Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Its a great day! I had my final medical checks prior to surgery and everything looks good. I have a lot of confidence in my doctor and the other medical personnel. I am feeling really up-beat about it. And the best part is that we found out today that our youngest daughter is having a baby girl. She will be joining her big brother in February. He'll be 5 when she arrives. We are all so excited. Keith jumped up and down and then said, "I was right." He was, too. He has been telling us all along that it was a little girl.
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    @ kaye- congrats on the new grandbaby so much fun. And I'm so happy for you about the pre surgery check up, thats great.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Wednesday Wish:

    ~ That people would take a hint and let it go...

    My cousin's fiance' messaged me today to apologize to me completely out of left field. While I tried to understand WHY on Earth she was apologizing to me, all she kept saying was to please forgive her and she was sorry. When I FINALLY got her to explain to me what she was apologizing for, I almost laughed. She wanted to apologize for showing me her engagement ring on Sunday. REALLY? You are sorry for me seeing your ring? As I tried to wrap my head around it, she told me that she had intentionally thrown it in my face and that after she thought about it, she felt really bad about it. I guess I missed the intention behind it because I really had no issue. I asked my BF about what he thought and he said that she really did try to rub it in my face, but I seemed not to notice. Truth be told, I was just so over the whole thing by that point, I didn't take it as her trying to be rude. I thought we had resolved all of this after the big "thunder stealing" ordeal that was my 5k weekend. I guess I was wrong. I just wish she would understand that I'm over it and I wish them all the happiness in the world. I wasn't upset except for finding out on facebook on my race weekend. As long as she doesn't hurt him, I'm fine with it.

    ~ My last wish is that I could get back to my running and workouts.

    I have been sooooooooooooo busy the last few weeks that by the time I am ready to work out, I'm exhausted and make an excuse not to go. Not to mention, we are down to one treadmill and I don't feel like fighting someone for it. I have one month until my 10k. I better get myself together or I'll never finish it. Any tips?

    Hope you have all had a great day!
    @Kaye- good luck on your surgery
    @Robin- hope your arm starts feeling better and the docs get you more mobility soon
    @Skinny and Morgori- Reed is my fav too! But I have to give props to Garcia and Morgan too...;)
    @Tina- Keep your head up! You can do it!
    @Nicole- Girl, that man is keeping you so happy! I'm so excited for you! Can he train mine?
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    So many ppl posting about being down and not logging and/or eating bad, and/or not exercising. Our cycles are a bit off! lol, I just started getting over that slump. So know it's just a bump in the road!

    Unfortunatly, my road is littered with potholes! I feel good this week, and I'm eating okay, but things keep going wrong. Sunday morning, my car wouldn't start and nothing was done about it. My MIL and I were having a rummage sale Mon and Tues, so I just borrowed her car to do my taxi thing. Thought we had the problem fixed and car running, went out to start it this morning and it's dead as a door nail. So...#1 Can't be a taxi, so I feel bad I'm making someone miss work, #2, no car to go to the gym and I NEEDED to. #3 Having to spend everything we made at the rummage sale on a new battery for the stupid car instead of on underwear and bras like I desperatly need. The only thing I could do anything about was #2. So since they gym is "only" 1.52 miles from our house, I decided I'd walk there to get in my cardio, do my weights and walk home. Hubby said he was proud of me. I think I got too much sun on Monday...I need to remember that my shoes are fine to do the eliptical or walk half a mile, but anything other than that and they turn into torture devices. I need new ones so stinking bad. But alas, $is being funneled into the car, no to my needs. Se La Vie. (not sure I spelled that right). So although my feet feel like I tried skiing on asfalt with nothing on them, I feel pretty good about my day.

    What did I learn this summer? That I am stronger than I think, that I am worth taking time for, and healthy food is way yummier than I thought it was.

    Wed Wish: That we don't have to buy a battery after all so I can keep whats left of the rummage sale $ and buy some undies!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,165 Member
    Hello all! It's Wednesday wish and I seem to be in the same type of mode as so many others.

    I'd like to just pep up and be happy with what I have. I sang my lungs out in the car on the way home yesterday. Even that didn't seem to do the trick----I ended up with a massive sore throat and that was about it.

    Okay, going to find something to eat, drink some water and then I'm going to read and if I fall asleep, oh well.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Well my Wed. Wish came true--I was supposed to plan with a colleague during my 9th period open, but she was away in another building at a meeting, so I ran out to Starbuck's before my after-school department meeting. Good thing too--that meeting made me really cranky! :grumble: I will spare you the details--suffice it to say, it was an utter waste of time. Good thing I had that frap to keep me slightly happy.

    @lin--sorry the singing didn't pick you up--it usually works for me.

    @lamy--ugh--car troubles stink!! But very proud of you for walking to the gym!! :flowerforyou:

    @jana & morgori--Oh, I forgot about Garcia--love her. And Morgan is just delicious! :blushing:

    @kaye--congrats on the grandbaby!! :drinker:

    @tina--I know what you mean about following a routine--I just put together some basics and add interesting core moves I find on I also include the glute work that I'm supposed to do everyday for my knee injury. So some of what I do comes directly from a physical therapist.

    @kjeffires--congrats on the 1 lb loss--it's great that even when you aren't paying as much attention, you can still lose. Proves some of what you've learned is becoming habit/lifestyle. Yay!

    @christine--I'm not religious at all, and you've never offended me. I don't think anyone should be offended by another expressing his or her faith. That's far removed from assuming others share your beliefs or trying to push your beliefs on others. Both of those behaviors can sometimes annoy me, but you've never done that on this thread. I think it's lovely that you have such a strong faith. :smile:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member

    Hi all. Trying to catch up on posts, but still in a total blue funk..:huh:

    It's wellness month at work, and they sent a stress quiz out for folks to take... apparently, my stress level is so high that I should be catatonic :indifferent:

    Hugs to everyone... remember, you are all seriously awesome because you took the first step. Everything after that is (low fat) gravy!

    oh, and.....

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: WATER TAG! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Wow! I did not realize that taking two classes, working, chasing my kid around, and a new man would be so time consuming. Who'd have thunk it???:huh: I miss you guys and gals, and I keep trying to jump back in, but can't keep up. So I hope you know that I am thinking of all of you.

    Wednesday wish - that I had better control of my anxiety. I was doing really well (I have generalized anxiety disorder) but with all of the new responsibilities, I have begun to feel overwhelmed. Yesterday I had a bit of a breakdown at work, and had to leave early. My guy was super sweet and understanding... brought me dinner and flowers. :heart: what a guy.... I never knew how nice it would be to be able to lean on someone a little. It's nice but I also don't want to HAVE to lean on anyone. :grumble: I think next quarter, I will give up one of my classes.... I guess we will have to see if it gets better.

    What did I learn this summer? There is absolutely no way to fit it all in one post... I will share a couple of things:
    1. That I am strong enough to make changes in my life
    2. That I am not alone... y'all have taught me that my struggles are not unique, and that they CAN be overcome. I am inspired each day by all that you have overcome and that when you stumble, you get back up and try again... in pushing yourself beyond your disabilities or family troubles... you just keep going. We each have small successes, sometimes not often, but when we add them up, we have come so far.
    3. I am a warrior, a lioness, and the master of my destiny (I am in control)
    4. Speaking of control... portion and measurements of food - wow, talk about enlightenment.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am also a criminal minds fan my favs are Morgan, Garcia and Hodges. Reed is cute. It is very strong story line tonight. My other favorite show is NCIS both the original and LA.

    Chris- I like how you are not afraid to share your faith. It is an inspiration.

    Karen- Glad your wish came true. I also had an after work meeting today and they can get long at time. Please tell Brian I said hello and that I am proud of him for doing this 5K with you.

    I really like the discussion on the things that we fear. It is giving many things to think about. In many ways, I think I am afraid to lose any more weight even through I want to. When I first started this process I knew I was about 85 pounds over the weight I needed to be for it to be healthy. I set my personal goal to lose about 62 pounds which would put at 200 pounds. Once I reached that goal it was like a sigh of relief. Now I am having trouble getting over this hump and back to basics so I can lose weight. I think I am afraid of losing the rest of the weight and pushing myself harder. It may be due to a lack of confidence that I have in myself. This comes into play when I am exercising since I need to push myself harder hence increasing the intensity and duration. Another strange that happens is that I want to deny that I am losing any more weight. My co-workers mean well but honestly I am not wasting away to nothing. May be that I am toning my body so that makes me look thinner than I am really am. Who knows. Thanks for the thought provoking discussions.

    Wish--That I can overcome my fears and push myself to new limits.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That I didn't like carbs and that veggies were my dirty little secret. Of course, then I wouldn't be in the pickle I'm in. :tongue: Halfway through making 12 dozen truffles for an event. So hard not to lick.

    Plantar and achilles fasciitis still super painful. Forcing myself to work through the pain, but sometimes I want to just cry. If you've had it, you know how much it hurts. Like pounding a pointy rock on the tenderest part of your body. Foot situation is putting me a little behind on the Halloween Challenge, but I refuse to quit--even if I don't hit goal. Trainer and p-therapist think I should quit walking for a while, but this is the only season that I can tolerate being outside. Guess if it hurts enough, I will.

    On a positive ? note, the cooler weather invigorates me---to bake. Aaargh! Giving away lots of pumpkin stuff--pumpkin almond biscotti, pumpkin pecan fudge, pumpkin anything!

    Robin: Rats! I'm sad that you're hurting so much. Keep us informed so we can pray/send positive thoughts your way.

    To everyone who's blue :cry: or discouraged or hurting: (((hugs))) Go stand outside in the sun. Take a few deep breaths. Let your worries float away for a few minutes. Know that your MFP buddies (at least on this forum) really do care. :heart: and that you matter. Not really a panacea and perhaps a simplistic thought, but truly sincere.

    Water tag back at ya! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Halloween Challenge: 13,508 steps today/211,429 to date/400,000 goal. Now to ice my foot.
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    I will go back and read everyone's post but I need some guidance....My birthday is Saturday and I am stressing out over food, my kids ask me were I wanted to go for dinner. I said "let me get back to you" :frown: Tomorrow will be hard as well, I work in a special ed. class, we teach the children to hopefully take care of themselves, like light cooking, cleaning, shopping (life skills) Well the kids are making cupcakes for me tomorrow. It's so sweet, but I'm in panic mode. I need some tips to get me through this.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    today I have been in bed for the most part. Believe I have the flu. But since up i did what to take time to read all of the posts. I have enjoy reading everyone's.

    @Christine -- I have never been offend by anything you post I always find it encouraging that you can reach inside of yourself and see the spiritual aspect.

    @Lin -- sorry you did not feel up by singing. I have never had kale but I do like spinach.

    @Grammy sorry you are hurting so.
    @robin sorry you aren't feeling better to.
    @Big Aug sorry you are feeling blue.
    @Kaye praying for your upcoming surgery.
    @Pampered-- I work with adults with special needs and we cook all the time plus take them out to eat so they can learn how to care for self and how to handle situations. I get prepared as much as I can if its may be allow the calories of one cupcake cut out somewhere else lighter breakfast etc. Maybe eat only half or scrap frosting off. If that doesn't work for you do you teach healthy choices with your group we have some adults we work on healthy choices so if I don;t want to eat something I just say I am making a healthy choice. that my 2 cents

    @naceto -- miss you too but can understand how busy you can get with all that you have on your plate.

    @Laurie-- totally understand the fear thing. I think fear has undermined me a lot in my life. You will do it and conquer this fear I am sure you will.

    @I really enjoy watching Both NCIS's and enjoy in The Middle, too.

    Fear that I will start going backwards regaining everything.

    Wednesday Wish: That I feel better tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful evening,

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Took my granddaughter who is a Senior shopping this afternoon. My oldest daughter is going to Kentucky for a conference. She came by for a short visit. My new cushions for the rattan sofa for the sunroom look fantastic. They really make the room. Now all I need is a valance for the windows.

    Now that we have cushions and most of our decorating is done, we can start having folks over and start doing some entertaining. Next week is New York and Canada and then there will be Halloween.

    GRAMMY - Are you stretching for your plantars? That helps some, but when I had the injection in my back for pain, surprize my plantars fascitis went away. Have had a few mild episodes since but nothing major. Hoping yours goes away soon, as it is extremely painful. Looked at your sucess and you are an inspiration.

    Naceto - I love your statement about being a warrior, lioness. I'm sure that strength has helped you suceed on this site. You are great.

    Lampie - Waling to the gym. That is turning a lemon into lemonade, for sure. Great going. Your hubby should be proud of you. We all are.

    Kaye - Congrats on the baby girl.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I will go back and read everyone's post but I need some guidance....My birthday is Saturday and I am stressing out over food, my kids ask me were I wanted to go for dinner. I said "let me get back to you" :frown: Tomorrow will be hard as well, I work in a special ed. class, we teach the children to hopefully take care of themselves, like light cooking, cleaning, shopping (life skills) Well the kids are making cupcakes for me tomorrow. It's so sweet, but I'm in panic mode. I need some tips to get me through this.

    Try not to panic. Make room in your log tomorrow for a cupcake and eat just one. You can put the rest in the teacher's lounge or hand them out to the other teachers at the end of the day so you aren't taking them home.

    Saturday eat light breakfast and lunch to leave extra calories for dinner. Think about what places are in town and check out their menu online before you decide. Almost all big chain restaurants and lots of mom and pop places have their menu posted. You should be able to find someplace that won't blow your macros out of the water but will still let you enjoy your birthday. You can decide what are going to eat before you leave so you're not pressured and panicking when the waiter gets to you. Someplace with a salad bar would be great. You can have a nice big salad with a vinaigrette dressing and maybe a grilled chicken breast with the house veggies.
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member

    Everyone whose trousers are falling down -- belts are your friend! They're a lot cheaper than a whole new wardrobe.

    On carbs; yesterday was a really low carb day and whaddaya know, the scale is moving. I think there might be something in this low carb thing, you know.

    Hope everyone's enjoying their Wednesday.

    -- Alison

    You cracked me up with belts are your friends! You are right and I need to get one, I'll be thinking of you when I get one. lol

    @naceto- it sounds like your having the time of your life, enjoy!:smile:

    @lizmil79- you gave me a few really good choices, thanks for your 2 cents, it's worth a lot more to me. :happy: I hope your feeling better soon. It's sounds like we have a lot in common with our jobs!

    @Lauriek70- I think it totally understandable your fears, I know when I am heavy I feel invisible (i like that) it my security blanket, but this time I'm going to push passed that, I want to fine the real me. I hope you find the answer your looking for.

    @MyM0wM0w- Thank you for all of your tips, I'm going to look online at a few places we like to eat, and see what is on the menu and I know that will make me feel more in control.

    I weight myself this morning and I lost 3lbs! :smile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I always feel uplifted when I read all of your posts. You are all successful in my book.
    Grammy--I had plantar faceitis for a long time. The podiatrist prescribed really expensive insoles for my shoes, which didn't help at all. He finally gave me a cortisone shot and I haven't had any trouble since (over 2 years). I hope that you can get some relief.
    I have been taught that fear and faith cannot coexist. I guess what we have to do is have more faith in ourselves and in a our Heavenly Father to help us over the tough stuff. There is always plenty of that.
    Good night. Here's hoping for a great day tomorrow. Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I weight myself this morning and I lost 3lbs! :smile:

    woohoooo!!! Grats!:flowerforyou:
  • andreabeatty
    Just checking in - been crazy the past few weeks. My husband had his surgery (all went great) but we lost his brother a week later and we are only just getting a personal life back that doesn't include daily trips to a doctor or hospital or family visits. I'll have to catch up later, just needed to find you all =)
  • lmackbethl
    @cathesh - sounds like a great gym with a wonderful pool! Swimming is so wonderful for my mind, soul, and body! I really want to get a swim spa (maybe if i save for five years), so I can swim all year long! I'm allergic to chlorine so i'm limited to lake/river/pond/ocean swimming in CT. :(
    @morgori -- i knew about ONEderland, but that's so far away for me... thanks for giving me a name for my goal -- Twoderville!!! I love it!
    @ohpampered -- congrats on the loss!
    @christine -- i think you asked about seeing a therapist on oxygen... for me, it would have nothing to do with the oxygen and everything to do with her or his skill as a therapist. if you want to get back to work part-time and are feeling well enough, give it a go!

    Wednesday Wish -- that I had an extra 30,000 to buy that swim spa now!
    Thursday Truth -- I can't really imagine myself thin either. I am far from it now, but in the past, I have hit the wall as I approach 200 pounds. Weight has always been a shield, protecting me from past traumas. Time to let go. Just need to figure out how.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Tina -- in the UK we have Options instant hot choc that's 40 cals a packet. I don't personally use it but lots of people think they're brilliant. If you're craving stuff then you need to find a way to work it into your plan, cos I agree that it's a mistake to feel guilty about food. Or just have the thing you want, say 'ok, I'm not logging today for *one day*', and then get started again the next day. Good luck; I think everyone has times when they just find it really tough.

    @Kaye -- congrats on your imminent granddaughter! That's lovely! And finger crossed all is going well for surgery. These waiting days are really hard, aren't they?

    @Jana -- tip for getting on with your running: put on your running shoes and walk out your front door. After that you can stop if you like, but I bet you won't.

    @LAMypie -- sorry about your shoes, but well done for getting to the gym!

    @Christine -- I'm not religious, but I'm never offended by people talking about their faith and how it works for them. In fact, I think that religious people should absolutely turn to their faith when they're facing challenges and seek spiritual support from friends, religious leaders and holy books. I think that's sort of what religion's for, right? I only get upset when people start to use their faith to tell me how I should behave -- and nobody on this thread ever does that.

    @Marsha -- so sorry about your feet.

    @ohpampered1 -- plan for a cupcake! They aren't going to want you to eat a dozen -- they all want cupcakes too. So just eat one, and if they ask, say, I have a rule never to eat more than one cupcake. The kids will understand rules, right? And they may even have that rule at home; my kids know that one! For your birthday, I think it's hard to beat Japanese food for a combination of delicious, nourishing and healthy. There are some deep fried things, though, so you do have to plan in advance a bit. But my daughter and I had a lovely sushi lunch last week for 500 calories each.

    @andrea -- good to hear from you; sorry life is such a rush for you at the moment.

    @lmackbethi -- some high end health clubs here have pools that are non-chlorine treated; I can't remember how the exact treatment works but it's much more pleasant than chlorine to swim in.

    Thursday Truth -- yes, I'm yet another person who can't really imagine being thin, and has several times worked back to ONEderland or thereabouts, started to feel better, and let it slip again. Not this time though, I keep saying, but inside there's that nagging doubt. It's especially hard on days like yesterday, where I felt really hungry all day and went over cals. But I'm just taking it one day at a time.

    On the plus side, I'm noticing that my whole family is starting to look better as we've ditched the takeaways and are eating healthily at dinner. Hubby's on MFP so that's deliberate, but my son was complaining that his school trousers are too loose, and my daughter bought a dress for this wedding six weeks ago; it was a tad tight when she bought it (it fitted but it took two people to do the zip up!) and now it's a perfect fit.

    Have a super day!

    -- Alison