Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... so far this week I am on track to have 7 sessions of workouts done by Sunday. Today I mowed the front lawn with the push mower for 30 minutes, tomorrow I need to cut the back lawn. I cannot believe how my 'dead' grass is coming back to life with the rain we had last week and this week, and the cooler temps. I cut on Monday for 90 minutes (not all at once, did the front in the morning and the back in the afternoon). I'm hoping that the core stability and leg/foot/shoulder range of motion exercises I'm doing will keep me walking. It scares me something silly when I'm standing still at the kitchen counter and both my legs fall asleep on me; I almost fell down from it the other night.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Week, my husband and I headed to Target. It was slow walking for 30-40 minutes but by the end I was exhausted. Well go again tomorrow for another one.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    So sorry I have not been around! I have been logging my food in.

    I just didn't cause I was so burned out not sure what I had to offer.

    My husband and I are reaching a turning point in our relationship! In the past we had issues but I had thought those days were past us. But reality came hitting me in the face! I know I need to pick us up My daughter and I get out of here! Money is tight so we stay just a vacation to clear our heads mine more than hers I need clarity.

    More info than you need! My food is ok.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @liz-- I hope you can get some time to reflect for yourself and your daughter.

    @tracy-- glad to hear the surgery went well. Don't try to do too much too soon.

    @kaye-- glad you are seeing progress after getting back on the wagon. :smile:

    @cj-- Yes, and teachers make the worst students. ;) I hope you feel better soon.

    @pneschich -- welcome to the thread. Good point about logging making us more aware of what and when we are eating. Congrats on your progress so far and not giving up due to your plateau.

    @laurie-- good to see you back. Hope the meetings let up soon and you get some time for yourself. Sometimes we just have to say no to more and more commitments.

    AFM--Calories have been okay though today I'm nearly at goal (due to joining friends for drinks) and still hungry. Tomorrow will be my maintenance day. I'm going to try to get to the gym or at least run outside in the morning. I'm going to see Prophets of Rage tomorrow night. I wanted to go when I first heard they were touring, but my one friend who wanted to join me is out of town for a wedding. Then today after work a colleague said he is going and has 3 extra tickets, so 2 other work friends and I are going--spur of the moment. It's a little over an hour from my house, so we got a hotel near the venue. Should be a lot of fun. :)

    Friday Fitness:
    It was a very slow week for me fitness-wise. Other than walking Gunner, the only real calories I burned was mowing the lawn. I will be re-doing my running goals. Though I made progress, I didn't make my goals and sort or fizzled out the last week. I'm doing a strength challenge and logging challenge on my other group thread.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/82 Short stories
    2. 17/40 AP writing screeners

    Fitness Goals for the month of September:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week:
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week:
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    256 k done/ 744 k to go :smile: PAST the 25% mark!!

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside NOT DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + Mow lawn DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside NOT DONE
    Fri-- rest day WALKED GUNNER
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym or run outside

  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    @Nikion901 the sleeve is not reversible but it does not alter your anatomy. The sleeve has the possibility of stretching back out to the original size of your stomach if you don't change your eating habits. This means that your stomach wall is thinner and can lead to all sorts of complications to include mal-absorption and ulcers that can become serious. The gastric bypass and Lap band are reversible but the lap band can sometimes cause necrosis and often makes the pt vomit if they eat too fast or too much. The gastric bypass, even though it changes your anatomy it is reversible and usually gives the best results but that depends on the surgeon and how big of a pouch he makes for your pseudo-stomach. If he he makes it too big you can eat more and may not loss the weight you desire, and if he makes it too small then you mal-absorption issues and vomiting.

    I am by no means an expert on these surgeries, I too have considered having the surgery. I have had my Sister-in-law, my brother and my Mother have the gastric bypass and all three are great success stories. My mother was the last to have it in Sept 2015 and she has lost over 150 lbs she now weighs in at 195 (less than me) and she is still continuing to lose. Both my brother and his wife have reached their goal weight and as my brother says look great in clothes but neither likes the way they look naked. They both have such stretched, sagging skin that hate the way their abdomen and arms sag. They both wish they could afford the plastic surgery to remove their excess skin, but unfortunately insurance paid for the gastric bypass but won't pay for the removal of excess skin.

    @NewCaddy please don't take any offense at anything I wrote. Like I said I have considered and I am seriously still considering having the surgery, so I admire your courage to have it done. I hope that you have the same success that my family has had. Just remember to continue taking your vitamins and keep your protein high.
  • luftnell
    luftnell Posts: 3 Member
    I'm here & I've started this long silent journey but I am determined to get to my destination and hopefully be the wiser and a few friends wealthier when I get there.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    Saturday Success ... I've taken an inventory of my food 'stores' ... and realize that I have a huge stockpile of food.

    I needed to do this today because I didn't make it to the grocery store yesterday; my cars power steering line busted on the way there and the car is in the repair shop waiting for service, which won't happen until after the holiday weekend is over and the new supply line comes in. I had the AAA Auto Car Center courtesy van driver stop at a gas station stop'n'go and picked up a gallon of milk so I would have staple on hand. Made yogurt from half of it yesterday, half of which is draining to make Greek Yogurt, (I prefer the regular yogurt, but like to have some Greek style on hand also).

    The only issue with my food supply is it is all 'whole' ... meaning that I have to cook as there is nothing that is grab and go or put together in a jiff. Now to figure out a menu plan! ... and get defrosting proteins and cooking.

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend as this is the one that traditionally ends the summer season. My sis will celebrate her 75th birthday but I won't be able to visit her 'cause of the car situation.

    Welcome to the new posters ... newbies ... I hope you find a 'home' here during your weight-loss journey.

    @CJ.... thanks for the info on the stomach surgeries. I still want to try to get to a better weight on my own, but if I don't make significant strides ... like break out of the 200's, then I will have to revisit it next year. My goal for my 72nd birthday next March is now out of reach, but I can still work on breaking the 2's by then ... as I lose weight very slowly and regain it very quickly, in part thanks to my insulin resistance and poor physical condition, and in part because I still sporadically overeat often enough that I keep stalling my forward motion.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @cjbrummet ...I'm not offended because its such a personal choice, but I do want to make a correction. The gastric sleeve removes the stretchiest part of the stomach. So while you can stretch it a bit by eating too much, you can never go back to having a stomach as large as before. From talking with my doctor and the research I've done, maybe you can stretch it to hold 2 cups instead of the intended 1 cup at a time.

    Plus with any WLS, you can keep all the weight off or you can go back to your old habits and eat "around" the tool. I have to make good choices. If I choose to fill my 1 cup (eventually -- right now just small sips at a time) with protein and healthy choices, I'll do fine. if I choose to fill it with Doritos or ice cream, i'll be right back where I started. That's why I'm glad my insurance and my doctor believe in the nutritionist as part of the plan. The insurance required 6 months before approving it but my doctor includes a lifetime of nutritionist visits with the cost of the surgery. So if I want to meet with her monthly, I can. Or if i hit a tough spot down the road, I can meet with her then too.

    @Nikion901 congrats on the 7 pounds! That's awesome. Have you tried the egg noodles with whole wheat? I haven't but it might be worth it for you. Like I said before, one of the things about the sleeve is that the weight comes off a bit more slowly than the by-pass. I'm hoping that will allow my skin to adjust to lower weights better than such a drastic change. Time will tell. have such a heavy grading schedule. all that writing. Amazing you can keep up at all. I am trying to take it easy. It's funny because the range of how people bounce back from this surgery ranges so drastically. I met a lady at the store one day that was 6 days out of surgery (heavier than me) and she had energy to spare, a pep in her walk and was in love with life. Others I hear take up to 4 weeks to get back to work. I'm in between. Right now any twists cause me a lot of pain but I can get up and down by myself with a small grimace. I just have to keep pushing myself enough to get up and walk a bit -- slowly but surely.

    @Laurie...nice to see you here again. Busy schedules can be killers to our goals. How to find a right balance -- good luck with that and when you do, sell it for millions. :)

    @pneschich Good luck on the less than 300 --- that would be a fun level to pass. You can do this. And the support definitely comes from this thread.

    @Liz...sorry to hear about your problems with the hubby. Been there done that and I hope things become clear on exactly what you need to do and the means in which to do them.

    @lufnell...welcome! This is a great thread. Very helpful people.

    Saturday Success: I'm below 250 for the first time in many, many months.

    AFM...I felt hunger for the first time this morning. Nothing I can really do about that yet as I still have 3 days on clear liquids before I get something a bit more filling. I'm drinking my water but I have to actually focus on that. in the past, I was a "oh yeah, drink some water" and guzzle for a while. Now it has to be small sips all day long and i'm still getting used to that. My doctor said to focus on water over protein right now because I run a bigger risk of getting dehydrated. Next week will be a bit easier to add in protein and meet that goal. My goal is 48 oz this week and so far I've hit 40 (which according to some support groups is actually pretty good but my goal is to hit that 48 yet this week).

    Well, hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend!!!

  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    We are enjoying very nice weather right now. It is cooler out more Fall like! I am not ready for Fall but i do admit that the cooler weather gave me more of a boost of energy! Able to get extra stuff done around here. Went to the Y no Pickleball class so I walked the indoor track.

    Went into Boise meant some friends for coffee! Went to one of our favorite places The Lift love that place such a nice environment. We sit around the fire pit and just had nice conversation it was nice to listen to and focus on others.

    That is my Saturday hope you all have a nice one!
    Thank you!

  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    edited September 2016
    Saturday success, not the one I wanted. Maybe tomorrow, but it's ok. I feel great. I kayaked for an hour and a half walked over 3 miles in under an hour and only had 1300 calories of healthy food. 18624 steps too! Made a new grilled chicken recipe with a balsamic and Ketsup BBQ sauce at under 300 calories for the whole breast, i had half, and steamed broccoli a 150 calorie roll too.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    OK, how did I gain a pound and a half???
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited September 2016
    @pneschich - Try not to fret too much over it. Did you eat something salty? Have you used the washroom lately? Sometimes your body can retain a bit of water for seemingly no reason, but it should be flushed out soon! Just keep sticking to plan and that water weight will go away eventually!

    @NewCaddy - Will you be on protein shakes after that and if so, will you be limited on the types of ingredients you can add? I have tons of yummy protein shake recipes I could share if that would be helpful! :) My mom's doctor keeps pushing her to get WLS... I really hope she considers it soon, I think it could be life-saving for her.

    @Nikion901 - I'm in the same position, with my pantries full of stuff I have to cook from scratch. I've been pretty good about it all week but today I was feeling lazy with dinner since my chicken breasts hadn't thawed out so I caved and ordered some delivery rotisserie chicken. At least it's not too terrible, calorie-wise... haha. I need to do better with planning my meals more than a couple days ahead.

    Not much news from me, which is why I don't post very often though I do read the forums almost everyday. Just keepin' on keepin' on with walking and watching my calorie intake. Today I reached a milestone of 50 lbs lost and now I'm at 226.8, down from 277 lbs at my starting weight. Hoping to see Onederland by Christmas but that might be a little too enthusiastic. Still gonna try to make that a reality!

    I hope everyone has had a great weekend and enjoys their Labour Day holiday!
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    Wow @pinkatarberry congrats on the 50 lbs loss. May they continue to melt away.

    I just got back from holidays, time to get the kids ready for the new school year and plan meals for the week. Glad we have the day tomorrow.
  • waywhit1517
    waywhit1517 Posts: 16 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Robin and Everyone, Into Week 2 now and looking forward to the Journey although I know it will be a difficult one.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... and hi to all the posters this week, new and returning. @pinkstarberry ... that is a really good weight loss you have made! I've still got a bit to go to reach that first 50 pound loss mark. Have you had people asking what your program is or what you have been doing that got this loss for you? If not, then I'm asking not only that but how you kept up with it. Setbacks have plagued me all along ... and I'm embarassed to say how long it has been that I have been working on it.

    I've always followed the 50% carb recommendation, and the eat your breakfast (including eat small meals and snacks) and all sorts of other helpful weight reduction tips that are touted by the 'professionals' and all of them would work for a short while but I always plataue and then get discouraged. Then I decided to let my own body guide me to how often to eat and started removing specific carbs from my grocery list. I think if I can get the insulin resistance improved I might finally have some success ... and that involves increased activity as well as food modification. When I had to make an inventory of my pantry this week I realized that I have been eating 'whole foods' ... I think some call it 'clean eating'. .. and that I have been increasing the time between meals to the point that I can qualify my approach as the 'Intermittent fasting' approach. ... Gees, it kind of feels good to add these 2 new labels to how I am fighting obesity!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @waywhit1517 and @luftnell -- welcome to the thread!

    @pinkstarberry -- congrats on reaching that milestone!

    @pneschich -- with all of that activity on Saturday, your muscles are probably retaining water. Don't fret.

    @liz-- we are also enjoying some truly gorgeous weather here in chicago. Hope it lasts a good, long while before the snow starts to fall.

    @tracy-- yes, there is a lot of writing in both of the courses I teach, but it's worth the caliber of students I get and not having to deal with the immaturity of 14 year olds. When I used to teach freshmen, I spent less time grading, but a lot more time communicating with parents, so it's definitely a trade-off.

    @niki-- my DH just went through our freezer and cleared out some stuff that's been in there for way too long. With just the two of us, it's easy to shove something in the back and forget about it. Sorry about your car troubles.

    Sunday Share:
    I'm continuing to do well with my new approach using the fitness tracker's calorie burn -500. I did my one day of maintenance calories yesterday--much of the calories were in the form of beer b/c I went to see Prophets of Rage with some friends last night. I managed a 2 mile run outside beforehand. That combined with all the dancing added up to almost 1400 calories according to my fitness tracker. I was not able to eat the almost 900 calories that allowed me beyond my BMR for today which is a good thing b/c I was almost completely sedentary today. I still have 600+ calories in the bank which makes up for not burning my minimum goal of 500. At least I can eat my BMR tomorrow and know I'm still maintaining my 500 calorie deficit.

    I didn't get any grading done this weekend, so tomorrow will be dedicated to that along with some exercise.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/82 Short stories
    2. 17/40 AP writing screeners

    Fitness Goals for the month of September:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week:
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 24:12
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    259 k done/ 741 k to go :smile: PAST the 25% mark!!

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @pinkstarberry. I follow the same routine every morning. I'm a chemist and I try to eliminate variables so, up, let dog out ,make coffee, visit the loo then weigh myself every morning. It was just disappointing after such a great Saturday. I'm still on cloud nine over kayaking and walking the same day. Then waking up today and not feeling like a bus ran me over. I'm not gonna fret I'm going fishing
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    Monday Check-in ...I'm still working to getting closer to my mini goal and have 5 more pounds to go to get there. I had a good weight loss this week, and also ended the month lower than I was at the beginning ... that burb in the middle of the month has had me pouring over my spreadsheets and calculations. This past week was the first time I have ever religously logged exercise into MFP and recorded the calorie expenditure it gave me ... I'm not using it to base my food intake on, right now it's just another piece of information I'm tracking to see how it will fit in ... all to keep myself interested in this journey.

    One thing I realized today is that I should be reporting everything with any caloric value at all that passes my lips ... I haven't been posting my nutritional suppliments and medications and realized today that some of them have calories because of how they are encapsuled or ingredients that buffer the medication/suppliment ... that will, over time, make a difference. i never thought about it before, but one of my pills has 8 calories per pill. That adds up over time!

    This week's goals are to keep my calorie intake between 1200-1600 a day AND, now that I am keeping track of exercise, to figure out the deficit I have daily basing the exercise at 90% of MFP calories and my allowed calories both taken off the input amount. I really want that 500 calorie deficit day to help me lose 1 pound a week. ... or more acurately, I want to have a deficit that equls the exercise expenditure as MFP is already set at a daily deficit. .... or something like that ... it's all part of the new interest in more number crunching. :) ... Enjoy Labor Day!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Liz...that coffee shop sounds pretty neat. Nice place to meet up with friends.
    @pneschich...great activity level and a nice healthy meal.
    @pink.... yes, I'll start protein shakes tomorrow. There are limits as to what I can add at this point, but eventually anything I want. I'll definitely reach out when I need some new ideas! Congrats on 50 lbs -- that is awesome!
    @Nikion901 ...ending the month lower than starting is a great accomplishment -- keep going!

    AFM...things were going better and then I had a rough day yesterday. Got my monthly visitor so I'm going to blame part of it on that. The night before though, I felt comfortable lying on my side at night and I think that caught up with me too. I stayed on my back last night and felt better again today. I'm so ready to be able to get in a car and drive and walk again, but I don't want to push too much. I make sure i walk around the house and do some stairs several times a day to get my walking in. It's been raining the last two days so that helps with me not wanting to be outside, but a week inside is getting the best of me. I'm excited to start trying some "fuller" fluids tomorrow. I've been having a real hard time getting my protein in this week as I pretty much hate all "clear" protein drinks. I get to add milk / pudding / cream of wheat / cream soups / mashed potatos /scrambled eggs and pureed fruit to my diet. My doctor reminds me that I need to listen to my body though because it might be ready for all, some or none of it right away. We'll see tomorrow I guess. They have a list of the stuff to start with and what should wait for later in the week so I'll build up.

    Hope you all had a great Labor to you later!

  • jonalyn1
    jonalyn1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, my name is Jonny. I am just starting with the MyFitnesspal, logging food etc. and thought it would be helpful if I plugged into the online support. Thank you!