Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • shaqwann
    shaqwann Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Robin. I have already lost about 56 pounds on my own, but came back to this site as it is a very useful tool. Thanks for welcoming me!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lin-I agree this challenge is crazy difficult. I swear he thinks he is training athletes and not just regular people who want to be in better physical shape.

    I did manage to do the 200 squats in the alloted time. It was difficult and I released that I am not totally over this sinus infection. The good thing it helped to make up for the calories that I went over today.

    Water Tag- accepted and I am drinking my cup of water.

    Next three people are it- Go drink a cup of water.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jumpy983
    Hey all and welcome welcome newbies!! are speaking my language! I LOVE WoW...right now I'm playing Diablo III. Loved I&II and finding III to be awesome as well, but I know what you mean about hiding from responsibilities, those games sure are enticing :smile: But sometimes it is awesome to just get away from it all. I'm about to take a trip out to Whimsyshire... :)

    @toots glad he went to the dr. I am praying for you girl, so hard. I hope everything works out for the best and hubby comes home happy and 10x's healthier.

    @grandma love love love the new pic!! glad they adjusted your bill!! mini heart attack right there!!

    @jt i'm glad i'm not the only one who does that with the weigh in.... :smile:

    @mymowmow i will be thinking of you with all the changes at your job. Crossing my paws everything works out in your favor.

    Schedules are changing at work and people are resigning left and right so my Insanity work out is on hold until I figure out exactly when I can squish it in between 2 jobs and kids. UGH! I love doing it, but if I can't do it the same time each day, I roadblock myself.
    On the plus side, my toilet is "trickling" and hubby has promised to fix it by this weekend, but it sounds kind of like a little waterfall and I think I'm falling in love with the noise...if only I could stop thinking of it as pennies being flushed down the drain it is actually quite nice.

    ok I see your water tag and raise you a double :):drinker: :drinker:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    GHD challenge: 5/5 Attended a fun baby shower for my daughter tonight. She got a lot of really cute little girl things. We are getting so excited. Have great evening and sleep tight. Kaye
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Gorilla- good to see you again! i know your workouts are crazy hard so that 30 pounds will be burned off in no time

    Toots- did they keep your husband in hosp with his at that low? thank goodness he has some answers and a treatment now

    laurie- did you say 200 squats???? you are one tough woman!!

    travelled to alberta today.....long day....not a good food day but glad to be here as my DIL is so sick she cannot get off the couch so i made my grandson dinner, cleaned the kitchen, gave him a bath and put him to bed then made her some tea before i sent her to bed
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check in\Tuesday Goals: Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words when I came back last week. That really means a lot to me. Skinnyjeans, I haven't signed up for a 5k but I do plan on doing either the Susan Komen or the March of Dimes 5k. If that doesn't pan out I'll be running the March of Dimes last mile with my kids.
    I wanted to let you guys know something that happened last night. As you already know I made yesterday my first day of weight loss(again). Last year I concentrated on running with no lifting. Last night I lifted with the help of a biggest loser workout book. About 3 after I went down, my 8 year old son comes down and wants to help. All I was thinking was, "So much for this freakin' workout" but he was actually really helpful. He manned the stop watch and wanted to try some of the exercises that I did. He even offered to get me some water because he knew I would need it. I don't think he realized how much I was actually working until he did the planks and the hip abductors though. I let him try a few and he felt his muscles strained and stopped after only a few. I'm actually considering allowing him to help me workout as a reward for getting his homework done early.
    On to the Tuesday Goals: To run\walk tonight then do the biggest loser workout that I did last night tomorrow and continue alternating lifting and running every day. I also want to up my water intake.
    I hope everyone has a great day today and talk to you all later.

    While you may not have gotten your complete work out in, what a great time to share with your son. I know as working parents its so hard to find those quality moments with our children. What wonderful memories, but also teaching your children the importance of exercise and being healthy. I keep telling my son (10 1/2) that I don't want him to battle his weight like I have my whole life. It's such a hard mental challenge and I don't want him to go through this either. Keep pushing through one day at a time. You've got this!!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    My Tuesday goal: this week I am trying to stay positive after my weight gain last week. I was doing so good and had good weight loss, but then got off track and didn't check in. I am such an emotional eater and not losing plays a mind game. I will track and plan my food this week.

    My February goal is to eat, chew and swallow before taking another bite. I am a fast, impulsive eater so I am trying to slow down and enjoy my food.

