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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I completely understand about the phone number. I'm not particularly attached to my landline, but I would be upset if I had to give up my cell #. Glad you took control to keep it. :flowerforyou:

    @hansea--sounds like that nap was in order. Glad you are feeling better.

    @robinB--if only one arm is working, it's possible you pulled a muscle. I think your plan to take it easy for a few days makes sense.

    @p1xy--feel better! :flowerforyou:


    @tracy--the cake looks great! Sorry you are so stressed--hope Jacob turns things around at school.

    @rose--sorry your brother isn't treating you the same as when you are thin. I'm sure you are still just as beautiful! :flowerforyou: Isn't it amazing how differently some people treat you when you are heavier? I have a colleague at work who I was pretty close to years ago, We went out all the time, and just had so much fun. Then I gained about 60 lbs over 6 years or so, and as I reached my highest weight, he barely even spoke to me. Granted he was going through some of his own personal issues, but the change in his treatment of me was significant. Once I lost the weight, he was much friendlier. The funny thing is, just a few weeks ago when we were out with some other colleagues, one asked how much weight I'd lost over the past few years. When I answered "about 55 lbs" my friend was really surprised. It was like he wasn't even aware of my weight gain or loss--not even conscious of the change. His reaction was purely a subconscious prejudice.

    @damensha--I would have never guessed we had so many members on this thread!

    @laurie--my contract day is 7 hours and 40 minutes. Our class periods are 44 minutes each, and I teach 5 classes plus one study hall. The other time is divide between prep periods and a duty free lunch. I agree that the stretch between winter break and spring break always feels so long. We have just one more week until spring break. When is your break?

    @tanya--I found that even when I'd lost a significant amount of weight, there were people who didn't notice. I also got a lot more compliments every time I moved into smaller clothes b/c that's when people really noticed vs. when I was still wearing my baggy old clothes.

    @ushkii--I have the same experience with nacho cheese doritos. I log it, but it doesn't seem quite fair. :laugh:

    @karenleona--sending warm thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:

    @helena--Congrats on your engagement!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: Were you just trying to slip that in under our radar? I would like details please!

    @camille--congrats that your bloodwork came back good!

    @caramel--Nice to see you again! Glad everything is going well for you!

    @kelley--Have a great trip!! :flowerforyou:

    @hmcilrath--it's never too late to join--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @nettie--congrats on getting back to your former MFP weight! :drinker:

    @mel--I have a student whose family just up and moved to Florida with no warning or explanation. The other students and I are speculating that his family just got fed up with this weather. :laugh:

    @L2T--I have to do our taxes over Spring Break--NOT looking forward to that. :grumble:

    Friday Fitness:
    I got another walk in today. Tomorrow will be a gym day for sure. I had another really high calorie day. Some of it was due to cocktails after work and a few unnecessary snacks, but for the most part I didn't at terribly. I'm going to really take a look at my calories in and out over the past few weeks to see why I've been so hungry.

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 11/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 14/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (late meeting)
    Wed--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk at school (late meeting) walked gunner instead DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin B- Like Karen said you could have pulled a muscle in that one arm. It is possible that the one arm is weaker than the other arm so while you can lift heavier with the hand you may need to back off with the other. I know that my right hand can handle more weight at higher reps than my left arm. You can also ice the area.

    Jenn -Thanks for the information about the numbers in the group.

    Kaye- I would feel the same way about the phone number. The only good thing about a new phone is fewer tell-a-marketer calls hopefully. Glad you resolved the problem.

    Tracy- Keep on Jacob about his school work. Ask lots of questions about what he is doing in school and know who is friends are in school. 8th graders tend to change friends without warning or things go wrong with their friends very quickly and both of those cases cause change in a student's work habits. You can also talk to the guidance office and request that they meet with him to check on his progress or just check in with him to see what is going on and how things are going. I have a couple of students who are going through some major changes right now and they say they don't care about school so they see no need to do well. It is very frustrating to deal with kids when they are like this but it should get better. You can also require him to stay after school for extra help or to redo assignments. Good luck.

    p1xy-Hope you feel better. Your body is also burning calories when you are sick. Get some rest, it will be good for your body.

    Karen- My spring break is the week before Easter Sunday so it starts on April 14 and ends on April 21, provided we don't lose any days due to snow. I have 6 periods about 58 minutes long with 2 planning periods. One of those is typically for meetings and the other is personal planning. Our work day is about 6.5-7.5 hours with 25 minutes duty free lunch for approximately 37 hour work week. We have two long days a week, both are for meetings after school.

    Nettie-Congratulations on achieving the first goal.

    Fitness- I think I will start training for an outdoor triathlon at the end of April. In many ways I have been all along for this event, now it is a matter of putting events together. This triathlon would include an 800 m swim (indoor pool), 9.5 mile bike then a 3.1 mile run. The swim and run are time, bike is not due to the speed limit on the trail. The only draw back is that this event is the same weekend as Special Olympics and that is my all time favorite volunteer event. I could do both or opt to help SO on Sunday only, so I will think about it this week then decided.

    This weekend I will go to water aerobics and the gym on Sunday. It should be a good week for exercise but we will see how the plan goes and the weather on Monday. Yes, we are suppose to get more snow Sunday night into Monday. If it happens, I can only hope for a 2 hour delay or enough to shut the school down for the day (Don't really want another snow day). They are predicting anywhere from 3 to 8 inches of the white stuff between Sunday night into Monday. Tomorrow is suppose to be great with the temps in the 50's.

    Have a great weekend
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    My laptop is up and working again. The keyboard arrived today and Brian was able to install it without any problems. I really lucked out that my coffee spill only fried the keyboard and not the entire laptop. It is so much easier typing on this than the tablet.

    My newest low as of this morning is 221.6. I did see 220 but only briefly. I stepped off and back on again and it consistently gave me 221.6. I can't believe I am almost in the teens. After that then I will be out of the 200's. I am extremely excited about it.

    While at my student's house today I caught my reflection in the mirror and was shocked at how much narrower my lower body looked. I wore a pair of pants out of my closet (size 20 I think) after worked I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some TVP so I can make stuffed cabbage for tomorrow. When I got out of the car I realized my pants had loosened quite a bit since I first put them on today. I was a bit embarrassed as the crotch was hanging rather low and I kept pulling my pants up. This definitely was one of those days I wish I had put on a belt. I quickly ran and picked up some ingredients and got out of the store as quick as I could before I ran into anyone I knew. When I got home I discovered all I had to do to take my pants off is tug them down, no unbuttoning or unzippering needed. Despite being mortified at how terrible I must have looked in my too big pants, I am please with my NSV!

    hmcilrath- Welcome aboard. I love your honesty in your Thursday truth. It would be lovely if the weight would just magically disappear instead of having to put in the work. Unfortunately that just isn't going to happen. :ohwell: I do promise you though once you get into a groove and figure things out it becomes much easier and begins to come more naturally.

    Kah - That is great that your friend offered to come over and play with Zoe while you are away. Whenever Brian and I go away I always worry about my girls. My only comfort is knowing my mom takes care of them for me. She is like I am with animals and smothers them with love and attention.
    WAHOO. I will finally pass you and your amazing steps on Fitbit. I am going to enjoy being in the lead for a while.:wink::laugh:
    I hope you have a fantastic time on the cruise. I cannot wait to read all about it when you get back!

    Caramel - Welcome back. Congrats on stepping outside of your comfort zone. I recently did that too. It is such a liberating feeling isn't it?!!!

    Humble - Congrats on the good blood work results. I completely understand the assumption people make about weight and cholesterol and/or sugar levels. In that aspect, I am a lot like you. My levels are always good for those. My problem is I am just obese. :wink: It is a really good feeling though when you hear that good news from your doctor. :flowerforyou:

    MNwalking - In the past I have had a few friends in my life that I just had to let go. One person in particular I considered my best friend. I don't really know why. In hindsight, I realize she has never really treated me with respect our entire friendship. It was a hard decision to make as I really dislike confrontation but I finally decided to cut her loose. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It all depends on what your reasoning is for them not being worthy to be in your life. If the person or people do not treat you right then it is better to cut them loose than hang onto them because you don't want to be alone. You will eventually meet other people and make new friends.

    Helena - Congrats on your engagement!!! I am so happy for you. Was his proposal a surprise or did you know it was coming?

    Kaye - Sorry to hear you have a lot of stress right now. Remember it eventually will pass. :flowerforyou:

    Karen - Sorry to hear people are not giving you a chance to prove all you can do. I hope things start looking better for you.

    ushkii - LOL to the chips.

    Tanya - No one has commented on my weight loss yet either. It bothers me a bit too. I know exactly what you mean. I have been working really hard at it and would love someone IRL to notice and compliment me. I have had many discussions with Brian and my bestie (Rachel) about this. They have both said roughly the same thing that people may be afraid to say something because they don't want to be in an awkward situation if the person has not lost weight. Especially if the other person is obese. In a sense I think they may be partially correct.

    Skinny - I have had days like that. Interesting though if it is the way you zig zag or just one of "those" days.
    That is really interesting that your friend was not aware that you lost so much weight even though he treated you differently.

    Jenn - I hope your weekend isn't as stressful as you anticipate it to be. Really, 50 participants? It doesn't feel like there are that many. That is really amazing.

    Pashunrose - I am sorry to hear your brother treats your differently now. I am sure he probably doesn't realize he is doing it. Please know that you ARE beautiful. I scoped out your profile pictures. Oh my goodness your grand baby (I am assuming that is who the baby is) Is adorable.

    Tracy - When I am under a lot of stress I get bouts of vertigo. My worst spell was years ago when I was absolutely miserable at my old job. My vertigo was so bad that it landed me in bed for days. After several tests my doctors could not determine why this suddenly came on. Eventually I quit my job and my stress went away. Ironically so did the vertigo. I have not had any spells within the last year. I did find meditation helps a lot for me to relieve stress. Also putting aside time each day to do something just for me helped a lot too.
    I could be wrong but with Jacob it sounds like he may be dealing with some underlying problem that is bothering him. Has he expressed why he dislikes school so much and why he isn't doing his work? I am wondering if it is possible he is having difficulty with some of his peers? That age is a tough age for a lot of kids. :frown:
    Nice job on the cake, it is beautiful. I wish I had patience to do something like that. Fondant - yummy. Can I just come to your class and eat it? :laugh:

    Jeannie - Welcome. Jump right in and join us. Post as often or as little as you would like.

    RobinB - LOL I had to look at Fitbit to see what both of our steps looked like. I will keep trying to keep those numbers up. Hopefully the weather cooperates so I can get outside and walk more frequently. Brian has to go into work at 3 am in the morning and is working most of the weekend on system upgrades. Looks like I am flying solo this weekend. I plan on getting to the park tomorrow morning to go for a run. It is supposed to be beautiful and in the 50s then temps drop again Sunday and possible snow for Monday. But the rest of the week looks decent. :happy: I would love to do that inflatable 5K. I threw it out to my cousin to see if she would bite. I thought it would be so fun if we do a girls weekend upstate for the run. I also really would like to do a color run. Those look like a bunch of fun too!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nettie--I would chalk it up to just "one of those days," but I have felt hungry for several days in the past 2 weeks even when I've gone over calories. :ohwell: Congrats on getting down near the teens!! Have you thought anymore about doing the Tunnel 2 Towers 5k with laurie, susan, and I in September? Registration opened last week.

    @laurie--does your district typically sync spring break with the easter holiday? That's how chicago public schools did it when I was growing up, but my current school district always schedules our spring break the last week of march regardless if when easter falls. That's really cool that you are thinking of doing the outdoor tri! I started looking at flights to NYC. Do you or susan know which airport is best to fly into? I was thinking of using miles, but I'm seeing some pretty cheap airfares ($350 round trip), so I may just save my miles.

    AFM--I decided to re-calculate my zig-zag calories without any exercise, and then I will just eat back those I earn on the days I work out. I think this will make things easier for me--especially since I plan to increase my running for my 30-day work challenge. I won't have to worry about whether I will have enough calories on my gym days when I burn a lot, and if I find I'm hungry or have a special event/outing, I can earn more calories. Trying to predict what I will burn in advance is proving too difficult.
  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    @skinny & Nettie -- Thank you. Y'all put a smile on my face. It feels good to know I'm not alone. Yesterday, my brother told me he wanted to join MFP. I asked him why. Told him he didn't need it, you're skinny. He said to get healthy. Good answer from him. I suppose he is in need of eating healthier. Yes, Nettie, that is my adorable grandbaby. His name is Jacob. I love him to pieces.
    Congrats on your NSV Nettie!!

    I'll be weighing in tomorrow and hoping the scale is starting to move in the right direction. Saturday is my cleaning day, so housework should help me with my exercise. My brother wants to help and I think that's great. I'm going to let him do the light cleaning. I want to the heavier work so I can workout my body. I'm going to see if I can get my husband to give the dogs a bath today. They need it.

    Not much else is going on for the weekend. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  • SMA1978
    SMA1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Susan and I just restarted MFP this past week. I have done the yo-yo dieted for years and had lost weight for a while then this week realized I am back to my all time high wt. So iafter being depressed for 5 min I am resolved to loose it and never see this # again.

    Last night I had a NSV. I was having my typical mental hunger and wanted to make ravioli in the worst way. I was not physically hungry. The me of last week would have enjoyed that ravioli and felt bad afterward. Last night, I ignored my brain and woke up this morning feeling a sense of accomplishment that I didn't give in. That is a big step for me and one I plan to repeat.

    I look forward to getting to know you all.

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Well, I bit the bullet, powered through until late last night and got the dreaded taxes DONE!!! And we're actually getting a nice refund. Haven't had that happen in years, but thanks to a couple big (and therefore over withheld) checks DH received last year, my savings account will be a bit fatter. I'm starting to feel both rich and thin. Talk about your NSV!

    I didn't go to exercise class yesterday. I have either pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve in my shoulder blade and have pain radiating into my shoulder, down my arm and all the way to my index finger. I'm icing the area and hope 3 days of resting it will alleviate the problem. The weather is beautiful today and I'm going to take my pup on a long walk this afternoon so at least I'll get some exercise.

    Still losing weight (albeit slowly), but a loss is a loss and I'm thankful for every 10th of a pound. I fear that the 53 lbs left are going to take forever to go away, but I have to keep telling myself that while they probably will be with me for quite a while, I have acheived my main goal and can live life as I want to since my weight no longer restricts my choices. Yes, I do want to be thinner (and richer of course), but where I am right now is pretty darn great.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates DONE
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch NOT DONE
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Yesterday I enjoyed my day off work... I got barely 5000 steps in but that's OK, and it was a rest day from exercise as well. I did my grocery shopping and went to see my parents new house, they just moved in yesterday. They are now about 20 min away from me, 20 min closer than they were before. I will definitely be popping in to see them more often now. My DD came down from London to my parents place as well, where she's going to college, so we could visit for a bit. The first thing she said when I got up from the table and she could see me was "mom you look smaller". That just made my day. :bigsmile: If she is the only person who ever says that, then that would be just fine.

    I'm getting a little stressed over my numbers and I shouldn't be, but I am. I am following the EM2WL plan (eat more to weigh less) and it has been a huge success for me. I've never been one to restrict calories too much, and always end up hungry and cheat. On this plan I figure out my daily calorie expenditure (TDEE) including exercise, and eat 15% less than that. So I am currently eating 2185 calories a day and losing about a pound a week. Every 5-10 lbs I am supposed to recalculate my TDEE, so when I figured it out again, I am now up to 2392 calories per day. I am scared to eat that much. I use the info from my fitbit. I have really increased my exercise lately and that's why the increase in calorie allowance but I don't want to stall my progress at all. I start eating the new allowance today so I will be watching the scale like a hawk. I hope this works... no reason it shouldn't if my numbers are correct, but I'm a little worried all the same. In fact I am so stressed over the numbers that I ordered a HRM to get more accurate calorie burns on my cardio and DVD workouts. :blushing:

    I weighed in at 223.6 today, the exact same weight as yesterday. Fantastic results after a complete rest day. This is the lowest weight I've been in about 4 years.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Hello everyone! I have awoken to the white stuff falling from the sky. After having temps in the 40-60s in the last week or so, it's going to be a big shock to my system when I run my errands in a few minutes. :sick: Looks like we'll be back to the 40-50s starting tomorrow so it won't last long.

    My Saturday Success? I guess it's the fact that I basically stayed even with my weight over the past month and a half. It feels good that I don't have to go back and re-lose what I already had. I also have my first trainer session on Monday. We'll see how this goes...

    I have my water bottle ready to go. I'm showered and ready for the day (I was up until 3:00 last night so I'm impressed with that :laugh: ). We've got a couple of errands, cleaning and homework on the schedule today...not a fun day, but a necessary one. And probably a good way to spend a snowy/cold day here in North Dakota. I better get going...I'll try to stop back later to do some personals.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tracy--that's great that you've been ab;e to maintain your weight through all of the travel and illness you've dealt with. :drinker:

    @tanya--do you use an online calculator to figure your TDEE? If so, which one do you use. I've tried it before, but just as with zig-zagging, it makes me nervous to try to estimate my exercise into the calculations. I think "What if I over or under-estimate how much I will get to the gym?" That's why I just switched over to calculating without the exercise, and I plan to eat back my calories when I earn them.

    @L2T--congrats on finishing your taxes--I'll be tackling ours in about a week. We have our withholdings set up so we usually break even which I know is what financial experts recommend (why give the feds an interest-free loan); however, I still miss the big refunds from my youth. :ohwell: Glad you are still losing--and I agree, every little bit counts. I also agree that I want to lose more, but am happy I've at least reached a weight where the excess doesn't affect my lifestyle. I sometimes wonder though if the "comfort" at my current weight is working against me. Maybe if I felt 'fatter,' I would work harder to lose this last 20-40 lbs.

    @susanSMA--Welcome and great job resisting the ravioli! :flowerforyou:

    @rose--it's nice that your brother wants to also join MFP.

    Saturday Success:
    Nothing really to write home about. I'm still hovering between 187-189 even with a couple of really high calorie days, so I guess that's a "win." Last night I re-calculated my zig-zag calories with the activity setting at "sedentary," and starting today I will just add my exercise calories to my daily allowance.

    Slept in a bit, but I need to get going so I can walk gunner and hit the gym before going to garetie's St. Patrick's Day party tonight. I also need to get a bit of grading done tomorrow b/c I'm collecting Junior Research Papers on monday. Not excited about grading those. :sad:

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 11/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 14/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 AP analysis activities
    2. x/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (late meeting)
    Wed--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk at school (late meeting) walked gunner instead DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    susan- great job resisting and triumphing

    went clothes shopping today :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad:
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey all. Thanks for being so welcoming and encouraging.

    Saturday: focus on the positive: I did 45 minutes of my balance ball core workout this morning for the first time in about three weeks. YEAH!

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    Here is a great recipe. It came from SKINNYTASTE.com
    Chicken, scallions with a hint of lime. For the cilantro lovers out there, enjoy this tasty twist on traditional chicken salad with a little Latin flavor. I'm cutting back on my carbs this week, so I thought serving this in a hollowed out tomato would be a great way to eat this for lunch, but you could also serve this in an avocado half (yum!), on a bed of greens, or enjoy this on toasted whole grain bread.

    Cilantro Chicken Salad
    Servings: 2 • Serving Size: 1/2 of recipe • Old Points: 4 pts • Points+: 4 pts
    Calories: 163.3 • Fat: 6.2 g • Protein: 23.2 g • Carb: 2.3 g • Fiber: 0.2 g

    •7 oz cooked chicken breast, shredded or diced
    •2 tbsp light mayonnaise
    •1 small scallion, chopped
    •2 tsp lime juice
    •2 tbsp chopped cilantro
    •salt and pepper
    •pinch garlic powder
    •pinch of cumin
    •pinch of chile powder
    •low sodium chicken broth

    Combine chicken, mayonnaise, scallions, lime juice, and cilantro. Season to taste with salt, pepper, garlic powder, cumin, and chile powder. Add a little chicken broth if chicken seams too dry, 1 tbsp at a time.

    *To Poach: Cover chicken breast in broth in a small pot, add water if it doesn't cover the chicken. Add salt and pepper, a piece of celery and it's leaves (you could add herbs like parsley, garlic, onion, or whatever you want) and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover tight and let it sit for 15-20 minutes or until thickest part of the breast registers 160 degrees. Chicken will be cooked through. Let it cool and cut into small cubes.

    2. 15/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 15/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals for this week:
    Sat -- Yoga balance ball - 30 minutes workout (core and arms) - Done, Walk 45 minutes - ______
    Sun-- Yoga balance ball -45 minute workout - ; Jog 30 minutes - ______
    Mon-- Yoga - youtube - 20 minutes - ______; Walk at 3miles/minute and jog 4.5miles/min 45 minutes - ______
    Tues-- Yoga ball - _____; Walk - 30 minutes ______
    Wed-- rest day (Church); walk - 30 minutes ______
    Thurs-- yoga _____; Fat burn - _______; Run 30 minutes
    Fri-- Yoga ______; Walk 30 minutes - ______
    Sat-- Fat burn - ______; Run 30 minutes - _______; yoga ball - _______
    Sun-- Yoga ball - _______; run/walk - 45 minutes - _______

    I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!!
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @skinny: I used the scooby calculator to get my TDEE at first. Now im using my fitbit daily cals burned. I did end up making a mistake and after redoing my math, I should be eating 2120 not 2392 (whew!) The EM2LW group has a spreadsheet that I can input my individual daily exercise burns with HRM to get more accurate numbers. So I've just now adjusted my TDEE and deficit using fitbit numbers. In the future I will input daily values on the spreadsheet and use that to calculate my daily eating goals.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Drive by! Hello lovely amazing wonderful people!

    It was an insane week! We had a vendor that we use (that I talk to OFTEN) come out to woo another company. He gave me a call to join him for dinner on Tuesday and we've had so much fun we've been out every night this week. In fact, it's been so great he's extended his stay through the weekend. He's the sweetest, funniest, and CRAZIEST person I've ever met. It's great!

    This morning i went golfing for the first time. Not sure how many of you like it but... yeesh, imo it is the MOST BORING sport ever.. on the other hand it really burns some calories (I didn't count it) and it was a beautiful day outside here. This evening we had dinner at my place, now we'll curl up and binge watch The Walking Dead.

    Food is.. OK.... going out each night is BAD... too many munchies in the local pub we like. Exercise is better since we do so much walking around.

    Finally read through and caught up!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: My parents visit was a success. We enjoyed them being here and hated to see them go. My mom already called and they made it back home to FL. I dropped them off at 8, hit the gym, washed the car, and then came home to get the house back in order (stripped beds, laundry, dusted, vacuumed, bathrooms, and mopped). I’m pretty exhausted, but the house is sparkling. Later on I’m going to clean out the fridge. I need the junk gone. It’s time to get back on track. Quit talking and doing. Baby steps again.

    I miss Cyrus though. I dropped him off Friday AM around 2:30 (no joke). He’s on a science field trip with 100 other middle schoolers (poor teacher – LOL) to Catalina Island. It’s a weekend of kayaking, snorkeling, marine biology, boating, etc. . . I know he’s having a good time, but I miss my little man!!!

    7 pages of personals, but I missed you guys!! Here’s some personals to catch me up:

    @ Hansea – I’ve got the logging down, but it’s being consistent that I need to work on. Congrats on the loss last week and staying away from the chips. It sounds like you had a GREAT week. You go girl!! Also, I saw the Meatloaf recipe. I’ve never put shredded cabbage – interesting. I may need to give this one a try. Thanks for sharing!!

    @ Karen – Cancer sucks!!! I hated to read about your friend. It’s everywhere and effects so many people. It sounds like you had a good week overall. I wanted to chat with you about my Chicago trip in May. It would be great to meet you!!

    @ Laurie – Donuts are a down fall for me. Its better I don’t even start. My sister stopped by this bakery and the size of the donuts they brought home – ridiculous. I didn’t eat one, but it was hard. It’s those GS cookies, which I’m giving to the neighbors immediately. Mom & Dad didn’t finish them so I have to get rid of them FAST!! Also, loved your post on the 9th. Congrats hitting your numbers on the tri – so proud of you! Plus, an even better post about the wedding. You’ve worked so hard and should be very proud. I bet you looked as good as you felt. Great picture too. Nice!!!

    @ Karen/Laurie – I’m really excited for our adventure in September. Karen – I loved seeing your note to Nettie about “See you at the finish line.” I will not be offended one bit. LOL!! Also, I like the idea of a nice night out. I'm game!!

    @ Kaye – I love reading your post and congrats on the size 12’s. So proud of you!! I also saw your last post about the stress and glad you kept your number. I still kept my Atlanta number in Vegas. I’ve had this one for at least 15 years. I’m nowhere near 40, but I would hate to lose it. I’m worried about my Dad. Even today when they got back to FL, my Mom said they had to call AAA. My Dad couldn’t remember the code to his truck and didn’t have his keys. I’m so afraid early Alzheimer’s may be setting in. Of course, it might just be forgetfulness of old age, but it scares me. I know its part of life, but hate watching it happen.

    @ Humble – How’s the hip doing? It’s truly amazing how our bodies do change. For me, it’s been my eye sight. I hate these crazy readers. Truly, once I hit 45 last October, I just can’t see a thing. Sigh. I saw your recent post on the health numbers – Woo Hoo!!

    @ Kris – Congrats on the 7 lbs down. Water or not we’ll celebrate!! On the potluck, I always made sure to bring a healthy dish and focused on that. Plus, the potlucks are not weekly - right? You can plan ahead and save up some calories plus get in a little extra exercise. I know you've enjoyed your church family and these events are important too. Just make one trip not two. This is why I stay away from buffets. Believe me in Vegas there every where!!!

    @ Robin – Loved seeing your post and welcome back!! Sorry to read your body is still not cooperating. I keep hoping we’ll see a positive health report soon. Also, nice $100 savings and price matching. Sweet!!!

    @ Kelly – I know you’re on your to Panama. Happy cruising!!! I just wanted to say WOO HOO on the Levi’s. You’ve worked so hard and stayed so consistent. You deserve to rock those jeans!!

    @ Nettie – Loved reading your post about you and Brian. It’s so great you have his support and you’re doing this together. Also, I had to chuckle at your stalking the pink shirt. You’re so funny!!

    @ Josie, NewMeadow, Damensha, Cindy, Nickmonaco, Apeydawn, Jeannie, SMA1978 - Welcome!!!!

    @ Queen – Great to read a clean bill on the mammo. It’s so important to smash the ta-ta’s especially with your family history.

    @ L2T – I cannot wait for the day when I can post a 96 lb loss. I know it will come one of these days/years just trying to push through. I’m so proud of you and I know those remaining pounds will come off. Keep pushing through.

    @ Tom – Cute St. Patty day reminder. Also, will you and Amy be able to join Laurie, her friend and me for dinner when she's in town? Is there a place you want to recommend? This has been your home much longer than mine. It would be great to all get together.

    @ RobinB – I’m so glad your son was able to come home. I have some pretty crazy Daytona and Key West Spring Break memories myself. Oh my.

    @ Naomi – You know were here for you and whatever you can give. It’s just important to post and check in.

    @ Tanya – Me too. I keep losing and gaining the same 5, 10 and 20 lbs. One day I know we’re both going to make it.

    @ KarenL – Tough decision. I guess you need to really weigh out the pros/cons – positives/negatives.

    @ Rain – I think you’re doing great. A 43 minute 5K is a good pace. You’re so young and have so much ahead. You’re so smart to start taking control now. The older I get it seems harder and harder. Keep doing what you’re doing, but you need more positive talk. You’ve accomplished so much and need to keep reminding yourself how far you’ve come.

    @ Littleshadow – Sorry to read about your chronic pain. Ankles and shins are no fun. Hope you’re feeling better! I know its tough race walking with ankles and shins in pain.

    @ Ell – I’m glad you have something you enjoy and can relax. Gardening for me is completely opposite. I really wish I could enjoy it, but I don’t think I have the patience. Plus, I think I’m a wimp and don’t like to get my fingers dirty. LOL!!!

    @ Mel – Have you gone completely stir crazy by now? I can’t believe the brutal winter weather continues. After growing up in northwest PA, I just couldn’t handle the snow again. Tomorrow my plan is to relax by the pool, magazines, and a few adult beverages. LOL!!

    @ Helena – Fiancé?? CONGRATS!!!!!

    @ Ushkii – Had to chuckle about the Lay’s. I think many of us have those crumbs all over our shirts, fingers, mouth, etc. . .

    @ Tracy – I’ve been worried about you. I’m glad to see you back. You know we’re here for you through all the ups and downs. I’m so sorry to read about Jacob. I know the junior high years can be brutal. Laurie gave some great advice. So far Cyrus has done OK in 6th grade, but I’m watching things every single day. I know you’re trying so hard. Jacob is lucky to have a Mom who loves and cares for him so much. Unfortunately, many kids out there don’t have that support and their just left on their own. Thoughts and prayers coming your way. I’m with you on the housing. I would like to buy, but the area we want due to schools I’m about to be priced out as well. I may be a long-time renter, but I’m OK with that.

    @ P1X – Sorry to hear you’re under the weather. I know with the little ones and a job where you’re on your feet all the time I bet your body is exhausted. Hope you can get some much needed rest this weekend.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Last week, I mentioned that I attended the wedding of a good friend and that many heads were turned when I walked in that day. Well, my friend who is great at people watching, informed me tonight that many of the people did not know me at all. It was like the song "Whose that girl". I had the best laugh at this and the fact that she had to tell so many people who I was and they still did not believe her. I also found out that the photographer asked her about my name and he had way to much fun taking my picture. Anyway, it was great to be noticed and to shock so many people.

    Susan and Karen- I am not sure what is the best airport to fly into, but I will ask Gorilla. He will meet up with us at the start and finish line.

    Nettie- I hope you will be able to join us in NYC. Are you also under a winter storm watch for Sunday into Monday?

    My friend Jane, lost her mom today. This is a blessing in that her Mom has been dealing with congestive heart failure and was having more problems the last couple of weeks. She passed peacefully so that is a plus.

    Have a great Sunday. I hope we don't get anymore snow.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helena - best wishes on your engagement - that is wonderful news - I'm very happy for you! :flowerforyou:

    Kaye - I only recall you complaining about stress getting to you once before so this must be something big. I'll pray for you!

    Karen - do you think its age discrimination or fear of a lawsuit over your health if they let you return to work and you collapse on the job?

    Ushkii - your potato chip story had me laughing so much because it has happened to me! Food induced coma! Not a good thing to do. Put your serving of munchies in a BOWL do not eat out of the bag EVER!!!!! That the evil part !!!

    Serenity - it takes a bit more weight than that to get noticed, be patient, my friend. Also , your job sounds HARD!

    tih - good luck with your son - hope it works out soon and your hives go away. Also - great beautiful cake!

    jeannieclark - how far aaway are you moving that you have to pull away from your friends at home - that sounds like serious stress! Nowadays with the internet and skype you can keep in touch with almost anyone. Heck phones still work too! LOL!
    although it is funny how people don't use phones as often as they used to; Good luck with everything!

    RobinB - what is DOMS? I must have missed the explanation somewhere......you have my sympathies for your arm pain.

    Queen - I just read JNetties comment to you about frriendships and I agree with her - I also have had to let people go out of my life - and it had had and lonely results but in the end were very good for my self respect. Also I have tried the Meet Up groups too. Some were not to my liking but I did find one that was very casual and I enjoyed it. When I got sick I sent an email to the organizer of the group and told her why I wasn't coming any more. She offered to set up a Meet Up group just to help me with my errands such as take me to the doc, get groceries, etc, and these were people I hardly new very well, but this act of kindness made me realize I wanted to keep in contact with them.

    Mow - wowie-wow-wow!!

    Laurie - sorry for your loss, even though it was for the best, it still does hurt.

    AFM - went to a Spine Doc friday because my right leg had not improved. He did x-rays and founds bulging discs (which he and I consider no big deal as long as I'm not having numbness in my toes) so the plan is a m onth of PT then if no improvement an MRI of said discs and proceed from there. Everything else remains the same, I'm a broken down crumbling old lady basically.LOL. Can't swim in my pool either due to more skin tears secondary to prednisone skin. Rats.

    Kaye - glad you got to keep your home number. Never know who may want to try and reach you after all these years!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, today surely did turn out different than I had planned. This morning just as I finished baking the Irish soda bread for dinner tomorrow, the heating element in my oven burned out. I had a loaf of banana bread ready to go in. It finally got baked at DD's house. DD was in Nampa so I texted her, sent her a picture and she got an element for me, but it didn't fit. We jumped in the car and headed for Nampa (an hour drive) to return it. We had to look around, but did find one and its fixed. However, it took most of the afternoon and evening so I didn't get a walk. Its nice and clean under my stove now.
    I have my talk ready for church. I hope that it goes well. I also hope that tomorrow is more predictable, and I can get in a good walk.
    Welcome back, Susan. I'm glad you had good visit. Tracy, good to have you back. Good for you not gaining weight during your absence.
    Have a great Sunday. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Robin....so sorry for all your physical problems right now. Hopefully your drs can help you get a handle on them soon.

    Laurie.......How fun is that to know you look so different now that people are wondering who that girl is!!! Congratulations
    on the big change!

    Susan....... Happy you had such a nice visit with your parents! I have such wonderful memories of my parents.
    What a field trip for your son! Wow! When I took my 3rd graders for a one day field trip, it was an exhausting day......
    Can't imagine taking that large group of middle schoolers for a weekend field trip! Bless them!
    I've really been slacking on the walking.......i just can't make myself get out unless it is nice weather. I'm gonna do better this week.
    We will see how the hip does. I hadn't walked much for quite a while and then did an hour........maybe it was too much without
    working up to it. I think i will go easier to begin this time.

    Mowmow......... sounds like an exciting week! Have fun!

    Jeanie........ welcome! the cilantro chicken salad looks really good. I will try it! I like cilantro's flavor

    Welcome to all the new folks!
    Happy Sunday everyone!