Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Sadly, the mint shake is really good---and I rarely drink shakes!

    The "Folly-days" are playing havoc with my resolve and I AM SO WEAK. Hoping once I get back to the gym tomorrow (haven't been since Thursday due to foot), I'll stop putting stuff in my mouth. Had a cortisone shot Friday.

    Need to set some goals for self, so here goes--

    50,000 steps a week until Christmas (hard to do with a broken "wheel")--and 10 cups of water daily. Sounds easy, right? Can't start til tomorrow or I'll be up all night.

    Great reading all the good news. Miss you all.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    So i have found a coworker who is really motivated to get healthy and make life changes. We were talking today and are going to become accountability partners to each other! So exciting to have found her!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    Happy Day up early meet with my firends been a part of a wives group for years we meet weekly pray together share our lives, our weeks with, read normally a book like now a tape series by Beth Moore, and pray for each other, than onward to church after wards we had our thanksgiving potluck. I didn't do too bad lots of carbs though. able to get out the Richard simmons video sweatin to the oldies 2. Did the best i can makes my daughter laugh but ohwell.

    The house is clean, food bought so ready to go i think.

    Clothes I like them but still in the very fat sizes :embarassed: Was getting so fat i almost couln't buy a just my size clothes at walmart because some 5x's too tight. thought i be shopping Roman's catologs only. But now i am comfortable in a 4x but so far too go. so look forward to the day when I will be able to wear regular size clothes.

    Congrats to all of the successes scale or nsv's ! Hugs to all who is hurting, struggling.

    Love, Liz

    I've taken a few of Beth Moore's classes and always felt rejuvenated. I hope you enjoy the series. I think so many of us with 100+ lbs to lose can totally relate when it comes to those larger sizes. I've got quite a few 4x's in my closet that's for sure. With my loss so far, I finally bought my first size 22 pants in a very, very long time. I've been a 26/28 for as along as I can remember. I couldn't believe it!! I've got so many other pants, but will not buy more until I really have too (can't afford too). I did have 5 pants altered (much cheaper than buying new). Legs are still pretty baggy, but there staying up. It's an amazing feeling and definitely encouraging me to keep going. You can too!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    Having a rough time--more foot problems, etc, but not giving up. Hadn't eaten all day due to Dr. appts. and at 4 p.m. hit Arby's...hard. Turkey reuben and mint shake. Went from starving to sick really fast. Just water and a salad for dinner, I think.

    Sorry to hear you've had a rough day. Luckily, this day is over and a new one begins soon. I had to smile at the Turkey Reuben. I spent 12 years working for Arby's corporate and was there when they introduced the Market Fresh line in early 2000. When made properly, they do have some really good food. I've done that before too. You don't mean to not eat, but the day just gets by you. Hope you feel better soon!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    So i have found a coworker who is really motivated to get healthy and make life changes. We were talking today and are going to become accountability partners to each other! So exciting to have found her!

    I'm so happy for you!! I've got a co-worker too who's been so supportive. She lost 60 lbs years ago and has left most of it off. She only wants to lose like 10 lbs, but she's so encouraging to me and asks me daily about my exercise and food intake. It helps so much. Truly be accountability partners and you'll both WIN!!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @nzenczk -- I found that with turning 40 -- turning 40 was fine, had friends with me, everything felt great. 41 was really distressing. Hang on though, you'll get through it. 47 feels great! I know that 'counting your blessings' sounds like a really hokey idea but I find that just spending a couple of minutes a day remembering all the stuff that is good about my life is really rewarding.
    @Holly -- just follow a turkey plan carefully and you'll be fine. A smallish turkey is easier the first time than an enormous one; plus that way you aren't eating turkey for a month. And CONGRATS on getting under 250. That's a really big deal.
    @Lin -- I'm living in active wear as well; that way it's easy to go off to exercise. I have to think if I'm actually meeting other people though, otherwise I end up like the Oatmeal's cartoon about people who work at home.
    @Kelley -- In September I was 'OMG if I have to run for ten seconds more I am going to collapse', and today I did 5k run/walk in 53 minutes and have dance practice later tonight. I am *amazed* at how quickly it's possible to build up stamina for running, and the difference it makes in every other area of life. Who knew? I had been doing some cardio since June, but it's the running that has really made the difference. And who knows what the future will bring? My own kids have a lovely grandma who never had children of her own, but then married my widowed father-in-law. So she acquired 7 grandchildren, just like that!
    @Karenleona -- good luck with the knee!
    @lmackbethi -- good luck with losing weight over Thanksgiving... I'm in the UK, so we don't really have an online store like Junonia (and it's really expensive to get stuff shipped). I have ordered a golf shirt instead. Quality, wicking, long-sleeved golf shirts are available here, and they go up to (slightly) bigger sizes because golfers have that older, fatter profile. So we will see how that goes.
    @Kris -- love the new clothes! I really like the Christmas Eve dress. You'll wow them all I'm sure.
    @Christine -- if I'm really feeling hungry, I eat a bit more. I was careful the first few weeks while I was getting used to the plan, but I think this isn't about starving and if your body is telling you that you need more, it's sensible to listen. Because I'm a bit daft, I often then do evening exercise to get back in balance.
    @Tammy -- congrats on the SV! And I'm glad your husband is feeling better.
    @Marsha -- good to hear from you; I think those restaurant milkshakes are really dangerous but I'm sure once in a while is ok. Sometimes when I want something like that I share it with a family member. Half a shake's not so bad. Remember that you're not weak -- if you have just had a cortisone shot then that's what's fuelling the appetite. Try to keep healthy snacks around so you aren't inclined to binge.
    @Nicholsvj -- I think it's really good to have a friend around on this sort of journey.

    Tuesday goals -- well, I'm still working towards ONEderland -- it's seven pounds more away. But my other Tuesday goal is that I'm going to get to Zumba tonight. They put a card through my door this morning for a free session! So I am taking that as a Sign.

    Have a brilliant day, everyone!

  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Wanted to say thank you again to those that provided words of wisdom yesterday during my meltdown. :) I forced myself to make it through my exercise classes yesterday and felt rejuvenated afterward. Exercise really does chase the blues away. :)

    I'm feeling alot better today and am back on track. My goal for today is to take the dog for a walk and do my biggest loser DVD afterwork.

    I hope you all have a wonderful, on track day!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Today is my Friday, I'm off for the rest of the week and the family festivities begin tonight. My sister and her family arrived on Saturday, so I get to enjoy spoiling and playing with my 5- and 3-year old nephews for the rest of the week - I'm sure they will wear me out! :laugh: . Huge get together tonight with extended family - there will be about 25 of us there, i'm about 30 pounds lighter since the last time I saw most of them. Thanksgiving will be a lower-key day with just my sister, her family, and my parents.

    Tuesday Goals~Well, my fitness goals this week will be sporadic but I will do my best.

    Monday~Did a short walk, decided to do some shopping last minute (still no jeans but found a cute sweater for half-price in a smaller size). DONE!
    Tuesday~None, family get together
    Thursday~Turkey Trot 5K
    Friday~Cross Trainer

    @Marsha~I'm so sorry for your continued foot troubles, I hope the cortisone injection works and the pain lessons soon. That mint shake sounds yummy!

    @Kris~Cute clothes for your trip!

    @Alison~I am amazed at how much better I am running. Its especially cathartic for me because when I had arthroscopic knee surgery in May my doc told me I'd messed my knee up so much that I would never be able to run again - he was wrong! For that, I thank my trainer. I think you're right, I think running really helps to build stamina, not only can I run longer now but I'm not completely worn out after a 60 minute workout session! :noway: Have fun at Zumba!
    Wanted to say thank you again to those that provided words of wisdom yesterday during my meltdown. :) I forced myself to make it through my exercise classes yesterday and felt rejuvenated afterward. Exercise really does chase the blues away. :)

    Yes, it does!!! I'm so proud of you for going, its amazing how much better you feel after working out!

    Everyone have a fabulous day.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    So sorry I haven't done personals- I have been reading everyone's posts! I've been my own little world for a bit, trying to get myself back on track, went to the store and loaded up on healthy groceries after the kitchen being empty for a week - that is not healthy! I have also gone walking the last two days - yesterday for 1/2 mile. I'm really hoping I can get in to the habit of walking daily - I'm trying. I have a BIG motivation now - my best bud and I are going to Jamaica the end of February, so that gives me 3 months to get into beach-walking shape. We are staying at a Sandals with a 2 mile private beach and I am determined to walk that beach every night at sunset!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday all. Not a very succesful weekend. I went HOG WILD (literally) on Saturday. Still struggling with it. I wish I knew what it was about TOM that made me want to shovel food in my mouth. I swear that no matter how much I eat I still feel starving.

    ANyway, all this talk about clothes made me decide to put together some pics of the clothes I am buying for my holiday. I don't LIKE buying clothes but this vacation is the first time seeing my family for 6 years and I'm 111 lbs lighter. I wanted to look GOOD. :P

    All the pants came from (use code ww77910 for 20% off of everything in your cart). The shoes were all from Payless (B1G1 free), the Shirts (except for one from womanwithin) were from

    Something casual:

    Comfortable but pretty for travel to and from:

    Something fun for shopping with Mom:

    To wear to church Christmas Eve with the Family:

    Something festive to wear Christmas Day for dinner/presents:

    Super cute outfits!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Day!!

    Goal for today is to make sure I drink my 8 glasses of water and get in atleast a 15 minute walk.

    @Grannywhammy- your walking and drinking goals sound very do able.
    @Robin- Your trip will be so much fun.

    To everyone on the turkey advice thank you. I found a receipe online that seems pretty simple and unfortunately my first bird has to be a bigger one there will 12+ at our turkey lunch.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Tues. goals: Well, I still have to keep working on that goal to drink enough water because I'm not doing very good at it yet. I am also going to go sign up at the local high school so I can use the indoor walking track. I live in a small community, about 5,000 people. We don't have a lot options for indoor exercise so the high school lets the public use the indoor walking track in the auxiliary gym. It is available from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. whenever school is in session. Since winter is coming, I will need an indoor option.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Tues. goals: Well, I still have to keep working on that goal to drink enough water because I'm not doing very good at it yet. I am also going to go sign up at the local high school so I can use the indoor walking track. I live in a small community, about 5,000 people. We don't have a lot options for indoor exercise so the high school lets the public use the indoor walking track in the auxiliary gym. It is available from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. whenever school is in session. Since winter is coming, I will need an indoor option.
    Have a great day. Kaye
    That is cool that your school offers that option. I think it is great plan to use that during the winter.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Tuesday Goal: Go for a walk, I am going to do that right after I finish this and try to drink some water before and after.

    I have been absent for a while and my weight is move up, hummm. I really need to come back and get with the program but life seems so hectic, and it is really not. I am just lazy. What will it take to make me change/wake up and smell the fiber.

    IDK well like with each week here we go agian, oh and Thanks Giving is here, more food.
    I am very thankful for my family and live and this group.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hello to all my friends here. It is such a beautiful day today, brilliant blue sky, cool, but not cold. Took Belle on her morning walk and am thinking I need to start doing some housework:ohwell: I have to keep telling myself that it will burn calories. I have a lot of things to take to the DAV tomorrow. Getting rid of my 4x shirts and pants that are too big, also some dresses that are way too big. The upside to not working is not having to dress up every day, the downside is not having much money to replace clothes. I do get some great buys at Salvation Army on Wednesdays and being a senior citizen. Can't believe the pants I got the end of August are getting way too baggy already, wish my top half would go down just as fast. Oh well, I'm happy to be into a 2xl over the almost 5xl I was up to in April. I am also happy I have lost 1.5 of the 2 lbs I had gained over the last 2 weeks I was sick. I have decided to do the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse the Monday after Thanksgiving to get rid of all the evil germs that are hanging out in my body. A friend just finished hers and says she feels wonderful and is able to focus more and I could really use that.

    Robin, that vacation sounds lovely and will help break up the winter blahs.
    Kaye, that sounds like a great way to exercise over the winter months. My apartment complex has a fitness room, but my apartment is quite a ways from where it is and don't know if I will be able to walk there when it is below freezing or icy and snowy. If Belle was a little bigger I could hitch her to a sled and have her pull me. Can you picture this 245 lb old lady on a sled pulled by a pomeranian:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well, that's it for now, everyone have a great day, get some movement going and eat healthy! Love you all.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @Karenleona- Best Wishes for the you and your new knee!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member

    Might just kick the black cloud this week at this rate....

    ... Then again, maybe not... AAARRRGGGHHHH!! :sad:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    A bit early



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    goals sound very do able.
    @Robin- Your trip will be so much fun.

    To everyone on the turkey advice thank you. I found a receipe online that seems pretty simple and unfortunately my first bird has to be a bigger one there will 12+ at our turkey lunch.

    I think like some others said your best bet is the turkey bag. You can do whatever seasonings you want, but just put that turkey in the bag and leave it alone. It makes a great amount of juice for gravy and truly keeps the turkey moist. Use the bag!!! It will be great and your house is going to smell awesome!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I prefer indoor rock climbing but I am considering trying outdoor in the Spring.

    Karen- I hope your surgery went well and I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Robin E- Your vacation sounds wonderful.

    My goal for the week is to complete a 3 mile run/ walk on Thanksgiving. I will walk most of it but I don't care. The walking is simple, I do not trust the streets of my hometown enough to run. The sidewalks are uneven in many places- which means a greater chance of me twisting an ankle and with my luck it would be me.

    I did manage to get some exercise in today after 2 days off. I made it a point to hit the gym for 30 minutes right after work today. That was the only time I had today to exercise-I have been on the go since I left for work today. I did manage an eight mile bike ride with a 2000M row for a total of 30 minutes of exercise. Walked a couple of laps just to cool down.

    Goals for the week:
    Saturday- gym DONE
    Sunday- gym- NOT done
    Monday- Rest day DONE
    Tuesday- Gym DONE:laugh:
    Wednesday- Trainer for weight training
    Thursday- Turkey Trot 3 miles
    Friday- Rock Climbing
    Saturday- Gym