Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Foster grandson is home and seems in good spirits. He walked with Cathy and I tonight.
    I had a pretty good day, stayed within my goals. We are getting some colder temps are supposed to get snow tomorrow. I'll have to come up with an alternative to walking.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Kaye Great that your foster grandson is home. How nice that this young man found such a loving family to care for him.
    @Karen Thanks. I have a scale, and the spoons that measure 1/2 cup so it is just a matter of using them. I think plating and then going to the table will help too as I tend not to want to get up, but if the food is right there, it is easy to grab for seconds. Sometimes I guess we need to be reminded of these things.
    New goal for the coming week: Measure and weigh all my food. (It took a little courage to actually put that in writing.)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Well, from what I can see, winter has arrived for most of us. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were complaining about the heat! This morning is that last reasonably warm walk I will have for who knows how long. I think tomorrow morning is going to be in the 20s. Might have to move my walk to lunchtime.

    Still recovering from my fall. I have some very impressive bruises and my right arm (which I braced with when I went down) is sore from shoulder to wrist. Nothing more than strained muscles, so I'm still so very thankful I didn't damage myself too much.

    Not doing great eating wise and certainly not doing well reporting in everyday with my results. Just can't seem to get my act together when work and life are so darn overwhelmingly busy. Cannot wait for a week off at Thanksgiving.

    Hope everyone has a good day and stays warm!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Stopping by to catch up. Still being a 'numbers freek' ... I do believe I;d rather play with numbers like a statistician instead of cleaning house! That's a habit I need to work on ... procrastination!. Really, I've been taking it easy the past few days. Somehow I have strained a muscle or cracked a rib and movement produces sharp pain that makes me wince and 'freeze'. I did have a couple really bad coughing spells and started to feel the pain after that. But instead of going away, it's spreading. If I'm not better by next week I'll have to go see my doctor.

    My calories, once I figured out my TDEE for maintenance have been 100% on average over the past 12 days. My body has stopped demanding food and the intake has dropped back to a cut level so that I am steadily and gradually dropping ounces every day to have me back to where I was before the feeding frenzy.

    All-in challenge ... on partial hold until my side pain improves.


  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning everyone.

    @RobinsEgg- I should have gone Netherlands style but I did not even have one drink.
    @GrammyWhammy- I’ll have to try the diet cherry limeade from Sonic.

    @skinnyjeanzbound- I’m waiting until Friday night to hit happy hour hard. We are going to try a new BBQ place at the Town Square Pot Liquor Contemporary American Smokehouse and then may have to sample drinks at Double Helix Wine & Whiskey Lounge, Yard House, McFadden's Restaurant & Saloon, Miller’s Ale House, Blue Martini, english's, or Tommy Bahama's Restaurant & Bar

    Happy Kindness Day
    Kindness Day isn’t just about adopting all the children from your local orphanage – it’s about the little gestures of kindness too. Helping others can restore a sense of humanity, not to mention giving you that warm fuzzy glow inside.
    Kindness Day was born when a collection of humanitarian groups came together on November 13, 1997 and made a “Declaration of Kindness”. Likewise, on Kindness Day everyone is encouraged to make a similar declaration. Donating books, food or clothes to your local community is a great way to celebrate. However, pledging to commit just one act of kindness is no less worthwhile: hold the door open for a stranger, compliment your neighbour on their collection of garden gnomes, let your partner have control of the TV remote for the evening.
    However you decide to celebrate remember that the best thing about Kindness Day is that it doesn’t cost a thing!

    “Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last.” ~Hamilton Holt

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tom I will be celebrating Happy Hour day tomorrow after work. Thanks for keeping us updated on these holiday.

    Karen- Good luck the the P/T conferences. I have conferences the week of Thanksgiving so that will also mean a long day and lots of food that is not healthy.

    Hansea-Great job with the run this morning and that was a very cold run.

    L2T- Hope the bruises go away.

    Well the cold weather has made it's way East but I hope it won't last too long. Yesterday was a very busy and long day but I did make it to the pool at night to swim. It was a wonderful swim and to top it off, I managed to dive into the pool. This is a huge accomplishment since I had apprehension about diving. Now, I just need to try diving from the starting block. That will be more challenging due to the height. The nice thing was that my trainer was at swim practice last night so that was helpful when I went to dive. I knew she would not let me out of it. Now, I can practice diving until the next meet.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Grammy, the diet cherry limeade at Sonic is a favorite of mine, too. We don't have Sonic in town so I don't get one very often.
    I'm barely under calories today. It was snowing all day so I didn't get my morning walk. Cathy and I did walk almost 5 miles after school in spite of the snow. It wasn't very slick yet, but its going to snow all night so it will get slicker.
    I saw a report on the local news about a study that was done of 4 major diet plans, Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, and one I wasn't familiar with. The conclusion was that they are all moderately successful in the beginning, but none of them have long-term success. They said that only a major life-style change will produce long-term results. I think that is something we all know, but it was interesting to have it confirmed.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hello Ladies, and Tom

    Sorry I've been a bit AWOL. I've been logging in (apart from last Saturday because I was out all day and I lost my logging streak which I'm devastated about) The weight loss thing hasn't really been happening for me. Which is really irritating. I started my November challenge by upping my swims to three times a week and 1 walk a weekend, which didn't really do much. I was hoping for at least a 0.5lb dent but it seems i am going up and down the same pound for about 4 weeks. SO I upped my veg and lowered the carbs to about 1/2 a plate is veg, 1/4 meat, 1/4 carbs (ish). I think it was around 1/3 even before, and still nothing. So Monday I had a little diary review and noticed there is quite a few sweeties. Like, a daily appearance. So an additional November/December challenge is NO SWEETS UNTIL CHRISTMAS DAY! Dum dum dum! Which sounded like a really good idea, until they started selling advent calenders this week and I realised I'll be missing out on the old tradition this year. I may have to take out all the chocolate and replace them with grapes or something...
    40 days until Christmas, 40 days without sweeties. Oooh, its gonna be tricky...

    Love you all! xxx
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the morning to you all.

    Happy World Diabetes Day
    World Diabetes Day (WDD) is celebrated every year on November 14. The World Diabetes Day campaign is led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and its member associations. It engages millions of people worldwide in diabetes advocacy and awareness. World Diabetes Day was created in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat that diabetes now poses. World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in 2007 with the passage of United Nation Resolution 61/225. The campaign draws attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and keeps diabetes firmly in the public spotlight.
    World Diabetes Day is a campaign that features a new theme chosen by the International Diabetes Federation each year to address issues facing the global diabetes community. While the themed campaigns last the whole year, the day itself is celebrated on November 14, to mark the birthday of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best, first conceived the idea which led to the discovery of insulin in 1921.

    “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Overall it has been a good week though I did fall off the wagon hard yesterday it was just a one day abberation rather then the start of a binge. Otherwise I have been right on target with my eating and exercising. My day today is going good so far. Had a nice walk with the dogs this morning. We are back up to just over two miles. I love that it is nice and chilly in the mornings now. I overheat easily so much prefer walking in the colder weather as long as thee is no snow and ice. I got to spend some quality one on one time with my honorary grand daughter today. She is four months old and so adorable :)

    L2T: I am happy to hear you wern't hurt worse on the walk with the dogs. That was what put me out of commision pretty much all summer.

    Well Thats all I can remember. Have a great day everyone. :>

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Grandmakaye - I saw a similar report as you. So true about weight loss ... it takes a life style change and not a 'diet' to make the difference. I think that's what we all are learning as we go along with our struggles and successes.

    Yesterday we had our first Diabetes Support Group meeting at the Sr Center. It needs some tweaking, to the format the center assigned leaders have come up with, but I;m looking forward to our next get-together in 4 weeks.

    I was so disheartened to hear that so many of the people who attended the Diabetes Management Workshop with me (springboard for our support group) still had exactly the same issues as they had throughout our 6-week workshop. Those that craved ice cream or cookies still indulged and wondered why their sugar readings weren't improving. Others who 'forgot' to use their glucose meters or to measure their carb consumption sill were forgetting or eye-balling their intake.

    And that leads me the similarity between managing any life issue ... be it weight control or diabetes management. It's so hard to make the necessary changes that we need to make, it's like a two-step waltz; one step forward, two steps back ... but eventually you do make it around the dance floor.

    Calorie update ... 10/12 days at or under goal.
    All - In challenge ... still struggling with housework chores and sustained physical activity, but have been able to start doing my morning calisthenics again at one set ... my side starts to hurt at the end of the first so I'm still holding off pushing myself.


  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    edited November 2014
    Friday Fitness: Got up early to get in 30 minutes of cardio, rushed downtown through heavy traffic to do my volunteer work after a 5 week hiatus, only to find the building shut down to all but contractors and workers. Guess I didn't get the memo. :\ So I did what any red-blooded American "girl" would do--went shopping. Got my new iPhone 6+. Yippee! Son just spent 90 minutes with me explaining the features. I had a Samsung Galaxy 3, but whenever I had issues, he'd say, "I TOLD you to get an iPhone. Can't help you with an android." Now he can never say that again! (He'll be sorry, won't he?)

    November All-In Challenge:
    12/30 days under goal (or dang close), 13/30 days cardio, 12 (at midnight)/30 days 10,000 steps, 5/30 sessions weight training
    Almost back to last week's weight after Sunday's pizza picking binge. Taken me 5 days! :s

    Niki: My hubby has the same stubborn mindset as some of your DMW associates. He'll have a LBS event or see his Dr., and deny that it was a bad as it truly was. Then he will do the same things that got him in trouble in the first place. In his case, he thinks Rx's will fix everything and that he doesn't need to make better choices. He's been in denial for 19 years!

    I'm trying to change my lifestyle and it is very hard, and I've had a number of epic fails, but I will never give up. Somehow, someday I will get a handle on my food and fitness issues. In the meantime, thanks to all on this site who've encouraged and advised me. You are appreciated. <3

    Going to play with my new toy now!


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MountMaryVery well done on the arm covers - ! good move! That scale will move for you too! Yes, I love my gloves - so much so that I went back, thinking I would buy another pair - but they're so popular they were all sold out of that kind! :'(

    Woot! 2 things at my door - sweats from Onestop and my Google Chromecast - :D<3 - gotta go and try that out right now!

    Sorry no more personals -
    will be going to my stepmoms tomorrow - will report back on the Chromecast asap.

    Oh yeah, more health problems - yeah, it doesn't matter where or what anymore, does it? Just guess your favorite part - thats probably it! :'(

  • GlucernaBrand
    GlucernaBrand Posts: 486
    edited November 2014
    Yesterday we had our first Diabetes Support Group meeting at the Sr Center. It needs some tweaking, to the format the center assigned leaders have come up with, but I;m looking forward to our next get-together in 4 weeks.
    NK1112 wrote: »

    Kudos to you Niki for starting the diabetes support group and giving folks a safe place to talk about diabetes self-management and supporting them in making lasting changes. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    I just wrote a long wheeze and then pushed the wrong button and it went to la-la land. Sorry. All personals went too. I am still here though.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited November 2014
    Friday Fitness - took the day off so it will be Friday Funk for me.
    Weigh in was a bit of a disappointment - Did the same things the same way as last week and was only down 1.5. I know this is a loss but I am bent out of shape about it. I even had a melt down with the trainer. He did not appreciate that!
    Over ate today for the first time this month.
    Good points to note:
    150 days in a row logging. Yipee!
    Down a total of 83 pounds since December 26th, 2011. Huge WHOOT!
    I have a waist, yes it is noticeable even with my clothes on. I am just too cute for words!
    I do log on here every day to "catch up" with all of you, I do feel the support and the general camaraderie on this thread. I try to follow along with all of your struggles and victories. Big Yea for all of us.

    November All-In Challenge, Food 13/14, Fitness 13/14

    Thanks again for all you do for me,
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Marsha~You got the iPhone 6 Plus? I have the 6, thought the plus was way to big for me. :wink: Flannel sheets are going on the bed--I just heard them use the word "snowflake" on the news. :frowning:

    @Niki~Glad the first meeting of the diabetes support group you put together went well, I'm sure things will run smoothly after some tweaking.

