Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Ok so my boss is in from Scotland and he calls a working lunch and takes me and my 2 coworkers out to a restaurant way out of my budget, a place I've been dying to go but couldn't justify the cost. Four guys, a septuagenarian cowboy/chemist a 40 something motocross hooligan/ electronics engineer a Scottish rancher/PhD chemist and me humble chemist fat guy on a 1600 calorie diet. I crumbled. Brazilian steak house all you can eat and they keep coming with meat so yummy you would cry. I felt sick all afternoon. I have no idea how many calories I ate. I passed on deserts. I wanted to be good. I couldn't! Was it the manliness or the meat? I don't know but it was great. Indulgent. Extremely excessive and I go weigh in on Friday. Not looking for absolution, just find the lack of guilt surprising. I may feel differently on Friday but veggies for dinner a walk then call it a night
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,975 Member
    @pneschich If you cant be good, at least be good at it! Sounds like a GREAT indulgence. Now back to work! You are a man on a mission!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @pneschich --Every year we go to one of those places when I'm at a conference. It's so delicious, and it's only once a year. You should not feel guilty for taking one meal off of plan.

    @rach-- even if you still weight the same, you are healthier due to the changes you've made. Don't be sad or disappointed, celebrate that you've kept at it despite the slow progress.

    Wednesday Wish:
    I really wish I could get my mojo back and start going to the gym again. I haven't been completely sedentary, but I honestly can't recall if I've been to the gym even once this month.

    I had planned to go today, but instead I went to starbucks and got some grading done. Tonight I plan to do some dance videos that are part of my Amazing Race challenge, so at least I will get some exercise through that activity.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Switch out the rest of my summer wardrobe to winter clothes. Yes, the weather has definitely turned here.
    2. Clean the fish tank.
    3. Drop off bag at good will.

    Grading Goals:
    4. x/2 letters of recommendation
    5. 10/40 Siddhartha reflections
    6. finish logging quiz corrections DONE

    You vs Year Challenge:
    280 k done/ 720 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE (yucky weather) + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs-- rest day (meeting)
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @pneschich-- we have a similar restaurant in our area I love it. I would have fallen too. Tomorrow is a new day. You got this don't beat yourself up.

    @birgit sorry you have shingles
    @Kaye sorry for your loss.
    @skinnyjean glad you are here.

    Today went okay! I was having a issue with a side effect of my pain medicine. Called my doctor-- and after talking to the nurse decided to alternate between Tylenol and Advil. So far
    It is working. That side effect went away. I may need to take it for bed . But we will see. Able to get out a little had an errand that had to happen. Riding in the car was sort of hard but it was nice to get outside!

    Food was hard today! I was really hungry for mashed potatoes. but I didn't . Budget is tight. Till Friday it makes the keto hard to do. But I am not into sweating things. Overall a good day for 2nd day after surgery.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth - What @MermaidPrincessRach said yesterday about finding a letter she wrote to herself was a kind of deejay-vu cause I found one yesterday also. I wrote mine 18 months ago on the day that would have been my mom's 96th birthday and in it I laid out my plans to lose 70 pounds. Today is one of my weigh-in days and I was less than 5 pounds under that weight 18 months ago. ... In a current up-swing, it seems to be a quarterly event for me.

    Then, as I read further into the posts, I recognized a similarity to what @pneschich encountered with the meats at his lunch. Except mine was on that prime-rib of pork roast that I cooked a couple of days ago. I had it for lunch, then had it again for dinner, and then found myself having another piece of it a little later on as well. I have to admit thought, none of the pieces tasted as good as the first piece I had the night I cooked it. I think maybe it has something to do with the wonderful aromas that filled the house the day the cooking was done.

    I spent entirely too much time yesterday in my research for medical plans for next year. Two telephone meetings with two different providers. One more coming up on Saturday, but that is out of the house. One more to do after that and I will have gathered all the particulars I need to make my decision. In the meanwhile, today I have to focus on that huge pile of laundry that is waiting to be sorted, washed, dried, folded, and put away. At least all the hot water and running drier will keep the house toasty on this rainy day we are having in WNY.

    @Elizabeth2360 ... glad you are up and about after your surgery. Are you eating regular food or on shakes?
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    I made the skinny chicken Parmesan with my roasted tomato sauce. Too much garlic but still tasty. The garlic just didn't soften enough to sweeten up. Angel hair pasta, olive oil and steamed peas.
    Worried/nervous about the doctor visit tomorrow but it's going to happen worry or not.

  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @Nikion regular food. Lot of spinach salads . Today I had to eat regular meat not organic . A friend brought dinner over roasted chicken from Costco. I guess I didn't half to eat it but out of meat. It was a blessing.

    @pneschich looks good.

    Today I was a bit more sore than yesterday. Sort of surprised.

    Tomorrow I will find out the lab results to
    Find out if any more treatment will be needed. Sort of nervous.

    Wishing everyone a good day!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just a quick pop in to update goals.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Switch out the rest of my summer wardrobe to winter clothes. Yes, the weather has definitely turned here.
    2. Clean the fish tank.
    3. Drop off bag at good will.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/2 letters of recommendation
    2. 15/40 AP essays

    You vs Year Challenge:
    280 k done/ 720 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE (yucky weather) + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs-- rest day (meeting) short walk w/ gunner DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,975 Member
    @pneschich Looks GREAT! Will you come cook for me? :yum:

    I did really well yesterday, staying under calories, drinking LITERS of water ... until dinner. :disappointed: What changes when I walk thru the front door of my home? Why does my diet go to hell when I return home from work?

    Friday Fitness: I'd like to sign up for a 5k in feb/mar but they have gotten SO expensive! And crowded!
  • drogurl28
    drogurl28 Posts: 14 Member
    Truth Thursday: I must confess I have been indulging heavy for the last two days but I've still been logging. On Wednesday my mom brought home lunch and I ate it all to my surprise it was more than 1700 calories. But Thursday was all me. I gave in to my long John Silver craving and had everything from hush puppies to pineapple cheesecake.

    Fitness Friday : Even though I should work off all the food. I'm not doing anything honestly.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Like @drogurl28 my Thursday Truth is I haven't been on plan. Not big over indulgences but just a bite of this, a taste of that, a few extra of those. I seem to be in a slump that I have no desire to drag myself out of at the moment. I'm off the pain train which is a very good thing, but my allergies are driving me nuts and making me feel rotten and totally unmotivated. Yesterday, I did go for a little walk and felt better for "just doing it" but it wasn't even enough to get my daily step goal done. I keep saying to myself that this is how a good thing ends if you let it. I won't.
    Friday Fitness I will walk my step goal at the very least today. I have made a gym date and I plan to keep it but I haven't been real good on follow through this week with plans, so I just need to put mind over matter here. On a more positive note, I did get on the scale this morning and I was only up 2.2 pounds from my lowest weight, which means I probably have a modest lost for the week, because I haven't taken my diuretic since Monday, so I have a fluid load on.
    I'm thinking of you @Elizabeth2360 and saying a prayer for good results. And for you as well @pneschich . @MermaidPrincessRach I'm hoping to do a Turkey Trott 5K on Thanksgiving Day, and I've found the same thing you are finding the 5Ks are getting more expensive and more crowded. Home is always the hardest place to control myself because I have access to so many possibilities, even the healthy stuff can be lethal when eaten in large enough amounts! I feel your pain! We'll do this, because we are strong women and we will overcome! I sometimes think of that song by Helen Reddy, I Am Woman...let me roar, and then I do a lion's roar, which is a type of yoga breathing that allows you to forcefully exhale negative energy. I need to roar a lot today. :p
    @320sycamore I know you are out there lurking and you need to post once in a while to let others hear from you!

    Everyone have a beautiful, successful day. Sending hugs and good thoughts from Music City!
  • BlueWillowMist
    BlueWillowMist Posts: 12 Member
    Everybody enjoy the weekend and drive safely now that the snow has come. First snow never lasts but it sure does make the roads slick.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    Hello everyone, not sure how much I will be able to log or post for a while. I left my abusive husband after he was drunk and choked me and I've been staying in a women's shelter for the past two days. My nerves have been out of control and I've barely been able to eat lately but once I feel more settled I'll try to start estimating the food here. Please pray for me
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @pinkstarberry. Prayers, take care of yourself, lean on friends. Be safe, find help. Be safe, bears repeating.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @pinkstarberry I applaud your move, it's hard I know but it was the best thing you could do and I just ditto what pneschich said, be safe and I'm praying for you!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @pinkstarberry, may it all go well for you.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Got the results back! My cancer was stage 1 the doctor said from all test results it did not spread. All other test came out good were able to remove it. At this time no chemo or radiation. But follow up every 3 months. Doctor doesn't recommend one diet over another but does really stress the need to exercise at least 3 days a week. Also little to no sugar and Whole Foods healthy foods.

    So very encouraging today I celebrate. 2 weeks ago never thought of cancer but from now on I will never forget . Learning to take it in stride.

  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @Elizabeth2360 I'm overjoyed for you! That is the best thing I've heard all week!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @pinkstarberry - you've made a very courageous move! Keep moving forward and don't look back. We're all here for you, cheering you on. Good luck!

    @Elizabeth2360 - such a monumental relief! I am so very happy for you.

    Have a good weekend, everyone.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Elizabeth2360 ... great news from you, and very sensible exercise and food recommendations from your doctor. Actually, just walking 3 times minimum a week for 30 to 45 minutes is all the exercise you really need to commit to, that and a reduction in some food intake.