Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    It is snowing here too. I LOVE New Years Day -- it is one of my favorite days of the year - it is so full of promise and hope and purity and love!

    I weighed myself this am and it was shocking - I haven't weighed myself since I got sick in October - and had to start keeping something in my mouth all the time to ease the pain - so I am up a whopping 23 pounds. I am not shocked because I could feel it in my clothes the past few weeks. I intend to start logging my food as of today but I don't have the heart to change my sticker just yet. I want to see if - in my current state of health - I can lose weight or not. I am not going to put myself under intense pressure at this point with my ongoing health issues. But I am giving up one of my worst habits - which was I was becoming quite a drinker - I was drinking baileys irish cream liquor mixed with milk every single night for pain relief and to knock myself out so I could fall asleep despite the pain. THat stopped last night. The pain has diminished to the point I don't need that crutch any more! From now on, it will be sugarless gum and the dog-gone lozenges and that's it!

    I can't stop the fatigue problems - that's beyond my control, but I can stop the eating - that's within my control, and I'm excited about being in control again!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Stepped on the scale and I'm up 8 pounds since my lowest. :explode: Oh well, like you've said, can't change that fact, just need to fix it going forward. Since I have just been terrible about water, I'm assuming some of it is water weight. 7 year old got to stay up until 11 last night and she slept in until 10. It has just been this last year that she's willing to sleep in.
    @Stephanie...I think you said it perfectly...this has to be a daily thing and not a here and there thing. That has been something that I've struggled with this past year - oh I'll just skip it tonight and then get back at it tomorrow. Too many "tonights" and not enough "tomorrows."
    @JNettie...boy, normally nagging doesn't work, but you've got Brian trained :laugh: Good for both of you. Michael is 6' and 160 pounds wet, plus he walks between 12-15 miles each night at his job, so he doesn't need to exercise. I'd love it if he'd partner with me. Luckily, I have a sister who is on the same journey with me and in town.

    One last grateful: I'm so grateful that I stumbled onto this thread last are all so supportive. You help me not beat myself up when I do poorly and encourage me. You inspire me when I see your struggles and your victories. Thanks for being my friends here.

    That leads me to my Wednesday Wish. I wish nothing but the best for you all this 2014 year (and forward). Off to the gym!

    Monday - Lift - DONE
    Tuesday - C25K - NOT DONE
    Wednesday - Lift
    Thursday - C25K
    Friday - Lift
    Saturday - C25K
    Sunday - rest

    Goals for January
    * Drink 8 glasses of water (boy did I fall off the wagon on that one)
    * One soda a week
    * Lift three times a week
    * Minimum two cardio workouts a week (shoot for three but...)
    * Get my calories back under control and within my "goal"
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Happy new year! No more gross food! It's all officially gone. Woohoo!
  • Tagr1990
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member

    They say you can't argue with crazy, but a part of me wants to set her straight. If I knew we would never have contact with her again, I honestly wouldn't even care what she thinks of me. However, if this blows over I don't want her holding it against me down the road. What do you guys think?

    Happy New Year. :frown:

    you will never win and as long as you are talking to her, she will have opportunity to carry on. Ignore her totally. You cant set things straight with people like that cause they can only see that they are right
  • SeeLShrink
    @eml298 – Welcome to the group! I’m pretty new too, but this group has been awesome to be a part of. I love your attitude about your goals. Sometimes when we look at the big number we have to lose, it gets easy to be discouraged. I speak from experience when I say that focusing on how far you’ve come is way more motivating than thinking of how far you have to go. Way to go on your loss, keep at it!

    @grandmakaye44 – Baked potato bar- Yum! Great job getting your walk in! Your goals are great too! Don’t be too discouraged about your gain, success isn’t always a straight road, but rather has many ups and downs. Keep going and you’ll hit the “ups” again soon :smile:

    @StaceyFit4Eve – Welcome! This is such a wonderful group, everyone is so supportive! Awesome goals!

    @tlh0407 – Congrats on your new Fitbit! I have a One too, If you need friends on there feel free to message me and I’ll be glad to add you (my email address has my full name, so I’m apprehensive to post it in a public thread). Bummer about your gym and the weather, it sucks when your plans get derailed. Don’t stress about the gain, just keep going!

    @Taratruex – Great short and long term goals. 40 by August is very doable, 5 lbs every month and you are there!

    @SraCr8on – Great wishes! I find that small attainable goals are best. They allow you to easily hit them, and thus encourage you to keep at them! You can do it!

    @kah68 – The holidays are rough for everyone, you’ll get those 8 off again and then keep going. Keep up your hard work! Great goals!

