Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Surgery went fine. Went in at 7:15. Was standing up and taking a few steps by 11:30. I have passed all my milestones today. Walking for 10 to 15 minutes every 2 hours ( then napping ) the only problem I am having is drinking. A few small sips of water were OK but 3 teaspoons of warm chicken broth and I felt like a knife was stabbing me. The jello I just ate seems ok.

    I am doing great

    When I was checking in the patient next to me was in an infant carrier. the parents also had a toddler in tow. Please pray for them and their care providers .

    Thank you again for all your support.
  • descene
    descene Posts: 97 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Alex, 21, 5' 5" with a total weight loss goal of 199lbs. Don't really know what to say other than I just hit 10% of my goal, which is the first time that has ever happened, even back when I was lighter and 10% wasn't very much haha. Also, like many I'm a chronic dieter, but this is "the time." I know many people say that, but when I make a lifestyle change I always have a lot of difficulty until the moment when I'm truly ready and motivated and I'm able to make the change without any issue. 21lbs lighter and I'm more motivated to tackle the next 180lbs than I was the first 20.

    I'm actually having trouble getting food in me, nothing sounds good (well nothing that will keep me within my calories) but I get nauseous when I'm hungry so I know I need food. Many days I just have to drink some seltzer water for breakfast to settle my stomach because the idea of most other things puts me off, so I've only been getting in a meal a day. I'm a little concerned because I don't want to develop the exact opposite habit of my old one. My mom did that, except the other way around.
  • Peachfaygo77
    Peachfaygo77 Posts: 11 Member
    Good Morning
    I'm Cerail and I'm new here. I've been tracking inconsistently for the past two years with mfp. I need/want/desire to lose 120 pounds. I've started and stopped this journey so many times that I stop believing in myself and so has the people in my life. When i'm on track i'm on but when i fall off i'm all the way off. I've tried to lose the weight several times but it was always a fast race to the end. I realize I need to do something i can stick with for life. I'm setting small weekly goals so that I don't get overwhelmed with looking at how far away i am from my ultimate goal. I recently started back going to the gym and I love how I feel when i finish working out. I enjoy working out. Its food that's the issue for me. Overeating and boredom eating. I also have a issue with inconsistency, I start things that I don't finish, I procrastinate as well. These are issues i'm working on because this will play a role in my success when it comes to reaching goals. I found this discussion thread and I feel it would be beneficial to me, and maybe one day I can inspire someone.
  • Peachfaygo77
    Peachfaygo77 Posts: 11 Member
    I am trying to figure out this thread. I am realizing and admitting that I fall into the category of needing to lose 100 pounds. In my head, not sure I believe I can. Need to work on that part for sure!

    On and off the wagon for years, now feeling really crummy and realizing I need to STAY on or at least near that wagon! Overwhelmed, with injuries plaguing me, belly getting in the way of fun with my kids, go cart rides, roller coaster rides, just moving around happily...

    I am trying to chip away at my old self to find the new, healthier, happier, and likely smaller person inside.

    Current wagon status:
    I decided, 17 days ago, to go for 100 days with no fast food (a problem for me and my family), 17 days down!
    In addition, 3 days ago, I decided to add another 100 day goal, logging my food daily--this is an extreme challenge, in the past, I would stop writing when I made a not so great choice, or just log for a couple days and then take the weekend off. Not really trying to follow a specific plan at this point, trying to make it easy so I will do it and see where I am falling with calories and their distribution.

    Glad to see there are many others on journeys with many steps needed!

    you have inspired me to try this 100 day goal!! logging food and no fast food!! I bet results will come from this!!Im also a on the wagon off the wagon person.
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    @pneschich - So glad to hear that your surgery went well! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    As far as water goes, I try and get in 8-10 cups of either clear water, black tea, or black coffee a day. I usually keep a water bottle (~2 cups) at my desk and aim to drink one bottle before lunch, one with lunch, and one after lunch. Combined with the water that I drink at the gym and a cup of tea/coffee or two throughout the day I don't find it too hard to get enough liquid in.

    A quick check in from me - I have fallen off of the band wagon this past weekend and haven't quite made it back on yet. A cottage weekend unfortunately ended on Saturday night with my hand meeting a very hot fire pit and resulting in second degree burns on the palm of my right hand. I will have to modify my workout sessions now as I wait for the burns to heal up. Hopefully it won't be more than a couple of weeks! But having missed my workout on Saturday from being away, not getting to the gym on Sunday because of the pain in my hand, and my sleep schedule having been so screwed up now that the last two nights I've either been waking up sporadically throughout the night or waking up with a splitting migraine in the morning, I am out of my groove! Plus I have totally used the pain in my hand to justify splurging on junk food and I have not been getting nearly enough water which isn't helping my cause. Desperately need to get back into the swing of things tomorrow or all my hard work of the last months will be shot!

    Sooo, Goal Tuesday - I want to make it back to the gym in the morning starting tomorrow and stop using my hand as an excuse!
  • debbieinva
    debbieinva Posts: 11 Member
    Strategy is Stronger that Willpower!

    First goal--- make it 21 days NO Sweets! ( the 19th )
    My doctor told me once 10 years ago if I could make it 21 days with no sweets, I would stop craving them. Maybe not mentally but I would physically.... she was right and I went on to lose 170 pounds...Kept it off for about 3 years then *kitten* happens and gained every pound back.
    Isn't it strange how much happier you are while your eating the right things and losing weight, wouldn't you think that would be enough to keep you on?
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    @descene @cerailpeay @cakey111 @mrssorenson @lisaleebryan @situationdesired @lisakrez @debbieinva @woodm87 @samd86802 @laceyslabaugh @raxcee @shalto @jlynncartee (Wow that’s a BUNCH of new folks since I’ve done personals!) WELCOME! Now, use the group as it was intended and Start Talking with us! LOL!

    @thebrocheter Welcome Back!!

    @pneschich Glad to hear that surgery went well and you’re doing well so far! You Can Do This! I’m pulling for you and will hopefully have your support in several months when it’s My turn to go under the knife! :smile:

    @gullagr I’m right there with you by falling off the wagon over the weekend! Girl, we’ve got this and can turn it back around! I’m sorry to hear about your hand… How drunk were you?? Just Kidding! Thankfully, injuries heal and we can continue on! Hope you’re feeling better today!

    @debbieinva If I had a nickel for every pound I’ve lost and regained… I’ve blamed my husband, I’ve blamed my friends, I’ve blamed my parents, I’ve blamed work, I’ve blamed injury, I’ve blamed the Holidays, I’ve blamed cheesecake, I’ve blamed life in general when truly it’s Me that I should have been blaming all along. I want to stop blaming everything else and take the blame on myself to hold Me accountable for my weight and for my health. You’ve done this once, and You Can Do It Again! I have faith in Both Of Us! We can do this together!

    AFM, DH and I had probably our biggest talk since he’s been home last night and it went amazingly well! Thank You All for your support through this difficult time for me! I want y’all to know that it’s Truly Appreciated!

    Wish Wednesday - As I said above, I fell off the wagon for realz this weekend and am trying to climb my way back into the driver’s seat of my wagon. Today is a new day! My wish is that each of us that has struggled over the weekend have the strength to make better choices this week and get back into the drivers seats of each of our wagons! I’m also wishing for another good week here on the homefront (this time without all the indulging!) Oh, and that we all have Lots of Tall Days this week!

    Chins up Y’all! We’ve got this!
    JennV :smile:
  • Snap___Dragon
    Snap___Dragon Posts: 17 Member
    Hellooo everyone! Newbie to MFP. I changed my lifestyle in late summer of 2013 and lost 115 in around 18 months. I got preggers in early 2015 & had girl #2 in December 2015. Our oldest is currently 8 years old. No boys and we're done. (I'm about to turn 41)

    Anyhoo...While pregnant I gained 25 lbs & miraculously lost it all by 1 week postpartum. So, here I am 14 months later at pretty much exactly the same weight. This is a good thing really except that I still have 25 lbs to reach my goal or 50 to reach the high end of a healthy BMI according to the "experts"

    Life is already a million times better than it was at my heaviest (I was 315 lbs and I'm 5'4.5" ) so I imagine everything will be even easier once I get some more weight off my bones!

    I started getting serious again about a month ago but I eased into it so it's been about a week since I've been really really good. I'm feeling positive and motivated to do this! Looking to give and hopefully get support! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm here lurking, because I haven't felt up to commenting. The cold I had turned to bronchitis. I've been feeling thoroughly dreadful and not able to sleep on top of that, so doubly dreadful . After fever developed went in for an antibiotic ( I have chronic lung/heart disease). I have been on prednisone for ten days and surprised that my appetite wasn't crazy, but it hit yesterday after I started feeling better from three days of high powered antibiotic therapy, and I ate just about anything that wasn't nailed down. I plan to change that today! I can't change yesterday but I can today and that's all I'm going to be concerned with and get on with feeling better. I'm so ready to get back in the gym, doing my step challenge and feeling better.
    Welcome to all the new people, so happy you are here and sharing with us!
    @pneschich - So happy that all is going well with you post op!
  • anneurban1910
    anneurban1910 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Jennifer and I have to lose over 200lbs, I currently weigh 357. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as I am new on myfitnesspal. I haven't really been on other diets before but I know now that I need to lose the weight as my knees and joints are really hurting.

    I am looking for support as well as to be supportive to someone else who is also going through the challenges of trying to lose weight. I am currently beginning to exercise again, (treadmill) and I am watching what I eat by keeping the food diary, in addition I am enrolled in a nutrition class at Kaiser Permanente.

    Thanks for listening, I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... In a stall once again ... my constitution and I are in a battle of who wins out ... It's been going on for 2 years and I am as sick and tired of it as I am of the taste of meat. ... Had what used to be one of my favorite meals ... pork chops lightly breaded in panko crums and baked. Thought I'd enjoy that as my 'red' meat of the week ...but didn't care for it at all. Of course, that didn't stop me from eating the chop, it just stopped me from enjoying the meal.

    In the culture I was brought up in, Great Lent is gearing up for the Paschal season. This Sunday is known as 'Meatfare" ... the last day to eat any animal meat until Easter Sunday has come. Next week it will be "Cheesefare", meaning that will be the last day to consume dairy based products including eggs and butter. Fish is allowed on selected days during the Lenten Season ... frequently on a Sunday, but not on every one as some days are strict 'fasting' days, which means no food from vespers until the next sundown and sometimes oil is not allowed either on those days. ... I dunno, maybe with my current distaste for the three animal proteins I do consume ... chicken, pork, beef, turkey (in that order), this might be a good year to see how well I can do what my parents did their entire adult life during this season. ... which is to abstain from the recommended foods during the Great Lent willingly, cheerfully, quietly ... and also taking on some of the other tenants of that time ... lots of self reflection and prayer for guidance, lots of good deeds done without any fanfare or calling of attention to oneself.

    .... I don't think I am 'up' to the task, cause I'm not the person my parents were.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Thursday truth. I was ready. Worried planned fretted but when I gowned up at the hospital I was excited. I woke up happy. The nurses were amazed at my recovery. I came up from recovery to my room and walked to my bed. Yes there is pain and yes Monday night was so very hard taking a teaspoon of warm broth and feeling as though I was being stabbed in the chest but I knew it would pass. Yes I have an annoying drain tube sticking out of me. I haven't been hungry since I woke up. I haven't eaten since Saturday! I will start on liquid meals Monday. I had a protein water today, it hurt but I'm not so lightheaded. Walked 3 miles today 3/4 mile to the pond, rested and watched the turtles then walked home home. Once early, once after lunch. Looking forward to a third with my beautiful bride this evening. I really was ready. I needed this.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited February 2017
    @Nikion901 - wow, that sounds like a very complicated and restricted Lent! Wishing your all the best with your season of self-reflection. Which is something we all should probably do more of, year round.

    I should keep my mouth shut .. because I gave the wrong impression. There is nothing restrictive about the Great Lent. You can either do it or not, depending on your own inclination. You can "hold Fast" for the entire duration or for a portion of the time ... it all comes down to choice, committment, ability ...

    PS ... gee, that choice, committment and ability reminds me of why many of us are here on MFP ... when applied to our over abundance of stuffing our mouths at one point or another in our lives that has brought us to the point of being of a larger body than we want, need, or are healthy in.

    :) congratulations on breaking the 100! That IS a big deal :)
  • Snap___Dragon
    Snap___Dragon Posts: 17 Member
    @pneschich - I'm so glad to hear that your doing so well. Yes, you absolutely were ready - and you're ready for the next step(s) as well.

    @Nikion901 - wow, that sounds like a very complicated and restricted Lent! Wishing your all the best with your season of self-reflection. Which is something we all should probably do more of, year round.

    @campfirequeen1 - I'm so sorry you're feeling so poorly. Please feel better soon!

    To all the wonderful new folks - welcome! You've come to the right thread for a great group of terrific supportive people. Happy to "walk the walk" with you!

    As for me, I broke 100 lbs down yesterday (total loss =101). Funny, tho... before yesterday my scale had been "stuck" for about three weeks. So when I stepped on yesterday, and saw that it FINALLY moved down 2 1/2 lbs, THAT's what had me excited! I didn't even notice the 100 lb milestone, lol. It wasn't till some of my MFP friends commented on it that I realized, "hey yeah - that's kinda a big deal!" So, yay me!!

    Great job reaching 100 lbs lost! It is such a great milestone to reach. I was bouncing of the walla with joy when I reached that goal. My next goal is to reach onederland. I have gotten to 198 but for ages have been hovering just over 200. I've been doing well though in the last couple weeks and am feeling optimistic that I will indeed get there again and keep going.
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    checking in!! I started off a little late for the week, as I was waiting on test results from the doc, to get the ok to start dieting and exercising. But I started on Wednesday, increased water intake, went to the YMCA and joined a water aerobics class, and got a strength training program. I'm going to do this!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @Nikion901 and @birgitkwood - I have to agree with both of you! In my memory of Lenten preparations, what you listed Niki was very restrictive and a bit complicated in comparison, and perhaps you had a choice, but we as dependents did not have a choice. You ate what you were given at our house, and you were told what you could and couldn't have when eating outside the home. It was more or less your "duty" to follow the rules.
    Of course, as I became my own authority on such things, I had the choice of whether I would follow tradition or make it according to my own devotional choices. Typically, I would say that I chose the more modern way of a much less restrictive (dietary in particular) and more completive in preparation of my heart for such a magnanimous gift of love to someone so very undeserving as I.
    I do wholeheartedly agree with your idea that it is our choice, commitment, and ability issues that got many of us here! I am so much more aware, at my advanced age, of just how important mystical things are and how they can translate to our everyday lives. I enjoyed giving a good ponder on that subject, and you don't have to feel badly for posting it Niki, I enjoyed reading and thinking on it!
    @Snap___Dragon- That is such a wonderful accomplishment and I'm so happy for you. I'm sure we will all be pulling for you to drop into Onederland as your permanent home very soon!
    @JeanieWww - Welcome and it looks like you are off to a nice start with your choices!
    As for me, I'm feeling some better and the sky is sunny and the weather like spring, so I'm a happy girl today! Hope everyone else has a sunny heart if not sky!

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thanks @campfirequeen1 .... I sometimes say (or post) a thing that is better left undone. ... I'm sorry your homelife was 'duty' bound. I was more fortunate. I also grew up in a home with many strict guidelines, but never about food.
    Children were never included in the liturgical requirements of fasting ... and there were many of them in our following throughout the year. When i look back on it, I wonder at the strength of forebearance my folks had to allow us kids to have eggs and milk products when they abstained. Of course, my mom didn't prepare dishes with meat in them during the timeframe, but her food was so tasty and varied in preparation that we never missed it! As a matter of fact, some of my fondest childhood food memories were of those seasonal dishes we had to wait for a fasting period before we got to enjoy them!
  • bee2017x
    bee2017x Posts: 11 Member
    Hi may name is Brenda, I'm 22 yo and in the process of losing my 100lbs+. I started off at 242.5lbs (110kg) and am now down to 187.4lbs (85kg). My goal weight is 143.3lbs (65kg). I hope I can shed my last 20kg with the support of this forum!

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Haven't had a whole lots of success this week unfortunately. It says to focus on the NSV but all the positives I have is that I've lost 2kgs (4.4lbs), but I have no idea how I got there as I feel I have been eating terribly and not exercising at all. Not sure what else to post