Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Happy birthday!! You all have a fantastic day!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    Thank you for the bday wish Niki! Happy birthday to you too. I gave myself a pass to skip my daily weighing today. But I think I have lost about the same as you this year; 10lbs. So thank you for doing the math. It is encouraging!

    @pneschich sorry you are having so much trouble adjusting. I hope it better for you soon. Enjoy your trip!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    "Went way over. Biggest problem is skipping breakfast and then getting busy and eating out of hunger. Uusually fast food. Then St Patrick's day party tonight, Chose pretty well but a Jr Bacon cheeseburg & chili at Wendys is over 700 calories so that was hard to overcome.

    Tomorrow is a new day and I shall overcome
  • PennysOnaMission
    PennysOnaMission Posts: 13 Member
    OK, I'm back. It's Friday And St Patrick's Day. Lucky for me I despise corned beef (can't have beef anyway - can't digest anymore) and cabbage. So, my exercise has been walking; it's cheap and can log it anywhere. But I'm trying to find scenic places to go... even in my urban area of Minneapolis. Weekend eating prep? Pinterest, finances and the "what my body can handle so far" list. Then it's off to the store.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    @pneschich WOW! You did it! You are doing it! Good blood work numbers! Going out and living life! Enjoying the beautiful outdoors! Truely a miracle! I am happy for you! :smiley:

    I had a good birthday, dispite my fav person having to work 2 shifts. I was alone but no pity party for me. I had a single serve cup of Lucky Charms in skim milk for breakfast. Bought tickets online to see the B&B movie at theater today with my honey. Also completed birthday shopping for him. His bday is Apr9. We're going to the last TB Bolts NHL game on his bday! And he's also getting a bunch of old Batman comic books. After my online shopping, I worked on a puzzle, played computer games, and cleaned house a little. Lunch was leftover chef salad and leftover sweet n sour chicken. Watched some Schitts Creek on Netflix. Talked to my mom on the phone. She sometimes says things that upset me. Maybe I should tell her but I dont want to give her cause for anymore drama. I washed the dishes (we dont have a dishwasher machine) and cooked dinner - pork with broccoli and garlic mashed cauliflower and about three glasses of sweet red wine. I dont drink often but when I do :smile: At 10pm DH was still not home and I had a headache so I went to bed. Happy Birthday to me!

    I gave myself a no-weigh pass on my bday, but the day before I weighed 294.8 :trollface: ugly! And today, the day after my bday, 291.4 :smiley: Surprise!
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    I gave myself a pass yesterday and gained 2 pounds. :( You did MUCH better than I!
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Well I went over my calorie goal for yesterday but only by 10 calories. Have anyone tried boiled potatoes with fresh squeezed lemon juice on them? OMG they are amazing. My mother in law made them for saint patties day. Usually her food isn't heathy but this year it was boiled potatoes, steamed cabbage, corn, bread and corned beef. I was able to limit myself to one roll and had lots of cabbage. Overall I count it as a successful dinner.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sounds like a lot of us went over on calories either yesterday or today. Including me ... today. And I know it will show up as a large gain in the morning ... one of my weight reporting days! Lamenting, lamenting, lamenting. ...
    There's an interesting piece of information I've just starting looking at on MFP regarding my food intake ... It has to do with my macros. Now ... I don't know if the information is actually accurate ... but being a Premium member I can flip my diary between showing the grams vs the percentages on the macros ... and I've taken note of it the last couple of weeks. Seems like no matter if I eat little or eat a lot, my macros stay about the same ... and that is about at what I have them in my target to be. S0 ... watching macro percentages will not help me lose weight unless the total calories are at a decent deficit. Yep ... it's back to that old truth ... calories in and calories out. And for me, breads out, chips out, candy bars out ... out ... out ... scat! OUT!!! :wink:
  • PennysOnaMission
    PennysOnaMission Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2017
    Ok, here we are, Sunday. The nitty gritty on "me". As I just returned from my two week post op visit and have committed to dropping weight to fix a major health time bomb - a hernia that may block my intestines (sorry for the TMI) - this is what I'm committing to:

    My name is Penny and....

    SW: 278

    10%: 251

    GW: 180

    I have six months for a MINIMUM of 40 pounds to qualify for surgery. But my competitive streak was awakened. Walking and resistance with no weights videos are among my tools. I have challenges such as income.... I'm not working due to mental illness and am on assistance. Money is tight and somehow I have to work with rising costs of eating healthy. Add to that, my diet has shifted thanks to surgery.... no red meat. None. I know it can be done. It's going to be tricky but with your help I know I can.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2017
    I have six months for a MINIMUM of 40 pounds to qualify for surgery. But my competitive streak was awakened. Walking and resistance with no weights videos are among my tools. ... I know it can be done. It's going to be tricky but with your help I know I can.

    Welcome @Pennyapink0204 ... That's a very aggressive weight loss requirement for the surgery you need. Not to say it is not doable ... because it certainly is, and many people have been able to maintain the caloric deficits required for such a loss. Wish I could do it myself!

    I also have a hernia, and it too has the potential to become an intestinal emergency. I was advised not to do heavy bearing down kind of activities, and to wear a 'belt' to hold everything in place during activity. Well .. it's not a belt, actually. It's more like 15-inches tall and is meant to be worn tightly wrapped around the torso. Insurance didn't cover it's cost, but was still affordable at the medical supply pharmacy. I don't wear mine on a regular basis, but do if I am going to be doing any lifting and carrying. .... have you been advised of such a wrap? Good luck on your weight loss.

    Something I've been doing that helps me is ... drink a lot of water ... actually, hot water like for tea but without the tea bag. Drinking one glass before every meal, one glass first thing in the morning, and a glass before any snack has helped me to eat less. Another thing I've recently learned that I'm finding very helpful is 'listen to my stomach' ... which comes down to eating slowly and not eating any further after a 'burb' comes up my from my stomach ... it's like my stomach is saying 'Stop feeding me, I've had enough." ... It even talks to me after drinking water or coffee if I'm having too much! :)

    PS - edited for spelling/typos. ... danged keyboard!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Yesterday I walked the straight and narrow all day Met family for dinner and had 3 onion rings from my granddaughter plate. So many carbs and fat. Threw me off for the day. And they weren't that good. Very good day today if I can tame my inner child and not eat after going to bed.

    Trina - I would call that successful also

    Penny - Good luck

    We are probably all working to lose to impact our health.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    Just a refresher about me for any newbies or if anyone's forgotten...
    My name is Rachael but on MFP people call me Rach or Mermaid.
    I just turned 36yo, married 13yrs, DH has a little higher BMI than me. Currently my BMI is 47.
    My ultimate goal wt is 150ish and at that wt I would be at an ideal BMI.
    I have been obese most of my life, save the year and a half when life got weird for me ... college, depression, etc ... But then I met my DH and life got better. And we got fatter together.
    Love dining out! Burgers and fries are my fav junkfood!
    No children by choice. At first I wanted to lose weight bc I did not want to be fat and prego; bad for the baby. But after many many discussions, we determined we do not want children. So now I am losing for my own health. I just hope wt loss doesnt cause a "surprise" :wink: I have seen that happen many times.
    Former WW member of 10+yrs but have sworn off WW once they closed the free msg boards in Aug of last yr. My thread moved to a closed MFP group and then I found this thread! I love this group although the people here do not post as regularly (daily) like my other smaller group. I believe support is key, but it wont get it done for you. You've got to do the "heavy lifting" for yourself.
    On W12/28/2016 I started following the DASH plan (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension, my DH is on BP meds and this is the diet the Dr recommended) according to Marla Heller's book DASH Weight Loss Solution.
    I have tried to follow the diets of many other books, including other DASH diet books, but most are so complicated and expensive to follow that it doesn't last long. This one is different. I love it! I can afford it. I did not get a headache weaning off the sugar. I enjoy the food. I am hardly ever hungry. And the wt loss is good - not too fast, not too slow.
    Full disclosure, I tried to "take the reins" and create my own menu and my wt loss slowed dramtically BUT I am still in it! I dropped below 300 on New Years Day and have never seen that number again. Then on Jan22 I dropped below 295 and havn't seen anything higher for awhile. I am currently digging for the 280s. They made a single appearance so I know they are there! It will be a big milestone once I do reach the 280s - 289.5 marks 5% lost and 10% towards my goal!
    I weigh myself daily and record it on my Garmin Connect app (I wear a Garmin Vivofit2 bc at the time I bought it, Dec2015, it was the only activity monitor I could afford that was waterproof enough to swim) and I record my wt on MFP every 5 days (bc MFP makes a notification about my attendance every 5days and I did not want to do the traditional wkly WI and become entangled in a routine of starving myself on a peticular day of the week trying to coherse the scale into "being my friend"). I use to take a progress picture every five days. I called it my WIP (Weigh In Pic / Work In Progress - got that from my FB coloring group :wink: ) but the body is slow to change it's shape (especially when you have so much wt to lose) so now I am only going to post comparison pics (start v. current) every five weeks (when my 5day WI lands on a Wednesday, the day of the week that I started DASH). :smile:
    I am making myself a wt loss progress bracelet with Pandora-like charms that I buy from the WISH app (SO much cheaper than Pandora, but looks very similar). Every 5day WI earns me a charm, a little colored crystal, but if I surpass my next 5lb milestone then instead I add a "special" charm of my choice. So far my special charms are a star, a yingyang, and a heart. There will be more than one progress bracelet. Each bracelet represents 100doD (days of DASH). :sunglasses:
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Just chiming in to say continued good wishes to all. I'm sorry to hear of the health issues some of you are facing--I'm a member of the hernia club, too. :/

    Anyway, happy first day of Spring! I promised myself I'd do better with exercise this week, and I'm happy to report that I did in fact get up early and take a long walk--before the sun came up, since that's the only time I really have to myself. (Ufff, I am SO not a morning person). I found out that the pond along my route has beavers in it...a pair of them were startled when I came waddling by. Which means I startled myself, too. I think it would have been pretty funny to anyone watching--thankfully it was still mostly dark out and I doubt anyone (besides the beavers) witnessed my mini-heart attack. :wink:
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    KATRENAJ wrote: »
    Yesterday I walked the straight and narrow all day Met family for dinner and had 3 onion rings from my granddaughter plate. So many carbs and fat. Threw me off for the day. And they weren't that good.

    Katrena- bring a mom of two little ones I've found it really hard not to eat off of my kids plates. BUT I've found that I get a lot less cold and less sick over all if i avoid any food that touched their plates! So now anytime I start to think of eating food from their plates I ask if it's worth having a miserable cold and it's helps me leave those cold greesy onion rings alone.

    @MermaidPrincessRach thank you for the long back history! I love hearing everyone's stories. I would love to see pictures of your bracelet! I'm always on the lookout for a new way to reward myself but I'm just downright I ether find it to be something that I would rather not buy because I see no reason for it, or its expensive and I don't feel like I should be spending that much on myself while we are saving for a huge remodel.

    AMF-I wish that I had time to write my back story like Rach but being on my phone slows the process down. And yikes it's already 6am I got to get moving if I'm going to be able to get everyone up and out of the house on time.

    Quick question for the do you track a party filled with random apps? I tried not to eat more than 3 but the beer lowered my resistance and all bets were off so I tried to remember it all and track it afterwards....which so didn't work!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2017
    Happy Spring Soltice Day everyone --- Welcome Spring !!! ...

    Earth Day Weight Loss Challenge results for our 3rd week in labeled March 15. The weigh in for the week saw 15 people weighing in, 2 for the first time. We had a 28.3 lb LOSS as a group.
    It seems we've also lost some weighers along the way. But maybe they'll pop in and report this week. There are no rules in our challenge that you get 'dropped' if you miss weighing in ... and this challenge has 4 more weeks to run.

    Good luck with your weight loss efforts everyone!

    I have a new tip that worked well for me this past week in moving me off the out of my holding pattern ... 3 simple little things:
    1 ... eat 8 small almonds throughout the day at 90 minute intervals ... just one, and chew it as long as possible.
    2... switch to warm or hot water (plain) instead of cold water and have at a minimum 1 first thing in the morning, 1 before each meal (including snacks).
    3 ... listen to your stomach ... it tells you when you need to stop eating. The word it says is 'burp'. <3


    PS ... that almond tip ... it's to keep from 'starving' yourself in long stretches of no food timeframes as well as a substitute for another type of snack ... it tells your body that it is getting it's sustinance so it can relax the food storage mode and use some of that stored fat for energy.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Hi Everyone, and Happy Solstice! I just got back from visiting with my mom for 3 days, along with brother and SIL. We all live a distance from each other and don't get to see each other nearly enough. Had a fabulous time! But spent a good part of the weekend eating delicious restaurant foods and not getting enough exercise. This morning the scale shows an increase of 4#s. Not worried about it, tho. I'm home now and life is already back to normal. I know that within only a very few days that 4#s will be gone again. Best wishes to all, and welcome to the newcomers!
  • Doucelait
    Doucelait Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm back on my fitness pal after a year. Would like to set my caloric intake. I did the calculations and it says in order to maintain my weight I would have to eat 2447 calories a day. Looking to lose 125 pounds. How much should my caloric intake be to lose 3 pounds a week? I also walk for 30 minutes 5 x week. Thanks
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    Doucelait wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I'm back on my fitness pal after a year. Would like to set my caloric intake. I did the calculations and it says in order to maintain my weight I would have to eat 2447 calories a day. Looking to lose 125 pounds. How much should my caloric intake be to lose 3 pounds a week? I also walk for 30 minutes 5 x week. Thanks

    Well, first let me say that 3lbs per week is NOT a safe or healthy rate. But, if you must, then subtract 1500calories each day. 500cal per day times 7 days equal 1lb. Good luck!
  • Doucelait
    Doucelait Posts: 2 Member
    so what's a safe caloric intake, especially when you have 125 pounds to lose, and you have to keep it up? for example if you start out a certain caloric intake and you lose 50 lbs, doesn't your body get used to it an you might plateau and you may have to go lower?