Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... somehow, I don't truely believe I am serious about weight loss and body fitness. I mean; I've been reading posts about people who have lost more than I need to lose in less than a year-and-a-half ... and here I am, 269 weeks after 'starting over' and I'm only down about 26 pounds from the 'starting over' weight. Heck ... I've only just managed to hang on to the weight loss I'd had as a goal back in 2010, when my goal was to beat the weight loss I'd had in 2009 and regained. Plus, all the losing and gaining and losing ang gaining again has caused me to be a larger mass than I was when I started, even though my weight is lower ... because I do not exercise for fitness. I feel bummed out when I look at it with this negative mentality. Time to think of some positives from the years I've struggled to trim up ...

    1 - All in all, my weight is down 40 pounds from my all time high.
    2 - I've made lasting changes to the way I use food.
    3 - I've made lasting changes to the foods I consume.
    4 - My health markers are better now than they were then.
    5 - I take less medication now than I did then ... down to 2 pill RX's instead of 5.
    6 - I am down a dress size, even with my softer, looser body shape.
    7 - I've expanded my mind through new learning about nutrition and fitness.
    8 - My highest weight was 9 years ago ... thus I can and do maintain weight loss.
    ......(ok ... this one is a take even if it's a bit iffy)
    9 - I like myself better today than I did when I was at my heaviest.
    10 - I'm not a depressed person any longer, while sometimes blue, I bounce back easily.

    Now ... Now that I've found 10 good things about myself on this journey to better health and fitness ... it's time to take better action and activate the weight loss campaign instead of the maintain it style of living ... and that means more physical activity, more consuming of stored energy instead of input energy. Oh NO ... that means I have to eat less! Shucks and dog nab it .. here I go!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    edited March 2017
    I realize that I am late to the party - but I want in!! Luckily, Wednesday's are my weigh in days so this is perfect for me! It will also give me a reason to participate in the thread. I try to read through every few days but it's hard to post when I am mostly using the App on my phone.

    Name: Robin
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 273.8
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 260

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 273.8
    March 1: 273
    March 8: 272.4**
    March 15:
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    ** My birthday was March 4th and even though I logged, I pretty much knew I'd threw my eating choices out the window for 3-4 days. I decided beforehand that I was going to enjoy my birthday weekend and I would be happy if I gained only 1 pound. Not only did I not gain anything, but I actually lost 0.6 of a pound! I was a very happy camper!

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.6
    Weight -/+ this month: -0.6

    Congrats to everyone that is participating and doing so well and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the other March babies that I have noticed scrolling through the thread!

    Until next time; Peace B), Love <3 and Weight Loss :# !!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Welcome to the challenge @RobinB0812 ... Since this thread has a Monday - Sunday type of suggestions if you don't know what to post, I figure Sunday is our end date for the week of ... i do, however weigh in on Wednesday for this challenge.

    My birthday is next Friday ... and so is Mermaid Rach's ... we are both St Patty Day babies! There will, however, be no special Irish dishes for me that day. I've invited my only sibling to come over for lunch ... and I'm cooking it.
    Haven't decided on a menu yet ... it kind of depends on where I am with the projects that I've left waiting while i while away the time online. Gee, maybe it will be a Reuben sandwich from the deli shop! ... Better not be! I really want to make something ethnic ... relative to the nationality we were brought up in ... which means it's Great Lent and mainly vegetarian for food stuffs. Which is great cause my sib has to be very careful of nutritional purins.

    Today, I made a chop-chop salad I've never tried out before. I'm thinking this might be something I could serve next week ... but it contains garbanzo beans and my sib doesn't like them.

    Yesterday I made a take on Chinese Fried Rice ... I used Quinoa, peas, carrots, celery, and egg ... and it was really tasty ... but high in carbs for ME. ... so I'm still searching for the special dish I will serve my sib.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @Nikion901 - do you know what it is that keeps derailing you? How often do you tend to go off track? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Any idea what may cause that? I know you have all sorts of health issues, and pain - which makes exercise difficult. But what can you do? Can you maybe swim or do water aerobics? Do you have an indoor pool that's accessible to you? Or maybe can you participate in gentle yoga? Every little bit helps. Just know that we are all here with you, cheering you on every day!

    @mnwalkingqueen - my deepest condolences to you on the loss of your son. I am so very sorry that you had to experience that. Under the circumstances I applaud you for getting "back in the saddle" and working towards regaining your health. I know your son would be so proud of you!

    Thursday truth for me is a happy one! As of yesterday my scale delivered me into ONEderland. This, for the first time in maybe 25 yrs. And also, I met my 4th "10% of bodyweight" mini-goal. So I'm a pretty happy girl these days.

    Best wishes to everyone!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Nikion901 - do you know what it is that keeps derailing you? How often do you tend to go off track? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Any idea what may cause that? I know you have all sorts of health issues, and pain - which makes exercise difficult. But what can you do? Can you maybe swim or do water aerobics? Do you have an indoor pool that's accessible to you? Or maybe can you participate in gentle yoga? Every little bit helps. Just know that we are all here with you, cheering you on every day!

    Thursday truth for me is a happy one! As of yesterday my scale delivered me into ONEderland. This, for the first time in maybe 25 yrs. And also, I met my 4th "10% of bodyweight" mini-goal. So I'm a pretty happy girl these days.

    Best wishes to everyone!

    Congratulations @birgit on reaching ONEderland. That's where I want to be by the end of this year.

    Yes, I know what has derailed me in the past. Thank you for your suggestions, and for your cheers along the way.

    @mnwalkingqueen ... welcome back! I'm sorry, I went right by your post this morning. It's so good to hear you have found a will to live and some equilibrium in your life once again. Those sorrow pounds will come off.
    I like your goal of reducing the number of purchased meals vs made at home ones you have. That was one of the first things I had to work on. One thing that worked for me to curb that kind of eating was to give myself a cash allowance for the month that had to pay for car gas, on the spot groceries or small change purchaes ... AND restaurant meals. When it hurt the pocket book, I found the strength to cook instead of dial the phone!. Good Luck!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Well, I dug myself out of the spiral of depression and got back on track today. I had gained from 208 to 228 but am following the 8 Week Blood Sugar diet and have already lost 5 lbs. It's really not about the loss, but it is encouraging, but it is about getting control of my life and health. After just three days, my inflammation level is down and I am not experiencing hunger, though I did eat before bed last night, even though I wasn't hungry.

    I had gotten so inflamed that I could hardly walk. I went to a Chiro and he said my spine was out of alignment and has been adjusting me. I will walk this beautiful evening.

    I am taking a Drawing Class, a Clay Sculpture class, a Spanish class and a Photography class. Had to cut back on exercise due to inflammation, but I can walk and do Tai Chi.

    My Thursday truth is that I will have to watch my weight for the rest of my life. This is not a quick fix. The other truth is that I can accept responsibility for where I am today and make choices to be elsewhere in my life. If it's to be, it's up to me.

    I'm looking forward to some challenges. Do we still do those? They are so helpful


    Nikion Your accomplishments are fantastic. Keep going

    MnWalkingQueen - So sorry to hear about your son's death. I lost my son to suicide in 2007 and that is the toughest thing I have ever dealt with. Even the loss of my husband doesn't even compare. My thoughts of love and comfort go out to you. There are no words to say that can comfort you enough. I commend you for your efforts and may God bless you

    Carson mom4 - Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You made the first step. Hip Hip Hooray
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    edited March 2017
    I weigh in early in the week and I'm pretty sure I forgot to post so here it is.
    Name: Barb
    Age: 69
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 241.6
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 228.5

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 241.6
    March 1: 239.4
    March 8: 237
    March 15:
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: 2.4
    Weight -/+ total: 4.6
    Been happy with my 2 pounds plus or minus for the last few weeks, but things aren't looking so good this week. I hope before my next weigh in the scales change more that .2 which is what I am seeing so far since my last weigh in. Guess I had better make myself do some more exercising, it hasn't been a good week for that.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2017
    KATRENAJ wrote: »

    I'm looking forward to some challenges. Do we still do those? They are so helpful

    @KATRENAJ ... we have a weight reporting challenge going right now that is just in for it's second weigh-in this week ... you are welcome to join us. It runs through till the week of April 22 -- Earth Day!

    PS ... take a look at @bapcarrier post right above this one for the format.
    It started on a Wednesday, as a wish fulfillment ... that's why the Wednesday dates for weigh-in.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Name: KATRENA
    Age: 71
    Height: 5' 1/2"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 241.6
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 228.5

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 221
    March 1: 221
    March 8: 223.6 DOWN FROM 227.6 FEW DAYS BEFORE
    March 15:
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: + 2.6 BUT HAD GAINED UP TO 227.6 ON 3/6
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 221
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 210
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    Name: Jeanie

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 262.4
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 250

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 262.4
    March 1: 258.6
    March 8: 258.4
    March 15:
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Friday Fitness: been trying to jog a bit during my daily morning walks. I hate it! Really don't understand why people seem to love it so much. I'm told it's an acquired taste. Well, so are olives - which I hate. My feeling is that if I have to work so hard at learning to like something, why do it? So jogging will be relegated to the realm of olives in my life, I think. Just not for me. I'll keep on walking...
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @birgitkwood ... the only good thing I can say about jogging is that it gets you from Point A to Point B a little quicker. But probably also sweatier! ... keep them feet moving! :)

    Friday Fitness: Got a lot planned for today that I will accomplish IF I can stay upright long enough ... ok, ... I'll correct that ... if I can keep the sit-down breaks to a minimum length of time instead of getting caught up in a sit-down activity! Really loving that Raw Veggie Salad with Olives and Prunes that I made yesterday ... It tastes like a perfect food to me sensibilities and the nutritional values are great too with a long lasting satiety profile. It's a keeper, for me
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    Niki thanks for remembering my bday next friday! I will be taking a four-day weekend then! Will take care of my kitties annual vet visit Thur, time alone at the beach Fri, time with DH on Sat (go see the BnB movie in theaters!), and lunch and family photos with DM and 2 older sibs (w/ sigificant others) on Sun. DH and I are the only obese of the bunch so I hate taking photos with tgem BUT as I am seeing weight loss, hopfully this will be the last fat photo I will take surrounded by my skinny family.

    Fitness Friday: 5 consecutive coffee stroll mornings! WooHoo! Wanna keep it up! I am an odd duck i guess bc I would really like to become a reg runner. But i will not b one of those who does too much too quickly and endup with lifelong knee/foot/etc injuries! So I stroll for now, build up the habit of getting out the door. The first step is the hardest, they say. Then I will ditch the coffee (and strolling) and up tge ante to interval speed walking ... then int. jogging ... until one day I will run 30min nonstop! Victory!!!! But for now I stroll.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Thursday Truth: When I was in my early 30s I became a Mary Kay lady. She had a saying that I hoped was true and here 35 years or so later, I know it is because I'm proof of it. She said, "If you take care of your skin when you are young, when you are old you will have what you deserve." I did and everyone always complements my skin. I have few wrinkles and pretty nice texture for a woman my age. The same holds true for our weight, if I take care of it now, later I will have what I deserve! This week shows I didn't take care of it now and it's what I deserve for the actions I did and didn't take!
    Grant it, I haven't been able to exercise as much or walk as much due to a hamstring injury, but I knew that because of that I would have to be very vigilant with my caloric consumption and I ate too much at times and poor choices at others and the scale showed that this morning.
    @birgitkwood -OH GIRL, I am doing a super happy dance for you! I'm so excited you would think it was me going into onderland!!!! So happy for you! So glad you took up the challenge! CONGRATULATIONS!
    @mnwalkingqueen - I have not lost a child, but I did lose a two year old grandchild and a husband. I have to agree that losing the child was the worst, because it's just not the natural sequence of life and because I had to see my own child suffer with something I could not make better. My heart goes out to you. My heart also rejoices that you have come back and that you will do this for yourself and it would make your son so proud of you. I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way!
    @KATRENAJ so happy you are back too and so sorry for the loss of your son. It's so tragic. Good for you on the Blood Sugar Plan, 5 pounds is great!
    @RobinB0812 - Glad to see you and that you are joining in with our challenge! Birthdays are special and should be celebrated!
    @Nikion901 You are always so inspiring! I'll be thinking of you on your birthday. I'm going to a big birthday party for my best friend that day. St Patrick's Day babies are very special indeed. You to @MermaidPrincessRach !!!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Name: Holly
    Age: 68

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 267.0 lbs
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 251.0 lbs

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 267.0 lbs
    March 1: 266.2
    March 8: 267.6
    March 15:
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1.4
    Weight -/+ this month +1.4

    Friday Fitness- The hamstring injury is feeling better each day and today I will do some stretching and walking and start working back slowly. I have definitely learned that at my age, stretching (even before swimming) is essential and hopefully I will not repeat that mistake again!

    It's painful that I have had an increase but as we always say it's a journey and this week I was in the valley of poor decisions! LOL
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Dr just released me to go back to Water Aerobics, so I wll go Monday. Going to be walking a lot this weekend and found a walking partner for the trails around her. Yahoo

    birgit - at our age, jogging isn't the best. Have a friend that ruined her knees. Walking is better and you can stop and enjoy the scenery. I especially enjoy walking in the woods hearing the sounds of birds and critters. Not only good exercise but good for the soul. Dr's are finding that walking is just as good or better than jogging, which can take its toll before the 40's and can wreak havoc after 40.

    campfireque - Am with you on skincare. Most folks think my daughter is my mother. She says she is aging naturally. She isnt getting it.
    Thanks for your comments. You never heal from that, but I cope well and can now remember the joyous times
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    My success just going 260 calories over plan today, but carb count was low so still expect a little weight loss. Will be walking a lot tomorrow. I resisted having a lemon donut when I went thru the drive thru. Made conscious decision (as opposed to not thinking about it until its too late) to wait till I reach 180 to eat another. Used to have one every day. Also, I made good snack choices and ate at home tonight instead of going out, where choices might have been too tempting

    Question: Is there a way to save this site so I can jump into it. I have to keep a link on my computer and go in to get here. Not too computer savvy but if anyone knows a better way, would appreciate hearing about it.
    Wishing everyone a happy weekend.

    birgit - at our age, jogging isn't the best. Have a friend that ruined her knees. Walking is better and you can stop and enjoy the scenery. Even Dr's are now saying walking is better I read an article today that said you get the same benefit from short burst of excursions as you do from longer constant endeavors.

    campfireque - Am with you on skincare. Most folks think my daughter is my mother. She says she is aging naturally. She isnt getting it.

    Thanks for your comments. You never heal from that, but I cope well and can now remember the joyous times

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    KATRENAJ wrote: »

    Question: Is there a way to save this site so I can jump into it. I have to keep a link on my computer and go in to get here. Not too computer savvy but if anyone knows a better way, would appreciate hearing about it.
    Wishing everyone a happy weekend.

    Do you know how to bookmark on your device? The method to bookmark (make favorite) a page or site varies somewhat depending on which internet connection your use.

    You can also bookmark thread (page) inn MFP community pages ... but you need to get to MFP and then the community pages to use it ... it's the star symbol that you see by the thread name ... when you click on the star it will become cast in yellow to show you have bookmarked that thread. Then you access it Star icon on any Community Page to see your bookmarked threads.

    I kind of like the faster way of bookmarking the page on my computer so that I use the browser bookmarks to get to it.

    Confuse you? Ask a question and I or someone else will be able to steer you further.