Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mel--I agree with robin and you hubs about the folding ones probably being less sturdy. If you like the elliptical more, then definitely get that over the treadmill. In addition, you can walk or run outside most of the year, but you can't elliptical outside (well you can if you buy one of those crazy elliptical bikes, but you know what I mean :tongue: ). I don't really have any other advice about it though. I own a treadmill and I far prefer a gym membership to working out at home. However, I did use it to build up my confidence in private before running at the gym or outside, so it definitely served its purpose. That being said, once it dies I have no plans to buy another. It's a Precor and is about 15 years old--it's still in great shape, so I can at least recommend that brand of equipment.
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all! I'm still around just been swamped with life and uber busy. Still logging on MFP but haven't been on the boards much. As my ticker says I'm down 24 pounds YAY! For the first time in forever I haven't gained my way through the holidays! Here to keeping that momentum going! I'm being a night owl tonight as my husband is out plowing and my daughter is at her dad's tonight. So I took the opportunity to have a mini Harry Potter marathon, get my grades entered and work on lesson plans for the up coming weeks (not that Mother Nature will let them stay the way I have them laid out presently!) I'm going to work on checking back in more often and catching up on the thread, I just wanted to pop in and say HI!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Hey chaps, I'm back. Gained 20 pounds, feel like an idiot. Starting again, giving it the right priority. 2014; eat well, exercise well.

    Over New Year we stayed at friends in the country, went for walks every day with them and their lovely dog, despite frankly horrible weather. It's a better lifestyle really. Anyway, back in my little urban nook now. Today the exercise will mostly be housework.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Jan 2nd!

    @skinnyjeans - My MIL was much like yours. Always meddling and causing issue with her sons wives. I learned early to let my husband deal with her crazy. It was hard not to defend myself and even when he did most of the fall out came back at me. I caused him to speak to his loving mother in that unkind manner.... yeah sure I did. You aren't at all mean to say it's nicer without her and her drama. I'm sure it is. You need to ignore her or if you have to talk to her refuse to engage in conversation past the weather. If she tries to get you to discuss your husbands supposed "issues", honor his wishes and tell her that he's told you that he does not want you involved and hand the phone to him.

    @madelinemel - Great loss over the holidays!

    @kaye - Someone asked me a couple days ago how I plan to lose the rest of the weight. I said I planned to dance with the one who brung me. Like you, I will continue to do what has worked. If it quits working, then I'll try something else. What I won't do is quit trying.

    @karen - Sorry to hear you have to have surgery. Here are some prayers that you end 2014 healthier than you're beginning it.

    @robin - You are wise (as usual) to focus on what you can control. Sorry you have to lose the Bailey's. Delicious and filled with alcohol is a rare combination, but it is decidedly not calorie friendly.

    @lauren - Thanks for reminding me that I need to put my goals on "paper", so here goes:

    In 2014:

    I will lose the remaining 71 lbs. My first step toward that is losing 17 lbs (to get to 199) by the end of February. We're going to Cabo at the beginning of March and I need to be able to get into all the smaller warm weather clothes in my closet so I don't have to buy a bunch of things to take on the trip.

    I will be more consistent in my exercise. I've learned that I can lose weight without doing this which is good and bad.

    I will take a beginner yoga class and not worry what the view is like for the person directly behind me.

    I will continue to log (203 days and counting) and post on this board.

    Hope everyone is geared up for a great 2014. Together we can reach ALL our goals!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Sounds like your coworkers are doing the Advocare 24-day cleanse (I think Advocare calls it a “challenge.”), lots of supplements. It will be nice having coworkers that are watching their diet as well, less treats that way! :wink: Enjoy time with friends over the next couple of days.

    @Mel~I agree with Robin and Karen concerning fold-up equipment, it just isn’t as sturdy as other equipment out there – also out of sight out of mind. :wink: You can find machines that take up less real estate though. I have an elliptical that really doesn’t take up that much space, I have a game room/office area upstairs and it fits nicely up against a wall. January is a great time to buy that stuff, it’s usually deeply discounted – I bought a Sole elliptical for half-off at a sporting goods store at that time of year several years ago. It’s a great machine. You might also look at the Nordic Track brand, they have a lot of nice reasonably priced options. Like Karen, buying my own elliptical was a good stepping stone before having the courage to join a gym – I still use it occasionally, but prefer the gym (I tend to work out harder at the gym when I’m around people).

    @Laurie~Thanks! He’s definitely a gem and it took me a long time to find him, similar to you I went through 3-4 trainers before I found a good fit.

    @Kris~I bet it felt good to get out and about yesterday, hope the pain from so much activity has subsided some.

    @Allison~There you are! Great to see you!!! Welcome back.

    @Anna~Welcome back!

    @L2T~Great goals for 2014. Unlike you I DO need to shop for my upcoming cruise, all of my summer clothes and my swimsuit are too big. I really hate swimsuit shopping! :grumble:

    AFM~I’m not sure what today will bring. I got into the office early to get a head-start on month-end/year-end but my boss and I have just been chatting, so much for that idea. :tongue: It will most likely be a late day, but did bring my gym bag just in case – not even sure I’ll get reports from the A/R dept today (but one can hope). I’ve also got an appt with my ortho doc after lunch, knee has been aggravating me for about a month. This is the one I injured and had a partial meniscectomy on a year ago, figured he better take a gander so we’ll see how that goes – I can tell there is some fluid in there so hoping he’ll just aspirate and send me on my way.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, training session DONE!
    New Year’s Eve~None
    New Year’s Day~5k DONE!
    Thursday~Not sure, may have to work late
    Friday~Not sure, may have to work late
    Saturday~Gym, arc trainer or elliptical (found a 10k I may do with a friend instead)
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Have a great day!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Everyone!!! Sorry I was MIA for a few weeks holiday's were hard being all alone and I just got to focused on all honesty nothing but self pitty.
    I am back and ready to give 2014 a chance. My son got me a fit bit flex for xmas and I can't wait to use it.

    I am about 8 pages or more behind so I am just going to start over on today.

    Happy New Year Everyone.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday Truth and my daily ramblings:

    I have been eating a lot of treats the past few days and really need to stop. We had a G R E A T time at my friend's family New Years Day party yesterday. I texted my friend prior to the party to let him know I am doing MFP and that I would not be drinking a lot. He comes from a traditional Irish family and they always have a fully stocked bar for every party. I asked him for a glass of wine instead of a mixed drink. I completely forgot they have over sized wine glasses and tend to fill them up to the top. I call them "O'Hare sized glasses". Needless to say I decided it was easier just not to log my food yesterday rather than try to figure it out. His brother made these outrageously delicious spinach wraps hors d'oeuvre which I love. He also made me a spinach baked ziti, egg plant parm and meatless sauce. It was really cute because as soon as I got there my friend's dad dragged me into the kitchen and said "Look, I have a sign for you." and pointed to one that said "extra vegetarian sauce". It was so cute. His family is so thoughtful and always think about my vegetarian needs for every party.

    Some sad news, my uncle (Mom's brother) has been sick since the summer. Around the same time my dad had his exasperation. He has been in and out of the hospital several times for a variety of problems. Last night his battle came to an end. I am glad he is no longer suffering but my heart is heavy especially for his family left behind. My mom is in complete shock. She doesn't think she will go to the funeral because of my dad's needs, her brother lived in CT so she would have to travel, and the blizzard that is hitting both NY and CT. I told my mother that if she wanted to go I would stay with my dad so she could do so. She has not made up her mind yet on what she is going to do. :cry:

    It is snowing right now. We have a blizzard warning in effect beginning at 6 pm tonight. I am hanging around the tv to see if my program is cancelled today. I am hoping it is because we don't finish until 5:45 then I have a 40 minute drive home during rush hour. Right around the time the blizzard warning is in effect. I am extremely nervous considering my car is very light, low to the ground and not made for this type of weather. One of my aides already texted me asking if I heard anything yet. It's been all over the news yesterday and today that Cuomo made the decision to close all the major roads here prior to the blizzard hitting in effort to prevent stranded motorists. He is urging everyone to use mass transit instead of their personal vehicles. However on Long Island, especially the east end, mass transit is not a practical means of transportation for many people. It is very different for us than using mass transit in NYC. I was thinking about it and seeing if I could make that work for me. I have a train station 10 minutes from me that I could access. I would have to take the train 2 stops into a neighboring town then take a taxi from the train station (approximately 20 minutes) to get to work. It would actually make my commute much longer and more complicated than just driving myself. :huh:

    I went outside earlier this morning and filled up my bird feeders and put out more suet cakes for the birds. I had some feed left in 2:5 feeders but I wanted to fill them all up. While I was out there filling my back feeders the birds were swarming my feeders by my patio that I just refilled. One of my cats is now hanging out by the back door watching the "show". It's so cute I could not resist taking a picture to share.


    Edit to add: I just received a text from my boss and they cancelled my program for today so I don't have to worry about being out in the blizzard. :happy:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    @tom--thanks for the info! Can you tell me where you found the race info? I just checked the T2T website and it's still not there. :grumble: And, yes, it very well could be on a Sunday--I'm probably just mis-remembering what Gorilla said. I also loved your quote. Neil Gaiman is one of my favortie commercial writers. :heart: I think I've read everything he's written and loved "Neverwhere" so much I used to teach it in my Contemporary Lit class.

    Karen it was here;
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Since I have extra time on my hands I will do some personals.

    Robin - I was thinking of you when I was out filling up my feeders this morning. I was thinking how much you would enjoy it!

    tlh - that is great that your sister in on the journey with you. I was speaking to my friend. Patrick, about MFP last night. He noticed right away that I looked smaller. I sent him a MFP request because he said he was interested in joining. I hope he does. It makes it so much fun with friends/family. I like your 2014 goals. I have not been as diligent with my water this past week. Some days I am good and some days not so good.

    SeeLShrink - I feel terrible for nagging. I hate when it is done to me. But I cannot stop doing it. What is up with that? Maybe no more nagging should be a goal for 2014. :laugh: I love your SMART goals! I have never heard of that before. That is great.

    Skinnyjeanz - Glad to hear you are going to put the MIL drama behind you and move on. I've tried to do the same with mine. I find it is easier to ignore her and move on rather than get frustrated with her "craziness". Great advice! Thanks for sharing. Just think with all that shoveling you are doing that you are burning extra calories and working some muscles! :happy: That is a shame that your students didn't use their time wisely and turned in poor papers. I agree with your decision. The natural consequence of a poor grade may be a good learning experience for them.

    Laurie - I will have to let you know as the date gets closer if I am going to join your guys or not. It all depends on my fitness level and progress. I am so fearful that I will not be physically ready for a 5K by then. I was thinking the same thing about benefiting from his weights being in my room. I think when I am ready to lift heavy I will invest in some weight lifting gloves as the bar on his weights is not comfortable to hold as my lighter hand weights are. I am so glad to hear the good news regarding your dad! Will his therapy be done in the home or does he need to go out for that? Will he receive visiting nurses and aides as well or is he past that point?
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @L2T~Great goals for 2014. Unlike you I DO need to shop for my upcoming cruise, all of my summer clothes and my swimsuit are too big. I really hate swimsuit shopping! :grumble:

    @kah - I too am facing the dreaded bathing suit shopping trip. Do you have any favorite sources for suits? I've ordered some from Land's End in the past and did like that they have swim skirts that come up high and hold in the tummy.

    I hope I'll be OK on tops and capris, but will need a suit, shorts (preferably bermuda length) and probably a dress for a banquet dinner. The trip to Cabo is a business reward for my husband since he had a great sales year. Can't say I'm looking all that forward to spending time with his work peeps (who tend to drink and party on trips way more than we are comfortable with) and am hoping to spend a day at the spa and another going whale watching. Other than that, a chair on the beach with my Kindle is how I plan to spend my time.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Wow a lot of posts to read. Hope you are all doing well!

    KarenL- Best wishes for your medical issues!:flowerforyou:

    3M- Hope that gout gets better!:flowerforyou:

    Kelley- Hope that knee is ok. A doctor told me that I have worn out my meniscusis because I used to weigh 400lbs., but they sure feel better now in the 260’s.

    JNettie73- I am not sure I’ll make the T2T, but I think Gorilla, Laurie, Karen and Brian are going to. I would like to meet them and I am going to research a trip to CT around that time so I might make it to the T2T 5K. My little sister, her husband and their son might all be interested in doing the T2T too. All three of them kick my butt in fitbit steps every day.

    Susan- Hope you and Cyrus are having a great time back east!

    Alison- Glad to see you back we missed you!:drinker:

    I also miss some others that I hope are lurking here. MacBeth, Shrinkwrapt and others you are missed hope all is well with you!

    I’m glad I have no snow to shovel, but I do have to get rid of some leaves either today or tomorrow.

    Made it another day with no cake and it is almost gone!:happy:

    I noticed that there are some new fitbits in this group. My memory is failing me right now so I cannot remember who (Tracy was one I think), but if any of you fitbit users want fibit friends here is my url:


    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” –Mark Twain

  • SeeLShrink
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Whew! I just blew in from shoveling most of my driveway.... I am leaving the 9x9 3 ft drift for my husband to get with the plow when he gets home! I had an hour in the drive shoveling as is I wasn't about to tackle that monster!
    A coworker on my third grade team just joined mfp this break so I'm looking toward to having some local support as well. Our district is starting a Biggest loser challenge when we start back until March and I will be participating. In that as well.

    2014 goals
    Lose 75 pounds- this will get me to 185 which is actually (as my best friend pointed out) less than I weighed in High school!
    Get some rocking strong arms and legs!
  • SeeLShrink
    For all the Fitbit users, here is my URL if you want another friend :)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. It sounds like we all had a safe and fun new years. My husband and I stayed in but he drove our 21 year old daughter to and from the party they wee attending so there would be no worries there. I have finally got the last of the holiday goodies out of the house and just have to control myself around the hubbys home goodies we hae for him. I am not to worried about it. I am starting to feel that mindset again that got me this far. I think I am stating to get my groove back :bigsmile: I went big grocery shopping today for the month. Yep i am one of those super stocks who goes once a month to refill everyhting and then once or twice a wee just real quick for perishables. I am loving playing with my new food saver system. I got bagels and torta rolls at costco which i love as a once a week or so treat but they alwasy go bad for I get them so I now have them wrapped individually and ready to pop in the freezer to use when I want:happy: My son was watching tv as I was putting away groceries and I sat down for a minute with a cup of tea I had made and I had to laugh that I am putting away chips and cookies for the guys and I got flavored teas for my goodie treats. How fair is that :laugh: Well I better finish getting everyhting put away. Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - I'm back and soooo behind. Missed you all and will be posting soon. I need to read pages and pages, but need to see what you guys have been up too.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    tough day today. Son, DIL and grandkids left and i have no idea when i may see them again even tho i hope it will be next month for grandsons birthday. He was sooo upset and did not want to leave. We are very close and get into lots of trouble together!!
    I am wandering around aimlessly today. Not really following my menu but drinking lots of water. Starting to clean the house top to bottom. Is it too early for wine??
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    I woke up to several more inches of snow--all in all we got about 18 inches! :noway: My husband had to work, so I cleaned off my car and shoveled the driveway before meeting friends for lunch. I fully expected to have to do the sidewalks when I got home, but was pleasantly surprised to find my DH home early and the sidewalks already cleared!

    I'm at starbucks grading a few more papers right now, so I will come back to do personals later.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- We are also getting snow here but only expecting 2-4 inches of the white stuff, as I am at the tail end of the Nor' Easter that you are getting . However, it did start snowing earlier than expected today so I will see what happens. We do have some ice under this snow so the roads will be dangerous tomorrow morning. Not sure if there will be school tomorrow or not it depends on the snow and how it spreads out across the county. There is usually a huge difference between the Northern end of the county and the Southern end. I hope I will be shoveling tomorrow. My dad will have PT at home about 3 times a week. He is suppose to come home tomorrow but that all depends on the snow, as we will not bring him home if the sidewalks are icy and slippery. No point in tempting fate with a fall. The rehab center suggested home health aides but my Mom said NO. That option is off the table for right now, she may change her mind if he gets worse.

    Welcome back Anna, Allison, Susan. Like Tom said, to all our friends who may be lurking, please stop by and say hello. We would love to hear from you.

    I may actually get a chance to shovel tomorrow as the snow is now laying on the sidewalks and the street.

    My after work meeting was cancelled tonight so I made it to the gym before the weather turned really nasty, it was snowing when I left work but by the time I reached my home area it was just rain a matter of 15-20 miles. I was able to leg press 115 lbs and maybe a little higher. On the leg abductor machine (pushing out) I was able to hit 115 lbs, this my weaker area, the adductor (pushing in) machine was 130 lbs. I also mixed in some cardio and a little bit of running.

    Heading outside to take some pictures. Just can't resist.