Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Went to the gym today and did the elliptical. It felt good. Thanks to everyone for their great ideas on buying a piece of cardio equipment. I read them all and started looking today. There is a big sale on at Canadian Tire...up to 65% off. I'm thinking of getting a upright bike as when I do go to the gym, I like to do the elliptical and that way I can get more of a variety of cardio equipment. The bike at home would be nice as I am not that comfortable seeing people at the gym.(The gym was so cold today, I didn't sweat, but I did manage to stay warm while working out).
    Man, is it cold here today...we set new records...the driving was really treacherous and it was snowing again. Brrrr! I was so bundled up, I looked like the abominable snowman! Have a space heater in my laundry room so the pipes don't freeze and burst. The workmen still haven't fixed the icestorm damage and it's been 2 weeks. you know what? I don't really care. Bring it on, I'm in a funny mood and need a challenge.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi all - yep, I'm still around... thinking of updating my ticker, because I'm playing with this same 3-4 lbs... making me crazy.
    Five of us in the house, and finances are squeezed... it's a bit harder to eat the way I should.

    Big hugs to everyone!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, it's my husband's night home so this is going to be short and sweet. I did day one of C25K and I MADE IT!! I ran the whole time it told me to run and while my calves hurt the last two bouts, I did it. Last time I tried, I couldn't do it and this time, I felt pretty good. After the C25K, I then did 5 miles on the bike. I made my 10,000 steps. And while I don't have many calories for supper, I can find something and still make it. Good day overall!

    Monday - Lift - DONE
    Tuesday - C25K - NOT DONE
    Wednesday - Lift - DONE
    Thursday - C25K - DONE
    Friday - Lift
    Saturday - C25K
    Sunday - rest

    Goals for January
    * Drink 8 glasses of water (boy did I fall off the wagon on that one)
    * One soda a week
    * Lift three times a week
    * Minimum two cardio workouts a week (shoot for three but...)
    * Get my calories back under control and within my "goal"
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A Christmas Garden picture- I hope.

    I will try again to upload a photo using photobucket. My Mac is not always friendly to other programs.

    [img) and Christmas 2014/IMG _20140102_ 195415_ zpsq8hfibz0.jpg. html/IMG]

    img and Christmas 2014/IMG_20140102_195415_zpsq8hfibz0. jpg /img and Christmas 2014/IMG_20140102_195438_zpss3icpaqz.jpg

    I am giving up for tonight. Maybe you can paste the links into your browser and you can see the pictures. I did try to follow the tutorial but I am still doing something wrong. :mad:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Alison-welcome back. I have been wondering what happened to you. It good to have you back.
    So glad to see so many returning and so many just joining us.
    Today was a mixed bag. I did drink more water and I went for a good walk. I logged my food, but went over my goal. I'm beginning to feel that mindset that makes this work for me.
    Hope that all of you in the path of the storm will be safe. We need more snow, but it isn't going to come here. We have had cold and fog. The sun was actually shining this afternoon. It looked so good.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • faces357
    Wow!! Your before and your in -progress picture is very inspiring. You totally just motivated me.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Have a good night everyone. I am heading to bed in case I need to go to work tomorrow.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--you can have some of our snow! :laugh: It also got sunny here this afternoon and was very pretty, but now temps are dropping to dangerous lows by Sunday/Monday. There's already a rumor going around that we may not go back to school on Monday due to projected highs of -12 (not including wind chill). Fingers crossed!

    @tracy--great job on c25k! :drinker:

    @vickie--there are only 2 in our household (plus one giant dog :laugh: ), but I know what you mean about finances. We've been trying to pay down debt, but didn't make a lot of progress in 2013. The one positive is that even with a pretty costly trip to Switzerland, we have a little bit less debt than at the start of 2013 and that includes the cost of this summer's vacation to the DR (the resort charges for the room when you book rather than when you stay). I guess technically that means we are ahead of the game. As long as my 11 year old car keeps chugging along, we should be able to make a bigger dent in the debt this year. As far as food expenses, I've actually found that with the smaller portions, the cost evens out. Yes, my almonds cost more than chips, but I only eat 1 ounce of almonds vs. the half a bag of chips that I might have eaten in the past. The one area where I still struggle with cost is with fresh fruits and veggies. With just the two of us, things tend to spoil faster than I can eat them.

    @mel--sorry you are dealing with such cold weather. My gym's heating system was broken until a few weeks ago--they had space heaters set up to keep it bearable. Now that it's fixed, it's been excessively warm the past few times I've been there.

    @laurie--hope your dad's transition home goes smoothly. Great job on those weight machines! My current gym doesn't have the ab and adductor machines, but at my old gym I was only at 90 lbs. Now that tom found the date and location of the T2T 5k, I will start looking for hotels--I'll PM you any info. :happy:

    @karenleona--it's never too early for wine! :wink: I met a friend for lunch and was drinking lychee martinis at 11:45. :blushing:

    @susan--welcome back! Can't wait to hear about your trip!

    @tammy--I try to do the same thing with grocery shopping--especially during the school year, I just hate to spend time at the grocery store, so I try to stock up on the staples once a month or so.

    @anna--welcome back--great 2014 goals!

    @L2T & kelley--I also need to go bathing suit shopping this spring. Believe it or not, my last 2 suits were from Target. The one I really loved is now too big, so I gave it to my sister. My other suit still fits; I wore it for my Switzerland trip and felt "ok" in it, but I would like something with better bust support for Punta Cana. I doubt I'll have to buy much else--even if I lose the 20 lbs I'm shooting for, most of my shorts and summer tops should still fit. May need new capris if I go down another size, but I would need those regardless.

    @nettie--I love the calorie burn from shoveling. And yes, I definitely worked my core b/c I can feel it tonight. :smile: What a cute pic of your cat! Gunner likes to lie on the couch with his chin on the armrest and stare out the picture window. :heart:

    @tom--thanks for the link! It's still not officially up on the T2T website which is what I'm waiting for to book airfare, but at least now I can start looking for hotels near the starting line. If something changes, it's easy to cancel hotel reservations, but not so much for airfare.

    @holly--welcome back and great gift from your son! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--yes, it's Advocare--I couldn't recall the name, but that's definitely it. I very excited about them doing this b/c the 2 or 3 colleagues most guilty of bringing in treats are all doing it. Yay!

    @alison--so great to see you back as well! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you had a nice get away to the country. Personally, I find rural environments nice for a short visit, but boring long-term--I'm a city mouse. :laugh:

    Thursday Truth:
    Agh! I haven't bought any of my brand of cigarettes in a week, but I'm still sneaking my DH's. :blushing: They taste yucky to me b/c I smoked menthol and he's non, so I only take a drag or two and then put it out, but I need to stop with those altogether and limit myself to the e-cig. Tomorrow I should be able to do that since I will be out of the house most of the day with non-smoker friends. I will bring my e-cig in case I get desperate for nicotine, but I really believe at this point it's a mental game for me vs. a physical addiction.

    I did pretty well with food today despite lunch and drinks with friends. I had a delicious turkey burger with asian slaw instead of fries. The only bad thing was that my neighbor came by while I was out grading and dropped off a plate of homemade cookies as a holiday gift. They look delicious, but I only had one and made it fit my calorie allowance. Tomorrow will be tougher b/c I will be out all day. However, I plan to have a protein rich breakfast to at least start the day off right. After that I will make the best choices I can.

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 9/26 Scarlet Letter essays
    3. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--babysit toddler DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • SeeLShrink
    Hey everyone!

    Just a quick update for me today. I went to the gym tonight, did 3 miles on the elliptical and then went to a circuit class I've been doing for a while. Great workout! I'm sore already, so tomorrow should be a great day for some yoga. There were terrible unhealthy goodies in the break room at work today, but I just walked by them all day and didn't give in. Proud of the day I put in!

    Thursday - Truth is, I've been doing pretty well ever since Christmas got over, so I don't have much to fess up to, not a bad problem to have :wink:

    Way to go all you gym goers and calorie trackers! Keep up the great work!

  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    [img] Uploads/weightloss-1.jpg[/img]
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Things worth repeating:

    Seel Shrink said it well:: As a nurse I’ve been taught to make sure my goals (for patients and myself) are SMART: S- Specific, M- Measurable, A-attainable, R-Realistic, T- Time bound. Goals such as: Exercise 3 times in one week, or lose 2 pounds per week for one month, would be examples of goals that have a timeline (one month, one week), a way to be measured (2 pounds, 3 exercise days), they are specific, and also realistic and attainable. Be sure to tailor your goals to your own needs and abilities

    Love it Lauren!

