Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Thanks Lin - I do need the encouragement. I felt guilty as sin not getting it done over the w/e at my bf's place. My goal is to increase from once a day to 3 times a day (one mile each time) and then to increase to 2 miles at a time 3 times a day.
    You are an inspiration to me with your exercise commitment and your weight loss and you've done so good whereas I've done so poorly yet we have so many similarities in life. THANKS! :flowerforyou:

    Yep, we have many similarities but I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!! :sad: :brokenheart: :sad:

    GO ROBIN GO ROBIN GO ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!:glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: (sunglasses time is coming soon--AKA vacation)


  • lmackbethl
    @tammy - sounds like you have found an exercise groove -- good for you!! and do i see your ticker moving? :smile:
    @kelley - half of your body weight in ounces of water? really? i might drown, lol. but i will give it a try - i always drink more than 8 glasses... now i know why.
    @robin - good job fessing up (i know that can be difficult)... can you go for a walk outside with the bf if you can't bring yourself to do the dvd while you're there?

    Monday Check-In: no loss this week -- actually gained 0.6 pounds instead -- which is a bit frustrating, because according to calories in/out, i should have lost. Oh well, it happens. Hopefully the scale will cooperate next week. I'm 4/28 on working out and hot tubbing. :smile:
  • jumpy983
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good evening everyone! Had a fun day really enjoy my time at the Y. My daughter came it was fun. Notice as the day went. My app on my phone for mfp was acting up. I would ente or check a number it show sometime else be way wrong.
    Didn't notice it till almost through the day when I went to check something. But it works kindle ok.

    Tomorrow is back to work for me. So going to try to go to bed soon.

    Just wanted to drop in to save my spot.

    Wishing everyone a good night.

  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Monday Checkin- The seven pounds that appeared out of no where last week went back from whence they came! I guess it was water weight from TOM? I still have the twenty I put on while I was away, but I KNOW where that came from! The seven pounds on top of everything really freaked me out. My head is in a "better place" now. It is aMAZing how those twenty pounds depressed me for so long, then the seven pounds out of nowhere coming and going making it seem doable again.

    I'm still not consistent with the fiber. I did well today and Friday, but not so much Saturday and Sunday. I may get some benefiber to put closer to goal on the bad days. I bought Vitamin C today to take with the iron. I read on line that taking Vitamin C with iron increases the likelihood of absorption.

    Good news! I've been booked for subbing at least one day each week in February! It helps!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello. I am new to the post - hope you have room for one more. I look forward to learning and losing with all of you! My challenge for February is to stay away from chips - one of my weaknesses.

    Welcome Shaqwann - Good for you for picking up a tough February challenge. You'll like it here. Recommend you visit daily and post often.

    Helen - congrats on your temp. teaching job keeping your busy thru February. I'm sure you're excited. I hope it gets extended into March and then some. (I believe if you say it , it helps make it so :wink: ) and I'm so super happy you lost those pesky 7 lbs! Tom is such a non-friend isn't he and he tends to linger. Glad he's gone!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    GHD challenge: 4/4 Good night.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Monday Check in\Tuesday Goals: Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words when I came back last week. That really means a lot to me. Skinnyjeans, I haven't signed up for a 5k but I do plan on doing either the Susan Komen or the March of Dimes 5k. If that doesn't pan out I'll be running the March of Dimes last mile with my kids.
    I wanted to let you guys know something that happened last night. As you already know I made yesterday my first day of weight loss(again). Last year I concentrated on running with no lifting. Last night I lifted with the help of a biggest loser workout book. About 3 after I went down, my 8 year old son comes down and wants to help. All I was thinking was, "So much for this freakin' workout" but he was actually really helpful. He manned the stop watch and wanted to try some of the exercises that I did. He even offered to get me some water because he knew I would need it. I don't think he realized how much I was actually working until he did the planks and the hip abductors though. I let him try a few and he felt his muscles strained and stopped after only a few. I'm actually considering allowing him to help me workout as a reward for getting his homework done early.
    On to the Tuesday Goals: To run\walk tonight then do the biggest loser workout that I did last night tomorrow and continue alternating lifting and running every day. I also want to up my water intake.
    I hope everyone has a great day today and talk to you all later.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!!

    Weekly goals: Monday and Today no gym workout a lunch do to running errands. I have done 3/4 days of 20 situps. Plan for rest of the week is as follows:
    Wed- treadmill 23 minutes on level 3 for hills- 7 mins on elliptical- 20 sit ups
    Thurs- treadmill 53 minutes on level 3 for hills- 7 mins on elliptical- 20 sit ups
    Fri- treadmill 23 minutes on level 3 for hills- 7 mins on elliptical- 20 sit ups
    Sat- treadmill 53 minutes on level 3 for hills- 7 mins on elliptical- 20 sit ups

    My glasses came in today...I haven't wore glasses in years but I keep sleeping in my contacts so glasses are becoming a must.

    @Helen- Congrats on subbing assignment
    @Jtconst- Sounds like a wonderful weekend
    @Robin- I agree with Laurie you can walk the mile....even if it is in little amounts throughout the day
    @Newbies- Welcome to the group
    @Dobarber- I would have thought the same thing if my kid wanted to help but what a wonderful outcome
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Tuesday Goals: I need to weigh under 130 before the weather gets too warm and destroys my workouts. Even though I will try to work out when it gets hot but it didn't happen last spring/summer so I don't assume it will happen this spring/summer, either.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    i have been feeling so overwhelmed lately. Yesterday, I had a sort of meltdown (internally -- I stay calm, cool, and professional at work) and I went home and just curled up in my favorite chair, like I was hiding. I live alone, so I'm not sure who I was hiding from! I later decided I was hiding from responsibility. I watched TV and played WoW all evening, then went to bed early. I didn't exercise, I didn't do homework, I didn't work on my freelance project, nothing. But I feel better today and back on top of things. I think I just needed to play hooky for an evening!

    Tuesday goals? exercise at least 3 times this week. And get the next phase of my freelance assignment finished.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Doug~ I think it’s great that your son wanted to work out with you, it teaches him some great habits at a young age. I’m glad it worked out and that he was so helpful.
    @Robin~You can do it, even if you need to break up that walk into 4-5 sessions throughout the day.
    @Lin~LOL, yep. I receive a thyroid health newsletter every week and read this morning that some experts recommend one ounce for every pound – a trainer at my gym told me about half our body weight in ounces (which I get most days).
    @Susan~How did your meeting go yesterday afternoon? Inquiring minds want to know! :wink:
    @Rachael~Glad you got back to the gym, just start back slowly and if your legs start to hurt back off on the intensity a bit.

    Well, I didn’t make it to the gym yesterday. I had to work late and by the time I left, I was too exhausted to even think about working out – so I became a slug instead. I was going to go this morning, but for once I actually didn’t wake up before my phone went off. Guess I needed the extra rest.

    Based on the topic at hand lately regarding calories, I ran across these two article so thought I would share for anyone interested.

    Tuesday Goals~No new goals this week, but somehow need to find a way to make up for my missed workout yesterday. :embarassed: :grumble:

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    i have been feeling so overwhelmed lately. Yesterday, I had a sort of meltdown (internally -- I stay calm, cool, and professional at work) and I went home and just curled up in my favorite chair, like I was hiding. I live alone, so I'm not sure who I was hiding from! I later decided I was hiding from responsibility. I watched TV and played WoW all evening, then went to bed early. I didn't exercise, I didn't do homework, I didn't work on my freelance project, nothing. But I feel better today and back on top of things. I think I just needed to play hooky for an evening!

    Tuesday goals? exercise at least 3 times this week. And get the next phase of my freelance assignment finished.

    I think sometimes we just need to take a day and escape from life, responsibilities.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    This week's goals - finish W5 and start W6 of my running program. Last day of W5 scheduled for tonight. Alternate days, I will strength train with free weights, but I'm considering a tour of a gym close to my house so I can get more in terms of strength training. i have a treadmill in my house, but there is no room for any kind of strength training machine besides free weights and I'm not sure just how much I can do with those. I did strength training years ago at a gym and I LOVED it. so I'm feeling the need for more. I'll tour with my son to see if there is anything for him to do there while I strength train but it's close to home so I can likely leave him at home safely for an hour while I go to the gym, if I need to. It's not much further away from my house than my work is and he's home on Friday afternoon for 3 hrs by himself so???? I want him to keep his athletic frame though so if he can come with me, that will be great too. He's special needs so it just depends what will work and if he'll cope with a gym environment. It's an extra expense, but they have monthly memberships so we might start with that to see how it goes - do we get there enough to make it worth our while or not? Anyway, part of my goal this week is to get to this gym and check it out. Here I am, rambling again.

