an non-stop again. I did not have a chance to go to the gym tonight, which is fine since there are a few muscles in my legs that need a rest. I am planning on hitting the gym tomorrow along with a few other stops before heading home. I did finish writing my Christmas Cards tonight so that is a huge task off my list. All I need to do is put stamps on and return address labels and that will be tomorrow's task.

    Robin you are a part of my family and welcome to visit anytime. Glad you like the pictures. I love the variety of ornaments on our tree and remembering the favorites that come out every year.

    Lori- Goo luck with your upcoming surgery. Get yourself back on track but also give yourself a chance to heal.

    Kaye- Good luck with the walking and the afternoon is a great time to walk. Watch out for those pesky sidewalks who want to sneak up on you and grab your toes. lol.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful night and a great Wednesday.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good Morning.

    @Robin~ You’re so sweet, thanks for the reach-out. :heart: I’m sorry to hear you are facing 3 surgeries, thoughts and prayers for you and your surgeon(s)—good to keep up with the walking, it will speed up recovery when you have your knee replacement.

    @Laurie~ I always enjoy seeing your Christmas decorations, they look beautiful again this year. Wish I decorated more, but with Zoe it just isn't possible--love her but she just gets into everything. :confounded:

    @Katrena~ Welcome back, sounds like a great place to spend the summer!

    @Karen~ Hope you're putting a dent in that grading so you can enjoy your Christmas vacation.

    AFM~Really not much to report, I’m plugging along. The scale is moving in a downward direction, which is good considering I’m still limited in regards to activity—I am walking a bit more now though, but I’m not released for much else yet. I have lots of baking to get done over the next week—peanut butter truffles on Sunday then dark chocolate truffles next Wednesday followed by my famous fudge and Tiramisu Christmas Eve. My mixer is going to be busy! :wink:

    Everyone have a great day!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Wednesday Wishing: I don't know what we're coming down with, or if we're just allergic to Texas, but my whole family and a good friend can't stop coughing. I wish it'd stop and whatever was causing this would blow over already!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    KJEFFRIES2 wrote: »
    I'm back. I have found the only way I have succeeded in losing weight is to plan, to have support and record my food choices. I am really trying to limit my carbs to 60 grams per day for health reasons. I am back in Georgia after spending the summer in northern NY near the Canadian border.


    @Katrena Boy, you hit the nail on the head with this one. It jogged my memory as to why I do better when I follow those guidelines. Thanks for the reminder.

    Lots going on here that has me distracted just now. I wish it would go away, but of course wishing doesn't help.

    So many surgeries coming up: Good luck with all of that everyone having one. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you recover.

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    My goal for today is to walk at least 20 minutes.
    I have gotten so lazy.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wednesday Wish ... that I had taken the time to have breakfast before keeping that 10:30 appointment with the opthalmalogist ... where I sat for 2 hours before being seen .... (ranting now!). The most recent glaucoma eye drops didn't do their stuff and he's trying yet another one so I'll be back in another 6 weeks to get another check up.

    My goal for today ... it's a lot food related... 1) make beef broth 2) bake my first attempt at a no-knead sour dough bread 3)repackage and freeeze that biggie package of italian sausage I purchased 4) make more Borscht.

    Yes, there are non-food goals as well ... 1)mail the gifts (done!!!), 2) kitchen KP, 3)gather for trash pickup 4) do laundry.

    And now I need to quickly get going on the follow-through part as it is already near to mid-afternoon.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today was better than yesterday so that is good news. My list of things to accomplish this week is decreasing. I still have papers to grade and some shopping to finish so that is on my list for tomorrow.

    Wish- that I am able to accomplish everything that needs to be done in the next few days.

    Grade labs-
    wrap gifts
    finish Christmas shopping
    make cookies

    I am sure this list will grow over the next day or two.

    Have a great day.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... I tried my hand at sourdough bread; it was of the no-knead type and I got the sourdough starter from the priest at SS Peter & Paul's. He makes sour dough bread for the soup kitchen he provides from the church, and his bread is very good. Perhaps I messup the starter, or used too much flour but the thing never got past a wet, dense, crumbly texture instead of what I understand bread dough texture to be. So, I flattened it out and 'baked' it in a dry covered skillet on the stove top; and that resulted in a really tasty, dense and crusty flat bread. I over ate.

    As usual, I am behind in my goals. It seems I always plan for twice what I am actually able to accomplish in a day.
    Niki ... and get it done.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I couldn't check in yesterday due to poor internet connection, but could have confessed (Thursday Truth) that I'm so sick I can't think.
    As for Friday Fitness, I might just see how many calories I can burn through daily movement, because symptoms are above the chest, which I think I read are detrimental to workouts, if I remember correctly.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @zcb - sorry you got so sick so fast - thats so hard to cough and stay still!Your situation may be what caused the sour throat and cough to progress so fast. I tell your doc or nurse about it right away, just in case.
    Also, I apologize, but I never hear a name or what to call you, like Zee or Horserider. Did you ever say?

    I hope you get better fast!

    @niki Your Church is beautiful - and I too would have spent much time goinng over the details.
    @Laurie - what a sweet and wonder ful comlement,

    OMgoodness I'm falling asleep again - darn I have to stop this bad habit1! Nite!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    @zcb - sorry you got so sick so fast - thats so hard to cough and stay still!Your situation may be what caused the sour throat and cough to progress so fast. I tell your doc or nurse about it right away, just in case.
    Also, I apologize, but I never hear a name or what to call you, like Zee or Horserider. Did you ever say?

    I hope you get better fast!

    @niki Your Church is beautiful - and I too would have spent much time goinng over the details.
    @Laurie - what a sweet and wonder ful comlement,

    OMgoodness I'm falling asleep again - darn I have to stop this bad habit1! Nite!
    Thanks! Again, I probably don't have to completely freeze, but it's important that I don't move in such a way as to end up flat on my bottom, or cause shearing or excess pressure. I've told my home care team about my throat pain, and everyone knows how to help. I should ask one of my nurses again, but I think I've heard that prolonged bedrest is bad for the lungs. As I thought I mentioned before (if not, I apologize), I'm Zoe. I go by that handle in most daily interactions, but feel free to call me anything that you don't think would offend me!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Spent a lot of time on the floor last nite - didn't plan on that - kinda stupid mistake on my part after one glass of wine with impromptu company and after they left - turned on TV and it shut right off. Turned on - it turned off. After 1/2 hour of this, and fiddling around I looked at plug and saw it was only 1/2 in - oh, light bulb went off, doh.
    So, wiggled the chest of drawers away from the wall - of course this chest weighs a ton -literally - as plus blankets, it contains CDs, books, and all pots and pans. After that I was committed, so to the floor I went, clutching some electrical tape. (Not kidding around - that plug was gonna stay in) I got my good left hand back in to the plug, and taped the dickens out of it. As sweet success. OK. Now to wiggle back out, and get up. Oh, did not plan this part. Wiggling backwards is something I did in my youth. Not something I have done lately - and it proved rather tough. Roll over - no room. This chest sits at an angle, and I am currently laying between one side of it and the frigid patio wiggle ? NO! Time to become a Navy Seal. Pretending I'm carrying packs of 100 lbs on my stomach and back, haha. so I do move backwards.
    Ok, now I'm away from the patio door, now what. How do I stand up? There is nothing to grab. OK, pretend again. I am a 2 year old, and I roll sideways across the floor till I come to a chair - ta da! B :'( )
    I pull pillows out of the chair. I take a rest. Sometime later, I decide to climb up using the chair. The rest is just plain ugly. :'( but it got done. We find strength if we have to - I had to kneel on the bad knee arful! arful! What a funny story to tell though!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @RobinsEgg, I bet that wasn't fun. I'm sorry to hear that! Did you at least log the massive calorie burn you no doubt got out of that night?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    Spent a lot of time on the floor last nite - didn't plan on that - kinda stupid mistake on my part after one glass of wine with impromptu company and after they left - turned on TV and it shut right off. Turned on - it turned off. After 1/2 hour of this, and fiddling around I looked at plug and saw it was only 1/2 in - oh, light bulb went off, doh.
    So, wiggled the chest of drawers away from the wall - of course this chest weighs a ton -literally - as plus blankets, it contains CDs, books, and all pots and pans. After that I was committed, so to the floor I went, clutching some electrical tape. (Not kidding around - that plug was gonna stay in) I got my good left hand back in to the plug, and taped the dickens out of it. As sweet success. OK. Now to wiggle back out, and get up. Oh, did not plan this part. Wiggling backwards is something I did in my youth. Not something I have done lately - and it proved rather tough. Roll over - no room. This chest sits at an angle, and I am currently laying between one side of it and the frigid patio wiggle ? NO! Time to become a Navy Seal. Pretending I'm carrying packs of 100 lbs on my stomach and back, haha. so I do move backwards.
    Ok, now I'm away from the patio door, now what. How do I stand up? There is nothing to grab. OK, pretend again. I am a 2 year old, and I roll sideways across the floor till I come to a chair - ta da! B :'( )
    I pull pillows out of the chair. I take a rest. Sometime later, I decide to climb up using the chair. The rest is just plain ugly. :'( but it got done. We find strength if we have to - I had to kneel on the bad knee arful! arful! What a funny story to tell though!

    Geez, what an ordeal! :wink: Sounds like me last night, I was meeting a friend for drinks and wanted to wear a sweater--we haven't had much sweater weather yet so hadn't pulled them out. What's a girl to do with one good leg? Without thinking I just got on the floor to get to the sweater boxes under my bed, found what I wanted but but then realized "you idiot, you have to get back up!" Found myself in some weird positions, but I did manage--felt like I earned that Jameson and club soda! :lol:
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    So much for taking it easy until the end of the year :smiley: Last week was a roller coaster, Austin Monday & Tuesday, Houston Tuesday night, Wednesday & Thursday.

    My grades were posted this week, and I still maintain my 4.0 GPA and this next semester I'm planning on taking 4 1/4 classes - I may end up having to drop one, we'll see.

    Hope everyone is well, and looking forward to the holidays. We leave for our camping trip soon, and I'm soooooo excited.

    Weighed in today, and I'm 30 pounds down - only 90 more to go now :smile: