Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Monday check in. Lost 13. Now fluctuating +/-2. Arrrgh! Enjoyed my Saturday walk so much I went back yesterday. Today, weights after my podiatrist visit, in the waiting room now. It's a beautiful almost 80 degree day, kind of overcast though. Probably going to lift outside if it doesn't rain. Pre Op on Friday. Busy week in between.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    So happy to report that the house is now under resettle. There will be more remodel later but for now, it's put it all back together and save some more money. So happy to say that today I restarted my weight loss and healthy lifestyle plan. It feels so good to be eating healthy again and able to prepare healthy delicious meals in my own place. There was a weight gain over the past two months but I haven't found the scale yet! I'm just going to get back to it and try not to sweat the backtracking! It's a journey and I'm just thankful that I'm still breathing and planning on keeping it up for a long time!
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited February 2017
    Tuesday goals:

    My super short term goal is to make it to 100 lbs lost by the end of Feb, short term goal is to make it to healthy BMI by my birthday on May 14, and long term goal is to keep up with these healthy habits for the rest of my life.

    I've been attending a class on self-esteem and self-acceptance and I find that these topics go perfectly with some of the reasons behind why I finally feel motivated to put the effort into staying healthy: I'm worth it. I deserve to feel energetic and strong and light. I deserve a body I feel comfortable in and proud of. I deserve to feel sexy in my own skin and unashamed of what I look like beneath the clothes. I deserve to learn more positive ways to deal with stress and anger and all of the emotions that drove me to unhealthy binge eating habits, and to understand myself better in general. I'm finally beginning to feel like I'm worth all of this, and I don't want to slip back into unhealthy ways of dealing with current problems and past baggage!

    June 2016 starting weight: 277 lbs, BMI 43
    Feb 2017 current weight: 180.2 lbs, BMI 28
    Goal weight: 130 lbs, BMI 20

    Much love and willpower dust to everyone :)<3
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @pinkstarberry- Congrats on your amazing journey. I think everyone could probably benefit from those classes. I know I surely could. We started about the same time and if you add 30 pounds and almost as many years, that would be me. I'm not where you are but I surely would like to be and I surely do plan on it! We don't see you much here but this post is fantastic and I'm so happy to see you here today! WTG!!!!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @campfirequeen1 - I wanna say "welcome home!" It's been such a long haul for you. Congrats, and good luck.

    @pinkstarberry - wow, what an amazing job you've done. Congrats on your spectacular success! And with an attitude like that you will most certainly reach your goals, both sorry and long term.

    I seem to have reached a place of maybe no longer losing. Part of me would like to lose another 20-25 lbs (to get to the "no longer overweight" BMI category), but I'm not sure it'll happen. Frankly, I'm not willing to restrict my calorie intake any further (I eat roughly 1600 cals/day), and I'm unwilling to exercise more than I do now (I walk between 13k and 16k steps, at least 5 days/wk). This is the pattern that helped me lose nearly 100 lbs over the past 10 mos. I knew all along that eventually the weight loss would stop and then the current pattern would simply become maintenance... and I accept that! Well, sort of. I just hoped that maybe I'd get a few more pounds out of the deal - lol. But I really am very happy with where my body's at, and I won't cry if I never lose another pound. But... maybe just a LITTLE bit more? Maybe? Or maybe this is just a frustrating plateau and I'll suddenly drop 20 lbs by the end of February? Yeah... probably not. :-D

    So my rational and crazy heads are currently at war with each other. It happens...
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @birgitkwood You don't have to make a final decision that you have to commit to for the rest of your life right now. You could always try maintaining for awhile and see how you feel after a couple of months of giving your body a break from the constant deficit. After that, you might feel able to go back to a small deficit and lose a little more weight slowly. Or maybe you'll still feel happy where you are, and you can always adapt as you adjust all the change you've been through.

    I am really starting to enjoy how much more I am capable of doing physically. I now take a "brisk" ~40 minute walk during my lunch break, while 2 months ago it was impossible for me to even hurry 20 metres for a bus. I'm so much more active now, and walking to the shop for groceries rather than driving doesn't seem like a big deal.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,971 Member
    Started DASH Weight Loss Plan:
    12/28/2016 - 304.7
    Daily weight:
    F01/26 - 293.4 (30 days of DASH) :love: :heart:
    My lowest since starting DASH!

    Then I got sick (just a cold) and slipped off program.

    A01/27 - 294.8
    U01/28 - 293.9
    M01/30 - 295.0
    T01/31 - 294.8
    W02/01 - 295.0 (35 doD)
    R02/02 - 294.8
    F02/03 - 295.2
    A02/04 - 295.6 :warning:
    U02/05 - 297.0 :rage: STOP!
    M02/06 - 297.8 (40doD) :heartbreak:

    On Monday, post Super Bowl, I went back to phase one of The DASH Weight Loss Solution by Marla Heller.

    T02/07 - 295.4
    W02/08 - 293.4 :love: :heart:

    In two days I was back to where I was before I got sick and slipped. The program works! :smiley:
    Unbelievable! :sunglasses: For years and years I have tried to lose weight. I was a fat child and have been fat most of my adult life, save 18months of suicidal depression. This is the only time I have made any real progress ... in the right direction! :wink:
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach - don't know what DASH is, but clearly it's working for you. Keep it up!

    @Dalceridae - yes, you're absolutely right. No actual decision needs to be made. I just need to live my life in the best, healthiest way possible, for me. And see where that gets me. That's exactly what I'm working on. Thanks!
  • cakey111
    cakey111 Posts: 12 Member
    Starting over...cause that's what I do, but it's good that I haven't stopped trying. I've lost weight on so many programs....starting at age 11 w the egg and grapefruit diet., then nutrisystem, then diet pills, then just 1200 calories a day, then just one meal a day, whatever i was hungry for, They all work if I'm motivated. That's the big IF. Staying motivated and not collapsing into not CARING is my challenge. MFP is good because it let's me know if my carbs are within my Type 2 limit, if I've hit the basic nutritional needs, and it offers recipes, lifestyle info, and MOTIVATION.
    So let's do this together, fellow best life seekers. To our success!!!!
  • cakey111
    cakey111 Posts: 12 Member
    My wish is that I see the Good around me today and that I create a bit of it myself
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,971 Member
    DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet is a lifelong approach to healthy eating that's designed by physicians to help treat or prevent high blood pressure (hypertension). The DASH diet encourages you to reduce the sodium in your diet and eat a variety of foods rich in nutrients that help lower blood pressure, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. I have been following the sample menus in Marla Heller's book, DASH weight loss solution.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Hello! I am on the journey to lose a great amount of weight! I started at 285lbs and am now down to 266. Working on it! This is not my first Rodeo.. but this is the time, and I'm going to do it! I've been on this renewed journey since the day after Christmas this year! My wish is that I can believe in my goal enough to let this be the last time I start over.
  • lisaleebryan
    lisaleebryan Posts: 4 Member
    I am trying to figure out this thread. I am realizing and admitting that I fall into the category of needing to lose 100 pounds. In my head, not sure I believe I can. Need to work on that part for sure!

    On and off the wagon for years, now feeling really crummy and realizing I need to STAY on or at least near that wagon! Overwhelmed, with injuries plaguing me, belly getting in the way of fun with my kids, go cart rides, roller coaster rides, just moving around happily...

    I am trying to chip away at my old self to find the new, healthier, happier, and likely smaller person inside.

    Current wagon status:
    I decided, 17 days ago, to go for 100 days with no fast food (a problem for me and my family), 17 days down!
    In addition, 3 days ago, I decided to add another 100 day goal, logging my food daily--this is an extreme challenge, in the past, I would stop writing when I made a not so great choice, or just log for a couple days and then take the weekend off. Not really trying to follow a specific plan at this point, trying to make it easy so I will do it and see where I am falling with calories and their distribution.

    Glad to see there are many others on journeys with many steps needed!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @birgitkwood Thanks girl, it has been a long haul and I'm so happy to be home in my place and at home here on the thread again. I have kept up with you guys by reading but posting was a problem, so I never really "felt" like I was here, so I missed you a lot!
    @MermaidPrincessRach The DASH diet is really an excellent food plan. I worked on the largest hypertension study ever done in the US and that is the one we recommended to people wanting to get their blood pressure under control in addition to the pharmaceutical help we gave them. I'm so happy that you have finally struck on what will work for you! Great job getting back on plan after your illness!
    @cakey111 You sound a whole lot like me! This thread and the great people here have really helped me to stick with it! I think it will help you too!
    @MrsSorenson Welcome and my wish is the same as yours for all of us!
    @lisaleebryan You are off to an amazing start. Hang in there and don't give up. I too tend not to log when I've had a bad day, but the thing is to keep coming back and doing the best you can. It is a journey and being perfect is not likely to happen on a journey, just don't let it get you down and you will eventually find yourself where you want to be. That's my plan!
    OH MY! I found the scale and it wasn't pretty at all. Yesterday was my day to take Lasix and I dropped 8 pounds overnight. Needless to say, my body is much happier today. I'm up about 10 pounds I would say, because I think I still have another pound or two of fluid on that will come off as I stay on my healthy eating plan. The doctor verified what I had already discovered, that in addition to the diuretic you need to lower your sodium intake and your carb intake in order to get rid of the extra fluid, so in a few days I should be back to normal and hopefully within a few weeks my weight back to my lowest. And by summer I hope to see onederland on the scales!!! Y'all have a great and successful day! hugs from Music City!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thank goodness today is Hump Day, but I’m about to lose it. I hate, hate, hate all things Apple. If you forget a password, passcode, the security features STINK. I hate going to the store, which is only in the mall. I hate the mall. Without wiping everything out, there should be an easier way to get into YOUR account. I went to the store during my lunch hour FINALLY my new iPad is working, but in the process my phone is now disabled. Of course, I didn’t write the passcode down, which I have to take full responsibility. There should be an easier way. Now I’ll have to go back to the store and they’re going to probably have to reset the thing. Sooooo not happy. Other than that life is grand. Eating and exercise is all on track so I guess that’s the GREAT thing. LOL!!!

    @Nikion901 – I like your monthly recap and congrats meeting your January goal!! I try to focus on the monthly total vs daily/weekly. My body fluctuates WAY too much. Drives me crazy! Also, congrats getting under 240. Woo Hoo!!

    @Gullagr – January stats were awesome! Great job. Plus, you should be proud with your success in running too. C25K is on my list to start soon. I want to get a “little” more weight off before these old knees start any kind of running. I’ll still with my HIT classes for now.

    @Damensha – I’m a few days behind, but I’m sorry to hear about your home situation. It’s so tough when we’re working so hard on our weight than to have the mental/emotional battles too. I’ve been to plenty of counseling sessions and would recommend it to anyone. If you have any questions, I just had WLS on 11/21. I’m 3 months post op and feel amazing. If you want to PM me, I can share more of my journey.

    @Mermaid – There will always be days where we eat what we shouldn’t or eat way too much. You have to put that one day behind you and move on. Make sure it’s just one day and doesn’t turn into 2 days or a week. You owned it and told us so now you move on. You CAN do this!

    @laceyslabaugh, @jenmek, @raxcee, @shalto , @mrssorenson – Welcome!! This group was started many years ago and it’s many people have come and gone, but there’s some folks who have been here from the beginning. It’s always been an uplifting and encouraging group with no negativity. It often mixes personal life too, but that’s what this journey is about. I truly believe the mental has so much more than the actual food and exercise.

    @pneschich – I live in Atlanta so thank you for welcoming the Falcons to the Super Bowl, but we’re all in mourning or probably more frustrated that they blew such a lead. It was awful!!! As far as traffic, nothing new to an Atlantan that’s for sure. We get it. Our traffics sucks!!! Congrats losing the 13 lbs!! Keep it up. Even with your liquid, get in your protein with your shakes. You need the energy. The liquid part of this process is the worst. Once you’re back on solid foods (even in small portions) it will be sooo worth it!!! I’m amazed every day with my sleeve and how much better I feel, stronger I’m getting at the gym and how little I do eat. BUT, it’s not the guaranteed answer, people can and do regain. You still have to eat right and exercise!!!!

    @skinnyjeanz – I’m glad you got back to the gym, but you definitely know your body so pace yourself. It sounds like you have a busy week ahead with testing and grading. Hope the week is progressing OK.

    @campfirequeen – Glad to hear the house has finally settled down. Put the gain behind you and get ready to focus on YOU!!

    @pinkstarberry – Great post!! I truly believe this journey is more about understanding the mental/emotional side of eating vs. the food and exercise. Love your attitude and your stats – WOW!!! You go girl!!!

    @birgitkwood – Congrats on your loss too!! That’s awesome. I totally agree that you need to find where YOUR comfortable. I think we come up with this “goal” weight, but is that really where our body wants to settle. I think everyone has to find the right spot for them. As long as your healthy and happy, life is good!!!

  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    It's back on. Monday morning is my day. Pre op tomorrow, starve and purge Sunday. Yikes I'm freaked out now! No warning just a call, they had a cancelation. My boss said go for it without even knowing what it is. I haven't really told very many people and none at work. I find it kind of embarrassing to be here, I'm not sure why but I am.
    I can't believe how excited my wife is about it too. I am blessed in that.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,971 Member
    edited February 2017
    @pneschich You'll be in my thoughts! Good luck! :wink: :smiley:
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @pneschich I'm very excited for you. I would probably feel freaked out too! I'm so glad that your wife is all excited. You are ultimately responsible for your success but having a good support group can really make a huge difference and having your wife on board and excited about it will be a major plus for you! I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Keep us informed!
  • TheBrocheter
    TheBrocheter Posts: 13 Member
    Just joined back after a long break. Have to lose about 150 pounds but I think I can do it!
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @pneschich Good luck! After all that waiting, it's finally happening, and I wish you a speedy recovery :smile: