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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    sorry for being MIA... I'm still here, plugging away. A few hard days (anniversary of my dad's death is Wed but these days leading up to it hold so many memories) and then I'm off to the beach for a week. Got an early bday present- Fitbit One - so that will be a nice distraction over the next few days. It's been helpful to have MFP to focus on in the past couple of weeks, and the half-marathon training is also good right now, I think.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday!

    @tlh - Good job on maintaining in the past month! Good luck today with the trainer.

    @skinnyjeanz - Glad I did get those dreaded taxes done and hope yours go as smoothly. It did irk me that we ended up with a refund (as you said free loan to the government), but last year was so unusual, our normal break even system was blown out of the water. It's tough to predict when you have someone who works on commission and receives checks of vastly differing amounts during the year. Good luck with your recalculated zigzag. Hope it gets you closer to goal.

    @susan - So glad to hear you parent's visit was wonderful! I know you were stressed about it and I'm glad you could relax and enjoy their company.

    @robin - Sorry to hear you're having issues with bulging disks. I know how painful that is and hope PT gets you some relief.

    @humbleheart - I'm with you and find it hard to take much of a walk unless the weather is decent. Hope your hip feels better when you next venture out.

    AFM - It was a low key weekend with a long walk on Saturday since the weather was gorgeous and a day in my PJs on Sunday since it was cold and pouring rain. Never know what you'll get this time of year. The pretty weather on Saturday made me itchy to get out in the yard and plant things. It's way too early (April 15 is the official time to plant date where I am) and so I made a list of all the inside projects I'd like to accomplish before I can start on the yard. It was long and scary! It's amazing how much I don't get done even when I think I'm doing a good job keeping up with things. Oh well, I took the first step and made the list. Now I just have to follow through.........

    Have a great day!!

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DO NE
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

    Nothing exciting to report here. I am having pain in my right leg. It feels like something is pinching in my right hip and the pain runs down my thigh and stops mid calf. The brunt of it is in my hip and upper thigh. It is enough pain to be very uncomfortable but not enough for me to be in agony. I tried stretching after my little walk yesterday but that didn't help. Then I used my foam roller which made it feel better for an hour or so. This morning Brian massaged my leg for me and I tried the heating pad. It mostly bothers me when I am sitting down for long periods of time. So I've been sitting for a bit then get up and walk around for a bit then sit and repeat. :grumble: Any suggestions?

    Emotional - Welcome!

    Pashun - That is cute about Jacob's first word!

    Tracy - Who are you calling obsessed?!!!! Certainly not me? :wink: :laugh: Sadly, it wasn't wrong. I weighed in this morning at 221. :brokenheart: It's all good though. I know it is coming. I am guessing within the next few weeks I will see the teens. Unless of course TOM shows up before then. Then I won't even want to go there. :grumble:

    Skinny - That is a good way of looking at it rather than a false read. Honestly seeing that number makes me want to work even harder. :happy:
    That would be good if I could wait a little bit to decide if I feel I could actually do the 5K. I will let you know in April how my progress is going and if I am going to do it or not. In all probability I will. :smile:
    Yum to the asparagus recipe. I never thought to put other veggies with it. I make something similar with garlic but sprinkle some bread crumbs on top with some balsamic and olive oil then bake.

    MyMOwMOw - Thanks for sharing the recipe. I copied it so I can try it next time I have zucchini in the house.

    Tayna - That is really funny. If you don't mind me asking how tall are you? What is your weight goal? I am 5'2" and my final goal is somewhere in the 120s. I put down 125 but honestly it will be more about how I look and feel rather than the number.
    I really like Five Guys fries. When my dad was in rehab this past summer Brian and I frequently stopped to pick us all some lunch and bring it to eat with him. (Prior to my MFP days) I cannot believe at one point I used to eat all those fries in one sitting. They do give you a lot! That was smart to take 1/4 of them out and just eat that. I wonder how many calories are in 1 serving of their fries. I cannot even fathom what the salt content must be in their serving either. :noway:
    I do something similar when I do personals. I open the thread in two tabs then switch back and forth between the two while I respond. There is no way I would be able to remember everything if I didn't do it that way. :laugh:

    apeydawn - Sorry to hear about your dad and not being there. As hard as it may be I think maybe in a way it was for the best that you didn't see your dad in that condition. I am sure he knows how much you loved and cared about him. He is looking down over you every day and smiling at you. :flowerforyou:

    Laurie - Thanks so much for believing in me. I think I will probably be ready as well. I just have a fear of failing that makes me a bit non-committal.
    Sorry to hear you are in the heavy zone of the storm. I hope that changes and it isn't too bad. We ended up not getting any snow they predicted after all. But temps are only in the high 20's low 30's today. :ohwell:

    aoertner - Welcome and congrats on your upcoming wedding! I think the best thing to do is working on making one change at a time. Find an activity that you enjoy and make a date with yourself a few times a week to do that activity. Also be honest with yourself when logging and log everything no matter how good or bad it is. I found I made my most progress when I invested in a kitchen scale and began to weigh my portions rather than estimating what I thought they were. Best of luck to you. I am sure if you stick with it you will fit into your dress in June!

    Robin - I hope the physical therapy goes well for you. How many times a week will you be going and for how long?
    Interesting about the article saying Friday was the best day to weight yourself. I am curious what was their reasoning behind Friday being best?
    I dyed my hair yesterday and thought of you as I was cleaning up the mess. :laugh:

    Littleshadow - Sorry about the anniversary. I am sure it was an emotional day for you. Congrats on the Fitbit. Feel free to add me. https://www.fitbit.com/user/28KV99
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Happy Monday and Happy St. Patty's Day!
    Nothing really to report. I did well over the weekend, not great but I am happy. Saturday I weighed in at 200 lbs!!! That made for a rewarding morning and I am wearing a size 16 comfortably!! I hope everyone that needs support finds it and that we all keep our motivation.

    Goal for Today!
    1) sit up straight at work
    2) To use do my desk exercises at least 3 times today
    3) Walk my dog for 30 minutes today

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 17/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 17/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals for this week:
    Sat -- Yoga balance ball - 30 minutes workout (core and arms) - Done, Walk 45 minutes - DONE
    Sun-- Yoga balance ball -45 minute workout DIDIN'T DO ; walk 30 minutes - DONE
    Mon-- Yoga - youtube - 20 minutes - DONE ; Walk at 3miles/minute and jog 4.5miles/min 45 minutes - DONE
    Tues-- Yoga ball - _____; Walk - 30 minutes ______
    Wed-- rest day (Church); walk - 30 minutes ______
    Thurs-- yoga _____; Fat burn - _______; Run 30 minutes
    Fri-- Yoga ______; Walk 30 minutes - ______
    Sat-- Fat burn - ______; Run 30 minutes - _______; yoga ball - _______
    Sun-- Yoga ball - _______; run/walk - 45 minutes - _______

    I hope everyone has a great Monday!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Good morning and thank you to everyone who congratulated me on my engagement. To answer some questions: I knew the proposal was coming but I thought it would be on our trip to San Antonio next month. So it was surprising that he did it sooner. The proposal was really cute. We were sitting on the couch at his place after a nice dinner at Outback and he told me to wait there he had to go get something. When he came back he told me he had to tell me something. He pulled a card out of his pocket and concealed the front of it but read what he had wrote to me on the inside. To summarize what he wrote; he pretty much gave me this long speech about how much he loves me, how much I mean to him, how he is just so excited and happy to spend the rest of his life with me, and that he knows that I am the one, that he believes God brought us together because loving me has taught him how to love God again. Once he finished his lovely speech he handed me the card and the cover said "Asking you to marry me was the smartest thing I have ever done" I thought it was sweet as he's asked me before but never officially and when I looked up to thank him and tell him how much I loved him he was down on one knee and had the ring out and then asked me to marry him. It was really sweet and exciting. There was no hesitation from me. I cried it was just wonderful. I am very excited. Originally we were think of October this year but we just can't afford it right now. I was looking at venues but all the ones I liked needed booking 6 months in advance and paid upfront. Unfortunately, there is no way we would have the money required to do that next month. I have about half of it in my personal savings but that would mean putting off paying my bills off once and for all. Our new date is April 18th, 2015.



    Sunday Share: I'm Helena! I am 23 and newly engaged! I live just south of Houston, TX. I currently live with my mom to help her out because she has stage 4 breast cancer. I will be moving in with my fiance this year sometime. I have 2, well now 3, wonderful fur babies. My first is Chinchii, she is a beautiful gray chinchilla. My second is Deputy, my mommas boy lab/pit/boxer/dane mix. Third is my fiance's kitty Toby who has definitely taken to me.

    Monday check-in: Ok I had a really long off week. I barely worked out and I definitely did not eat 100% paleo and I am totally paying for it now. Back on track it is. Thankfully I only gained .4lbs but that could be attributed to the higher than normal sodium intake. I am making paleo lasagna tonight which I know will last me a few days of lunches It's super super yummy! Even my baby sister (ok she's 16) loves it. Ever since I made it for my family she has been requesting it.

    @Laurie-An outdoor triathlon sounds exciting! I wish you the best of luck on that! You can do it! Always awesome to be noticed and shock people in a good way!

    @JNettie- Awesome NSV! All of my jeans are like that these days, I never have to unbutton or unzip them. I just don't want to go buy anymore yet, Mostly because when I hit size 20 I can steal my younger sister's old pants. Also, awesome job on almost getting into the teens!!

    @Robin- I hope your Dr's can get your health issues under control. I hope you don't get any numbness in your toes.

    @Skinny- Sometimes it's ok to be a bum. I spent most of the evenings last week being a bum. I know I shouldn't have but my grandma went home for a week and it was nice not to be cooped up in my room and be able to spend some time with my mom. It is the first time in months that we've had the tv on.

    Have a great day! I need to finish catching up.
  • Hey everyone! This seems like a fantastic group, and I would love to join in :) I'm 29 and have been overweight or obese all my life. Right now I would just settle for being plain old "obese" but I have that nasty morbidly obese title to my name! Right now my goal is to get to a point where I feel happy and healthy...not a specific weight. Please feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like...I'm looking for more encouragement and support.

    Monday check in-- Today's my weigh in day, and I was so excited to see 300.4lbs. That means that hopefully this will be my last week that I see my weight start with a '3'. I know people talk about Onederland, and maybe I'll get there someday, but I'm just so excited that I've almost made it back to 2-something!
  • abhull14
    abhull14 Posts: 50 Member
    So last night I was leaving my apartments gym and walking back home and it was freezing, I decided to run home to get there sooner, I broke my ankle in 2008 and have been real restrictive with it over the years afraid I would hurt it again. I was so happy I tried it and had no problems, It did feel strange but not painful!!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member

    Monday Check In – I had a pretty lazy weekend, but on the upside, I woke up Saturday morning to NO ARM PAIN! WOOHOO!! I am ready and rearing to go today! I hope to hit the gym after work today and re-start my workouts, this time going slower and lighter on the weights. Last week proved to be my best week since starting back in January, a 2.6 pound loss!! I think I may have figured out where the problem was! Another week or two of the same or similar progress and it will be confirmed!

    @Robin – DOMS = Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I just learned the acronym myself last week when I started Googling the pain from my workout. I have a desiccated disc in my back so I can relate to the back pain. It is not fun! I am trying to find some good exercises to strengthen my core. I know that will work wonders for me (along with weight loss). If you learn any through your PT, I’d love to hear! I was glad to hear your comment on the Friday weigh in day. That is my weigh in day. I chose it because if I screw up over the weekend, I still have 4-5 days to bounce back!

    @Karen/Tanya – I’m with you on the TDEE. It scares me! I guess because I can’t seem to get my brain completely wrapped around the fact that it would WORK! I understand the math behind a calorie deficit just fine, but EM2WL seems to contradict that to me. Maybe I am missing something.

    @Susan – So glad that you visit went well with your parents! Being a single mom myself, I know how lonely it can get when the kids (in your case, kid) are away. I used to hate it on the rare occasion that mine would spend the night with their father. It was always far and few between and I never wanted to deny them time with their father, but I am not going to lie I hated for them to be gone! It took me a long time to adjust when my son went to college out-of-state back in 2010. I am so grateful that my daughter stayed home to attend college!

    @Laurie – There is nothing better than being the topic of the whispers when they are POSITIVE whispers! I don’t mind those at all! Good for you! Sorry to hear about your friend’s mom passing. I think you have surpassed the seemingly “they come in 3’s” haven’t you??

    @Kaye – you had a rough week last week between the stress over your phone number and your oven! I know you must be ready to start a fresh week!

    @Nettie – any minute you are going to hit the teens! How exciting! I downloaded the C25K app that several of you have been talking about. It’s pretty intimidating to me right now. I might try it on the treadmill where I can hold on during the running time. With my bum leg/foot, I don’t know that I have the confidence to not trip over myself if I tried to run. See, I have nerve damage that prevents me from completely flexing my foot upward so I have to very purposefully lift my leg to take a step to compensate. My Ortho calls it a “slap foot” because my foot sort of slaps down a bit with each step.

    @tlh – I can relate to the ongoing activities for the kids! My 2 kids (a boy and a girl also) went from football/cheerleading to soccer to softball/baseball to starting the cycle all over again! Now they are both in college and I only have to deal with the football. Except now I have to travel to Nashville for those games! It’s a lot of running around and it can be a real hindrance when it comes to eating right!

    @Jeannie – congrats on being just a breath away from ONEderland!!

    @Helena - Congrats again on your engagement!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Sorry I haven't been to chatty lately but rest assured I have been lurking in the background and trying to keep up with you all. We are in the final push to get my hubby ready to go back to work later this week. As always I will really miss him while he is gone but I swear I am not moving from this house to do anything except some walking with the dogs all weekend:laugh: As usual he has worn me out. We got some new harnesses for the dogs and I finally got my new walking shoes and todays walk was wonderful. My feet didint hurt and i was able to keep much better control of Zeus. Not a whole lot planned for today other then getting his stuff organized. I might run to the nursery down the road to see if they have any strawberry plants since I would like to get those put in soon. Well have a great day everyone and dont forget your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart:

    Todays workout per HRM:
    55 min
    1062 cals/claimed 720
    2.49 miles
    6743 steps

    Hope to shoot hoops this evening with the boys so will get a bit more of a burn yet:happy:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Ann- so exciting to hear a first word from your grandson. A bit of an unusual word tho!!

    Susan- sounds like an awesome trip that Cyrus is on....I would like to do that!! I am sure your place feels empty without him

    Helen- congrats on your engagement!! Exciting times!!

    Daughter is out and about with her friend from Ireland. Tonight i will be driving them to an irish pub for the St Patrick's day celebrations. Will have to figure out some way to keep myself busy oand out of the kitchen. I am DONE with gaining weight. I WILL be successfull in staying on track today
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Monday Check In---Had a case of the downs this weekend, I weighed myself Friday and am now at my highest weight (that I know of) 306!!! :brokenheart: :sad: So discouraged and disappointed, but today is a new day and I ain't quittin!!!! Glad to see so many of you killing it, my back is hurting so I'm doing my best to move around to get "un-stiff" so I can do my workout when I get home and then tomorrow morning some yoga to stretch this mess out! Anyhoo, have a happy Monday and a great week!!!!:bigsmile:
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you so much for all the warm welcomes!!!

    Happy St. Paddy's Day :)

    Manic Monday: The BEST thing about Monday is getting back to my routine. It's the first day of my workout routine and I'm excited! Weekends are normally my rough days on my diet. My parents are the eat out on weekends type and I typically fall victim. I wish I knew a better time spending activity than eating (tough habit to break for my fam jam)!! This weekend I was naughty on Sunday, but worse than that I didn't log because of guilt. Since today is the start of a 30 day challenge this won't happen for the next 30 days because I'm strong (or stubborn). ;)

    I hope you're all having an amazing day!! Cheers <3
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Jt- Is that a new picture? I really like the look and the picture.

    Well another snow today, we had 7 inches of the white stuff. Good thing we should have school tomorrow as most of the roads have been plowed. If we don't get the waiver from the state department, we will be in school until June 25- no joke. Teachers will then have a few more days after that. It is so frustrating. I wish they would take the time away from spring break but that is not a topic of discussion at this point. :grumble:
    Due to the snow my gym was closed today so no trainer workout and rescheduling is not looking good at this point :explode: I did get some exercise by shoveling snow so that helped some but now I am bored and really not in the mood to go shopping but I could.

    I am so ready for spring to arrive-4 days and counting.

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday- This weekend was a bust.....it went from 50 to 20 degrees. I did most of my training inside with the puppy till he was more interested in eating the clicker than earning a treat. I took a short 15 min walk on Sunday to the corner store for a diet coke. I was told this weekend I am not as good at pretending nothing is wrong as I thought I was.
    I am only on page 12 but thought I would post to what I have already read.

    @P1xy- Hope you feel better soon
    @Jnettie and Robin- Thanks for the friend information. I basically need to reevaluate because I am doing for others and others don't do for me so I think the relationships are one sided. One relationship we have just grown apart don't have anything in common anymore but still try to make it work but ends up being the same as the others. I will keep trying meet up groups.
    @Helena- Congrats on proposal
    @Robin- Hope PT works for you. Prayers your way.
  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    I lost 2lbs since last weigh in. Very happy about that. Happy St. Paddy's day everyone. Making my own little version of dirty red rice for dinner. I never make it the same or I would post the recipe. I promised hubby we'd do cornbeef another night.

    Haven't really been feeling up to par today. My allergies are getting the best of me today. My brother walked my dogs for me so I didn't have to go out into the rain and possibly feel worse. He's a good brother. I guess our rainy weather, though, is better than the snow most of ya are getting.

    Going to be taking my brother to an interview for a program he is trying to get into for veterans. I really hope everything goes well. He really needs to be a part of this program because it benefit him greatly.

  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome all newbies
    JT - like the pic, nice that you can get out and walk the dogs.
    jeansnpearls - I am with you i want to see 'twoderland', lol.
    Helenvee - Congrats on the engagement!
    RobinsEgg - I like the Friday weight idea, I know my weekends are the worst days, bad food and high sodium makes my Monday weight high. I think if I were to weight Friday I would get a better idea of where I am after a week of better eating. I Weight Mondays because of this thread had Check-In Mondays! Will try not to have an open bag of chips around me, the zombie munchier.
    aoertner - eat a balanced diet under your goal and drink water all day.
    apeydawn - Sorry about your dad, I think he knew how you felt toward him.
    JNettie - Funny you know you obsessively step on the scale.
    Lauriek - That is so cool people were taking seconds looks to find out who you were!

    My snap peas are peeking out the soil and wanting to feed me! Got to get the garden ready this weekend. Looking back at my goals I really did good this week on keeping below my calories. Got water in the first part of the week and then could not keep it up. Walking is still not getting there, will have to think about that more. The scale was nice to me today so I am happy with that and think it is all to do with keeping a calorie deficit. Lucky for me I am so big that I burn a lot of calories just sitting around, lol. When or if I ever get to a lower weight I think it will be hard to eat under 2000 calories. Oh well that is a ways off so I will worry about that bridge as I light it on fire, or something like that.


    A: Under for Calories 4/7 days a week
    B: Walk 3/7 days a week
    C: 8 cups of water a day 3/7

    Mon: A C
    Tue: A C
    Wed: A B C!
    Thur: A B C
    Fri: A
    Sat: A
    Sun: A
  • nyc6945
    nyc6945 Posts: 4 Member
    HI Everyone
    I have been using MFP for the past month and just getting into the community section.
    I am getting married in June so this past January (Jan 18th to be exact) I cut out all refined sugar and have been working out 4-6 days a week. Its been a great two months and I have never felt better. I have lost 20 pounds so far and am ready for the next 20. This past weekend was tough...family and friends in town for my Bridal Shower. So I am back on track today and thought I could use a little support from the community.
    Its been inspiring to read all the posts so thank you!
  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    Monday Monday! As for the weekend I was very busy but didn't accomplish much! Yeah makes sense right?? As for today, I got my walking going, I really really am struggling with food choices. I need to really put a lot of focus on better choices!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I had a very busy day at work today. I usually finish by 2pm, but didn't finish until almost 4. Our computer system went down, preventing us from being able to scan parcels and registered letters. We had to do it all manually. I had over 70 items, so it sure did take a while, I also kept dipping my hand into my coat pocket where my scanner usually resides during my route. To top it all off, it took me an extra hour to get home due to a road closure through a small town, which meant a very big, slow detour. I popped in my exercise video as soon as I got home to make sure I got it done. If I had sat down first I may have just skipped it.

    @skinnyeanz: I am enjoying 30 day shred. I find the cardio the hardest, but I'm able to get through those sections without stopping now. I just finished day 3 of level 1. I see an improvement every time I do it.

    @Robin: I have also heard that the Friday is the best weigh in day. I used to weigh Monday and was always disappointed. Then I heard that people relax their eating on weekends and results are not good on Monday morning. Friday gives you the best picture since most people are good throughout the week.

    @L2T: I dread making that lists like that. I usually make a big spring cleaning/repair/de-clutter list... I really need to get my house in order, I've been neglecting it over the winter. A good cleaning always makes me feel so much better and accomplished.

    @JNettie: I am just under 5'4" tall. My goal weight right now is 170. I say that because the last time I was that weight after I had my daughter I thought I was slim (but I think I have a distorted view of my body), BMR says I should be about 125 ish but I honestly can't see myself at that weight, I think I would look much too skinny. I think I will just stop when I look a healthy weight, not get to a certain number. I would be able to eat a large serving of those Five Guys fries no problem. I used to pack away a lot of food. Surprisingly, I did not exceed my sodium intake after eating there yet I will go over just eating a large veggie sub from Subway. Ready for the calorie info on the fries?
    Little Fry 526 cal
    Regular Fry 953 cal --- that's more than the regular hamburger with 2 patties!!! (which is 700 cal)
    Large Fry 1314 cal
    I did notice they cook their fries in peanut oil... surely that has something do with the outrageous amount of calories.

    @Jeannie: congrats on 200!!! That's a fantastic number!

    @Helena: What a beautiful ring, congrats!! I love your nail polish too.

    @RobinB: I did a lot of reading and heads cratching and asked a lot of questions before figuring the TDEE out. I'm only eating at a 15% calorie deficit and losing easily. I love that I don't really feel like I'm dieting too much. I find it much easier to maintain than a smaller calorie goal. Keeping accurate track of my exercise calories is the key to making the EM2WL program work for me.

    @Laurie: I couldn't agree with you more about wanting spring to arrive.

    @Pashun: congrats on the weight loss, that's a good number!

    @ushkii: I love reading your posts, you always make me chuckle ... twoderland LOL

    @nyc, and congrats on the great start. I'm newer to this thread too and find a lot of motivation and support here, I'm sure you will too.

    Exercise scheduled for this week:

    Sunday: REST --DONE--
    Monday: 30 Day Shred level 1(day 3) --DONE--
    Tuesday: Physio- bike and (full or lower body)
    Wednesday: HIIT (abs), Power Yoga level 1(day 2)
    Thursday: 30 Day Shred level 1(day 4)
    Friday: Physio-bike and (full or upper body)
    Saturday: rest or (hiking?)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Skinny, Laurie and Susan - I officially made a decision. I AM going to do Tunnel To Towers!!! I was talking to Brian about it and told him how I would really like to do it. He agreed to sign up with me and be moral support for me. I also mentioned it to my cousin. She recently got back into running. She may or may not do it too. Her BF is running the NYC full marathon in the Fall.

    I just wanted to share the news with you ladies. I am so excited about it! :happy: :flowerforyou: