Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    Had a decent day today. Walked outside for an hour.
    Weigh in on Sunday, hoping for good numbers.
    My diet has been great, I just wish this process was a lot faster

    I hear that. It's taken me 2 years to lose 50 lbs and I have at least that much more to lose. But I tell myself that 15 years ago I weighed 405 lbs at my top and now I'm 235. Plus lots of things have changed for me in the last 5 years or so that inhibit my weight loss. See I CAN'T walk or do the kinds of housework I used to. My knees don't bend at all anymore. I need knee replacements in both of them, but I have to lose weight first. 235 is still big for only 5 ft tall, but I can't dwell on that. My dietitian said that his goal is to get me to the point where I don't think much about eating things unless they can help my body. He wants me thinking nutrition first, then taste. Lets' just say I'm not there yet and can't imagine what that would be like. lol

    We can do this!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @flabflipper-- I also took about 2 years to lose 60 lbs. I kept it off for about 2 years and then, over the past school year, I've gained back 10. My goal right now is to lose that 10 plus an additional 20, and I know it will take time and patience. Like you, I find the support on here vital for me to keep going day after day-- even when it seems it's not making a difference. Just yesterday, I read through all of the recent posts of people making great choices in challenging situations and it motivated me to do the same when I went out to dinner last night.

    @wadrich and trinati-- good for you both for making great choices!!

    @celtik-- congrats on breaking out of the 220s!! It's always great to bust through those plateaus.

    @badnoodle-- Congrats!! Only four months to lose 50 lbs is incredible!! It took me close to 2 years to hit that mark.

    @toots-- You can have my fried pickles; I cannot stomach them. LOL

    Saturday Success:
    Well, as I mentioned above, after reading all of the successes of other posters yesterday afternoon, it inspired me to make better choices at dinner last night. My sister and I went to dinner and I got the grilled fish tacos and cole slaw rather than something more calorie heavy. I also skipped a cocktail with dinner to save the calories.

    After dinner we went to see Blondie. When I was 8 years old, me first "real" album was Parallel Lines, and I was hooked. It was such a great show, and we had a blast dancing through most of it. I treated my sister to the ticket for her birthday, so she wanted to buy me a drink at the show. It put me slightly over goal, but I'll make up for it today.

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 1/10
    Run at least 1.25/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    153 k done/ 847 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but mowed the lawn and gardened
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but mowed the lawn and gardened
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    @flabflipper - Thanks for the encouragement. Right after i posted this, someone put entememen's donut samples out at work. I took one, but didn't eat it. i put it back after lunch. Since I'm going to be in the field for the next 2 weeks, my coworker wanted to go out to lunch, so i watched my order, and filled my cup with ice and less soda.

    The cookies went ok, i only sampled a bite so i make sure the flavors were right. My husband brought me home a fancy (and very small, thank god) cake from this french bakery in Chicago. I made myself work work work on the dishes and cookies before having it. I got my arm workout in whipping frosting. Here are a small sample of what I made. i made almost all individual from each other except the scrubs, all of those looked identical. The grad went to school for Respiratory Therapy. They were a big hit today. I used to be a cake decorator and now i do fancy cookies for family and friend events. I have over 200 cookie cutters.


    I was very careful at the party, small portions of all the salads and sides, plus a veggie burger. I concentrated on kitten snuggles instead of food. I feel very successful after that sugar meltdown yesterday.
  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    I was very careful at the party, small portions of all the salads and sides, plus a veggie burger. I concentrated on kitten snuggles instead of food. I feel very successful after that sugar meltdown yesterday.

    Good for you!!! That's wonderful! And those cookies turned out great!
  • flabflipper314
    flabflipper314 Posts: 77 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound Sounds like you things on track in your journey. I guess slow and steady wins the race. hehe
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @moodybear2003 if I take something like a doughnut I am eating it. There is no putting it back. You have now shown me that it is possible. I don't think it is something that I'll try anytime soon...but thank you for the encouragement.

  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    @trinati2001 it helped that it was individually wrapped and had nutrition facts. i had to decide if it was worth it. In the end, it wasn't. I hope you find your strength soon!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @trinati-- I'm the same way with stuff at work. If I take a donut, I will eat it. One rule that I try (stress try, but don't always succeed) to follow is to hold off until 9th period (I'm a teacher and that's the last class period of our day). I tell myself all day, "you can have that donut 9th period." Usually, by that time, they are so picked over and have already lost that freshness that makes them so appealing at 8 am.

    @flabflipper-- I hope so! All of my summer clothes are on the tight side of comfy. :(

    @moodybear-- those cookies look awesome! Great idea to fill the cup with lots of ice!

    AFM-- I went shopping with a friend and she had a taste for a really awesome seafood place I haven't been to in decades. They are famous for their mai tais, so I had one, but I tried to make good choices for lunch by choosing green beans instead of fries or rice as my side. I will come back later to post my Sunday Share.

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 2/10
    Run at least 3/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    166 k done/ 834 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner + run outside DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat-- walk gunner
  • WIGirl1970
    WIGirl1970 Posts: 29 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound Bob Chinn's? Dying to go back again. Went to a seafood place in Milwaukee last night that didn't hold a candle to Chinn's. Good for you with your good trade offs! Big win!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sunday Share:
    For all of the newlings, I am Karen, and I teach HS English Literature--11th and 12th grade honors and AP levels-- in the suburbs of Chicago. I'm married with one fur-baby, my 10 yo boxer/shepherd named gunner. My SW was 247 lbs back in 2011 and I managed to get down to 185 in about 2 years and maintained that for a year through a regiment of heavy lifting and running. Then, a shoulder injury in fall 2014 sidelined the lifting, but I upped the cardio and stayed at 185 until last fall when a prolonged upper respiratory infection put a halt to any meaningful cardio. The lack of exercise and admittedly overindulgent holiday season led to a 10 lb gain. My current goal is to lose that 10 plus an additional 20 lbs.

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 2/10
    Run at least 3/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    166 k done/ 834 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + run outside DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat-- walk gunner
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    WIGirl1970 wrote: »
    @skinnyjeanzbound Bob Chinn's? Dying to go back again. Went to a seafood place in Milwaukee last night that didn't hold a candle to Chinn's. Good for you with your good trade offs! Big win!!

    Yes!! I haven't been there in years--probably close to 20! I forgot how good it is.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-In ... The scale thinks I lost 6 pounds of weight this week, my mind knows it is 6 pounds of excess water retention; and thank God for that because my feet and legs feel so much better! Still tender when I press on the skin, and still leave dimples behind from my toes to my knees but now when I look at my legs they don't look puffed up, and my favorite pair of shoes fit again.

    I know it's not fat weight loss because my calorie intake has been more in the maintenance range and my deficit goal is for a conservative 0.50 pound a week loss. No, I don't eat back exercise calories, because I do not exercise beyond routine physical therapy type movement.
    NY Niki
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @trinati-- I'm the same way with stuff at work. If I take a donut, I will eat it. One rule that I try (stress try, but don't always succeed) to follow is to hold off until 9th period (I'm a teacher and that's the last class period of our day). I tell myself all day, "you can have that donut 9th period." Usually, by that time, they are so picked over and have already lost that freshness that makes them so appealing at 8AM

    One think I have noticed is that if I tell myself I cannot have something....then that is the only thing that I want. For example: I made a bet with my friend to give up chocolate for a month. I don't normally eat it more than once a week...but that month I thought about it 24/7 and even dreamed about it.

    So I have to play games with myself. @skinnyjeanzbound With doughnuts I say I can 100% have one... in the afternoon. And by they are so picked over that it is easier to pass them up.

    For candy I can eat it if I want long as it isn't from a permanently located candy dish (my boss and multiple coworkers have "good" candy always on their desks).

    Because I've noticed that I will also escalate. If I eat one from the candy dish today it will be 2 tomorrow and more the next day. Then I will make excuses to go to that desk to get more.

    It had taken me 3 years of being on and off WW to realize these things about myself, but know that I know them it makes it easier to loose weight!!

    Does anyone else have to play these stupid games with themselves??

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share: I’m Tracy and I live in North Dakota with my husband of almost 21 years and our two kids (both have birthdays this month and are going to be 15 (Jacob) and 10 (Emma). I just started a new job. I manage a team that handles direct ships for a manufacturing company and I love it. I love being out with people again and just having adult conversations during the day. Still adjusting to set hours and the mental exhaustion that comes with learning a new job, but it’s going great. The not so great part was that I need to dress up Monday – Thursday, so I had to buy some new clothes (8 years of working where jeans were acceptable dress all week and then almost 4 years of pajamas and yoga pants left quite a hole in my closet when it came to dress clothes. Even church clothes were low in volume since I’m a member of the choir and wear a choir robe every Sunday )

    I’ve wrapped up my 6 months of dietician appointments. They have sent off my request for the Sleeve surgery to my insurance and we should hear in the next 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very successful during those 6 months so I’ve got to kick it in high gear now to lose at least another 10 pounds before a date is set. (I was in the mind set of “one more time before I have the surgery.” Someone told me to have a food funeral day and then start to focus. I did that this weekend. I know that ultimately I’ll be able to eat any type of food in very small doses, but that’s at least 4 -6 months from surgery). My work doesn’t have short term disability kick in until August 11th, so I have some time, but….

    @trinati2001…I think we all play some games with ourselves. One I’ve used is that I need to finish a 24 oz bottle of water before I can think of anything else to drink before lunch. By the time I’ve drunk that, I’m usually okay with skipping something else. And then I do the same in the afternoon…another 24 oz before I could grab something…

    @nouriapolis…welcome. I’ve been on this thread off and on for a couple years (more off recently), but I keep coming back to it. The folks here are so welcoming and helpful. Keep coming back!

    Fitness Goals:
    Monday – work at VBS (get more steps in)
    Tuesday – work at VBS
    Wednesday – work at VBS
    Thursday – off
    Friday – cardio at the gym
    Saturday - ??? My kids and husband will be back from visiting friends and family out of state, so we’ll hang out together. Maybe some geocaching!

    I’m really hoping to make this thread a daily occurrence for me again. See ya tomorrow!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tracy-- nice to see you back! I was just wondering about you and how the new job is going--I think it was moodybear's decorated cookies that brought to mind your fabulous cakes.

    @nouriapolis-- welcome!! Some of us have been on here for years, but we are always welcoming new folks to the mix. I have a friend who's visiting Montreal right now and all of her FB pics make me want to go there. It looks lovely!

    @trinati-- I'm the same way! If you tell me I can never have something again, it's a lost cause. I guess I'm just a rebel at heart. :naughty:
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    Monday check in: I did just fine this weekend. I have strictly stuck to the diet that I have set for myself. The numbers on the scale continue to move downward. I feel good about my resolve and staying with this for 3 weeks now. The only thing that I haven't stuck with is exercise. I had started on the treadmill trying to walk 30 min. a day, but that only lasted 2 days. I'm trying to tell myself that it's okay that I didn't do it this weekend since I spent a good bit of time outside doing yard work and then even went to the lake and went swimming with the family yesterday. Although really just waded around and watched after my little ones, so it's not like I really exercised. But it was good to get off the couch and get outside. So now it is back to the same ol' M-F routine. I will get back on that treadmill tonight.
  • nouriapolis
    nouriapolis Posts: 20 Member
    @NewCaddy thank you :) im banking on the both of us making this thread a daily occurrence

    @skinnyjeanzbound thanks!! Montreal is great! 100% would recommend :p
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    It's Monday, and I'm remembering to check in! That's a miracle in and of itself!

    I love knowing that I am not the only one battling cravings and apathy when it comes to exercise. Not that it is OK to give in to either one on a regular basis, but that stuff happens, and in real life only the most dedicated souls avoid those things every day. I find little ways to keep myself going and take some inspiration from here.

    I signed up for the Amazing Race summer version that starts this week. Hopefully that will help me remain accountable for the exercise portion. I still don't dance, but I'll at least try most of the other challenges with varying degrees of success. The idea that teammates, even though I only know them through the computer, are counting on me doing my part seems to help. My ten pound goals seem to take for freaking ever to achieve, so I'm setting a mini goal of five pounds by July 4th.

    Saturday night's visit with my daughter and her colleagues was fun, we wandered around the shops picking up souveniers, and then twelve people tried to decide on a restaurant... while the group was battling over food preferences and allergies, she and I excused ourselves, found a place we both liked, and rejoined the group later. I'm really glad we did that, because the rest of the crowd ended up at a tapas restaurant that was 90% seafood and neither one of us would have been happy. I did avoid several desserts that were offered, and the temptation to get a treat at the Ben & Jerry's store, so that was a little victory!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @celtik-- is that challenge a group here on MFP?

    @wadrich-- Good job sticking with the food plan. Exercise is good too, but good nutrition and eating at a deficit is definitely more important for weight loss. You can't outrun your fork. Trust me, I've been trying to do it for the past couple of years with no success. That's why I've refocused on my food intake.

    Monday Check-in:
    No movement on the scale, but I know from past experience that it usually takes my scale about 3 weeks to catch up with a change in my calorie allowance. I will not get discouraged! I started the day off badly by eating some leftover au gratin potatoes for breakfast. I know better than to start my day off with carbs. :blush: As a result, I had a really hungry afternoon. Luckily, I had to take gunner for his yearly check-up and shots, so that kept me out of the house for a while and busy. Sad that it took a nearly $500 vet bill to keep me from snacking. LOL On the bright side, the vet said gunner looks to be in good shape barring anything showing up in his bloodwork--we will get those results tomorrow. Why is it that human lab results take longer than animal lab results??

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 3/10
    Run at least 6/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    171 k done/ 829 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + run outside DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat-- walk gunner