Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Bump to catch up later.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I logged on this morning and was going to go back and found that my post from yesterday didn't "stick" here. :grumble: Hmmm. Well, a quick Sunday Share since we have a log of new folks -- :smile:

    I'm Tracy. I am 40 years old living in Bismarck, ND with my husband of 18 years and my two kids - Jacob, 12 and Emma, 7. I found MFP in 2012, but never actually did anything until January of last year. I have lost 31 pounds, but have gained a bit over Christmas. I will reset my ticker on January 1st just cuz. :frown: I started lifting heavy in October and really enjoy it more than I thought I would...and I can see a difference in my shape (but not necessarily the scale). Today I have water bottle firmly in hand and ready to hit this again.

    Monday Check-in. The Christmas "junk" in my house is going away. There are just a few things left that I really want and seem to have no self control over and they will either be donated to my husband's work or hidden. There are definitely some snacks that my kids love and I don't like so those can stay. :blushing:

    Monday - Lift
    Tuesday - C25K
    Wednesday - Lift
    Thursday - C25K
    Friday - Lift
    Saturday - C25K
    Sunday - rest

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I will drink 8 glasses of water and stay under calories - just today and today isn't that hard...I can do today . :glasses:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I’m sorry I’ve been out of touch, I’ve been down with either a stomach bug or food poisoning since late Thursday. I started coming around yesterday but still haven’t returned to normal eating – hope I can try for a normal dinner tonight. Today is even my first cup of coffee in four days – it tastes amazing!!! :laugh: I haven’t worked out since Thursday either, its killing me – had to cancel my training session yesterday (I have NEVER done that). Trainer and I are hoping to try to make that up this afternoon (he’s battling bronchitis and I don't want his germs), if not I’ll just do a short cardio session and not push myself too hard. What a way to spend a vacation. :angry: I’ve missed a ton of posts, I’m not going to attempt to catch up.

    Welcome to all the newlings! Since so many have stopped by in the last couple of days – my name is Kelley, I’m 45, an accountant in the healthcare industry and live in a suburb of Dallas. I’ve been on MFP since October 2011 but didn’t find Robin’s thread until mid-2012 – I’m so glad I did. You’ll find amazing support here and make some friends along the way – so its important to check in often. I’ve been on this weight loss journey for a number of years, after losing 75# on Weight Watchers it just quit working after they changed their program so I decided to give MFP a try. I’m glad I did! Shortly after joining MFP I joined a new gym and in June 2012 after recovering from a knee injury and subsequent surgery, I started working out with a personal trainer twice a week. I’ve hit a few stumbling blocks along the way including adrenal fatigue and subsequent hypothyroidism diagnosis, my trainer is good about helping me work through these little setbacks, he constantly challenges me and keeps me motivated. I think I have maintenance down, I’ve been stuck with losing and gaining the same 5# for a few months :grumble: – I'm hopeful the changes I make this year will help me to overcome this plateau and get me losing consistently again. I have a cruise in mid-March that involves a lot of time being spent in a swimsuit, so hope to lose 20+ pounds between now and then.

    I’m not sure what my exercise goals are this week yet, so I will post them later – we’ll see how today goes.

    Piles and piles on my desk and we’re approaching year-end, so better get back to it. Have a great day!
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    I've been MIA for a little while. Completely lost my motivation and just stopped logging or even caring about what I ate through the holidays, but I'm BACK and more determined than ever! I really think I can reach my goal weight this year or get really close to it. I've proven to myself that I can do this so it's time to get serious again. I'm proud of you all and to the newbies, it's far from easy, but it's definitely doable! Good luck and Happy New Year all!
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    :flowerforyou: bump
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Lots and lots of new faces since I've been gone, I love it!! Welcome welcome welcome!

    Mr. M - You are a better man than me! l would have dove into that cake like a swimming pool!!

    Karenleona - I hope your Dr appts went well yesterday and you are soon on the mend! These funks of mine don't last long, but when they hit... they are bad. The only thing that even forces me out of bed are the boys driving me crazy to be fed and for attention.

    JNettie - Sounds like you've had a busy time of it and a day of rest sounded in order!

    Alupinsk - GREAT NSV!! Woohooo for smaller and smaller clothes!! You could KEEP the old favorite clothes and once you hit your goal weight do something crafty with them. Perhaps make a quilt? Even if this isn't something you're comfortable tackling you can probably find someone local sewing it together.

    SeeLShrink - Great weight loss and well done, I know how hard you worked to get where you are!

    Laurie- I always love it when you share your story. It is so inspiring to me!

    Kah - Yeesh, I hope you feel better quick and got that 'real' dinner last night.

    Monday share - .. How am I doing? Well, no real exercise for me because I'm still stuck using a wheelchair/crutches. I'm HOPING to be able to hobble a little tomorrow and if that's the case I'll dig out the peddler from the closet so I can at least do that. Eating is... there. I'm kind of stuck with whatever friends bring me right now or heating up some spaghetti my ex husband was kind enough to cook up when he was here yesterday. He made me enough for about 3 days of meals.

    Right now I'm just trying to stay under maintenance and under sodium. Everything else is .... icing.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    mym0wm0w: I am very crafty, and this is a GREAT idea! :) Thanks!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Monday! I slept in this morning and am taking my time lounging around this morning. I am still tired. I am going to get in my workout in a little bit then head out to the stores with Brian. Other than that, not much is new here.

    January Challenge: I am not sure what I want to do yet. I will have to think about this for a bit.

    Mauramyself, SeeLShrink, Naomi, dorrymc, tanyatabone9, klaralpache91,SeeLShrink, michellewalk, kearneyweard, MyMowmow, Mitzi, skinnyangel2be, debbiezag, BJCamp, and to anyone else that I may have missed - Welcome. Wow there are a lot of you! I look forward to getting to know each one of you. Jump right in and join us. Be sure to check in with us regularly.

    jtconst - Congrats for adding in a new lap!

    Alupinsk - Congrats on hitting the 70 lb mark. That is absolutely fantastic! I measure in a few days as well. I am also a bit nervous about it for the same reasons. I did great through the month of December until this past week. I am hoping I didn't do too much damage. :ohwell: I also organized my jeans/pants by size. I have quite a few pairs of pants in smaller sizes that I used to wear. I can't wait to lose enough so I am into a smaller size. It will be like getting an entirely new wardrobe all over again. :laugh:

    Gwenercr - keep up the fantastic work!

    Tara - I used to be a member here a while ago and fell off the wagon. I found once I was mentally able to get back on track it was fairly easy to do so. Congrats on continuing to log the good and the bad. I wish you a good restart!

    Skinny- Ugh those after holiday goodies are deadly! Last night I had a few forkfuls of chocolate cream pie before bed. Then I laid in bed and watched Risky Business only to get up 1/2 through and get a few pieces of cannoli dip. I still have an apple pie and homemade fudge that my mom made. Plus a bunch of cookies that Brian's mother and aunt brought over (Which thankfully I don't like). Plus all the candy that my friend brought over for us. I am going to a New Year's day party so I think I will bring some candy over to the party.
    Glad to hear you hubby's food came out good! Yum to the Quinoa Mac and Cheese. I still have some leftover from Christmas Eve. I was trying to give some to my friend yesterday but she was full from the waffle breakfast. I have so many leftovers it is unreal. My freezer is packed solid so I cannot freeze any. Thankfully a lot of it is meat which I don't eat. But the tomato and mozzarella, cheeses and mashed potatoes (made with A LOT of butter and heavy cream) are my downfall. :blushing:
    As far as protein foods with lower fat, I eat Choibani Greek yogurt. I throw it in a blender and toss in some fruit and drink as a smoothie. I also eat a lot of edamame, it has some fat but is relatively low.

    Naomi - I have not told anyone about my weight loss plans either except for a few people. My husband and my 2 best friends. I think it is a way to safeguard myself from comments that others may or may not make. IE the good old "Aren't you on a diet? You shouldn't be eating that." (I hate the word diet.) Or people making comments about how much I still have to lose. I would rather just keep it to my self and a select few people. Everyone else can just notice the results over time and figure it out for themselves. :wink:

    tanyatabone9 - Congrats on the NSV! I think getting the membership to the zoo for the walks is a great idea. This way your walk is full with scenery! I wish I lived closer to the zoo to do the same thing.

    Laurie - Where your cousin lives sounds absolutely beautiful! Hope you enjoyed your ride! Happy 3 year anniversary! I loved reading your story. You have a lot to be proud of!

    Kaye - I am so sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))

    Tom - What a lovely cake. I hope she enjoyed it and had a wonderful day!

    MyMowmow - I am an animal lover. I have 2 cats, a bird and turtle.

    karenleona - Good luck with the angiogram. I hope it goes well.

    Debbiezag - Please don't feel too shy to post what you are feeling. As you can tell by following us, we are not a judgmental group. We all are in the same boat and most likely can relate to what you are feeling or dealing with. Post away so we can provide you with support and love! :flowerforyou:

    Kah - So sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. Glad to hear you are on the mend!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning MFPers!

    We went to Outback for Amy’s birthday dinner last night. It went pretty well. I did not have any cake even though everyone else did! I did go over on cals but had a bunch of protein and not over on carbs. My blood sugar stayed good because of no cake. There is quite a bit of cake left so I am not safe yet but will try to resist until it is gone. While we were there a young boy named David saw me and thought I was Santa. He came running up to me and hugged me. We had to wait a few minutes to get seated and his older Brother asked if he could get a picture of me and David which we did. David walked by me a couple of times (restroom trip and as they were leaving) and would run up and hug me each time. Sometimes looking like Santa can be real fun.

    Karen- “What kind of protein has zero fat?” I would like to find something like that and will look later, let me know if you find something like that or low calorie protein.

    Laurie- That is very cool that you are planning to do the T2T 5K with Karen, BV, and I would guess Gorilla. I need to do some exercise but I am not a runner. I do have this week off from work so I am going to start on walking and lifting. I should be able to do it this week since I have very little plans for anything else.

    Kris- Best wishes for your health issues hope you are better soon.

    Kingsley- I started here when I was told I have type 2 diabetes. That what finally got me motivated to drop weight. I hope your health issues will get better with weight loss like mine did. The only way to find out is to drop some weight so keep logging and walking!

    JNettie- “January Challenge: I am not sure what I want to do yet. I will have to think about this for a bit.” Me too, I’m thinking about some kind of exercise for old outta shape men.

    “If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease.” ~Robert Ingersoll

  • SraCr8on
    SraCr8on Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone,
    It's Stephanie again. I am going to try to follow Robin's suggestions for what to do through the week days, so I will just be checking in today :smile: I have to say, boy oh boy did I fall of the wagon! I joined myfitnesspal on December 10th, came to this message board to find some support, got some great hellos and support, and never came back!! I want to say thanks to the ladies that greeted me when I was feeling REALLY down! Those messages and the following messages showed me that I'm not in this alone, there will be tough times, and times to celebrate too! I currently weigh pretty high, 305lbs, and a lot of the 5lbs over 300 came from the constant sweets of the holidays! :embarassed: Good news though, the New Year is coming, and I'm ready for a new me! I updated my stats and had a hearty and healthy late breakfast. I'll have to give up the sleeping in and later meals when the holiday break is over, but I'll be going back to yummy steel cut oatmeal! I'm in pretty high spirits today and am so ready to get started on a new me! Here's hoping that after a committed-to-myself journey, I can say I'll weigh 205 by the last day of 2014. Currently though, this is where I am:
    Weight: 305.2 lbs
    Waist: 52.5 in.
    Hips: 62.25 in.
    Thighs: 30.25 in.
    Calves: 19.5 in.
    Biceps: 18 in.
    Bust: 52.5 in. :smile:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I guess the dog walking must be getting more consistent. My dogs have started pestering me the last couple of days between nine and ten until we get out there. I know if their internal clocks know what time it is I am starting form a habit which in this case is a good thing. I think I may have given them to much human food the last couple of days since they are both having bathroom issues today. I will keep an eye out but hopefully it will resolve itself over the next 24 hours. I know I am a little paranoid after the puppy was so sick when we got him but hey what can you do:ohwell:

    Tom it is great to see your smiling face again. I am happy to hear the wife had a good birthday.

    Jnettie you are so consistent with your workouts. I had got into a good routine for awhile but I let it slide and then gave up the gym membership for a while due to wanting to make some financial cuts. I am on the road to getting back to it with the dogs and researching some stretching and strength training I can incorporate at home.

    Laurie I loved hearing your story. You are always such an inspiration to me.

    Mow mow hope you are feeling better soon. That darn gout seems to give you a heck of a time.

    For all of the rest of you beautiful people have a great day and I will see you on the flip side
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I thought looking up some protein would be an easy thing to do on the internet; well I’ll have to try again when I have more time. When I look for Protein for weight loss and muscle gain I find a lot of Primal eating advice. That seems a little too extreme for me but I do like the idea of it. This link is not for everyone and I am not suggesting that anyone buy their stuff or go full primal but I did think it is an interesting blog to read.

    Here is a link you can copy and paste into your browser

    Karen I did see a supplement that I am considering purchasing (1 serving of HumaPro®: 0.02 Calories, *25g Protein, 0g Carbs & 0g Fats.) Amazon has them in tablet form but they are not cheap

    Kingsley- Checkout 8. Winner: Whey Protein Isolate in the link above for fatty liver info.

    How Much Protein Should You Be Eating?
  • SeeLShrink
    Truth: I posted once or twice in the previous thread, and while I've been reading everyone's posts almost daily, I haven't written any posts (although I admit to nodding or agreeing while reading). I don't know why its so difficult- either my kids need my full attention or I feel too shy to post what I have been feeling.

    Well my goals for the upcoming month are to be more open and express what I am thinking. I feel like if I can express myself then maybe I won't feel so alone in the weight loss journey.

    I have been pretty good about logging. I eat a lot of home cooked meals on the weekends, which is where its get so tricky for me to figure out the calorie content but I am doing my best and occasionally overestimating so I don't fall into the habit of cheating myself. I find that most of my desire to eat comes from stress, as do most people. My husband is a student that is constantly studying for exams- or least he should be and when I don't see him live up to his potential or when my guilt kicks in for asking him to spend time with me and the kids my body starts craving chips! Its just so frustrating when I see him wasting time and in doing so not utilizing that time to get ahead in his studies or spend time with family.

    We had a family party this weekend so it was the first time since logging in the past 20 days that I went over my calorie limit or even ate back my exercise calories. I didn't realize how badly I had taken it until today. The past 2 days I felt like I shouldn't even bother watching my calorie intake or go on the scale because I went over once. I'm working really hard to realize that one day off is not a big deal and that I can get myself in shape without feeling guilty about one night of enjoying time with my friends and family.

    Glad you are part of the discussion now!

    I can completely understand your frustrations with your hubs, mine is a student as well and we've had more than a few discussions about his need to get through it and stop goofing around!

    Don't beat yourself up about one bad day, we are all human and have setbacks here and there. That one bad day doesn't erase all the good days you have had! I always feel better when I can get back on track after a splurge and have some good days to "get away" from the bad one.

    Keep up your hard work!
  • MarliQQ
    MarliQQ Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and basically begin my journey a month ago, late November, when I decided to weigh myself for the first time in like years. 250 was that number and since then I have been working my butt off to get back to a Happy Weight.
    Currently, just to update, I finished an all veggie/fruit challenge for myself that ended yesterday and I must admit it was harder than I thought. I am determined however to make my goals, and I am looking to maintain this excitement by getting the support I need. Tomorrow I will be doing my weekly weigh-in. I will update you all on how that goes....
    Best wishes to everyone!
  • mitzi2013
    mitzi2013 Posts: 47 Member
    Monday Check-in... I actually went to the gym this morning!!! However, when I went in the locker room to get dressed I realized I didn't bring socks, but hey, I'm not letting that stop me. So I put my shoes on without socks. Super gross but I did it any way!!! Then I realize I didn't have my phone with me and of course that's how I listen to music while I work out. But no no no, that won't stop me either!!! So I'm on the treadmill for about 10 minutes and my toe is hurting so bad it feels like I'm being stabbed with every step. I finally threw in the towel. I go back to the locker room and change. Just 10 minutes without socks gave me a huge blister on my toe. I'll definitely be more prepared next time!!!
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Getting back on track. Started today logging food again and exercising. Gained 5 lbs back over the holidays.
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you all so much for all the support and welcome! Please please feel free to add me, i would love any feedback :)

    Monday share: Since I've been home the past two day I've really been trying to keep track of everything going into my mouth as well as staying away from the kitchen. I find that every time I enter, I suddenly have the urge to pop something in my mouth. I've also been trying a new technique when it comes to feeding my kids. Now I try to eat my own food first before their meals this way I'm not tempted to eat their leftovers! the only exception is dinner where I;m trying to be more proactive in making sure my family eats all together more than once a week on the days I'm not working my 12 hr shifts.

    I've also been keeping up with the Jillian michaels videos. I did Ripped in 30 without any results for 3 weeks and that when I joined MFP- that's when the numbers started dropping- now I'm just waiting for the inches to drop as well- thats taking longer. After finishing RI30 I began 6 week 6 pack- any of you ever try it? I'm hoping to see more results seeing as how most of my weight revolves around my midsection post children and I'm only 5"1. I'm not so sure what II'm doing wrong with regard to not seeing so many physical results but I'm going to keep trying and also trying to increase my protein intake, even if it means upping my caloric intake. I don't want to lose muscle mass or my hair for that matter- I've just been able to find lower calorie foods with less protein that make me full so I'm usually at a lower caloric intake when I'm at work or even when I'm home. But I realize how dangerous that could be so I will try to be more mindful.

    Tomorrow is my first shift of the week- a busy 12 hours in ER and I'm hoping the people I work with will be positive and uplifting. all too often I end up working with people extremely negative and critical that make me feel like crying during and after my shift.

    Here is to wishing all of us the strength and motivation to be happy and stay healthy this upcoming year!
  • SeeLShrink
    Hey guys!

    Monday: I was so excited to get to the gym today, there was a kickboxing class that I was really wanting to try and my husband and I were all set to go . . . then winter weather :( . It snowed all day, and the roads were a terrible mess, so there went my plans. Even though I didn't make it in, I did make sure I hit all my daily Fitbit goals. I got 12,262 steps, 10 flights of stairs (so far!), and 5 miles. I also did yoga again today. I have tomorrow off, and the gym will be open until 3, so I'll be heading that way first thing in the morning!

    My food logging has been were it needs to be, I always feel so much better when I'm on track. I didn't even flinch when there was a giant cake being served in the break room at work today, go me :)

    Hope everyone's Monday was great, and didn't drag as Mondays tend to do.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to all the new members, please come back and post often. We will get to know you that way.

    Karen- Let me know about the runs. I will need to look at timing especially in March due to testing but I want to make something work.

    Tom- Yes, the T2T NYC includes Gorilla as well. You could join us and walk it if you want. BV might walk it as well.

    Nettie- I will most likely do the bike ride around Cambridge when the weather warms up some more, or we have a unseasonably warm day.

    Congrats to everyone who has been active today either walking pets or going to the gym.

    I did make it to the gym for my trainer workout tonight. It was very core intensive so I may be a little sore tomorrow. I have another workout schedule for tomorrow but it will be cardio intensive with some weight training thrown in for good measure. I do have rest day planned for Wednesday and maybe Thursday due to a meeting after work.

    I am doing well today but I need to stop nibbling on candy and cookies.

    Grading Goals
    7th grade labs x/31
    8th grade labs x/95

    Yes, I must get these done before January 2, when I go back to school. I want the vacation to last longer.

    Have a great night and a productive week ahead.
  • shelbywoo17
    Howdy folks!
    I'm a complete newbie to this site and hoping to lose about 95 pounds. I tracked all of my food and even drank 60 oz of H2O today...which coming from a "sodaholic" is an accomplishment by itself! Looking forward to this challenge!