Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tanya--great job getting those miles in. I am guilty of pushing of my exercise the past few days. :blushing:

    @fera--congrats on your succes these past 2 months! :drinker:

    @tracy--awesome successes! I wish I could say I lost weight on vacation, but I'm just thrilled to have not gained.

    @kelley--wow a 5 lb loss this week is awesome!! Thanks for being a great example that even when you've come a long way, it's still possible to make good progress. I tend to rationalize my lack of losing lbs as "oh, it's just b/c I'm so much closer to my goal weight." In rality, I'm not losing b.c I'm not being diligent about my nutrition. I need to get back to better food choices.

    @teresa--ooh, how fun that you got a fitbit!

    @beth--I am in the same exact boat. :blushing: I usually come in under my allowance, but I've been eating too much junk. Going to change that going forward.

    Saturday Success:
    Well I don't have any related to food or exercise, but I did get my new car today!!! :bigsmile: It's so sweet!! The color is granite crystal mettalic which basically means it's a dark gray with a bit of sparkle when the sun hits it. I ended up getting the Super Sport Group package which includes the 20 inch wheels, rear spoiler, and higher rear axle ratio b/c that's the one that was closest to what I wanted. It also has bluetooth so I can talk on my cell phone hands-free. This is great b/c it's against the law in IL to talk on a cell phone while driving unless it's hands-free.

    I'm glad I got the car, but it took ALL morning--didn't get back from the dealer until after 1 pm. Then I had 2 parties--an afternoon barbecue and an evening cookout at a friend's house. Needles to say today consisted of a lot of food and very little exercise.:ohwell:

    Tomorrow I'm going to Lake Geneva with my friend. Going to try to run outside with gunner in the morning, but the weather is sketchy, so that may not happen. Monday I will get some good exercise at the pool--again this is weather dependent, but the forecast looks promising.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    July Goal = 100 miles

    7/1 = 3 miles
    7/2 = 0 miles
    7/3 = 2 miles
    7/4 = 2 miles
    7/5 = 1 mile
    7/6 = 2 miles
    7/7 = 8.5 miles
    7/8 = 1.5 miles
    7/9 = 2.5 miles
    7/10 = 1.5 miles
    7/11 = 1.5 miles
    7/12 = 1 mile

  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Going into week 5 of this stupid plateau. I admit, I am losing motivation, not logging as much, and just feeling frustrated. Finally saw the ENT on Friday - he attempted to use the scope to check out my left sinus (chronic infection since late March) but couldn't get it up there because of the shape of my nose. I was sent for xrays and go back to see him in 10 days. In the meantime, nothing is being done (I've done three rounds of antibiotics and am on oral decongestants and steroid spray and have been since mid April) so I am feeling very under the weather. Back up to twice/week for physio on my ankle... I was supposed to start training to walk another half marathon in one week, but am delaying training by a couple of weeks while we try to get things settled down. DH is being sent to a rheumatologist as they now suspect a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    And to top it all off, I bought a large jar of Nutella "for the boys" the other day... and now I can't stay out of it!!!!!!!!!! :tongue:


    Total: 29.26 / 60

    07/01 - 0 (migraine!)
    07/02 - 2.5 miles
    07/03 - 2.26 miles walking, 30 min treading water (1.5 miles)
    07/04 - 4 miles
    07/05 - 0 (storm!)
    07/06 - 3 miles
    07/07 - 5 miles
    07/08 - 3 miles
    07/09 - 3 miles
    07/10 - 3.5 miles
    07/11 - 1.5 miles
    07/12 - rest day
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Little Shadow- I really hope they're able to do something for your sinuses! This is waaaay too long to be dealing with this misery. I'm sure that the rheumatologist will be able to help your husband if he has RA. I work with a group of rheumatologists. I work in the lab, so the most I know for sure is that they will probably do a bunch of blood tests to determine for sure that it's RA. Then, hopefully, they'll get him started on a treatment.
    I've gotten sucked into the Nutella temptation before too...soooo yummy. :blushing:

    Skinny- Congrats on the new car!!

    Tanya- Great job getting your miles in!

    Fera, TLH, Kelly and Tanya- Congrats on the losses!

