Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @steph-- I also need to up my protein. I don't worry so much about fat as long as my overall is under goal, but protein is always a struggle for me.

    @celtik-- awesome loss for the month!!

    @kaye-- Sorry you will miss the event, but if you aren't comfortable traveling, it's not worth it.I don't blame you for not wanting to drive after dark in snowy weather. I'm only 46, but I've never had good eyesight and can already tell I will have serious issues driving at night as it diminished with age.

    @tracy-- did you ever check the mapmyfitness website to see if you can log non-GPS workouts? It works for my UA challenge.

    @robin-- so sorry to hear about the events in your building. :(

    @laurie-- congrats on the shift in body composition! I haven't taken measurements in quite awhile, mostly b/c I doubt I'll be happy with the results.

    Regarding February goal: Anyone interested in doing a protein challenge? Or if that's too narrow, maybe we each pick one macro goal for the month. It could be raising intake in protein or fiber; or lowering intake of carbs, sugar, or sodium. Thoughts?

    Friday Fitness:
    I finally managed to meet my goal of running 3 times/week in this last week. Better late than never, I guess. I'm going to keep the same fitness goals for Feb. and work on doing better than I did this month.

    In contrast, I had a not so great food day. I forgot to make my lunch last night and am out of lean pockets or lean cuisine meals (my go-to lunch when I forget). This morning I grabbed some leftover chicken meatballs in red sauce. They were good, but not nearly satisfying enough to keep me from pick, pick, picking at the dunkin donuts a colleague brought. I believe I'm still under for the day, but only because I ran at the gym.

    Otherwise, I had a good day at work. We played "2 truths and a lie" in my Public Speaking class to continue to get to know each other before the students have their first big speeches in a couple of weeks. It was fun.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 16/22 object speeches
    2. 5/22 object speech reflections
    3. x/60 Poetry analyses

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 4 = 3/3 runs, 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice. 1/2

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 6/7
    Week 4 = 5/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    31k done/ 969k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- rest day (meeting)
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- rest day (meeting a friend after work)
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE + GYM DONE

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound, though I didn't know about you guys' monthly challenges, a protein one would be awesome, in my humble opinion.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @zoe-- we used to try to plan a monthly challenge, but had lapsed a bit with it. Robin brought it up for the new year, and it was simply a personalized goal for January. I think it's fun when the challenge is common, but still flexible enough for everyone to participate if they want to join in.
  • stephc002
    stephc002 Posts: 24 Member
    I also agree about the protein challenge. If anyone had any ideas on how to up protein I am all ears (or eyes in this case I guess!) ;)
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    edited January 2016
    @stephc002 - I used to have problems meeting the protein goal but now I use either Premier Protein shakes (160 calories, 3g fat, 30 grams protein, and 1g sugar) or Atkins protein shakes (160 cal, 9 g fat, 15 g protein, 1 g sugar) and then try to have protein of some sort (sometimes quinoa or couscous, or chicken, eggs, dairy, etc) at every meal. That usually does the trick. I like the French vanilla Atkins and both the chocolate and vanilla Premier Protein, both brands are available at Wal-Mart.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @GOINSTD12, I beg of you, stay away from those nasty pre-mixed shakes. Those aren't even real food, and cause intense nausea. I once made the mistake of replacing lunch with those, and couldn't stay awake in afternoon classes or tutorial due to hunger and stomach churning. Furthermore, many is the time that I almost vomited or passed out in my class immediately after lunch. Those things are an accidental purge waiting to happen. Please, Back. Away. Slowly!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited January 2016
    I also agree with Karen that a community challege for February is a great idea. All of my macro's have been out of whack from where I set them, so any one of them that is the concensus will be fine with me. However, for myself, the most out-of-whack to goal were carbohydrates and fat, with protein being the best balanced one. But then, that also depends at the percentage of calories everyone has chosen for their protein; how in or out of balance they are.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I wanted to share this post from from another thread ... it has some good information that we probably already know and many of us apply ... however I thought it was fitting as we ponder our February community goal ... if it be macros or calories or whatever we decide.
    elite_nal wrote: »
    Is counting calories effective enough? Or do all my macros take a toll?

    Your overall calorie intake is the most foundational principle of your entire diet. Without a calorie surplus, you aren’t going to gain any significant muscle, and without a calorie deficit, you aren’t going to lose any significant fat.

    Your total daily calorie intake will determine whether you gain weight or lose weight, and your macronutrient intake (the total daily grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats) will influence what type of body weight is gained or lost, whether it be muscle or fat.

    Proteins contain 4 calories per gram, fats contain 9 calories per gram, and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram.

    My general recommendation to optimize body composition is as follows:

    Protein: 1 gram per pound of body weight daily

    Fats: 25-30% of total calories for muscle gain, and 15-20% of total calories for fat loss

    Carbohydrates: Whatever calories are left over after protein/fat is calculated.

    You certainly don’t need to hit these numbers with exact precision every day, but just try to come reasonably close if you’re serious about achieving the very best results.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2016
    It is absolutely gorgeous here. Yesterday it was sunny and nearly 80, today is supposed to be 75--same for tomorrow. No worries, winter will return by Tuesday. :frowning:

    I've been out and about already this morning. Finishing up my grocery list so heading out soon to finish some running around.

    @Niki ~Great pictograph/flow chart. Thanks for sharing the quote from another thread too, I think their formula for protein is way off though--if a person is very overweight they would be consuming unhealthy amounts of protein and their body wouldn't be able to process it.

    The WHO recommends a minimum of .45g of protein per kg (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight per day. The US RDA set a maximum recommendation for the average person at .8g of protein per kg (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight per day. Its important to base your protein intake based on ideal body weight, not current body weight. However, those involved in endurance training, professional bodybuilders or athletes need more

    @Karen ~You know me, I'm always up for a challenge. I think protein is a great challenge for February.

    @Zoe ~I, like several members here, have used protein powder as a supplement after weight lifting sessions to help with muscle repair. They are convenient and come in a lot of varieties--not all protein powders are created equal either. I've used all kinds including vegan, egg whites, and one that comes from pea protein. Not everyone's body is the same and reacts the same to food/supplements (for example, I can't eat soy). IMO protein supplements can be a healthy alternative, if people have medical conditions that prevent them from getting protein from the usual sources protein powders are a good alternative so they can get the nutrients they are missing.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    kah68 wrote: »
    @Zoe ~I, like several members here, have used protein powder as a supplement after weight lifting sessions to help with muscle repair. They are convenient and come in a lot of varieties--not all protein powders are created equal either. I've used all kinds including vegan, egg whites, and one that comes from pea protein. Not everyone's body is the same and reacts the same to food/supplements (for example, I can't eat soy). IMO protein supplements can be a healthy alternative, if people have medical conditions that prevent them from getting protein from the usual sources protein powders are a good alternative so they can get the nutrients they are missing.
    Ah, yes. I do enjoy snacking on a mix-your-own triple chocolate shake from time to time to help heal my wound, but it must be the powder. I recommend staying away from those cartoned/canned liquid ones, and, for the love of your body, don't try to replace a hot meal with them. You'll be sorry!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited January 2016
    kah68 wrote: »

    @Niki ~Great pictograph/flow chart. Thanks for sharing the quote from another thread too, I think their formula for protein is way off though--if a person is very overweight they would be consuming unhealthy amounts of protein and their body wouldn't be able to process it.

    The WHO recommends a minimum of .45g of protein per kg (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight per day. The US RDA set a maximum recommendation for the average person at .8g of protein per kg (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight per day. Its important to base your protein intake based on ideal body weight, not current body weight. However, those involved in endurance training, professional bodybuilders or athletes need more

    As per the protein, I thought the post I shared was high on that end ... but the person writing it is a body builder. One thing I've never been able to quite grasp is the 'body weight' issue. I even googled it to try get a definite answer on is it per current body weight, current lean body mass weight, ideal total body weight, ideal lean body mass weight, in pounds, in kilograms ... drives me a bit nuts feeling. For examaple my ideal total body weight is 68 kilograms and that would relate to just 30.6 grams of protein a day at the .45 g method you shared. At my current weight (fat and lean) that relates to 50 grams a day. I get way more than that on any day. Even when I let MFP set my macros the allowance is more than the 50 grams I just mentioned. Count me as confused. ;)

    Currently, I have my macros set at 30% of my daily calories to come from protein, and I've thought about reducing it to 20% but don't want to cut calorie goals, nor do I want to increase fat or carb percentages ... so I've been staying at that recommendation .. which comes to 120 grams!
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    Have only been back to MFP for 3 weeks. Was gone a long time. Decided that it might be a help in finding what my swallowing problem is. So one again started logging and paying real attention to what, when, and how I'm eating. Also the texture of the foods. Have been diagnosed with a Hiatal Hernia and the suggestion of bariatric surgery. I'm 70 years old, have a husband that is borderline alsheimers and don't feeel that I can count on him to help me or do whaat he needs to do for himself. Have about 125 to lose. Need all the help I can get
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    sarahthin wrote: »
    Have only been back to MFP for 3 weeks. Was gone a long time. Decided that it might be a help in finding what my swallowing problem is. So one again started logging and paying real attention to what, when, and how I'm eating. Also the texture of the foods. Have been diagnosed with a Hiatal Hernia and the suggestion of bariatric surgery. I'm 70 years old, have a husband that is borderline alsheimers and don't feeel that I can count on him to help me or do whaat he needs to do for himself. Have about 125 to lose. Need all the help I can get

    Welcome Sarah ... were you one here sometime previusly?
    When I read your post, just now, I felt so 'I can relate" to what you said, as I am also 70 years old, have no one in my house who I can buddy up with and have a lot of weight to lose. Currently, I am down about 25 pounds from my highest weight, but it's been a struggle the past several years to not gain. As it is, I am up about 7 pounds from where I was last year at this time, and it has me 'running scared' that I am trending back up to that all time high unless I can get this under control.

    I don't have a hiatal hernia or any swallowing issues, so I cannot relate to you there, but I did have a boyfriend at one time who had one ... and he had to manage it by what and how much he ate at one time ... no fatty foods, small bites at a time thoroughly chewed before being swallowed, and not a lot of food at any one time. He also could not eat and lay down soon after as that caused a reflux. And this guy was skinny!

    Is that surgery suggestion for a stomach bypass or stapling? I would be so afraid of a surgery like that at my age ... however for some people it is worth the risk. The best source for guidance on that is your doctor.

    About the only helpful suggestion I can give you right now is this ... Choose one thing to change about how you eat and do that consistently for a while. Cut your calories a little at a time instead of whole-hog so that you get used to eating less gradually. Also, I find it is very important to make food be appealing and that means nice looking on the plate, tasty, and eaten in a pleasing atmosphere. I always overeat if I gobble something while watching TV or working on the computer at the same time as I eat. When I am bored out of my gourd sitting at the dining table with a place setting put out just for myself and only allow some music to play while I eat, I get to taste my food so much more!

    Good luck.
    Follow-Through with Consistent Focus
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    sarahthin wrote: »
    Have only been back to MFP for 3 weeks. Was gone a long time. Decided that it might be a help in finding what my swallowing problem is. So one again started logging and paying real attention to what, when, and how I'm eating. Also the texture of the foods. Have been diagnosed with a Hiatal Hernia and the suggestion of bariatric surgery. I'm 70 years old, have a husband that is borderline alsheimers and don't feeel that I can count on him to help me or do whaat he needs to do for himself. Have about 125 to lose. Need all the help I can get
    Welcome back! Mom has been through something similar, and can't have soda, acid or large bites unless it's a few days before maintenance day on the procedure that she needed to open things up. Furthermore, she discovered to her and our horror that there's a stricture of some sort, so, long story short, she gets a minor yet still painful operation involving shots in the throat of Botox. I'll probably never understand/ have experienced your whole story but can imagine how painful the whole ordeal must be.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2016
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    kah68 wrote: »

    @Niki ~Great pictograph/flow chart. Thanks for sharing the quote from another thread too, I think their formula for protein is way off though--if a person is very overweight they would be consuming unhealthy amounts of protein and their body wouldn't be able to process it.

    The WHO recommends a minimum of .45g of protein per kg (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight per day. The US RDA set a maximum recommendation for the average person at .8g of protein per kg (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight per day. Its important to base your protein intake based on ideal body weight, not current body weight. However, those involved in endurance training, professional bodybuilders or athletes need more

    As per the protein, I thought the post I shared was high on that end ... but the person writing it is a body builder. One thing I've never been able to quite grasp is the 'body weight' issue. I even googled it to try get a definite answer on is it per current body weight, current lean body mass weight, ideal total body weight, ideal lean body mass weight, in pounds, in kilograms ... drives me a bit nuts feeling. For examaple my ideal total body weight is 68 kilograms and that would relate to just 30.6 grams of protein a day at the .45 g method you shared. At my current weight (fat and lean) that relates to 50 grams a day. I get way more than that on any day. Even when I let MFP set my macros the allowance is more than the 50 grams I just mentioned. Count me as confused. ;)

    Currently, I have my macros set at 30% of my daily calories to come from protein, and I've thought about reducing it to 20% but don't want to cut calorie goals, nor do I want to increase fat or carb percentages ... so I've been staying at that recommendation .. which comes to 120 grams!

    Oh, that makes perfect sense if they are a bodybuilder. It is murky, there is so much conflicting information out there. I've met with different nutritionists over the years and even get conflicting information from them. Some say "eat for your goal weight." I even met with one that had me eating close to 200g of protein a day--did that and gained weight! :rage: Not to mention I just felt terrible. Others follow the formula of .8-1.0 x your weight in kg (depends on your activity..I'll do some research on that and see if I can find a link to an article). I think I probably do that to a degree, falling at the lower end of the spectrum. Then if there is a time I feel hungry or after a really intense workout I will consume some extra calories, but in the form of protein (usually an extra 20g or so that I can find in a protein shake). I think, too, that we all need to find what works for us--usually through trial and error.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Karen (Skinny) its a consensus on the Protein Challenge for February. !!!

    Are you thinking this would be PERSONAL CHALLENGE where each person sets what they want to do for themselces for the 28 days and record it?

    We could say the winners are thr ones who both meet their goals and do a perfect 28 day recording of their progress -including srumbles - somerhing like that?

    Why don't you respond and set me straight on it, and then I'll try to make a poster like the old ones. and urge on mid month.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Kaye - sorry the weather caused you to miss the girls wedding. I know how attached you are to your extended relatives and you woud have had a chance to see so many there. Winters just frustrate me as far as travelling by car any where. I usually just won't go too far from home any more.

    @Niki = you found a fun chart - love it!

    @ Tom - I was lucky and got a "page - a - day" Bird - calendar for a Christmas Gift (ha, ha, from me) but i love it! And I had to fight that urge in the beginning,in the evening, to tear today's page off - to see tomorrows cuz each picture is sooo beautiful! Do you face the same temptaton??? Do you have an information calendar?

    AFM: Very tiny appetite, side effect of new meds which is good because not getting much ex ercise.
    It seemed I had this tremendously long walk from my condo door thru hallway (friends alway wanted to avoid that hall cuz it was so long...) and then the long tunnel to the parking garage to my car.

    Well,to get the exercise credit, I counted the steps, As I leaned on my cane and counted it out. . Ta da it came to 100 steps.
    I was stunned. Surely I was wrong. Counted two more times. 100 steps each time.Sheesh. I had thought it was so so far. Have you ever done that? Gosh I'm embarrassed now, by that misjudgement of distance.I was thinking 1/8th mile or so. oh sheesh.

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I wouldn't mind a daily check-in on how much/how many grams we got each day, but don't know what would work best.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The protein challenge sounds great. Zoe you can report your progress anyway you choose whether it is daily, weekly or monthly.

    I must say that I am very concerned about three people in my life and they all need some prayers. The first is my dad- he has not had a great week, to many bad days in a row. My Godfather, who had a set back with the cancer that he has been fighting. I just know that he is not doing well. My friend Matt, who is not recovering from the surgery as he should. On top of the surgery and the sprained ankle he has now pulled the muscle around the area where the operation was. He is afraid that he may have pulled some of the work out. I must say that I need some good news in my life. On top of that I think PMS is setting in so all this has me really upset and emotional. Not a good combination. Luckily, I stayed home tonight otherwise I might have eaten everything bad for me without a care in the world.

    The bright side is that I get to see Garth Brooks in Concert tomorrow night. It should be a fun evening with friends.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Lauriek70 wrote: »
    The protein challenge sounds great. Zoe you can report your progress anyway you choose whether it is daily, weekly or monthly.

    I must say that I am very concerned about three people in my life and they all need some prayers. The first is my dad- he has not had a great week, to many bad days in a row. My Godfather, who had a set back with the cancer that he has been fighting. I just know that he is not doing well. My friend Matt, who is not recovering from the surgery as he should. On top of the surgery and the sprained ankle he has now pulled the muscle around the area where the operation was. He is afraid that he may have pulled some of the work out. I must say that I need some good news in my life. On top of that I think PMS is setting in so all this has me really upset and emotional. Not a good combination. Luckily, I stayed home tonight otherwise I might have eaten everything bad for me without a care in the world.

    The bright side is that I get to see Garth Brooks in Concert tomorrow night. It should be a fun evening with friends.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    The concert sounds like fun! Praying for you and your family.
    AFM: Saturday Success-I've resisted the temptation to scratch the living daylights out of my backside while experiencing what I am told is normal "healing itches," but they're mighty annoying!