Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Charlotte- great loss for january!!

    took my grandson to the hospital at midnight for a treatment for his asthma. He stayed home from daycare today and is very cranky!!!! might be a long day but at least i will be active playing with him
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Desdemina - It's interesting to me to see how different doctors handle the same issue. My first A1C was FIRMLY in the diabetic zone. I was given insulin while I was in the hospital for my stroke (the nurse gave the shots) and then switched to oral meds when I went home. The doctor set mine at 135 per day and said ZERO refined sugar and flour. I was careful and followed his directions and my next 3 A1Cs were well within normal range and I'm off the meds now. I was also allowed half of my fiber numbers back in carbs (so if I had eaten 25 fiber in a day, I'd be allowed 12 extra grams of carbs). I was also told to spread my carbs out, keeping them a similar number at each meal/snack to prevent blood sugar fluctuations. I asked about the exercise calories and he told me to go ahead and keep it to where MFP reset it as I exercised.

    Wednesday wish - That I hadn't thrown out my back cleaning up a hairball yesterday morning. I spent the entire day in bed in fetal position since it was only way my back wasn't screaming, even after taking Vicodin.

    Thursday truth - I ate 4 pieces of pizza and some store bought Mac N Cheese for dinner and blew my calories out of the water (as well as my carbs). I wanted something I could stick in the microwave/toaster oven and lay down again until it was done. Lunch and breakfast were OK because I had packed those for work on Tuesday night so I ate that. I just had to pull them out if fridge and eat them up.

    On a half a pill today (can't work after taking a whole one, I can't function). My brains all muddled and fuzzy and I'm moving MIGHTY slow, but I'm here. My knees are *SO* sore, presumably for being crunched up in a ball all day/night yesterday.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning. Thursday truth: I will be eating chocolate cake and ice cream tonight. At least, I know now so I can plan. It is my oldest grandson's 16th birthday today. He is the one that lives here with his dad. His mother left them when he was 3 so he has always been a big part of my life. He's a good kid, good student, and easy to have around.
    Des, congratulations on making the 25# mark. It looks good on the ticker, doesn't it? I'm surprised how many people don't display the ticker. I think it is a great motivator.
    MowMow sorry about the back. Hope you have a good day.
    Congratulations to all those who are working out so hard! It just boggles my mind. I'm glad that walking is good exercise, because that is the only thing I can get my head around.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hope you have room for one more. I am new to My fitness pal and message boards too. Lost alot of weight 7 years ago but have just about gained it all back. It is very discouraging to be starting over again. I am hoping and praying this time is the last.

    Kaybpaints - welcome to a fun but dedicated group. We're here to help and stand by you!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @Laurie - there is also a book called New Rules of Lifting for Women - obviously written specifically for us women, LOL. I'm hoping to get to a bookstore this weekend to look at it. I don't want to buy it off the internet, I want to flip through it first to see if it will be helpful to me or not.

    @gorilla - spin class - the gym I'm looking into joining has one of those that I may try out. I just hope it doesn't make my legs too sore to worlk or do my run the next day!

    @queen - planks are so good for your abs and core! I should have made doing them my Groundhog Day challenge. I hate doing anything abs, but desperately need to!

    @ Charlotte - that is a great loss for January.

    @grandmakay - enjoy that cake and ice cream and good for you for planning it in your day.
    Thursday truth - not much to confess - I'm just trying to keep up with this fast moving board.Congrats to all who have successes - weight related or other kinds, keep on trying for those who need some motivation. Just one foot in front of the other to keep on moving.

    Wait, I do have a confession. There is a big winter storm headed this way, and I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I work at a College, so it's possible they will close it for the day.... And my last confession - I vowed not to step on my new scale until the end of the month, that lasted about a day. Weighed myself this morning :blushing: ... But I'm not recording any loss on my ticker until the end of the month. I'm going to try to do better the rest of the month. I so don't want this to be about the # on the scale.

    I know I've missed many and I apologize. I'll try to do better! Oh, welcome all newbies!!!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @MyM0wM0w - I should clarify that it's 75 net carbs, which means subtracting the fiber. So if something has 20 carbs but 5 fiber, then I only count 15 of them toward the 75 limit. I go back once a month for follow up and the program is adjusted as needed. I go back next week for a check-in, but my blood won't be tested again until March. I am dying to see if everything i'm doing shows up in my insulin levels!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Hey Hey Everyone Hope Your Having A Good Day!!!

    Thursday's truth.....I am a little ticked that my job is moving to a different building. I will have to give up my gym membership and pay a higher rate for another one. The gym is only available to this building only. The plus side is I will no longer have to travel between 3 building to do my job. I have however been enjoying my lunch time workouts. We move in May to the HQ office in Downtown Mpls...right now I work at HQ office about 2 miles from Downtown.

    I haven't had a chance to read posts yet so I will comment on personals later.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- The bicycle crunches are tough and take coordination-which I am still building. I also like spinning but have not committed to a spin class yet. I should try it again.

    Truth- I went after the sugary treat today. I just decided that I wanted to eat that doughnut since nothing else was sounding good to me this afternoon. I am also taking the night off from exercise since I will be getting my haircut. I decided that I needed an afternoon for me. It's not the end of the world but I failed at one of my challenges for this week. Oh-well tomorrow I will be better.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,183 Member
    Here we are again! Thursday truth. Ummmmm, well actually sitting in the car yesterday and being somewhat tense most of the day as well has resulted in a back issue. Part of my back is tingling in a not good way. Like maybe something is pinched? I don't know but it's making it more difficult to get the walking done today. I'm sure it'll get better.

    Meanwhile GHD challenge 7/7.

    Wishing everyone well.......back to work on the taxes.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Truth - I don't wanna do Leslie Sansone today. My legs are aching and aching from yesterdays workout, which seemed really hard to do at the time. I'm wondering if I should take a rest day or power on through it? I was up overnite with a migraine and am cruising on only 4 hours of sleep too. Will just close my eyes for a while.....................
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Truth - I don't wanna do Leslie Sansone today. My legs are aching and aching from yesterdays workout, which seemed really hard to do at the time. I'm wondering if I should take a rest day or power on through it? I was up overnite with a migraine and am cruising on only 4 hours of sleep too. Will just close my eyes for a while.....................
    How about a light stroll outside tonight? That will keep you moving but wouldn't be near as taxing as Leslie Sansone.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    OK, OK, too cold and windy for a walk outside, I'll start the video and just go as far as I can tolerate. No big deal really. Thanks for the encouragementsky.
  • jumpy983
    Hey ladies!

    @mow, sorry about your back hun, i hope you feel better.

    @lin my back does that too sometimes?

    It is BLOWING like no other here! How crazy is that. It stormed earlier and then we got an emergency in and now the wind is just hollerin' and won't quit. I'm hoping my car will still be there when I leave tonight! :)

    Thurs Truth: I would really just love to work 1 job and still have all my bills paid. I had a cookie yesterday and didn't log it. It's been haunting me all day.
  • lmackbethl
    Gearing up for the blizzard here.... thought I was going to have a snow day, but even though there will be no students, my boss said to come in... I work at a Clinical Day Treatment School, so the kids are bussed in but at the same hospital site, there is an inpatient school and my boss is principal of both.... since those kids are already there, they have school and need teachers.... sigh. I thought this new job meant NOT having to go out in storms. OK, enough complaining. Still plodding along, 7/7 on the GHD challenge. Off to bed... no sleeping in for me. (Oops, I said I was done complaining).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lmackbeth--no snow day for us either :ohwell: --we got over 5 inches of snow in about 3-4 hours, but it's stopping tonight, so I doubt school will be canceled or delayed.

    @kristen--I had the same issue--closed out my diary last night, then ate more. Felt guilty, so I went back and logged it which put me over yesterday by about 500 (so basically at maintenance for the day). Today I should be about 250 under, so at least I am making up for some of it. :grumble:

    @robin--good girl! I bet once you get started, you will end up finishing that mile. And even if you don't, something is better than nothing. :drinker:

    @lin & kirs--hope both of your backs are feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--sometimes you just need a little break from the discipline--you know you aren't the type to repeat, so it's all good!

    @holly--that sucks that you're losing your gym, but hopefully the weather will turn quickly and you can resume your lunchtime walks outdoors.

    @drojen--hope you get your snow day and that the blizzard doesn't hit too hard.

    @kaye--enjoy your grandson's b-day, and if I haven't said it already, love your new profile pic!

    @karenleona--hope your grandson recovers quickly.