    @JNettie73 – Thanks so much for the encouragement! 2014 will be for my husband and I to finish what we’ve started. I am so happy to hear your husband is starting to come around and get some exercise in. I’m bad about nagging mine too!

    @skinnyjeanzbound – Sorry to hear about all the drama with the MIL. You are doing great by ignoring and not giving in to the crazy. I don’t know if I could handle it as well as you are! Bummer about the gain, you’ll get it off and be back on track soon, the holidays are not goal friendly at all! Thank you for all the encouragement you’ve offered me! I’m so glad to be a part of this group full of supportive and amazing people!

    @RobinsEgg – Your positive attitude is so inspiring. You’re goals are awesome! I bet that giving up the nightly drinks will help get some of that gain back off. I am a little too fond of wine, and it’s insane the amount of calories those drinks can pack in. Thank you so much for starting this thread, I am loving this group! Everyone is so inspiring and encouraging. As we all stick to our goals and resolutions, I am confident there will be some amazing successes in 2014!

    I had an amazing time last night. My drink calories got me, but I danced so much I got an all-time high on my fitbit steps (17400 steps, 7.67 miles, plus 6700 toward today!). Hopefully the extra exercise will counteract the drinks! I’m about to get my yoga in, then work on hitting my step goal around the house. I hope everyone kicked off the New Year right, and I’m so excited to see all the amazing progress we will make in 2014!

    I do have some advice as everyone sets their goals for this year. As a nurse I’ve been taught to make sure my goals (for patients and myself) are SMART: S- Specific, M- Measurable, A-attainable, R-Realistic, T- Time bound. Goals such as: Exercise 3 times in one week, or lose 2 pounds per week for one month, would be examples of goals that have a timeline (one month, one week), a way to be measured (2 pounds, 3 exercise days), they are specific, and also realistic and attainable. Be sure to tailor your goals to your own needs and abilities :smile:

    Wednesday – My wish is that this new year is full of amazing experiences and wonderful successes for each and every one of you! Happy 2014!!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona--You are absolutely right! All it would accomplish is more fighting. She's made her "diagnosis" and won't change her mind. In our original conversation, I even reminded her that I have a degree in psychology and I an NOT qualified to diagnose mental disorder (you need a PsyD to do that). However, she feels her 15 years working as an addmissions secretary at a psychiatric hospital wualifies her. Oh, and it's been almost 40 years since she worked there.

    @toots--yay for no gross food!

    @nettie--My husband didn't express an opinion, but this morning I mentioned I would not be responding to his mom's not and he said "that's fine." I did think about the results of reaching out to her, and I don't believe any good would come of it. Even IF (and that's a BIG IF) she decided to back down on her insistance that my DH needs counseling, it wouldn't be sincere, and she would just be waiting for him to do or say ANYTHING so she could pounce right back on the subject. It's why he already doesn't share much with her (and why I KNEW she was lying when she said he told her he was in pain about his childhood).

    Thanks for all of your input on this topic, but I think I'm ready to move on with 2014 and put my MIL's nonsense behind us. :smile:

    On another note, stephanie mentioned about making the changes day to day, and it reminded me of something I think a lot but haven't expressed here in awhile. In addition to all of the great advice others have already given the newlings (or even us struggling oldings :laugh: ), here is a bit more.

    Most of us have been overweight our whole lives (or a good portion of it). We've lived a "normal" life of too many calories and too little fitness. Yes, from time to time we've all "gone on a diet" or "started working out" only to go back to our "normal" unhealthy lifestyles within days or perhaps weeks. The healthy episodes weren't our "norm"; they were an anomaly. Now, our day to day "normal" is eating healthy and being more active. Yes, we might occassionally have a bad day of eating junk, or a bad week of lacking exercise, or even a month of too much holiday "celebrating,." However, when that happens, we know it was just an anomaly and will get back to our "normal" healthy lifestyles and back on track to being fit.:flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Ugh! Got through 3 more papers. Heading home to walk gunner and shovel some snow. It's coming down non-stop--we've probably gotten at least 5-6 inches and no end in sight!

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 6/26 Scarlet Letter essays
    3. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--babysit toddler DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- It would be great if you could join us in NY, this is open to anyone in the group. We understand the run is not timed and a little slower so you should be good to go. Brian will find his way to the weight set given time; the benefit is that you can also use them as well.

    Karen-Glad you are putting the MIL behind you and leaving it in 2013. Can you please send the snow my way, I really don’t want to go back to work tomorrow and Friday. I would love an extra day or two off. Can you make the kids rewrite the Scarlet Letter papers before you grade anymore of them? I have told my students a couple of times that I could not grade an assignment because they were poorly written, did not answer the questions and then they had to redo them. It worked well.