    Totally can relate. I started back in August and lost 37 lbs steadily. November came and I hit a plateau, then Thanksgiving/Christmas and I gained 10 lbs so fast. I got right back on track 12/26 and have lost those 10 lbs and a few more. I try, try, try to stay off the scale daily and keep track once a week. With that said, I fluctuate so much so know I'm really focusing on the monthly total. I'm averaging 1.8 per week, which is right on target. The emotional stuff is so tough. Unfortunately, this is life and there's always going to be ups and downs. I'm just trying to find that balance and figure out how to handle the downs. I truly believe (for me) that's the hardest part of this lifestyle change is the mental part. Hang in there and I love your February goal, which is so important. Eat, chew and swallow - love it!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @Toots - Sounds like some stressful days, but so glad your husband is on the mend. Scary stuff.
    @Tom - You're hitting this February challenge. Good for you!!
    @MyMowMow - Keeping my fingers crossed. I know how scary it can be especially being by yourself. It's up to you to do everything. I'll be thinking about you this week.
    @Jumpy - I know you've got a lot going on. Even if you can't fit in Insanity, you get a lot of movement like bending, steps, etc. . . at the shelter. Don't get to worried about missing a work out. You'll fit them in when you can. Just watch your calorie count those days.
    @Fit4Real & Jamie & Little Gift - You've found an amazing group of folks. I've been on here since August and they're super supportive. I really couldn't have gotten this far without them.
    @Robin - Congrats - great loss!! Again, thank you for being an amazing Thread Leader. You're AWESOME!!!
    @Ongelle - For me, tracking has truly been the wake up call I needed. I just received my 180 days of logging notice. I've NEVER tracked this consistently before. My weight loss is finally pretty consistent and I truly believe tracking has made a big difference.
    @Kelley - Great postings as always. Again, I'm so thankful to have found you. The advice you provide is insightful and I know you really care about your new healthy lifestyle that you're sharing with us. Sooo proud of you!!

    Monday Check-In/Tuesday Goals: Well, first of all, I want to thank so many of you for the good luck wishes on the job interview. Monday afternoon went GREAT!! I met the VP of Ops, the two owners and the President again. The President said I was great and they want me. Woo Hoo!!! I chatted tonight with him and he made the initial offer. I should be getting the official letter tomorrow. While it's a slightly lower salary and the benefits not quite as good, I've learned a very good lesson that bigger is not always better. Right now, I'm a little fish in a huge pond. The new company I'll be a bigger fish in a smaller pond and I'm OK with that.

    I need to be happy, believe in what I do and want to come to work. I'm not feeling that with my current role. I've got a lot to think about, but I'm leaning towards the new opportunity. My current job is going to be completely shocked and I'm not looking forward to that discussion, but super excited about this next chapter in my life.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning

    Not feeling superb today, was awakened 2-3 times last night with abdominal pains – not sure why. So my Wednesday wish is that whatever the cause, it goes away.

    @Toots~I’m so glad your hubs was able to see a doctor and that he is on the road to recovery, how scary. Does he get to recover at home for a couple of days, he could really use some R&R. I hope he is feeling a little better today…
    @Susan~Thanks! I’m so glad that your meeting/interview went well, sounds like you have a lot to think about but it also sounds like a great opportunity. I’m a big fish in a small pond and really like it that way – I have two bosses that are so easy going, it just makes coming to work a little less daunting most days.
    @Laurie~Kudos to you for taking that challenge, looks intense!
    @Kris~Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that everything works out at that you are spared from the cuts at work.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good morning all.. happy humpday...

    Lauriek70 - that base assessment is pretty hardcore! How did you do on it? Part of me is thinking about doing it either Friday or Sunday morning...

    It is nice to see some of my friends here still remember me! :flowerforyou:

    So last nights workout was excellent! Like i said i am following the New Rules of Lifting Supercharged... I just started Phase 2 and last night was my first time doing workout B... Here is a description if anyone is interested I can explain more... Each workout is broken into a couple parts...

    Warm up
    - assorted body weight motions and streches
    - Mountain Climbers (2 30 second sets)

    - Single Arm Snatch - 2 sets of 6 - 70lbs

    Superset 1 3 sets of 10
    - Sprinter step ups 30lbs
    - Should press - 55lb dbells
    Superset 2 3 sets of 10
    - Squats - 265lbs
    - 2 point row - 50lbs

    - Burpees did 4 sets 0f 6

    Foam Rollers and Streching

    My Wednesday wish... I wish my gym was open earlier! This week is ok because I can get there after work most days... but on days when after work the kids have sports I need to go to the gym before work. My gym opens at 5 and i have to catch a train at 6... so really it gives me 40 minutes to workout, then take the worlds fastest shower and get dressed for work. I cannot do that workout I just described in 40 minutes, especially with the warms up and stretching it takes 70 minutes...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie and Gorilla - what the heck is a Burpee? I haven't heard of this exercise before.....

    Susan - so excited for you to have a new job prospect! Hope it is more peace and less stress than your current one. Get that mean ole boss off your back.

    Good wishes to everyone struggling with illnesses or family issues.

    Glad to see so many committed to their February challenges - and meeting them with a ROAR!

    Kaye - didn't get to compliment you on your new picture - you darling you!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Laurie and Gorilla - what the heck is a Burpee? I haven't heard of this exercise before.....

    Burpee is also known as a squat thrust... I was trying to explain it... but it is easier to show you!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Wed Everyone!!!

    Wed wish is that the scale would not rule my success.

    @Laurie- WOW!!! That is a major assessment. I am so proud of you for all your accomplishments and seeing that written down what an inspiration.
    @MyM0wM0w- Prayers going your way about your job. YES! You can do those goals you put in place.
    @Susan- Congrats on the job offer.

    I talked to the gym worker last week on what I can do to help me on this journey....He showed me "planks" I am new to all these different exercises but how do planks actually help you? To me it just looked like he was hold himself off the floor by proping himself up on his elbows.

    I had the gym worker take my measurements yesterday. Because, I am such a slave to the scale I am hiding it for 6 weeks and not using it. In 6 weeks he will take my measurements again to see what the results are.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Burpees = evil! :laugh:

    @Holly~Good decision on the measurements, they often are a better indicator than the scale anyway. :happy: Planks strengthen your core and your back. They are really hard at first but like everything do get easier - my trainer has me do them on an upside down Bosu ball, talk about hard!
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    My Wednesday wish is to be able to continue on this journey. This is such an emotional trip for me and my weight has gone up the last few days. I know I can reverse it, but strength is needed to get there. I just want my weight loss to progress and I don't see it. I know it's early on in my journey, but I let it get to my head that I can't do it then my heart hurts.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    @Alison- Keep on running 8 miles and you will look like a purple slim jim real soon lol! Great job running!big-thumbs-up.gif

    @MyMowMow- Best wishes for your job situation.

    @Laurie- that is quite a challenge, good luck!

    @Susan- Great news on the job offer, good for you!

    @Lin- great job keeping up with your GHD challenge!

    @Vickimieth- Glad your finally over the respiratory yuk!

    Welcome littlegift43, Fit4Real, Ongelle, Mom2jagntag, shaqwann, and Jamie0719!:flowerforyou:

    6/6 GHD challenge strength training!:happy:

    Let’s all have a healthy day today!:drinker:

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning: I don't really have a Wed. wish. Things are going pretty well right now. Just waiting for that baby to come.
    I'm really confused about the BMR, TDEE, daily calories, etc. I'm still losing really well so I guess I shouldn't care, but when I read about it I wonder if I am doing the right things. I am actually losing quite fast. I tried tweaking my numbers on MFP to see what would change if I changed my activity level, and or rate of loss goal. It didn't change at all, still 1200 calories per day. Its not a big issue, just something I'm curious about.
    I love seeing so many new people joining us. I'm fairly new here, too, but I really give you all a lot credit for my success. You are someone I can be accountable to, and that makes a big difference. You are also an inspiration to me. Your successes and trials encourage me. I love seeing everyone tackle the Ground Hog Day challenge. I think it was really a good idea to have each of us choose our own goal. The water is really helping me.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    I wish I wouldn't let things stress me out so. I wish I would get myself to the gym as I think that would help me. I wish I was in a warm, tropical climate, swimming in warm water. I wish I hadn't cut my hair so that now my head is COLD! I wish I had a young, hot husband! I wish everyone was kind in the world and people were considerate and didn't judge others.'s my WEdnesday wish list.....ever hopeful!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone hope your days are going well. I am having a fairly good day. Not super productive but not sit on my butt all day lazy either:smile: I got an oil change in my car and since I had gotten up late by the time they got done it was noon and I hadn't eaten yet so I firmly talked to myself all the way home and wouldnt stop to get something so not good for me and was rewarded. My daughter came home about 20 min after me and she HAD stopped and got me one of my favorite weaknesses. A mcrib sandwich in all its yummy bbqness:tongue: All I can say is she is a great daughter and thank goodness I had skipped breakfast :laugh: I did get in a nice 30+ min workout so am 5/6 in the february challenge so far. I just cant ever seem to get a perfect score:laugh: The workout was actually fun. I put in the wii sports game and then crnked up the music and danced around the living room while bowling and playing tennis. The calorie burn mfp gives you for the wii seems high to me so I figure the dancing evens it out. I can tell you by the end I could no longer sing along and my fat was crying buckets:bigsmile: As for a wednesday wish I think if things just keep going the way they are I would be happy. Life isnt perfect but it is pretty darn ok and thats better then lots of other peoples so I will take it. I am on glass eight of water and hope to get in a few mor so tag to whoevers next:drinker: :drinker:
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    I turned on Dance Central for a little workout tonight. An hour and a half and 550 calories later, I had to stop. I didn't WANT to, I was having too much fun, but the muscles started to boycott.

    Now I have to figure out what to have for dinner because I have now exercised off more calories than I have eaten today, but I am still limited in my carbs per day. I tried the get the doctor to let me eat more carbs if I exercised, but it's 75 g max, no matter what... :)

    Oh, Wednesday wish? That the doctor would let me have more carbs when I exercise! LOL!