    @gorilla & doug--I also do full body b/c I only do weights 2-3 times a week. I try to do core stuff more often, but tend to fail miserably with that goal. :blushing: My typical routine tends to be heavy on the upper b/c my leg muscles get such a workout from running, cycling, and ellipticaling. I also have to be really careful with lower weights b/c of a previous knee injury (torn meniscus)--squats and such tend to aggravate it. :ohwell:

    @desdemina--congrats on getting a quarter of the way to the 100 lb mark! :drinker:

    @alison--hope your DH gets that bathroom done quickly!

    @charlotte--that really stinks about your tires--what a horrible way to end your work day. On the plus side--great Jan. loss!! That's more than I lost all of last year.

    Thursday Truth:
    Well as I admitted above to kristen, I ended up eating more after closing my diary last night. I owned up and logged it today, but I wish I hadn't caved--I honestly wasn't even hungry, just really wanted some of my DH's chili cheese dip. :blushing:

    As I mentioned above, the snow came down brutally this afternoon. It took me almost an hour to drive the 7 miles home from work. No way I could walk gunner or drive to the gym, but I shoveled the entire driveway which burned almost 400 calories. Also, the snow was so wet and heavy that I know I got in a good core workout as well.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--gym DONE (weights + elliptical + treadmill)
    Tues--rest day (have to teach an evening ACT class
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym NOT DONE but I shoveled very heavy snow for about an hour
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run)
    Sun--walk gunner + core

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 verb worksheets
    2. x/16 ACT practice essays

    February Challenge: 7/28 days of minimum 80 grams of protein
  • jumpy983
    @skinny Chili Cheese dip sounds soo good. Our vet was going to order food here at work and of course, an emergency came in. Not that I mind, but I have 1000calories left and it feels like $ burning a hole in my pocket. I will log that cookie now! (and I'm starving...)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The birthday cake was so totally worth it! I made my favorite chocolate cake recipe and used a fluffy egg white frosting. The ice cream not so much. It was good ice cream, but I'm not much of an ice cream person. I wish that I had had a glass of milk instead. I'll know next time. I used a few of my exercise calories today, which I try to avoid, but as I said before, it was worth it.
    I still have 2 glasses of water to go for my GHD, but I'll make it.
    Good night, Kaye.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: AWESOME day!!! At Weight Watchers today, I was down 4 lbs. I've been at that 37 lb mark forever it seems, but now with MFP I've lost 41 lbs - Woo Hoo!!!! I'm so excited to be only 9 lbs away from 50 - another Woo Hoo!! I also received my 185 days of logging notice and my total loss so far is 57 lbs. MFP does work!!!

    Plus, it's official I signed the acceptance letter today for my new job. I'm super excited to be joining a great company. I'll be giving my resignation letter on Monday, which will be a bit nerve racking. The owners, President, and everyone I've met so far are great people! It's nice to be wanted and they can't wait for me to join their team. I'll be the Director of Purchasing & Quality Assurance for Capriotti's Sandwich Shop. I love this brand and can't wait to be a part of their future success. It's been a GREAT day.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Thanks for all the encouraging words. I feel bad accepting any praise for my January loss though. I'm still working on losing all the weight I gained back last year after my surgery and this is just the start of it. I'm happy to have lost it though so I'll just say thank you and hope that not only can I keep it off this time but that I can keep losing what I had gained so that I can get to a point where I'm going lower than I was 2 years ago. The yo-yoing is so frustrating and I know I have only myself to blame. But, onward and upward as they say.
    My Thursday truth is that I still haven't gotten back into the excercise routine like I was hoping too. It just seems like by the time I get home from work I just dont' want to do anything but sit and veg for an hour or so then go to bed and on my days off I have so many other things to do. I know this is just me making excuses because I was able to find the time before my surgery so I have not excuse really.
    So glad everyone is picking up some great exercise habits. I'd love to be able to just get out and go for a walk but I'm not a lover of cold weather and we are getting more than our fair share of it. Right now Ontario is blanketed in a storm that is threatening to drop over 20 cm. of snow on us. Looks like I'll get that exercise when I get home cause I'll have to shovel my driveway in order to get my car in it. Lets finish up the week strong everyone and head into the w/e with a positive attitude. Oh and drink up. Charlotte
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Thursday truth : I am very grateful to have. Work but it physically, emotionally ducks the life out of me. I will start the week out and feel normal but by midweek to end week I want to crawl in a hole and not come out.

    Sorry for my rant. My food is going ok workout s were going ok till yesterday do exhausted I feel asleep at very early. No workout hard time getting back on track.

    I did read all of the posts.