    Welcome to all the new members, you have a found a very supportive group of people.

    Kelley- I love the way your trainer is willing to meet you to go for run she/he is supportive. They are worth their weight in gold.

    Sara- I post my grading goals to keep myself accountable. I am terrible when it comes to grading, my least favorite activity therefore I procrastinate getting it done. I have learned to use exercise as a stress management tool and I look forward to my workout time since I can decompress and take out the frustrations of the school day.

    I may join everyone who in resetting the tickers, as I should update mine as well. My weight is moving back up again, but it should go back down. I had two tough workouts this week with my trainer and I am very sore today. Monday was a core and cardio workout and Tuesday was a weight lifting session with cardio. Today, my abs, arms, and legs are feeling it. It will be nice to see it go down again and stay down this year.

    Well, it appears my Dad will be coming home to stay on Friday. He will have therapy 3x’s a week for a little while so that should help some more. We did bring him home for dinner today and he managed to walk from the car all the way to inside the house, so that is a positive.

    Grading goals
    7th grade labs 28/31 the other 5 were not finished by the students
    8th grade labs 0/95 I need to get motivated to grade them.

    I wish everyone a Wonderful year ahead. May you find yourself getting healthy, losing weight, beating all the health issues.

    Happy New Year. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Just stopped in to see how everyone's New Year was. I came home from work, started a fire and fell asleep by 8;30 last night. I snored my way straight into the new year. :blushing:

    My Wednesday wish is for all of our hopes and dreams to come true.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I have made my kids do re-writes in the past, but for this assignment, there's just no time. They were partner papers and the kids had several days of class time to write, edit, and revise. I can't spare anymore class time to allow for more revision, and since I assigned the partners, it would be difficult to expect them to revise outside of class. And honestly, I don't think they deserve the opportunity--they will just have to take the poor grades for being careless with all of the time I already gave them. I'm sure the snow is headed your way, but it's either a HUGE system or very slow moving b/c it's been non-stop here.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- It also drives me crazy when the kids don't use the time they are given wisely and turn in garbage. They do deserve the poor grades, hope it wakes them up and they do better next time.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Lauren -- that's great that you and your husband have lost so much together!

    Robin - my boys are my joy! MowMow is my little furry shoulder to lean on (he's always willing to let me cuddle/hug/cry on him) and Shepherd Book is my comic relief. He cracks me up all day with his boneheaded antics.

    Like some others, Ive updated my ticker to show my gain. It was sucky and depressing, but there it is. I didn't do much lasts night, foot was sore from using it for the first time in 8 days, so I went to bed with an ice pack strapped to it about 9pm. Woke up at 8:30 this morning under the 2 cats. IMO, the perfect way to ring in the New Year!!

    Did some shopping today. Picked up yummy fruits/veggies and am ready to hit it tomorrow. Then the local bible bookstore is going out of business so I HAD to hit up the first day of their closing sale and finally a quick trip to Petco for some toys for my angels(and for the downstairs neighbor's kitten). By the time I got up my stairs I was sweating like I'd run a marathon and was in excruciating pain. I definitely overdid today but it felt GREAT to get out and walk around

    Tuesday (2014)goals- stop screwing around. I lost 120lbs once, I can do it again and be done with this stage. Will pedal each night until I can get out and walk again.

    Wednesday wish - my foot would heal faster, I'm running out of patience!
  • mitzi2013
    mitzi2013 Posts: 47 Member
    January Goals: I did a lot of thinking and figured out what I wanted to do. This week I would have entered my last week, week 9 of phase 4. Next week I would have moved on to phase 5. For many reasons I don't feel ready to move onto the next phase. I have decided to repeat phase 4 from week 7. For my strength training routines I will be increasing my weights. I think redoing this phase with more weights will give me an extra boost rather then enter the final phase and increase the weights.

    For the next 6 weeks - which takes me into the beginning of February this is what I will be doing but with heavier weights than what I have been using.

    Phase 4 - Weeks 7, 8 & 9
    Monday - Cardio Classic, Chest & Back and Abs
    Tuesday - Cardio Strike and Shoulders & Arms
    Wednesday - Hips, Thighs & Buns and Abs
    Thursday - Cardio Blast and Chest & Back
    Friday - Cardio Classic and Shoulders & Arms
    Saturday - Hips, Thighs and Buns and Abs
    Sunday - Rest

    Phase 5 - Weeks 10, 11 & 12
    Monday - Cardio Classic, Chest & Back and Abs
    Tuesday - Cardio Strike and Hips, Thighs & Buns
    Wednesday - Shoulders & Arms and Abs
    Thursday - Cardio Blast and Chest & Back
    Friday - Cardio Classic, Hips Thighs & Buns and Shoulders & Arms
    Saturday - Cardio (Your Choice) and Abs
    Sunday - Rest

    I cannot believe I am almost at the end of my Gilad workout routine. It really did go fast. I have to start thinking about what my next routine is going to be. I do have lots more Gilad workouts, pilates and some other workouts that I can do.

    Good news: I got on the scale this morning and noticed I was up only 4 ounces from my most recent weigh in. I don't know how I managed that one with all the food in the house. But I won't complain about it. :bigsmile:

    Tom - How adorable that the little boy kept hugging you. It sounds like you were a good sport about it! Congrats on passing on the cake. I was being nosy and lurked your profile pictures. I have to say you have had an amazing transformation so far. Keep up the excellent work. You are doing so well! (I especially liked the picture of your beard in green!!!)

    SraCr8on - I am glad you came back. Take comfort in knowing that there will be times that you fall off track slightly. It's ok, it happens to all of us. What is more important is you realize what caused you to slip and make small changes for the better. My suggestion to you and anyone else who is new is to make one change at a time rather than try to change everything all at once. In addition to using the scale to gauge your progress I strongly suggest taking measurements, which I see you have already done! Also take progress pictures and focus on the little things such as something you can do that you could not accomplish before. All these little things give me extra motivation when I need it. Best of luck to you in reaching your goals!

    jtconst - I can completely relate when you say you are a bit concerned about your dogs and tummy issues. Last year I noticed one of my cats wasn't acting right - she vomited once, had some tummy issues and was hiding in a corner. I kept an eye on it for 2 hours and called my vet. My husband thought I was being ridiculous. My vet took her in right away. It turns out she had some bug but was extremely dehydrated and needed to be kept over night for IV fluids. :ohwell: It is amazing how quickly a little something can turn into a big problem for them. I would rather be safe (paranoid) than sorry. I hope your dogs are back to their old selves in no time.
    Thanks for the compliment on my workouts. I did slack a lot this past week. I didn't workout at all from Christmas to Sunday. But in all fairness I was extremely busy Wednesday to Saturday and just didn't have any time. Sunday I was just exhausted. That is one of the reasons why I decided to repeat this current phase of my workout. I am glad to get back into my routine. I enjoy it a lot.

    MariQQ- Welcome! Congrats on completing your fruit and veggie challenge.

    Mitzi - That is great that you didn't let those little obstacles stop you from doing what you set out to do. Sorry to hear you got a blister though and were forced to stop. I hate blisters. OUCH! On a side note: I love your profile picture. Your tattoo is gorgeous!
    What exactly is it? It is a bit hard to see all the details on my computer.

    Michelle - Glad you are back. I've missed you!!!

    Debbie - My first go on MFP I was measuring myself once a week and became frustrated as I was not giving enough time to see a difference. I suggest measuring once a month. I do my measurements the 1st of every month with progress pictures. My first month I was pleasantly surprised with my measurements. I hated my progress pictures though - I just don't like pictures of myself. It's funny but in pictures I see a different person than I do when I look in the mirror. When I look in a mirror I can see differences and I seem so much smaller than what the pictures reflect. I still take them anyhow. Eventually I want to put together a collage of my progress from each month. I think it will be fascinating to be able to see the differences from month to month.

    SeeLShrink - I love kickboxing! So sorry to hear your plans were foiled by mother nature. That is great that you kept active at home instead and did yoga.

    Laurie - I am glad to hear I am not the only one who wants vacation to last longer. I go back to work on Thursday for one job and the other on Monday. We are supposed to have a snow storm come through on Thursday. I already told my husband that I hope it is a bad one this way school is cancelled, just because I want more vacation time. I am such a horrible teacher for thinking that way. :laugh: :wink:

    shelbywoo17 - Welcome!

    Kaye - you are so close to your goal!!! That is so exciting. I am so happy for you. :happy:

    Kah - Where are you cruising to again? What cruise line? Brian and I got engaged on a cruise - the Norwegian Dawn. We did so many really fun excursions. It was a really great vacation!

    Lives2Travel - I love jammie rest days. They ARE so heavenly. :happy:

    It's a sacred heart with 2 cherub angels. Thanks :)
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    mother-in-laws have been the bane of both of my marriages. The first marriage ended in a large part due to her, and my husband never sticking up for me ( when I married him , I was 19 yrs. old and he was 26 yrs. old and she said I robbed him from her). My second MIL was manipulative and arbitrarily decided if you were 'in favour' or 'out of favour'. Happily, This time the outcome was different as my hubby chose me..
    , I feel for you. I know you can get back to losing...pain is a horrible thing to deal with and I think you've done well. You're brave. You've weighed in. Don't change your ticker if you don't want to. I haven't weighed in and don't want to change my 'ticker' either, but I know I've gained.
    Somehow though , I feel that since it's a new year, I can change for the better. Bring it on...2014!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris--glad you are getting out and about, though it sucks that you are still in pain.

    @laurie--that's my hope!

    AFM--Came home, walked gunner, and then shoveled for about 45 minutes. My husband had used the snowblower to clear everything before I left to grade. When I went out there, there was about another 3 inches of accumulation! :noway: Forecast looks like it will slow down around midnight and then start again tomorrow afternoon.

    Updated all of my measurements--no damage there at least, and also updated my goals. At a pound/week loss MFP puts me at 1670 calories/day and 125g of protein. I have been okay with calorie allowance the past week, but still low on protein. Tomorrow and Friday will be tough days--tomorrow I have lunch out with a retired teacher friend. We are going to a restaurant that has my favorite--Lychee martinis! I'm going to look at the menu tonight and see what food I can choose to allow for 2 since I'm not driving. Then on Friday some other friend's and I are meeting in the afternoon downtown at Butch McGuire's. This bar is a Chicago institution and it's always fabulously decorated for the holidays. We are planning to take the train down and pub crawl from there, so I will have to really work hard to stay under goal. If I wake up early, I can fit in a gym visit before I go which would really help.

    As much as I don't want to go back to work, I will be happy with the structure that comes along with it. I will make my lunch ahead of time and avoid any treats in the office. The good news is that a colleague of mine started selling the "24-day Challenge"--some sort of weight loss supplement. I don't plan to do it, but a bunch of others in the office were talking about doing it together starting Monday the 6th which means a lot less people will be bringing junk to work. That should make the first few weeks back that much easier! :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    mother-in-laws have been the bane of both of my marriages. The first marriage ended in a large part due to her, and my husband never sticking up for me ( when I married him , I was 19 yrs. old and he was 26 yrs. old and she said I robbed him from her). My second MIL was manipulative and arbitrarily decided if you were 'in favour' or 'out of favour'. Happily, This time the outcome was different as my hubby chose me..
    , I feel for you. I know you can get back to losing...pain is a horrible thing to deal with and I think you've done well. You're brave. You've weighed in. Don't change your ticker if you don't want to. I haven't weighed in and don't want to change my 'ticker' either, but I know I've gained.
    Somehow though , I feel that since it's a new year, I can change for the better. Bring it on...2014!

    Mel--I thought of you immediately when I got the note from my MIL. I really appreciated the kind PM you sent me when this all started a month ago. :flowerforyou: My husband is the main target of my MIL, so you would think that would put me out of the line of fire, but my MIL actually expected me to choose her over my husband! More proof of just how crazy she really is. I guess I'm fortunate that her main beef isn't with me, but I do feel sorry for both her and my husband b/c it's sad to see their relationship go to crap, literally, overnight. Thanks again for your advice and commiseration--it's truly appreciated!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    On another note, I an interested in having a piece of cardio equipment at my house. I don't know what kind to get though. I would ideally like something that can fold up and be stored away easily. I don't want anything too heavy. My hubby is so supportive that he told me to sell our large couch and buy a smaller one, so an elliptical could fit into our TV room.
    I enjoy the elliptical more than the treadmill.
    Any ideas that you guys have on what to buy would be appreciated. I haven't researched cardio equipment yet, but remember seeing a commercial a long time ago, where the equipment was stored under a bed. (my house isn't big). Hubby says it would be too light and unreliable.
    I know some of you are experienced with this and workout at home. I'd love to hear what you would recommend. I'm having a really hard time going to the gym as I'm too shy.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Mel - some things to consider before buying your home equipment - decide on what exercise you LOVE doing - either the treadmill or the elliptical, otherwise, you may not be able to commit to doing it frequently. I agree with your hubby that the foldable will probably not be stable enough for you and not give you your money's worth of exercise. What you can do is consider looking for a folding screen to disguise the equipment when its not in use. They can now be bought fairly inexpensively, and sometimes found on the internet too.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I just wanted to share this link for the newlings--it's not a bad reminder for the rest of us either. :wink:

    I've followed a lot of Sidesteel's posts--he's very knowledgeable and gives great advice regarding nutrition and exercise. He's got great abs as well! :blushing: