Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tracy-- welcome back! Best wishes for your sister's health. The flu is taking it's toll here in Chicagoland--I've seen some school closures on the news, but I haven't heard of any deaths in my area. Our school has remained open, but I have a lot of empty seats this week. I think we have to reach 25-30% absent rate before they will shut down. Needless to say, I'm going through a lot of clorox wipes trying to keep desks cleaned and germs at a minimum.

    @TripleSnake --welcome to the thread! What concert do you have at the end of March? I'm kind of obsessed with going to concerts--I just love seeing musicians perform live.

    @niki-- I have a mess of paperwork in my home office that needs sorting, but I can't seem to bring myself to tackle that task. I will have to do it in order to get my taxes done, so it's looming. Good luck with your de-cluttering.

    AFM--I have a terrible head cold that started Sunday as fever and chills. I spent the day in bed sleeping and fearing the dreaded flu. Fortunately, by Sunday evening the fever was gone and I was already feeling much better, but now my nose is a faucet. No exercise for me right now, but I don't have much of an appetite, so my calories have been low anyways.

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone...I’m really ready to try this again done feeling sorry for myself and stuffing my face with fast food for all meals. My name is Holly I’m 44yrs old from Minneapolis MN. Last time I was on this thread was either 2016 or 2017. Last 2 yrs are actually a big blur being I was grieving the loss of my 19yr old to suicide but now that I’m in a better place I’m ready tobtry again. I am now 40lbs heavier than my heaviest weight and it is hard to get motivated but I have walked on treadmill last 5 days
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi All!!

    I am back for a bit before my trip .. its been hectic lately and not great on the weight loss arena :o but in good spirits nevertheless! I don't think I have gained more; however, I have not eating too well nor exercising but looking forward to my trip because my husband will help get me back on track :)

    We put our house for sale a while back and we finally got an offer ... not great (we are actually losing part of our downpayment :'( ) but don't want to keep it longer since I don't think we will go back to NJ. So with selling a house comes all the paperwork and of course dealing with all our stuff ... our house is fully furnished didn't bring much to Italy, so now I need to figure out what we want to keep, sell or donate so I guess I will be entertained working on this ... also need to find an storage place. So @Nikion901 and @skinnyjeanzbound you are not alone with organizing, sorting, de-cluttering :D

    @GOINSTD12 hope your sister gets better soon!

    @bapcarrier Not sure if I will be able to submit my info the Winter Games these couple next week, can't recall if I left a scale back in NJ so if I have one I will submit my weigh-in data, but if not I will on the last week. Sorry my trip was planned last minute!

    @mnwalkingqueen @TripleSnake welcome to the group! I know everyone has a different story and reason for embarking on this weight loss journey, but be sure we will provide you as much support as possible. We all have our own method for loosing weight so you will find tons of advice, tips, recipes and stories here to help you.

  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen, @TripleSnake, welcome! This is a great group and you will find a lot of inspiration here. We are glad you are here.

    @happygirlxxx I think I'm confused. You currently live in Italy, right? And is it your house in Italy that you are selling? Or a house in NJ? I was confused about your statement that said you didn't think you were going back to NJ. Where will you be moving to? Don't worry, you'll be burning calories with all that is involved with moving. :smile:

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited February 2018
    @happygirlxxx ... have a safe and successful journey to your old home in NJ ... Hey ... your time away with possibly no scales available to track your weight isn't anything new, right? Right! ... Just use your common sense and perhaps the MyPlate method of combining foods ... 1/2 plate of veggies, 1/4 plate of protein, 1/4 plate of starchy something. A piece of fruit and a glass of drink on the side ... You Got This!

    PS ... just also, use a 9-inch plate instead of a 14-inch plate! :D>:)<3o:)
  • TripleSnake
    TripleSnake Posts: 77 Member
    edited February 2018
    Thanks for all greetings!

    I am happy that I weight everyday and monitor the trend. Had a bit lack of sleep tonight, and scales shown 1.5 lbs more. If I used only 1 day for logging, I would be very disappointed with only 0.3 lbs loss since last week Wednesday. Now I know it is a freak jump out of trend and simply ignore it.

    @TripleSnake --welcome to the thread! What concert do you have at the end of March? I'm kind of obsessed with going to concerts--I just love seeing musicians perform live.
    I am going to Ultra Music Festival in Miami (3 days).

    Sorry if I do not comment too much on your texts... I did not read all the topic and I am still getting into the what where and who.

    A bit more details about me and my issues: weight started growing at around 25, when started working and after dropped BC (till then I was 130-135). Started logging weight online sometime on 2013, managed to get lowest to 224.87 on 2013. 2015 logged weight above 240 lbs, and managed to get to smth 235-236 a couple times on 2016. End of 2017 - found keto, and stuck to it very easily, and already around 233-234 lbs, so less than anytime after 2014. Have a bit elevated testosterone, but nothing officially diagnosed. Always had problems with simple CICO, that I got cravings and got into sweet-salty-sweet-salty binge, which killed my CICO. Miss fruits the most, but miss healthy weight and healthy body more (and fruits did not work in the past...)
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    A word to the wise, try not to come down with the flu a week after surgery. Thanks goodness it was one of the very light strains, chills, aches and low fever. Checked it out with my surgeon, everything is okay. Turns out he had the same thing last week, he wanted to know if I gave it to him or he gave it to me! LOL Then, I was so excited when I felt better, that we went out to dinner and I ordered something I shouldn't have that gave me the worse case of acid reflux I've had in several months!! I knew better!! Where's that wisdom that comes with age, anyway? I'm old enough, I should have some of that wisdom by now. To make matters even worse, I haven't managed to control my eating as I mostly just sit around doing nothing!

    Welcome to the new folks, @mnwalkingqueen, I remember you from before, welcome back, you've got friends here. You've have a terrible loss and I applaud you for starting your weight loss journey again. I'm thinking of you!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Good Morning!!

    On my way to the airport... I am sleepy, had to wake up early to pack and get my dogs ready ... they know when there is a suitcase that we are leaving ... I don’t think they like it much :/ they are so spoiled and when we travel they stay alone most of the day.

    @b_lisieux yes, I currently live in Milan, but before I was in NJ and even though the area is super nice and the house is gorgeous we realized is not really a place we are dreaming to go back, so we are selling it. We will be selling a lot of furniture too .. we are thinking of downsizing to an apartment and actually eventually maybe moving to a beach place :smile:

    @nikion901 you are right! By now I should have learnt! Small portions!! Thank you for the good wishes for my trip!

    @raindogmaa I understand the wine issue totally! For Christmas my husband got cases and cases of amazing Italian wine as gifts and now we have to drink it :smiley: enjoy the Fitbit, I am thinking of getting one myself too, I really want to monitor better my steps and calorie burn because guesstimating is not working much ;)

    @bapcarrier feel better soon!

    @TripleSnake I also thought Keto would be hard to follow but is actually is not that bad ... have a couple friends that do it and loss tons; so I think I will too more strictly because so far I just did low carb.
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @raindogmaa Old habits are very hard to break. But it sounds like you have it under control. Congrats! Enjoy the Fitbit. Personally, I can never understand why anyone WANTS to sweat and workout. LOL Your day will come soon. Hang in there. You don't want to rush it and potentially do more damage to your foot.

    @bapcarrier Oh no....sorry to hear you got the flu after your surgery!! NOT fun. I hope you are back to 100% soon.

    @happygirlxxx Have a great trip and thanks for explaining the house situation. :smile:
  • raindogmaa
    raindogmaa Posts: 205 Member

    @raindogmaa I understand the wine issue totally! For Christmas my husband got cases and cases of amazing Italian wine as gifts and now we have to drink it :smiley: enjoy the Fitbit, I am thinking of getting one myself too, I really want to monitor better my steps and calorie burn because guesstimating is not working much ;)

    I would be HAPPY to travel to Milan and help you drink all of that amazing Italian wine. My wine loving friends and I took a trip to Italy in 2005. We stayed at a house near San Gimignano! It was probably the best holiday of my life... especially since I went with my late husband. He passed away a year later so I am So grateful we took that trip. He even learned to speak Italian a year before we went. So just say the work and I'll book my flight (wink!)
  • TripleSnake
    TripleSnake Posts: 77 Member
    @happygirlxxx yes, doing keto is way easier than low carbs, because your body fully switch to keto mode and do not expect to get energy from carbs. I usually was quite low carb eater, but suffered from cravings, now I am happy.

    @DebCountsAll hi, I hope you will be successful loosing and good luck (I am waiting for my onederland as well).

    On Tuesday I overate a bit, so yesterday the scales got up, and did not fall today, but today I feel a need to drink a lot and run to bathroom a lot, I hope for a whoosh (anyway, my weight usually whooshes a lot during the weekend)

    @b_lisieux well, somebody says they get endorphins from sports. I just get bored.
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope everyone's doing great today. I'm plugging away even though I'm currently feeling so hungry the past two days! (TMI side note- I've learned to recognize this as part of PMS for me.) Here's a Thursday"truth"- Sometimes in the evenings I pace the kitchen like a tiger in a cage, torn between satisfying my salty snack craving and a cup of tea. Happy to say this month I've chosen tea. Or pickles when I got desperate, hahahahaha. And I always leave calories for a decadent dark chocolate square- always! :smiley:

    @DebCountsAll Hi! We are so alike in our stories and numbers! I'm an outside type girl too (even in this blech Michigan winter, I try to enjoy getting outside often- can't wait for camping season again, though- get me on a hiking trail, stat!) I keep myself motivated to keep going when I think about how much less embarrassing getting out of the kayak is going to be next summer. LOL!

    Finally- I have a public service announcement for anyone who likes tea! This past weekend I tried the best tasting tea of my life. Hokey pete- Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset- where have you been all my life??!??!!

    Everyone have a good weekend!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly-- welcome back!!

    Hi everyone-
    I have been sick all week, and though I've been insisting it isn't the flu, I'm pretty sure I've been lying. Stayed home today, and was planning another sick day tomorrow, but our district called for a snow day.

    I've gotten zero exercise this week, but I haven't had much of an appetite either. Silver lining of feeling so awful = I'm 4 lbs down from the previous week.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @kbeyer23 and @DebCountsAll - you both are women after my own heart. I live in NY state and for me there are two seasons: camping season and not camping season. Can't WAIT for winter to loosen its grip and to be able to get outdoors again, and I don't mean shoveling snow. Camping, hiking, kayaking... Can't wait!

    In the meantime, I do get out and snowshoe in the woods as much and often as I can. I feel deeply blessed to be once again able to do all of these things, because - truly - 100+ lbs ago I most certainly could not! So, @DebCountsAll - you've got at least one kindred spirit here, as well as an entire community cheering you on. You go, Girl - you've got this!
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    You'd think after using this app for years I'd know this- but I can't figure out how to add specific people (specifically you fantastic peeps) as friends? If I click someone's username it only gives be the option to message them or ignore them.

    So... If you know how to do this please tell me all you know orrrrrr just friend request me?
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    The Winter Games

    Name: BarneyRubbleMD
    Age: 58
    Height: 5'3"
    Highest weight: 317 lbs (1/3/2017)

    Start Weight (Jan 3, 2018): 211.6 lbs
    Goal Weight (Wednesday, Feb 28, 2018): 203.6 lbs (-8 lbs this challenge or ~ -1 lb/week).

    Weigh-ins (lbs) on Wednesdays (typically), week of:
    Jan 3: 211.6 lbs.(weight loss stalled this week, probably due to adding in 50% of my exercise calories vs 0%).
    Jan 10: 209.8 lbs (stuck with adding in 50% of exercise calories this week too--seems it worked out well).
    Jan 17: (on vacation: 12th-20th so I might not find a scales to weigh-in this week).
    Jan 24: 211.2 lbs (back from vacation).
    Jan 31: NA (out of town this week, traveling for work, returning late 1/7/2018).
    Feb 8: 211.6 lbs (on vacation Feb 8-13).
    Feb 15:
    Feb 22:
    Feb 28:

    weight change last 2 weeks: + 0.4 lbs
    weight change this challenge: - 0.0 lbs
    weight loss total (since 1/3/2017): 105.4 lbs
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    The Winter Games!

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6'0"
    Highest weight: 305 lbs. (4/4/16)

    Start Weight (Jan 8, 2018): 199.2 lbs.
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018): (190 lbs.) REVISED 186 lbs

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: missed it, jumped in late
    Jan 12: 191.8
    Jan 19: 190.0
    Jan 26: 187.4
    Feb 2: 187.2
    Feb 9: 186.6
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.6 lbs
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -12.6 lbs
    Total weight lost since 4/4/16: 118.2 lbs

  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    @canyonGeek Thanks for taking the time to do that! And thanks for friending me. I think the problem is the Android app- it looks different and only gives me the option to send a message. I'll have to drag out the laptop and do it.