    AFM- The best laid plans....sigh. I was going to get up and ride my bike Saturday morning, but slept in instead. And then we got an unexpected invitation to meet my brother-in-law's new girlfriend on Saturday, we had that birthday party, which I had procrastinated about picking up a gift nice long bike ride got back-burnered. I ended up getting everyone going, shopping for a gift, wrapping it on the road, going to the birthday party (where the swimming pool plans were changed due to bad weather...instead of going to the city pool, we ended up just having the kiddos swim in the neighbor's pool for a bit), then I quick squeezed in a 20 minute ride in the rain before meeting my BIL and his new girlfriend at an Italian restaurant known for its enormous portions. So, I ate waaaay too much Saturday.

    Sunday morning, I woke up feeling kind of warm and nauseous. I went for my 4 mile run anyway, but ended up feeling worse afterwards. I could barely stomach any breakfast, and then we went to church where I was miserable. We came home, and my husband let me nap for several hours. I'm feeling a bit better and I think my appetite is coming back. Weird.

    So, now I need to quickly come up with a grocery list and get the shopping done. And, my original plan for dinner isn't going to happen since I should've started it a long time ago. We'll probably end up getting drive-thru or ordering in. Oh well. At least I have a meal plan for the rest of the week.

    This week, I need to curb the late night snacking. I think that's playing a big role in my 3 lb gain so far this month. :grumble:

    July Goal: 90 miles

    7/1: 5.32
    7/2: 2.63
    7/3: 6.34
    7/4: 1.34
    7/5: 1.19
    7/6: 5.22
    7/7: 2.58
    7/8: 3.77
    7/9: 2.92
    7/10: 6.64
    7/11: 1.70
    7/12: 2.03

    Total: 41.68
    Sleep Goal: 20/31 days with 7 hrs

    Monday: Gym-Lift and Stretch-DONE
    Tuesday: Run-DONE
    Wednesday: Bike Ride-DONE
    Thursday: Run and 30DS-DONE
    Friday: Rest -DONE
    Saturday: Bike Ride-DONE
    Sunday: Run-DONE
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I have caught up with the posts from last week. Today, the heat and the high activity level caught up with me. I have been lazy today after my bike ride this morning. I did manage to wash clothes but that is about it. I am now trying to go for a walk.

    The class was fun but it was tiring.

    Karen-Congrats on the car.

    Kelley- Congrats on the loss.

    Little Shadow- Hope your sinuses get better soon and that your husband can get some relief.

    Today, was a 12.58 mile bike ride before it got to hot. It was nice riding a new route this morning even with a head wind.. We will do it again since it was low traffic.

    Time to go and check out the temps outside and if possible go for a walk. I will be up date the challenge results soon. Thanks to everyone who has been posting your miles.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    So, this was my third week to weigh-in and I was up .07 lbs! I'm raging with PMS hormones so I know that is the problem but dang if it's not frustrating. I have done so well with my eating and exercise, so I'm really working on not beating myself up. This is not a race. This is my life. I can do it!! :drinker:

    @Little Shadow, I sure hope you start to feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    @ Skinny-Your car sounds awesome. Congrats!!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I wasn't sure whether today was going to be an active day or a rest day (haven't had one yet this month). Because there was rain forecast for most of the morning I almost decided to stay in and have a nap. But my inner self said I had to keep up with my mileage goals, so I went walking for about an hour, then went for a long bike ride for an hour. I think part of the reason I'm getting so much exercise in is that I'm not logging food (roughly counting in my head) so the more exercise I do, the less likely I will be to eat over my deficit. The scale is still playing nice so I guess its working for the time being. And amazingly, I've lost a few more inches since last month..

    I'm still not logging food, and have not made any meals (only frozen smoothie pops) but have bought fresh fruit and veggies so snacks are taken care of. I guess it will have to be sandwiches for lunch and salads for dinner (I'm really having a hard time with dinner. I'm so undecided as to what to make.) I did buy some veggie burgers (too lazy to make my black bean burgers) but am scared of what the taste/texture will be like, I've never bought them before. I'm still making my eggs for breakfast so at least I'm getting a good start to the day.

    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM
    7/6: 9.3 miles 213 AM
    7/7: 2.5 miles 55 AM
    7/8: 5.8 miles 175 AM
    7/9: 7.5 miles 150 AM
    7/10 3 miles 90 AM
    7/11 6.5 miles 150 AM
    7/12 6.5 miles 143 AM
    7/13 12.1 miles 120 AM

    77.4/200 miles
    1910/3720 AM
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sunday Share 7/13/14
    Hi My on-line name is Robin but in real life I’m Ellen. I’ve been with MFP since August, 2010. I’m single, and frustrated with myself for taking so darn long to lose this weight. Life should be a lot more fulfilling at age 63! And I live in Omaha, Nebraska one of the funnest citys in the World! Of course all of you want to come visit here – its on your Bucket Lists, right? :happy: Being single, retired on disability income, no cash flow for “fun” money, makes Ellen a dull girl. Starting this thread has given me purpose and meaning ...
    Its been slow going. I started at 264 and now am at around 231-235. I have lots of troublesome health conditions, but my doctors tell me good health is within my reach – it’s all up to me!

    I can’t control the drugs I take forcing my body to hang onto weight, nor the herniated disc in my lower back I must protect and slows me down. What I can control is WHAT I EAT and my CHOICES OF activity – I can increase activity to increase my over-all physical fitness and that’s what I am more interested in anyway.

    Not logging food right now, I eat very basic since I still have the tongue and mouth pain. I have a Jimmy dean omelet for "brunch" and a sandwich or a frozen Lean Meal for dinner and then 6 oz of vanilla ice cream or pudding for a late evening snack. One baileys 2 oz in 8 oz milk on the weekend and repeat the next week :drinker:

    Just started doing wall sit ups, and can only tolerate doing 4 after doing them for 4 days in a row. Well 4 for 4 sounds good!

    This is my little manifesto to myself as well as my Sunday Share. I’m trying to psych myself back up for the long haul. I will probably do a Blog Post later this week.

  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @Everyone: wtg on the mileage!! We are kicking *kitten*.

    I have an interview Tuesday for a promotion at work. I don't think I've ever wanted a job so bad. Except maybe to get hired in there in the first place. This is $4 more than what I make, and I plan to buy myself a different vehicle as mine pretty much only goes to and from work right now. Husband says I need to pay off my credit card first, but I honestly don't think I can wait that long. There are a lot of things wrong with it.

    I am happy to say I completed the C25K program! I DID IT!! Now what? I thought about just continuing on to the 10K program, but I would like to get different shoes. Mine are getting worn out. Come on, promotion!!!

    Monday- C25K w8d1 DONE
    Tuesday- strength and belly dance BOTH DONE plus a little gardening. Had to weed yesterday.
    Wednesday- C25K w8d2 DONE
    Thursday- strength and biking to/from work. Softball has a bye week this week. DONE
    Friday- Final C25K workout (skipped) I had to go into work early
    Saturday- Color Run DONE!
    Sunday- REST DONE and much needed.

    7/1: 2.5
    7/2: rest
    7/3: 2.5
    7/4: rest
    7/5: 2.5
    7/6: rest
    7/7: 3
    7/8: rest
    7/9: 3
    7/10: 11
    7/11: 0
    7/12: 4
    7/13: rest

    MTD 28.5
    Goal 50
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    JT- hope the ankle is better soon, sprains are no fun.

    Robin- Your story is always inspiring. When you created this thread you developed a very positive environment where people can discuss their feelings, feel like an extended family, share their failures, concerns and most importantly our successes. You are a model of dedication and determination. You are right you can control what you eat and I know you will. Thank you for creating this thread and keeping it going for so long. It would be interesting to visit Nebraska one day. 4 wall sit up is a great, keep going with them.

    Tanya- Double check your math- I have your miles total at 87.4 miles not 77.4 miles.

    Here are the results from week 1 of the July Challenge. Sorry, it has taken me so long to update these results, I will do better with week 2.

    Distance Milestones—The status update for July 1-5th
    I am running the weeks Sunday to Saturday.

    Starting line
    Robin B (0 miles)
    Queen (0 miles)
    Rainwood (0 miles)
    Ushkil (0 miles)
    Mzfrizz (0 miles)

    1 mile Club

    2 mile Club

    3.1 miles (5K club)
    Theresa (3.25 miles)
    Kaye (3.6 miles)

    4 miles (8K)

    5 Miles (9K)
    Macbeth (6 miles)
    Forgeahead (3.5 miles)
    Karen (8 miles)
    Ebailey (7.5 miles)

    9 miles=15K

    10 Miler
    Tlh_(10.3 miles)
    Ferafilla (10.89 miles)
    Kelley (11.5 miles)
    Little Shadow (10.26 miles)

    12 miles=20K

    ½ marathon- 13.1 miles=22km

    16 miles-Sprint Triathlon Level (you just complete the distance of a Sprint Triathlon
    Lives to travel (16.82 miles)
    Hansea (16.82 miles)
    Sweetiememoir (20.02 miles)

    Marathon club-26.2 miles=43km

    33.93 Miles=Olympic distance triathlon level (51.5km)
    Laurie (52.9 miles)
    Tanya (34.2 miles)

    63.86 Miles- ITU Long course Distance Triathlon

    70.3 miles- Half Ironman Distance Triathlon

    100 miles Century Club

    140.6 miles-Full Ironman Distance

    I hope to post week 2 by WEdnesday- so please get your miles in as soon as possible. Thank you.
    Congratulations on your success during the first 5 days of July. We are off to a rocking start.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Robin: As I lived in Sioux Falls for many years, I've made several trips to Omaha and loved it. I've been to many zoos throughout the country and LOVE :heart: the Henry Doorly Zoo and would recommend it to anyone. My daughter commented that she didn't remember going (she was only 3 the last time) so we'll have to head your way again sometime.

    Hello everyone! I'm Tracy. I work in Quality for a Life Insurance company out of my home in Bismarck, ND. I'm 41, been married almost 19 years and have two kids -- Jacob, 13 and Emma, 8. My weight really started to get out of control during my Junior year of college and just gotten worse. I have successfully lost 30 pounds over and over and over again. I have also successfully gained it back time after time. I know my biggest weakness is the too easy "grab something" on the way to the game, to the performance, to my mom's etc. I seem to get that under control for a while and then another excuse comes up and it takes a turn for the worse. But I'm not giving up this time. In the past, I'd say, "Screw it, it's too hard." But I keep hanging in there this time.

    I also want to thank Robin for starting this thread and so glad I stumbled upon it one day. I do much better when I'm engaged with you all. You offer me support when I'm not feeling so great about this journey. THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:

    Right now, the stress of buying a home is getting to me. It took 20 months of double payments to sell my house in South Dakota. Now after 6 months of just paying rent, we decided we could look at buying here. We found a home to buy and the appraisal has come in $17,000 lower than planned. :explode: While trying to get that worked out, we have also been looking at other homes and found one. The sellers keep going back and forth and asking for more time to decide if they can drop the price. We've tried to be nice, but I'm homeless as of July 31st, so my niceness can only go so far. :brokenheart: I think we are down to the end...we've given them until noon tomorrow to accept the lower price or we walk. The other home, we did place a bid on it with a "we have to get out of the other house" contingency. They've countered and we have until tmw afternoon to accept the counter or walk on that. Here's hoping that one of those two actually works out for us!!

    In the meantime, we gotta get packing! My husband was a rock star today and we now have many boxes sitting in our dining area ready for moving. I got some of my clothes packed and a few treasures stashed safely in between. This week, I want to get through my desk -- a lot of it, I can put away for a couple of weeks.

    Jacob is gone this week at International Music Camp. It's at the International Peace Gardens on the ND/Canadian border. We will head up there on Saturday as they put on a final concert. He's at the Jazz Band camp and has the first concert of the day, so we will get home around 5-6 that night. Should be enough time to get to the gym with my sister that evening.

    July miles
    1 - 1.57
    2 - 2.16
    3 - 0.99
    4- 1.61
    5 - 3.97
    6 - 2.89
    7 - 5.61
    8 - 0.86
    9 - 3.93
    12 - 1.49

    30.08 / 85

    Workout plan:

    Monday - trainer workout
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - walk
    Thursday - sister workout
    Friday - walk
    Saturday - sister workout
    Sunday - rest
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    No miles for today. It is just too hot! It got up to 105* today. Its dark now and barely into the 90s.
    Sunday share: I'm Kaye from Western Idaho. I seem to be the oldest one in this group. I had my 70th birthday in May. I started on MFP at the end of August 2012. I wanted to lose weight in preparation for knee replacement surgery in October. I have set my goals for 25# at a time. I was pretty happy with the speed of my progress, but now I have been stuck since March. I have followed a very simple calories in/calories out plan. I log my food and exercise, and stay within the limits set by MFP. Because I have a large family and am always cooking for them, I have not set any restrictions on what I can eat, just how much I eat. Portion control has been my best tool. Walking is my exercise of choice. Even though I have achieved my goal of wearing a size 12, I still feel like I need to lose about 15 more pounds. I know that I am using more of my exercise calories than I did in the beginning. Getting back to where I was before is probably the secret of my succeeding.
    Congratulations to all who are participating in the July challenge. Looking good. We need to take care. There are too many injuries and health challenges.
    Karen, enjoy the new car.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Mileage update!

    July 9 - 2.03 miles
    July 10 - 2.30 miles
    July 11 - 2.48 miles
    July 12 - 2.56 miles
    July 13 - 1.53 miles

    I'll be traveling Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I may or may not be able to get on the website and update on the forums, but I'll have the app on my phone and track what I can! :)
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @Robin: Yes I love this thread too and am happy you created it.

    @Tracy: buying a home is stressful. I am glad our process was rather smooth. We had a great realtor.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a mileage update for now.......

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
    7/2 - 5.02 (3.02 walk and class)
    7/3 - 4.86 (2.86 walk and class)
    7/4 - 3.92
    7/5 - Rest Day
    7/6 - 2.70
    7/7 - 4.72 (2.70 walk and class)
    7/8 - 2.91
    7/9 - 2.86
    7/10 - 2.90
    7/11 - 2.90
    7/12 - 7.30 (14,615 Fitbit steps)
    7/13 - 3.98 (7,978 Fitbit steps)
    7/14 - 2.90

    Total: 49.99
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Just a mileage update for now...

    July Mileage:


    Total: 36.94/100 Miles
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    @tlh0407 - I hope all goes well. I remember all too clearly the stress of moving and being on a tight deadline to do so! (I'd have to pick up and move every couple of years for school and work until I moved here to TX.)

    AFM - As of Saturday, I've managed to drop 11 pounds since starting this journey in May. I nearly (happy) cried because of it. I haven't had much success in many things the past couple of years, so managing even that was a huge thing for me. It's made me even more reluctant to have candies or sodas because it makes me think, "But I worked SO hard to drop weight, why ruin it?"

    Mileage update!
    July goal - 30 miles!

    July 8 - 1.22 miles, walking
    July 9 - 0.8 miles, walking
    July 10 - 1.12 miles, walking
    July 11 - 0, rest
    July 12 - 1.10 miles, walking
    July 13 - 0.55 miles, walking
    July 14 - 1.08 miles, walking
  • peakzlady
    peakzlady Posts: 2
    I'd love to be a part of a group of like-minded ladies who are ready to get healthy! I have gained nearly 80 lbs in the last 5 years, and I'm ready to say GOODBYE to my plus-sized clothes!! Today is my Day 1 of being SERIOUSLY COMMITTED, so here's hoping it's the last time I'll ever have to start this process!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy Pandemonium Day
    When : July 14th
    Pandemonium Day is a day of sheer bedlam, and utter chaos. If ever there was a wild and whacky, unorganized day, today it that day.
    Everyone has a day like this once in while. Its a day when all sort of unexpected things occur. Its a time when everything is happening at the same time, and at a very fast pace.
    Celebrate and embrace Pandemonium Day. Don't let today, or any other day shake you up. If Pandemonium prevails, just go with the flow in a calm, cool manner. Sanity will return soon enough.....we hope.

    “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ~Christopher Robin

  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Monday check in: I definitely struggled this weekend. I have a bad cold and felt like a Mack truck had hit me all weekend. It doesn't help that I did not sleep well or much the last couple of nights because of the coughing. However, I still managed to lose over the weekend. Woohoo! A total so far of 8.8 lbs.
    I don't often have time for personals but I wanted you all to know I do read everyday.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    @peakzlady , welcome to MFP and this group!! I'm new here as well (23 days) and have really enjoyed the support and friendship that I have gained. I look forward to getting to know you as well. :smile:

    @Becka, you poor thing on being sick, but woot woot for the weight loss. You are doing wonderfully!! :flowerforyou:

    @Tom, I think the pandemonium skipped me today and I have been suffering from National Boredom day. :grumble:

    @mzfrizz, wayyyyy to go on your 11 lbs loss! I love hearing inspirational successes like yours. :bigsmile:

    My Monday check in is that I'm stuck at work from 9am to 8pm and it's been slowwwwwwww!!! I have my Fitbit on and have taken lots of mini walks around the store. I also have the next two days off and will be going to my first ever chiro appointment on Wednesday. I'm nervous and hopeful she can help my bad back. Fingers crossed!!