    @Doug - it is great that your son wants to join you. My son aways wants to do the yoga stretches I do after my runs. He doesn't have the best of co-ordination, but he tries.
    @Robin - just do what you can, when you can. I don't tend to exercise when I visit people - my parents, for instance - it just feels weird to do it in their house (even though it's the house I grew up in). I'm glad we don't have any overnight visits scheduled until the end of March. Gives me 2 more months to build my daily exercise habit. Maybe by then I'll have no problem taking a DVD or something to use there.
    @ Kelley/Lin - yikes- that's a lot of water. I drink a lot - it's the one thing I don't track because it's my beverage of choice, it's pretty much all I drink - but I'm not sure I drink that much! Will have to do the math on that one.
    @Rachel - glad you got to the gym. I agree - start slow and ease up if it hurts too much
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    spent all day at the hospital with my husband yesterday. i'm still completely exhausted. after he went to the doctor last tuesday and they discovered all his issues with heart rate, bp, and the like, he was told he probably had something called viral syndrome which is just when someone is sick with a virus they can't identify for an extended period of time. so the following day, last wednesday, he started having trouble breathing, which he did not share with me. so yesterday, many days later, he called me early on in the day and said he'd been having trouble breathing and had made an appointment at four in the afternoon and would be coming home at around one. then he called me shortly thereafter and said he was coming home right away and had rescheduled his appointment for eleven instead.

    i took him to the doctor at eleven and he was only there for about ten minutes. they took his o2 sat which means they monitored how much oxygen he was getting. and he was about 80 which is ridiculously and dangerously low. so they just packed him up and sent him to the hospital. turns out his weird unshakable virus had resulted in fluid on the lungs and that resulted in steroids, antibiotics, breathing treatments, an inhaler, etc. so maybe the saga of my husband's weird health in the last month or so is finally on the way to over.
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    My Tuesday goal: this week I am trying to stay positive after my weight gain last week. I was doing so good and had good weight loss, but then got off track and didn't check in. I am such an emotional eater and not losing plays a mind game. I will track and plan my food this week.

    My February goal is to eat, chew and swallow before taking another bite. I am a fast, impulsive eater so I am trying to slow down and enjoy my food.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @toots How scary! I tell ya, I don't know what it is with guys and health. They're either the biggest babies, or so stoic you don't know they're sick until is really serious. Glad he's finally getting help!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Toots, I hope your husband is getting all of the help that he needs and will recover quickly.
    Yesterday was a good day. When we got our power bill on Saturday, it was over $600! That is very out of line. I went into the office yesterday, and they changed it to the right number, $250. Phew! We got in a good walk, too. I'm so glad that it is getting nice enough to walk outside. I think that the worst of the winter is over for our area.
    If the MFP predictions are right, I should be down 60# in about 6 more weeks. That would put me very close to ONEderland, maybe before my birthday in May. That would be a great birthday present. My new goal is to keep on keepin' on so I can make ONEderland for my birthday.
    The dr. thinks that my daughters baby could come any time now. We are so excited!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    spent all day at the hospital with my husband yesterday. i'm still completely exhausted. after he went to the doctor last tuesday and they discovered all his issues with heart rate, bp, and the like, he was told he probably had something called viral syndrome which is just when someone is sick with a virus they can't identify for an extended period of time. so the following day, last wednesday, he started having trouble breathing, which he did not share with me. so yesterday, many days later, he called me early on in the day and said he'd been having trouble breathing and had made an appointment at four in the afternoon and would be coming home at around one. then he called me shortly thereafter and said he was coming home right away and had rescheduled his appointment for eleven instead.

    i took him to the doctor at eleven and he was only there for about ten minutes. they took his o2 sat which means they monitored how much oxygen he was getting. and he was about 80 which is ridiculously and dangerously low. so they just packed him up and sent him to the hospital. turns out his weird unshakable virus had resulted in fluid on the lungs and that resulted in steroids, antibiotics, breathing treatments, an inhaler, etc. so maybe the saga of my husband's weird health in the last month or so is finally on the way to over.

    Sorry to hear about this. I hope your husband is getting all the help and treatments he needs to get 100% better.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    GHD challenge 5/5 on the strength training!

    @toots- Best wishes for your husbands illness recovery!

    Hope you all have a healthy day!