    This is definitely a lifestyle change, with tweaking along the way. I made major changes, but it can still be so easy for old habits to surface--constantly have to keep it in check.

    Got a few emails from my next door neighbor this week that it seems mice are around, not sure if they are actually getting into the attics or not but evidence suggests they may be getting in through the soffets. So not what I wanted to hear. I HATE mice! :rage: My HOA should take care of the soffet issue, but I'm responsible for the inside so had to pull up my big girl panties and put some traps up there. I really hope I don't catch anything. If I do, I'll call my exterminator to come and see where they are coming in and have him fill in any holes.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kah- I hope you don't have mice, it is huge mess to deal with.

    Marsha- Enjoy your new phone. How did you like the Galaxy phone? I am debating between the Galaxy, Samsung or the I phone when I upgrade my phone.

    Niki- Your statements about making a lifestyle change are so true. My dad is a type 2 diabetic and he still thinks he can eat whatever he wants especially sweets and carbs.

    Robin- enjoy the new chromecast.

    Lois, You can have them reset the log in record for you. If you look under technical assistance you should find a thread about daily counter. It is a quick form you fill out and send it in. They quickly fix the error. You do not need a reason- it could as simple as a lack of syncing with a phone. Another trick is to change the time zone you are in if you need to enter after midnight, just pick the latest time zone possible.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley—yuck about the mice. We’ve never had any in our house, but get them at school all the time. Teachers have actually had them run over their feet while teaching at the blackboard. Thank goodness that’s never happened to me—I also hate mice.

    @lori—yay for your waist!!

    @robin—very interested in your chromecast report.

    @marsha—congrats on the new phone. How exciting!

    @niki—it’s such a great accomplishment that you kept that diabetes group going, and it sounds like many people in the group really need the support.

    @tammy—I’m glad someone, somewhere is happy with the colder weather. I don’t like to walk in the cold, but not so much b/c of the temps, but b/c my nose runs so much.

    @lois—I was devastated the first time I lost my logging streak, so I’m sorry for you. However, after that initial loss, it ceased to be as big a deal for me. Now, I don’t really care if I lose my streak as long as I keep eating healthy food. 

    @kaye—glad the GS is home and doing well. We have Sonics everywhere here, but I’ve never been.

    @laurie—P/T conferences went fine and now we are done for the year. Yay! Congrats on diving. 

    @tom—we didn’t make Happy Hour last night b/c conferences got out too late. But made it today—better late than never, right?

    Thursday Truth:
    I saw 183 on the scale yesterday morning which is the first time I’ve gotten back to my ticker weight in quite some time. Was back to 184 today, but that’s okay—at least my general trend has been downward.

    Friday Fitness:
    Need to pick this up, but I have no idea how to do so. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. I plan to get to the gym both tomorrow and Sunday, but I have meetings after school almost every day next week. Wednesday’s should be a short one, so it’s possible I can get there afterward. A lot of it depends on how much grading I have to do.

    One good piece of news is that my DH starts a new job on Monday. It’s 2nd shift at a local business that builds metal cabinetry for industrial purposes (like restaurant kitchens). It will be nice to have a 2nd paycheck coming in again.

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 12/14 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 3/14 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day in 57 minutes

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/66 AP journals
    2. 58/60 Thoreau essays
    3. 25/60 M1948 Vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--rest day P/T conferences
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- That is great news about your husband and his new job. I also need to get back to posting my exercise goals. Good luck with grading and all the meetings this week.

    Lois and anyone else who has lost there streak. Here is the link to the Daily Counter issues:

    Friday fitness- I have been doing good with increasing my exercise this week so I hope to keep it up. I will try to increase the level of intensity and get in some running this week.

    Saturday- gym to walk
    Sunday- Trainer workout
    Monday- gym or swim
    Tuesday-rest day
    Wednesday- Gym or swim
    Thursday- walk, gym
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- swimming