Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I finally remember now, well actually I read it, its Thursday truth. Well I guess my truth is I am getting somewhat forgetful, shocking but true. I also took a new pic of me on my new phone, just have to figure out how to get it out of my phone and onto here:frown: I think it was so much easier when the pictures just popped out of the camera.

  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Thursday Truth:

    Today is Day 5 of logging for me since I"ve gotten back up on the weight loss trolley. I'm hoping to stay on and get back up to the 135 days I was at before I fell off. Can't tell you how sad I was to see that number disappear. :(

    My students were awesome today. We went through adding and subtracting Mixed Numbers with unlike denominators and they FINALLY all got it! I have had so much fun teaching it and to see them light up when we go over answers and they get them right on their own really makes my day. I spent the afternoon putting up Christmas decorations around my room and outside on my door and in the hallway as a surprise to them. We have an "Elf on the Shelf" that has been watching over our classroom the last few days and "Elfis" our Elf left them a note taking credit for the decorations. :) I can't wait to see their faces. Even my 5th graders can still be sweet babies from time to time.

    Truth: I am truthfully happy to be back. I am REALLY enjoying catching up with everyone and seeing all of the progress each of you has made since I've been gone. I can't wait to get this last 5lbs off so that I can get back to where I was so I can lose even more. I am at 261 right now. I'm praying to be 250 or less by the end of December.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous day! I can't wait to hear from you all soon.

    ~ Jana
  • spookytune
    spookytune Posts: 38 Member
    Robin & Alison, you both are so right about using visualization as a tool. Since I have started back working on a better life style that is what I turn to first. There have been moments when all I want to do is pig out on a huge bowl of mac & cheese or stop at Taco Bell drive thru and order a ton of food, but then I ask myself how will I feel about it in a couple of hours. I'll try to see myself in a month from now wearing that favorite shirt I can't wear now. I'll see myself doing all these activities I've always wanted to do (like ice skating) that I can do right now. My main incentive of course is to complete the half marathon at Disney and I have visualized crossing that finish line so many times already. I cannot wait to achieve it. But to get to that point I have to put in the work and that means taking things one step at a time and visualizing the consequences of each action whether eating or exercising.

    Truth - Well it looks like I'll be doing my first 5K on Saturday in the M4MM. My friend who was going to do it fell ill and asked if I would take her place. Told her sure, no problem at all. Not sure if I can though. Only started training this week! As long as there isn't a time limit to finish I may make. Even if I have to crawl across finish line :bigsmile: . Although, if I can do this one then the Reindeer Romp 4K next weekend will be no problem. Keeping fingers crossed:happy:.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Spooky- You can do the 5K it is a little over three miles. Don't forget that you can mix running and walking during the event. Good luck and enjoy the 5K.

    Welcome to all the new people.

    To those who are struggling- WE CAN DO THIS!!! We know what we need to accomplish our goals and we will make it happen. We all go through up and downs so turn the negative thoughts into positives and lets work through the doubts together. WE CAN DO THIS!!! :drinker:

    Truth- Well the good news is I left work earlier than normal today which is huge for me, since I did not fall into the trap of staying to grade papers/projects. They can wait until tomorrow. Bad news- went to the Amish market on my way home not all bad picked up chicken for dinner and a salad for tomorrow. However, I wanted something sweet so I picked up a Boston Cream pie, mini-blueberry muffins and then some fresh cinnamon rolls, chocolate covered peanuts and pretzels (a favorite snack). I will be sharing all this with my family. I don't feel guilty about this since it is going to stop my sweet tooth. Today, is a lazy day and I was happy to be home at a decent time.

    Have a great day.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: TIME for a Game of Water Tag-- The next three people who read this should drink a cup of water that's 8oz. :drinker: :drinker::drinker:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: TIME for a Game of Water Tag-- The next three people who read this should drink a cup of water that's 8oz. :drinker: :drinker::drinker:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: TIME for a Game of Water Tag-- The next three people who read this should drink a cup of water that's 8oz. :drinker: :drinker::drinker:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    Continuing that water tag!! Love it. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Sorry, but I'm not doing the water tag at 10:15PM, will do it tomorrow, do want to get some sleep tonight!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    I've been trolling the internet and pinterest, and I'm not sure how I found this site, but here's a great article with photos about buying and preparing food in bulk and freezing meals ahead. I love this lady's attitude and how she writes. The article gets me all zinged up to shop and freeze some tasty meals by planning and cooking ahead. I don't have the freezer space she obviously has, but I can still do what she advocates on a smaller scale. Yummy she makes dinner sound like a snap!

    Enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member

    Truth is I know I'm starving myself lately, but I can't eat.
    This whole funeral planning and trying to grieve thing is eating me alive. I'm not hungry and at the same time I am, but any time I try to force myself to eat I just feel sicker to my stomach. I'm just unsure of how I'm going to survive weight-loss without starving myself while I grieve.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    Truth is I know I'm starving myself lately, but I can't eat.
    This whole funeral planning and trying to grieve thing is eating me alive. I'm not hungry and at the same time I am, but any time I try to force myself to eat I just feel sicker to my stomach. I'm just unsure of how I'm going to survive weight-loss without starving myself while I grieve.

    My heart goes out to you but I must tell you you must endure that sick feeling in the stomach and eat a few small meals each day. You can not starve yourself, but its certainly possible to drop down to 600 -900 cal/day for a few days while your'e in grief.
    Stick with a balance of protein and carbs, you'll be ok. You are under immense stress and you are going to have a stomach ache whether you eat or not. We care about you here, so keep us informed as things go on.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    Truth is I know I'm starving myself lately, but I can't eat.
    This whole funeral planning and trying to grieve thing is eating me alive. I'm not hungry and at the same time I am, but any time I try to force myself to eat I just feel sicker to my stomach. I'm just unsure of how I'm going to survive weight-loss without starving myself while I grieve.

    i'm sorry. i don't know who died, but even if it's your dog, i'm sorry anyway. i am off to a funeral myself on monday. a ten to twelve hour drive one way. it's never, never fun when someone you love dies. i almost made my wednesday wish this week, 'i wish people would just stop dying.'
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Robin -- on visualisations. I'm not doing it this time so much, but the hypnotist Paul McKenna has a little book called I Can Make You Thin, with a CD. The 'diet' is four simple rules -- eat when you're hungry, eat what you like, eat slowly and chew every mouthful, stop when you start to become full. And the CD is full of visualisations, of you eating healthy food, and enjoying your fit healthy body. I don't think his approach is necessarily the whole solution, but I think it can definitely be mixed in to really help with the positive thinking.
    I only have a little freezer but I always try to have a couple of family meals in there. I do a really simple thing; once a week or so I cook double quantities and freeze half. I think it's a really good approach for people who are on their own because you can cook a meal for four and have three meals tucked away.
    @Lin -- well done on the water tag!
    @Christine -- can't wait to see the new pic!
    @Jana -- Oh, you lost your mfp streak! But it will be back again before you know it, and even better than before.
    @Spookytune -- Ice skating is a huge one for me. When my kids were little they'd go skating and it just looked like such fun, and I'd cling miserably to the edge and be terrified. And I think that's just weight; I think it's one of those things that's much easier if you're not very overweight. Next winter maybe for me? Good luck with the 5k. Don't go for time, just have fun.
    @LaurieK -- I hope you enjoy those Amish treats.
    @Hyzaarc -- oh, do try to look after yourself. Keeping tasty but healthy snacks around like fruit and nuts can really help I think. It's so hard when you're grieving, and I think times like this are really tough on young adults in particular. Just try to remember to take time to relax and reflect. Do you have someone around who can help make sure you're eating ok?
    @Toots -- It's so hard to have a long drive to a funeral, isn't it? Hope the day goes alright and I'm sorry for your loss.

    Friday Fitness: OK here was last week's plan...

    Saturday -- Perhaps 90 minutes of moderate walking? DONE 83 mins...
    Sunday -- Long run (4 mile run/walk but I'm wondering about doing 3.1m (5k) just running in the middle) DONE -- 4m run/walk, plus 3m walk.
    Monday -- An actual badminton club with coaching DONE except the coaching got cancelled in the end so it was just games. Lots of young, relatively fit, people at this one. Luckily a lot of them were young, fit people who are just starting at badminton. Lol.
    Tuesday -- Run (shorter faster run) plus possibly Zumba NOPE -- I was poorly and had a rest day.
    Wednesday -- possibly badminton Wednesday morning club DONE
    Thursday -- Run (easy run with some fartleks) DONE except I did a measured mile instead of fartleks. I hate fartleks and need to get on with them!
    Friday -- Badminton with kids (but more restful). Planned (2 hours, one with each child), plus I might run as well.

    I have been a bit better with strength this week, but my workouts aren't very structured.

    This week's plan:

    Saturday -- a difficult, busy day; will have some walking.
    Sunday -- badminton with kids
    Monday -- Run - 4m run if I don't do it today. Otherwise fartleks. And Morris practice.
    Tuesday -- Zumba
    Wednesday -- Badminton, run maybe?
    Thursday -- Badminton? dance mat?
    Friday -- long run -- this *might* be the 5m run. Which feels a bit scary to be honest. Will need walk breaks.
    And strength -- at least three times!

    Hope everyone's having a fantastic day!

    -- Alison
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    hyzarrc- not sure who died but so sorry for your loss. planning those things can be so hard. Hang in there.

    Friday fitness.....this weekend im at a batchelorette party out of town. Im scared ****less. I have built such a safe food buble at home Im afraid of anything i dont have control over....tonite the way im planning it i should still be with in calories but tomorrow with the food and just hoping i dont lose too much ground......

    fitness plan for next week

    monday- hour cardio
    tuesday - strength training.
    wednesday- hour cardio
    thursday strength training.
    friday hour cardio
    saturday strength training.
    sunday OFF
    this is the plan i followed for the past 4 monthes....the last three weeks i have been slacking though and its my goal to get back to it full force. I want to be as close to 285 as possible by janruary first....I would like to be 250 by my birthday in april although....not sure how realistic that is but well see. hope you all have a great weekend
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Wow has it really been that long since I got on here? Sorry y'all. I am going to make December my water consistency month. I am going to try to drink water with every meal and with any snacks. We have all the Thanksgiving left overs dealt with except the turkey broth I made from the carcass, so we are back to eating our usual food. I have lost half the Thanksgiving bump of 10 pounds. (I didn't pay any attention to what I was eating and knew i would "pay for it" later) My hubby is getting very consistent in his weight at a "normal" level and he runs 5 plus miles almost everyday. I am finally sleeping through the night again and hope to be able to get back to working out now that I am not one of the living dead. It is amazing to me that Vitamin D can be so important to getting a good night sleep. All I know is, if you are having night cramps and / or insomnia check out your vitamin D levels.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Friday Fitness: I ran last night for 40 minutes doing an interval program on the treadmill(1.5 mins @ 2.5mph then 30 secs @ 5mph). Didn't think I was going to make it the last 4 5mph sessions but I did it!. I was wiped out after the work out but felt awesome after realizing that I never lost my breath during the workout. I felt my energy going down 3/4 of the way through but I could still breath. Before starting I was remembering how horrible it was when I first started running. I would go for about 1 minute and feel like I was going to collapse. My chest hurt SO bad and I was gasping for air. Last night though it was like my body knew what to do and all I needed to do was concentrate on getting my arms and legs moving. I'm so glad I didn't need to start at day one with my running.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Friday Fitness: I ran last night for 40 minutes doing an interval program on the treadmill(1.5 mins @ 2.5mph then 30 secs @ 5mph). Didn't think I was going to make it the last 4 5mph sessions but I did it!. I was wiped out after the work out but felt awesome after realizing that I never lost my breath during the workout. I felt my energy going down 3/4 of the way through but I could still breath. Before starting I was remembering how horrible it was when I first started running. I would go for about 1 minute and feel like I was going to collapse. My chest hurt SO bad and I was gasping for air. Last night though it was like my body knew what to do and all I needed to do was concentrate on getting my arms and legs moving. I'm so glad I didn't need to start at day one with my running.

    WOW Doug----that is amazing!! Way to happy for you.


  • lmackbethl
    Just a quick check-in to say hello. I'm doing fairly well at meeting my goals this week, even though it has been a busy one! Looking forward to catching up more with posts tonight.
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    Ive never been able to run.....I was always the kid walking the mile in gym. After four monthes on this site my stamina in working out cardio wise is amazingly better.....Except....I still cant run for ****. I want to change this. With us moving to a neighborhood where I feel I can actually Run for a change I would like to take advantage of this come next summer. My cousin runs in 5 k's all the time and I would love to share this experience. I definatly need to build up to that. I want to start Couch to 5k and actually finish it. My mother is getting me some good running shoes for christmas and I would like to wait for those because when I try to do it in the past I have developed bad knee pain due to inaddequate footwear. I want to be successful in this going to build up on the treadmill. From what I have been told I should work on my stamina first and speed later. My goal is by summer to be able to go for a run around my neighborhood. Im hoping that by doing it in the gym thru the winter I will develop stamina so that I dont feel like an idiot running through my neighborhood in the spring. Runnng is something that definatly is a part of fitness that has always scared me because it has always been such a failure in the past. I want to overcome this hurdle and become a successful runner. I know this will not be easy bieng a out of shape 295 lb woman. I welcome all tips as I am eager to absorb any bits of advice from people who run and I definatly need advice as i am very un knowledgable on it.