Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Nikion901 and @skinnyjeanzbound thank you for the suggestions. I'll probably wind up somewhere in between. I'm definitely going to look at that weblink.
    So I've had 3 bad days in a row. At least today I logged it all. Friday and Saturday I just gave up when it started to look ugly. I know the scale will let me know how bad it was. Today I actually stayed under, but I ate most of my exercise calories, which I don't like to do.
    Yesterday Cathy and I did the run/walk for Angel Wings. It was hard! It was only a 5k, but it was at the Rolling Hills Golf Course here in town. There is a reason it is named Rolling Hills! The way it was set up they had a one mile course and a 2.5k course set up. In order to walk the 5k you had to go around twice. Cathy and I did the whole thing, but we were just 2 of a handful of people that actually did the whole thing. It was a beautiful morning. Next is the FitOne in Boise in 2 weeks. I'm signed up to walk the 10k which I did last year, but I'm pretty out of shape compared to last year. I hope that I can do it. We may have to drop back to the 5k.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    Sunday Share and Monday Check in

    Well good news I got the job I wanted. My last day here at my current hospital is Saturday night. Then I will start working Day shift 730 to 330 in the Cath Lab 5 days a week at a different hospital. I got a decent raise and I am excited to start something new. My DH is just excited that I will be on the same shift as him for the first time in 20 years. I will have to work 5 days a week instead of my usual 3 but they will only be 8 hours instead of 12 so I think I can handle it.

    I have been sticking close to my diet since I got back from vacation and I am slowly and steadily losing the weight. I still have not gone to work out. I have been to busy between working one job and doing the interview and the physicals for my new job. I hope the steady schedule will help me start to develop a routine so I can work out and maybe get a workout buddy to meet up with. All my old friends that I used to run with are all on day shift so now that I will be on the same shift we can see about meeting up with them again. I miss running but I am having a hard time getting started.

    I also cleaned out my closet and donated a lot of clothes shoes and purses to women's shelter charity thrift store. I can actually move my clothes that are on hangers in my closet. My granddaughter even went through her toys and stuffed animals and gave me three large bags of stuff that she wants to give to some children who had to leave all their toys behind when they moved. I was very proud of her she is only 7 years old and most kids never want to give their stuff away.

    Needless to say I am having a great week. I hope I really enjoy this new job, I am excited to learn something new.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-In
    I ended this week up 0.02 pounds over last week ... had a let down in my activity from Thursday on and that coincided with an uptick where I ate at maintenance instead of loss level. A new week starts today and I have simplified my goals:
    1 - Calorie intake between 1200-1600 calories per day
    2 - Workout Goal is to accumulate activity calories (MFP exercise database) on 3 to 6 days this week.
    3 - Count my water intake and give myself 1 point for every 8-oz glass of unsweetened (inc. artificial) beverage.
    4 - Work on minimizing computer/sitting time.

    @cjbrummet ...Congratulations on getting that job!
    @grandmakaye44 ...When I read your post I thought, me too! In my case, I realize that I still need to work on not turning to poor habits when I need a band-aid for some emotional stress.
    @skinnyjeanzbound ... I keep reading articles that say you don't need to exercise to lose weight, but I find that when I don't exercise my eating becomes less careful than when I do ... so, like you, I need both in my daily life.
    @pinkstarberry ... Oh good that you think any tomato sauce will work cause right now I don't have a supply of fresh tomatoes on hand and might not get some by the time it's chicken day in my house. Of course, I still have to make a sauce because I only stock whole canned tomatoes in the pantry.
    @dancing_chemical ... I can relate to your feelings of having your life on hold until you get to the shape you want to be in because I've had feelings like that at times also. But believe me, those thoughts close you off from being able to form the relationships you are missing. Perhaps talking things through with a counselor or an adult you respect can help you love yourself and open up to the possibilites all around you?
    @FlabtoFab209 ... welcome aboard. I started at 100+ and am now at about 73+ ... it's been a very long and slow process for me, but I've improved my health and learned a lot along the way.

    Ooops ... the timer just rang. Time to say goodby and have a great week everyone.
    Still trying to follow through with consistent effort
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    What a great post. Congrats on the new job, especially as it means being on the same shift as your husband. My husband was on evenings for years and when he finally got on days the whole family loved it. The 5 day work week may take some getting used to but the routine should help you get in your exercise, especially if you reconnect with running friends. And yay on the closet clean and an even bigger yay for your fabulous granddaughter.
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Welllll, it has been a good minute since I've been to this thread, so I thought I would try this again.

    Today is Monday, so, I'll start with that: Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)
    I moved in June to live with my family (which I may have stated earlier.. can't recall what I posted before, sorry) and they go out to eat, A LOT. So, I haven't even cooked since I moved! Well, that is, until yesterday! I cooked some eggs, which isn't really a big deal but then it kinda is. Healthy choices CAN be made out and about but it's harder and I know it's better to cook at home and it's cheaper to buy food and prepare it rather than it being packaged or bought ready made. So, that was a win. I'm really wanting to eat less fast food and eat healthier fresher fruit and vegetables.

    I'm also trying to be more active, I haven't been in the gym in about 2 months, I've just felt too tired and overwhelmed to do it even though I know that the benefits outweigh any discomfort. It's a new gym location for me and just not used to it.. plus I've gained some weight so I've lost the confidence and my gym clothes don't fit me as well = ( We have an elliptical trainer at home but honestly I'm just feeling tired and lazy.. I just don't feel motivated at all for fitness and nutrition, though I am trying harder nutritionally now.

    I've also done Intermittent Fasting (IF) for awhile now and still do it off and on along with OMAD (One Meal A Day). I thought OMAD would be great since it limits calories to one plate ( thought I don't always do a plate, maybe a bowl or an extra side) I am still trying it but I give in to the hunger which isn't as bad as you would think and I feel energetic before my meal.

    Anywho, trying to push myself to start the fire again burning because I just can't seem to get with the program. I need to get organized and plan my meals out and plan workouts. I do have walking planned with a friend weekly to walk for about an hour+ but I need to start buckling down. I care but then I don't.. I'm in tough spot and I know I'm the only person that can get myself out but encouragement helps and eating better will help plus trying to get in more activity in general. I know this journey isn't easy but I'm making it harder..
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    Tuesday Goals: My goals for the week

    I want to work out at least three times a week, whether I run, use the gym weights or go to a class. I have to work again tonight then not again until Saturday so I hope to go at least once in between, maybe twice but I will be happy with at least once.

    I also need to hem my granddaughters new pants so she can wear them for school. Also go shopping and use the shopping cash coupons we earned before they expire, so back to Children's place to buy little girl even more clothes.

    I will be going to meet the teacher tonight for a bit until my husband can be there to relieve me so I can go to work.

    No more cheating on my diet. Last night my friend at work surprised me and sent me Tiff's Treats cookies and a very thoughtful note saying how much she will miss working with me. It made me tear up, so to console myself I had 2 I shared the rest with my coworkers.

    I am sure I have a hundred other things to do this week but those are the only ones that come to mind.

    @WhovianFitNHealthy I am sure everyone can tell a hundred different ways to lose weight so take everyone's advice with a grain of salt including Fasting and One meal a day diets don't work because your body goes into starvation mode and instead of burning the stored fat cells you have it creates more to save for later. You should really eat 5 to 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism up. So whether you chose to count carbs, calories or fat grams you have to eat to lose weight. Find one of your friends here on MFP that is successfully losing weight and take a peak into their Food Diary and you will see that they are eating often. I never cook and I understand the struggle to stay on a diet while eating out but I can usually find something to eat that fits my diet of low carbs. Even if I have to eat a cheeseburger I just don't eat the bun and get a salad instead of fries. Also if I want something in particular to eat, I eat it, I just try and keep the portions small.

    @dreawest thanks for your kind words and I am feeling both a combination of excited and scared at the changes that I will be experiencing. My husband is making jokes about me being his Sugar Momma now that I will be making more money than

    @Nikion901 0.02 weight change is monitoring just a little too closely for me. I thought I was a bit anal when I track to 0.1 lbs. I think that amount weight loss or gain can be considered no Seriously though don't fret about that small of an increment. Keep up the good work and your increased activity.

    @grandmakaye44 Good job on doing the 5K whether you walked or ran it good job. I keep saying I want to start doing some races again. When I used to run all the time I did the 10K mud run and I also did the 5K Foam Glow race both were fun. I hope to reconnect with my old running friends so I can do a few races this year.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member

    cjbrummet wrote: »
    @Nikion901 0.02 weight change is monitoring just a little too closely for me. I thought I was a bit anal when I track to 0.1 lbs. I think that amount weight loss or gain can be considered no Seriously though don't fret about that small of an increment. Keep up the good work and your increased activity. ..........

    I think you misunderstood me, I could have said this past week was no change. I simply step on the scale and write down the number then plug it into my spreadsheet and ... viola ... out pops the difference from weight 1 to 2. What was interesting to me were the average calories based on the maintenance level of weight change indicated. It's all good practice for when I go on maintenance on purpose.

    As you said to @WhovianFitNHealthy ... everyone has their own idea of what works to lose weight and each one has merits or demerits. Actually, I have read research that says for some people the way to weight loss is exactly longer wait times between last meal-first meal ... who knows really anyway? The body is such an intricate self-maintaining organism that probably the best way to lose weight is the way that fits into your lifestyle so that you can keep it up for the rest of your life, either in the loss or maintenance stage of the journey.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,972 Member
    @pinkstarberry that is AWESOME!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @pinkstarberry that is AWESOME!
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    @cjbrummet and @Nikion901 Thanks so much for your replies. I've actually done quite a bit of research and there is scientific evidence that fasting can bring many benefits. One benefit is burning more fat along with evening out insulin levels. Starvation mode isn't what people think it is, there's a lot of misinformation out there.

    I'm also not a big breakfast person, mainly because I'd rather sleep in and not always that hungry in the morning. It fits my schedule. It really does depend on the person and I definitely have done research on it and others have been successful. Will I continue this forever, not sure because I haven't done it for more than 3 days but I do like intermittent fasting where I fast for 14-18 hours and then eat in a 10-6 hour window depending, so like I would start eating at 4:30pm for example and then stop eating at 12:30am for example if I did 16:8. I actually feel good doing it but I do appreciate the concern.
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    As you said to @WhovianFitNHealthy ... everyone has their own idea of what works to lose weight and each one has merits or demerits. Actually, I have read research that says for some people the way to weight loss is exactly longer wait times between last meal-first meal ... who knows really anyway? The body is such an intricate self-maintaining organism that probably the best way to lose weight is the way that fits into your lifestyle so that you can keep it up for the rest of your life, either in the loss or maintenance stage of the journey.

  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    I started my lifestyle changes back at the end of May. Got my Garmin Vivofit2 on June 26th and got much more involved in making changes with it as a monitoring device. I'm happy to say that I'm almost to my first goal. As of this morning I'm only 2.8 pounds away! So I've lost a total of 34.2 pounds so far. I'm much more comfortable with my nutrition program now and I'm getting more comfortable with the walking program. There are days I just plain don't want to do it, but I just say to myself, it's ok to feel that way, but you'll be much happier with yourself and your life at the end of the day, if you just carry on with the plan. Then I do my best to get going and be vigilant with my food intake and by the end of the day, I was right! And on days that things happen and life goes awry and so does my efforts, I just smile and think, it's not the end of the world and don't go getting all dramatic about it and end up getting in a funk! So far that works for me. Thanks for the encouragement I get from reading your posts! We are truly in this together!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,972 Member
    @campfirequeen1 I have a vivofit2 as well! Love it!
    I should take a pahe from your playbook about doing 'it' even when I dont feel like it. Truely inspiring!
    Congratulations on being so close to your first goal! Fantastic!!
    <3 Rach
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    It's Tuesday again. The last week and this one have been long and slow at work. Meetings- yuck. I want to be in the lab figuring stuff out. Breaking expensive stuff and putting out fires. Excercise has been good, walked consistently. Today is my rest day. I made the grilled chicken parmesian recipe tonight. It was great. Thanks for sharing it. Dropped 8.5 pounds then put 4 back. Holding pattern again. Work the plan, I keep telling myself, and the plan will work. Did I say how Google the chicken was. I find it hard to believe that it has so few calories. My sauce was good but I added a tablespoon of tomato paste and it was better.
    I'm feeling like I'm kind of slipping in my resolve. I'm not cheating or overdoing but the fire seems to be not as hot. The plateaus are still odd to me and my pattern is disconcerting. How can you lose 8.5 lbs then gain 4 back in the span of 5 days? Frustrated with work and waiting for the next loss/plateau cycle. Been hungry this week too and that's not helping either.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,972 Member
    @pneschich there are many processes going on inside your body. Maybe you gained a little water weight from a little more salt one day. In an old weight watchers meeting I heard "Fresh Fat Fades Fast". Just keep doing what you know works. Success is seldom a straight line. Maybe the 'fire is not as hot' because you have been doing this for months now and it is starting to become your new norm. That's great! You are establishing healthy habits - things that will help you keep it off with less effort. Sorry you have been hungry this week. If you dont mind a slower weight loss, then you could 'ease up on the gas' and increase your calorie goal and still lose weight. Also, how much fiber, protein and fat are you eating? They help control/curb hunger. Personally I am on a quest to try to meet my macros goal each day. They only way I can hit my carbs/fiber goal and not exceed fat is to eat a lot of fruit and veggies. Good luck! Stay strong!
    <3 Rach
  • FlabtoFab209
    FlabtoFab209 Posts: 24 Member
    Good morning, it's Wednesday and I'm ready to conquer the day! I have a doctor's appointment this morning, she won't be happy with my lack of progress since my last appointment, but I broke my foot last week and I am so bummed out about not being able to walk. I'm doing plain ole calorie counting this time. It seems to work best. I'm trying to eat clean, but if I slip up on that end then I won't beat myself up ( in theory) as long as I stay within calorie goals. Let's make it a great day!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @FlabtoFab209 Plain ole calorie counting works best for me, too. Sometimes progress is slow, but it's progress.
    This week hasn't been too bad. I am definitely seeing that my problem was/is not what I eat at meals, but the grazing in between meals. I just have to keep busy and avoid munching.
    Wishing all of you a great day.
    Onward and downward.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,972 Member
    Wednesday Wish ... I wish I could quit my job aka retire and just focus on my weight loss, exercise, and arts n' crafts.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    Wow, quite a few posts in the last two days. Nice to see so many people. What types of arts n' crafts @MermaidPrincessRach ?

    I see people have been discussing intermittent fasting versus lots of small meals and thought I would share as we are all so different. I don't practice either. I never could stop eating after a certain time like the advice used to say and I struggled to eat breakfast but on previous attempts I did it because of the whole most important meal of the day. A nutritionist in a weight loss program my doctor referred me to insisted on it. The problem for me is that if I have breakfast it tends to kick-start my appetite and I eat more all day.

    This time around I am not eating breakfast and only eating lightly in the day. This means that I can have a big dinner and even fit in treats if I want. It doesn't feel like a diet this way. I do log everything and my natural preference is to skip breakfast so a simple lunch means I enjoy myself at home and stops me from constantly going out and buying expensive 1500 calorie lunches. My diary is in time slots, before 9/9-12/12-3/3-6/6-9/after 9. I really like this method and it lets me go back and see trends based on when I overeat.

    Just my two cents. My diary is open if anyone cares :wink:

    And a Wednesday wish - I hope my surgery goes well on Monday. It is minor but I need a general anesthetic and that causes me some anxiety as I've had a bad reaction in the past. Even though I thought I was dealing okay I've noticed my stress and anxiety increasing this past week and I've been quicker to anger/get upset. Hopefully I can zen my way through the next few days and return to my happy self.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,972 Member
    I like all types of arts n' crafts: coloring, painting, cgi, writing, poetry, drawing, origami, knitting, latch hook, puzzles, crossstich, carpentry, sewing ...