    Lauriek - scary weather coming your way - both school and your dad coming home kind of depend on it. Hope the best of both worlds work out for you!

    Boho - welcome back - you little vixen! How nice you got to go play in the country - Happy New Year to you! Hope to be see a lot ofyou now!

    Anna - welcome back to you too! Love your picture - great!

    Kah - hope your knee doesn't require surgery - big kittycat hugs

    Queen - good to see you again - school break?

    Jnettie - the pix is so cute - when I had 2 kitteys they loved to watch the birds. WHen I was married, Once one November night one of them snuck past us as we were locking all the doors and spent the night out on the coffee deck - where there were no trees or other ways down of off it - two stories down - and he spent it crouched in the bird feeder to keep himself warm - boy was he happy to see us the next morning - as were the birds when we refilled the feeder with seed!

    Tom - I am SO PROUD of you for resisting that cake. THat is an excellent accomplishment!

    Laurie - darn it that your pictures didn't come through - I was really looking forward to seeing the Christmas Garden!

    Skinnyjeans 0 thanks for the link to the other MFP website that is such a perfect thread for newbies to read when they are getting started on MFP. I loved reading it myself as it is very inspirational too , drilling down to the core values one needs to stay on this journey. I am so imspired by its value that I think I will link to it in our first page introduction as recommended reading.

    AFM - I logged everything yesterday and today - and its way too much food - oh well, start with logging and get good at that first..
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    A Christmas Garden picture- I hope.

    I will try again to upload a photo using photobucket. My Mac is not always friendly to other programs.

    [img] and Christmas 2014/IMG _20140102_ 195415_ zpsq8hfibz0.jpg. html[/img]

    [img] and Christmas 2014/IMG_20140102_195415_zpsq8hfibz0. jpg[/img]
    [img] and Christmas 2014/IMG_20140102_195438_zpss3icpaqz.jpg[/img]

    I am giving up for tonight. Maybe you can paste the links into your browser and you can see the pictures. I did try to follow the tutorial but I am still doing something wrong. :mad:
    there I got a few of them fixed for you with what I had to do to fix mine :) you need to have your link and then if 20% is in your link somewhere you need to delete it and make it a space.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I stumbled across this Cracked article and really enjoyed it. It's not about weight loss per se, but I couldn't help but think of it in that context. If you're not familiar with Cracked, be forewarned that it's a little crude, language-wise, but I think the message about making things happen in your life is worth sharing.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy New Year!!!!! I cannot tell you how much I’ve missed you guys and to see all the new faces too – so much going on!! This is a long one, but I haven’t been here since 12/23 and I missed you guys!!! I’ve been reading through the past 8 pages and its taken me almost 2 hours, but loved reading your posts. Our vacation was so relaxing. We were on the red eye from Vegas to Atlanta and landed in Tampa around 9:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve. It’s only about 45 minutes to get down to Sarasota. We were in shorts the whole time (don’t be jealous). LOL!! It was overcast the whole week, but not complaining whatsoever. We really just focused our time with my parents. No special trips, events, etc. . . just time with them and it was so nice. We got back on New Year’s Eve and landed around 11:30 p.m. The taxi got us home literally with 5 minutes to spare. Yesterday I spent the day unpacking, putting away Christmas decorations, gym work out (Woo Hoo!!), and finished cleaning the house.

    For the most part, I did OK. I didn’t have a scale the whole time and I was OK with that. I weighed yesterday morning and I’m up 3 lbs. 2013 has been another year of learning for me. While I have so much more to go, I’m learning so much on this journey.

    With so many new faces, I’ll do my Sunday Share a little early. I’m Susan, which you can guess from my username. I have no creativity. LOL!! I’m 45, single mom to an awesome 11-year old son, Cyrus. I made a major life change and moved 2,000 miles away from Atlanta to Las Vegas in April 2012. I took a job with Caesars Entertainment, but it wasn’t the right fit. Luckily, a new door opened and in February 2013 I started with Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop, which I love!!!! It’s been an amazing year for me professionally. I joined MFP in August 2012 and found this thread immediately, which was the best thing for me. The holidays I completely derailed and gained back 25 lbs of the 60 lbs I had lost. With the job change in early 2013, I just tried to maintain and refocused in August 2013. The one thing I didn’t stop was logging my food. I got my 585 days of logging the other day – huge accomplishment for me. Two years into this journey I’ve lost 50 lbs. I started at 325 and as of yesterday I was 275. Yes, I wish it would come off faster, BUT I’m so proud of what I’ve learned and where I’ve come.

    Here’s my goals (some of them) for 2014:

    1) WATER!!! I definitely do not drink anywhere near what I should drink. Today was 120 oz so I’m getting close, but need to drink that every day.

    2) Exercise – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with my trainer and plan to continue. Yes, it’s an expense, but I’m making some other sacrifices to make it happen. Yesterday I did HIT on the elliptical and was pushing over 200 during my high impact, which I’m normally around 185 so that’s a nice push for me.

    3) Clean Eating - I’m leaning more towards paleo/primal eating. It seems the higher protein and good fat makes me feel better. Its hard accepting fat is good, but all in moderation and the good fats out there. I’m not 100% that’s for sure, but trying to eat this way 90% of the time.

    4) Weight Loss - Cyrus and I are going to the Virgin Islands on a cruise in April for Spring Break so I definitely see that as a goal for my weight loss efforts (30 lbs). I want to be under the 250 mark, which is very doable. I’m going to set mini goals throughout the year surrounding my weight loss.

    5) Finances – I’m definitely getting refocused in this area of my life as well. I make a decent living and there’s no reason I should not have a larger savings. I know what I need to do and need to make it happen. Goal is to have my credit cards paid off by the end of March (right before my cruise). My car will be 14 years old this year (it’s AWESOME)!! I’m trying to wait at least another year or two and my goal is to pay cash for my next new “used” car.

    Here are some personals, but I know I’ve missed some of you. I did read your post though and can’t wait to get to know many of you even more. Tomorrow is Friday – Woo Hoo!! Eat less and move more!!!

    @ Alupinsk – I’m so proud of you. 70 lbs? Just keep doing what you’re doing and staying positive. You go girl!! Plus, shopping in average sizes and not plus?? Woo Hoo!!

    @ Robin – I was so hoping to come back and see you were all healed. No such luck. Definitely continue to keep us posted. I know once you get back to your squats, exercise and ability to eat regular foods, you’ll get off those extra pounds in no time. Again, I cannot thank you enough for starting this thread and giving us all a place to share. You’ve made a huge impact on me that’s for sure and I will forever be thankful.

    @ Lauren – Welcome!!! First of all, CONGRATS!! You look great and had an amazing 2013. Good for you! You’re on a great journey and I can’t wait to watch you throughout 2014.

    @ Kaye – I’m with you on the water goal. My trainer said I should be drinking half my weight. That’s a LOT of water. Today I did around 120 oz of water. I was peeing ALL day. LOL!! I was so sorry to hear about the young lifes that were lost. Such tragedy. I had a dear friend whose sister committed suicide last Saturday. It’s been truly devastating.

    @ Karen – I remember you mentioning dropping your calories and I thought it was a few months ago so early November makes sense. I’ve got a good friend who’s a distributor with Advocare. I’m so proud of her. She lost 93 lbs last year. She swears by the program, but I didn’t like all the supplements and there’s this herbal cleanse that was nasty to drink (I tried it, but not for me). I’m glad she found something to give her the confidence, but she also exercises a TON, which she never did before. I think I’ll stick with my eating less and moving more. Yes, it’s taken me a lot longer, but I’m learning something every single day through the ups and downs.

    @ Boho – So good to see you and you have been missed.

    @ Laurie/Karen – I still want to plan the T2T 5K as well. As long as I start planning now (date, money, etc. . .) I should be able to swing it. It’s a GREAT goal for me to be able to run the whole race.

    @ Laurie – I know you’ve been holding steady all year and going through a lot of ups/downs. You’ve been so consistent and I know it’s going to start moving down very soon. Loved reading your end of year share. What a journey!! You’ve always inspired me and I can’t wait to continue following your steps.

    @ Kris – Girl, I’m so happy for you!! I know how much you enjoyed your job and even more so the people at HP. I know you took what you had to take to keep money coming in, but I’m so glad you’ve got another contract. Also, I’m proud of you for updating your ticker. You know what to do and you know you can do this. From day one, you gave me so much strength and knowing 100 lbs can happen. Yes, you’ve had some ups and downs, but you’re human and I am too. It’s going to happen.

    @ Tara – Congrats on your first half!! That’s huge – good for you!!! You should be so proud of your commitment to your food journal too. Huge accomplishment!!

    @ Nicole – Does your trainer stretch you? My last 5 minutes we also stretch and while the rollers sometimes just kill me I know it’s loosening up some very tight muscles. Hope the hip is feeling better.

    @ Tom – Happy Belated to Amy! So what is the best bakery? Not that I’m going to visit or anything, but just curious as I’m still learning the good places in Vegas. Also, I follow Mark’s Daily Apple. He’s got some good stuff. I’ve been following the Paleo/Primal eating, but not 100%. It does give me more energy focusing on clean protein and fat. Imagine? Eating fat is OK. Hard to grasp.

    @ Michelle – 5 lbs is not bad. You’ll have that off in no time.

    @ Nettie – You’re always so organized and really think through your goals. So proud of you.

    @ KarenL – Thoughts are going out to you. I’ve never had any major surgery except one pregnancy, but open heart surgery is tough. You know we’ll be here to support you in any way we can. Also, I understand about missing your family. We hated leaving my parents on Tuesday. Sarasota to Las Vegas is a LONG trip away. Plus, it’s NEVER too early for wine. You’re just eating grapes – right??!!

    @ Kelly - I hated to read you were under the weather. I know how focused you've been and hated to miss your training session. I'm glad you were able to get back and hope you're feeling better. It's hard to believe your cruise is 10 weeks away. Mine is right behind yours and we can't wait!!

    @ Tracy – I’ve got the Fit Bit One too. I haven’t worn it the past week (forgot my charger) over vacation, but definitely plan to wear it soon. I had some pretty decent numbers and it really helped me stay focused. Enjoy it!!

    @ Queen – Nice gift from your son. I think you’ll really enjoy watching your progress. I’m working through 8 pages too. Almost done. Whew.

    @ Vicki – How are things on the work front? I know that was another big stress in your life right now on top of keeping your household going. I know how tough it is going every day to a negative place. Thinking of you!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    A Christmas Garden picture- I hope.

    I will try again to upload a photo using photobucket. My Mac is not always friendly to other programs.

    [img] and Christmas 2014/IMG _20140102_ 195415_ zpsq8hfibz0.jpg. html[/img]

    [img] and Christmas 2014/IMG_20140102_195415 _zpsq8hfibz0. jpg[/img]

    [img] and Christmas 2014/IMG_20140102_195415_zpsq8hfibz0. jpg[/img]


    I am giving up for tonight. Maybe you can paste the links into your browser and you can see the pictures. I did try to follow the tutorial but I am still doing something wrong. :mad:

    Edit to add. I tried fixing it for you but it didn't work. Sorry.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Friday Fitness: Going to do my regularly scheduled Gilad workout then go outside to clear the snow. It's still coming down pretty heavy so I will wait for it to calm down a bit before getting out there.

    I have Fitbit too. I will have to figure out what my user URL is and post here. I work out 6 days a week and wear it to track my calories rather than my steps. Even though my workouts are intense at times I often come in under in steps. :blushing:

    Anna - I actually like shoveling. It brings me back to when I was a little girl and was out there helping my dad. Good memories.That is great that your coworker joined MFP. The Biggest Loser Challenge at school sounds like fun. I hope you win! Great progress pictures. You are doing such a great job!

    Karen - My motto is it is never too early for wine! Sorry to hear that your family has left and your are missing them. The good thing about technology is you can skype or facetime with them!

    Skinnyjeanz - They are saying on the news we got 8-12 inches. The wind was and is pretty fierce so we have some pretty big drifts. Last year we invested in a snow blower. It was the best investment we made especially in stuff like this. -12 YIKES!!! I would never leave my house again if it got that cold here. I don't do well in extreme cold. I am a bit concerned about it being 15 here this weekend. I have difficulty breathing in it and it sends me into a coughing frenzy. Ironically, I don't have asthma.

    Laurie - Everything shut down here due to the snow. We aren't known for our plowing abilities. LOL Last blizzard our road was not plowed for 3 days.
    I don't blame you for waiting to see how the weather is before bringing him home. I agree there is no sense risking him slipping and falling if it is bad out.
    You should let your mom know that the home aides can be a blessing in disguise. My mom did a lot herself for my dad but he is primarily wheelchair bound and needs assistance to stand and do most things. In the beginning she was terrified to go out to the stores. It wasn't too bad in the beginning because I only live 7 min away and was still on summer vacation so I could run over. But she had difficulty once I went back to work. The aides came in and sat with him so she could get out to the stores, they also gave him baths, made meals and even did light cleaning to help my mom out. My mom was actually sad when their services ceased.

    Mel- I love your attitude!

    tlh - Congrats on the C25K success!

    Robin - thanks. I took some cute ones of her this morning that I will post here later. I have to get my cable for my phone but it is on the other side of the house and I am being lazy. The snow drift was so tall by the door this morning that she couldn't see out.
    There are a ton of birds out there today. I tried taking a picture of the Northern Flicker that was on my suet feeder. The bright red stripe on his head looked amazing against the pure white snow. Sadly the picture didn't turn out very well as my zoom isn't that good. :grumble: I loved reading the story about your kitty!

    Susan - I am so glad that you had a fantastic time! Glad to have you back. Thanks for the compliment!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thinking of those of you in the path of the blizzard, I hope you are all home warm and safe.

    @Nettie~How awesome that your friends were looking out for your best interests – in spades! :happy: Sounds like a fabulous party. I’m so sorry to hear about your uncles passing, sending you virtual hugs.

    @L2T~I’ve bought suits through Land’s End as well, I like that you can mix and match stuff. A couple of years ago I found a really nice suit at Target, but it’s too big now – maybe I’ll have luck and they’ll have some nice suits this year.

    @Laurie~I’m glad to hear your dad is coming home, I hope the transition is easy and that he continues to get stronger and stronger.

    @Vicki~A lot of us reset our tickers in the last couple of days. I, too, was hovering and playing around with the same 5# - felt like I needed to be honest with myself, so updated it.

    @Tracy~Hooray for running through the entire C25K, awesome NSV!

    @Karen~That is my biggest problem with suits, finding the right support for the girls. :wink: I’ll be spending the majority of this cruise in a suit, so I need to find one that is really flattering. I’ve had luck at Target before too. Thanks for posting the link to the weight loss thread the other day, great read and some things to think about. I’ll check out the cracked article too!

    @Lauren~Great job on the elliptical!

    @Susan~Welcome back! Glad you had such a nice trip and visit with your parents. We have the same goal leading into our cruises, I think with hard work and dedication we can do it!

    AFM~Saw my orthopedic doc yesterday, his words were that I just angered my knee. There was quite a bit of inflammation but I’m no worse for the wear – he gave me a cortisone injection to get me over the hurdle. I think the cure was worse than the ailment though, about 4 hours after the injection cortisone flare ensued and I was in the worse pain ever! :cry: I’ve never had that reaction before, I think it’s from the cortisone mixing with the fluid he didn’t remove. I took a Vicodin and went to bed early; however, I woke up before 3am and never did go back to sleep. :yawn: It feels better today, still tight and its swollen – I'm taking rx strength ibuprofen through the day today, hopefully I’ll be as good tomorrow so I can do the 10k with my friends.

    ETA~My url to my Fitbit page if anyone wants to add me -

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, 5k DONE!
    Thursday~None, worked late
    Friday~None, probably work late and knee needs to recover from cortisone
    Saturday~Gym or 10k with friends
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey friends..... I just tried my fitbit flex on literally was only on less than 5 mins to see which band fit. My wrist is itchy and the underside where clasp was has a rash. Has this happened to anyone else or am I allergic to the band?
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Hey friends..... I just tried my fitbit flex on literally was only on less than 5 mins to see which band fit. My wrist is itchy and the underside where clasp was has a rash. Has this happened to anyone else or am I allergic to the band?

    There is no latex in it which is a common cause of contact dermatitis. Their website does say there are "traces" of nickel so perhaps you have a nickel allergy which is also very common.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hey friends..... I just tried my fitbit flex on literally was only on less than 5 mins to see which band fit. My wrist is itchy and the underside where clasp was has a rash. Has this happened to anyone else or am I allergic to the band?

    Its entirely possible if you are allergic to nickel as L2T said - you may want to see if you can trade it in for a One, which you can just clip to your bra.