Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 7/10: 4.4 miles (2 for water aerobics, 2.4 walking).
    My back has felt much better today. I still have some weakness in my hand, but it is improving.
    I'm sorry I don't comment more on personals, but I do read every word. I am inspired by your successes and struggles. I checked my measurements today, and they are still the same. I've been stuck in the same place since March.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Thursday Truth: I wish I could be home every day and not work. I had a great day off today. Got lots of laundry and cleaning done. Took the kids to swim lessons and did my training run alongside them as they biked. We stopped at a playground. Made meat pie for dinner with mushroom gravy...I love cooking. :)
    Of course, today was made easier because the kids were getting along so well. They played with playdoh for almost two hours in peace! Amazing!

    July Goal: 90 miles

    7/1: 5.32
    7/2: 2.63
    7/3: 6.34
    7/4: 1.34
    7/5: 1.19
    7/6: 5.22
    7/7: 2.58
    7/8: 3.77
    7/9: 2.92
    7/10: 6.64

    Total: 37.95
    Sleep Goal: 20/31 days with 7 hrs

    Monday: Gym-Lift and Stretch-DONE
    Tuesday: Run-DONE
    Wednesday: Bike Ride-DONE
    Thursday: Run and 30DS-DONE
    Friday: Rest -
    Saturday: Bike Ride/Swimming?
    Sunday: Run
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    @Lauriek70- Correct, no exercise on the 1st to the 7th. Was too busy pouting. :laugh:
  • Forgeahead32
    Good morning!

    Thank you for the kind words! Even though I'm not putting my all into it, I'm just glad I'm sticking to what I'm doing. Before I would loose a little bit of weight, then get discouraged and gain it all back then some. This time around feels different like I'm actually ready to lose it. Before I would always blame it on something else and say I wasn't ready.

    Had a nice walk last night again with Arcadia. I think if I can do my 1.5 mile walk without a problem for a week, I may add onto our distance. Sometimes I feel like I can't make it home (sore feet, legs, breathing heavily, the usual lol), but it's getting easier when we get farther into the walk. SO ready for a kidless weekend which will probably be spent cleaning and setting up my office finally! Bought a house this past January and been so busy with life in general, that my office has been the most neglected room yet to be set up.

    For Friday's fitness, I am planning to go to the walking trail both Saturday and Sunday and try to walk the whole thing or at least the majority of it.

    7/1 - 1.5
    7/2 - 1.0
    7/3 - 0 Had bad headaches all day
    7/4 - 0 Too much fun w/ family
    7/5 - 1.0
    7/6 - 0
    7/7 - 0
    7/9- 0 Babysat Sebastian


  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Rainier Cherry Day
    It’s National Rainier Cherry Day! And I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate then by sharing the history of this variety and all the effort it takes to grow, harvest, pack, and ship Rainiers cherries to your grocery stores. Every year on July 11th cherry enthusiasts across the U.S. celebrate the Rainier cherry variety. This golden colored cherry with a red blush is a specialty variety that was born right here in Washington State as a cross between – believe it or not – two red cherry varieties!
    In 1952, Washington State University researcher Harold Fogle crossed the Bing and Van varieties to create the delicate and exceptionally sweet Rainier cherry variety. Named after the great Mount Rainier in Washington State, growers began planting this variety once it was released for commercial production in 1960. Since then, Rainier has become a popular tree to aid in pollenizing dark-sweet varieties of cherries (Rainier trees are planted between red cherry trees to help attract bees to their flower blossoms in the spring) and is also grown on a large scale because its sweetness is a favorite of many.
    It’s no coincidence that July 11th is National Rainier Cherry Day. This time of year marks the peak of Rainier cherry harvest for growers in Washington, which is a big deal considering Rainier cherries are only in season for two months each summer. What makes a Rainier cherry so unique? It’s the dessert, almost candy-like flavor of the fruit, which is made possible from higher Brix, or sugar levels, than their red counterparts.

    “Little by little does the trick.” ~Aesop

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    The weekend is upon us—finally!!!

    @Karen~That’s great that your insurance won’t go up by that much, definitely doable! I do that too with new cars, it’s fun to build them into our “dream” car. :wink:

    @Laurie~This class has you really active, an afternoon of canoeing sounds fun—amazing you made it to the gym after that!

    @Dawn~You’ll be amazed at how much and how quickly your endurance improves as you continue walking. Enjoy your kidless weekend!

    AFM~Appt with surgeon yesterday went well, its progressing at the rate he expects but wants me to stay in splint for another two-weeks and then re-check it. Still can’t use my thumb—on the bright side, I’m developing a talent for just using my fingers on that hand! :laugh: Mileage was down yesterday, I think because I opted to just sit in the sauna at my trainer’s studio instead of cardio (still burned around 400 calories though). Dropped my car off this morning to have some work done, of course they call to tell me the water pump is leaking (over $500 to fix) :explode: . I hate car repair bills—this one is waiting, between my surgery bill and other work on car I need to postpone this repair. I need to call around and see if I can have it repaired cheaper anyway.

    July Mileage:


    Total: 28.73/100 Miles

    Have a great weekend!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am able to sit at the computer again :) I have had my foot elevated almost constantly since Sunday. I took the dogs for a walk Sunday morning to one of our local trails were it is okay to let them off the leash. Well the 60 pound puppy Zeus was wandering around and didnt come when I called so I said bye-bye and started walking away. When I do that he comes barreling to catch up and he did this time as well and right into the back of my left knee. Didnt hurt the knee at all but messed up the ankle really well. It is the same ankle I was talking about having sprained a couple of months ago. The really fun part was we were over half a mile from the trail head so I called my son and daughter and they came to help me. My daughter took the dogs and my truck keys and took them home. My son then tried to help me hobble/hop out but only got about half way before seating me at a bench on the trailside and calling my parents. They brought a pair of crutches down and I managed to make my way the rest of the way out. My mom and I then went to urgent care and they said they didnt do x-rays on the weekend:angry: I mean really didnt make much sense so yeah I got to go to Er. No breaks but definitley some of the most dramatic swelling I have ever seen when we got my shoe off:frown: So yep another really bad strain for sure with possible torn ligaments. So much for my fun summer:frown: Good news is the pain has gotten much better through the week and only hurts really bad now when I try to get up and hobble around without the crutches. I refuse to use this as an excuse to just let go though. While my food hasnt been great I have got back in the habit of recording it this week the good bad and ugly. I am also Changing my weight to reflect the six pounds I have gained. I am doing some research to work up at least a 30 min routine of things I can do to get at least a light workout in until I can be on my feet again. The doc said I probably wont be doing any significant dog walking for a couple months. Well all things must be endured and then overcome so time to adapt and keep moving forward:smile:

    Karen I love the new pic. It sounds like you had a great time on vacation. My husband wants me to plan a short vacation for the two of us when he is able to come home again.
    Kaye so sorry to hear you ended your vacation with pneumonia. I had that a couple of years ago. No fun.I am happy to hear you are starting to feel better.
    Laurie it sounds like you are keeping very busy this summer. That class sounds like a lot of fun in the great outdoors.
    Tom this is my favorite day by far. I LOVE Rainier cherries. I wait all year for the yakima cherries to start appearing in the stores. I got some from the source this year since we were on that side of the mountains for fil b-day party.

    Well as always I hope everyone has a great day and dont forget to do something just for you because you are important too.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Kelly- That's too weird that you're having a water pump problem with your car. My mom just called yesterday and told me one of their vehicles needed a water pump repair! It's going to cost her $200-$ yeah, definitely expensive! Hope you can find someone cheaper to fix yours!

    Tammy- You and your ankle! What a bummer summer for you now. Hope someone else can take the dogs out walking for you! When you figure out your workout routine, I bet it will have a lot of upper body stuff....maybe this is the summer when you get arms of steel? :wink:

    Tom- We don't get Rainier cherries around here....mostly red varieties, and mostly from Door County. My son (age 5) just ate a handful last night. He's not perfected the pit spit and neat cherry eating yet....I sent him to wash up before he touched anything, and he said, "Oh yeah! Look! My hands look bloody! Coooool!" Yeesh. :laugh:

    Dawn- You've got this! Like Tom's Aesop quote: Little by Little! Every day and with each walk, it will get easier and your endurance will build. Have fun cleaning without the kids (that's my kind of fun:happy: )!

    AFM- Fridays during my half marathon training are rest days, so no fitness for me today. I will probably go for a nice long bike ride by myself tomorrow morning, and then the afternoon will be spent at a friend's house for their son's birthday party. I guess she plans on us all going to a local pool afterwards, so we'll see...maybe I'll be getting some swimming in tomorrow as well. Sunday is my long run day, so I'll be out running.
    Tonight we're having a carrot-lentil casserole that I'm making in the slow cooker...I went home on my lunch hour to check on it and turn down the temperature and it smells wonderful! Then, after dinner, we're going to my sister's for their montly game night....which will likely include snacks. I usually am too busy playing board games to snack too much. My sister does a good thing. She usually puts all the snacks out in the pool room while we all play board games in the rec room. So, you have to walk into another room to nosh.

    Have a good weekend, everyone!:drinker:
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Monday- C25K w8d1 DONE
    Tuesday- strength and belly dance BOTH DONE plus a little gardening. Had to weed yesterday.
    Wednesday- C25K w8d2 DONE
    Thursday- strength and biking to/from work. Softball has a bye week this week.
    Friday- Final C25K workout (skipped) I had to go into work early
    Saturday- Color Run
    Sunday- REST

    7/1: 2.5
    7/2: rest
    7/3: 2.5
    7/4: rest
    7/5: 2.5
    7/6: rest
    7/7: 3
    7/8: rest
    7/9: 3
    7/10: 11
    7/11: 0

    MTD 24.5
    Goal 50
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Finally seeing the scale moving downward again... I've lost 2 of the 4 lbs I gained on vacation last month. Woot! It can be attributed to all the exercise I'm doing, despite the bad diet.

    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM
    7/6: 9.3 miles 213 AM
    7/7: 2.5 miles 55 AM
    7/8: 5.8 miles 175 AM
    7/9: 7.5 miles 150 AM
    7/10 3 miles 90 AM
    7/11 6.5 miles 150 AM

    68.8/200 miles
    1647/3720 AM
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    Just a quick update--no personals tonight.

    I slept in today, but have been fighting a migraine since I woke so I skipped the gym. Instead, I dropped of a couple bags of clothes at Good Will and ran some other errands. Then I cleaned out my car b/c I may be getting my new one tomorrow morning. Very excited about that!! :bigsmile:

    Walked gunner and did some weeding, but another low-mileage day.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    July Goal = 100 miles

    7/1 = 3 miles
    7/2 = 0 miles
    7/3 = 2 miles
    7/4 = 2 miles
    7/5 = 1 mile
    7/6 = 2 miles
    7/7 = 8.5 miles
    7/8 = 1.5 miles
    7/9 = 2.5 miles
    7/10 = 1.5 miles
    7/11 = 1.5 miles

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 7/11: 4.2 (2 water aerobics, 2.2 walking).
    We had our 'waffle Saturday' this morning as Cathy's 2 foster brothers who have been with her since mid-December left this evening to go back to their parents. They will be missed. I hope that all will go well for them.
    Amy and Sarah cut out two of the blouses for me because I am still having problems with the strength in my hand. I am feeling better and the pain level is way down, so I'm progressing.
    Have a good weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member

    Had a workout session with my sister today. Instead of doing the trainer workout two times through, we did it three -- tired!!! Have a good night!
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    A late Thursday Truth: even though I am staying within calorie allowance most days, I am not making great food choices. Need more of my calories to come from healthy foods and fewer from refined, processed, sugar-laden treats. Sigh. Today was a binge day; I'm not sure why. Back on track tomorrow.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Good morning! I have a 12 hour day at work and hoping for some traffic. There is nothing worse than a room full of commission only salespeople sitting around staring out the window. :yawn:

    On a bright note I received my Fitbit Zip last night and have it on as I type. I plan to do lots of walking today...customers or not!! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I'm excited for you that you might get your car today, what color did you decide on?

    @Hansea~Enjoy your bike ride today!

    @Beth~I'm sorry your're struggling, we all have those days--hell I just had a month of feeling sorry for myself after surgery! I feel like I'm finally back on track, hoping I can keep it that way!

    AFM~The scale is moving in the right direction again, had a good 5# loss this week so I'm half way to my July goal. Not sure what today holds yet--right now making out a grocery list. My parents are coming by this afternoon to help me with a couple of things--they're retired and travel all the time so haven't seen them since March, they leave again next week for another month or so. I'd like to try and get to the gym too, we'll see what the day holds.

    July Mileage:

    7/11/14-- 4.14mi

    Total: 32.87/100 Miles
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Saturday Successes: That's right, I feel like I have a few. 1. Scale is moving in the right direction again. Only 2.4 down since July 1st, but with a vacation in that time, I'm very happy with that. 2. I feel like I'm finally back in the groove for exercising. I didn't want to go yesterday (waited a bit too long) but made myself go and really happy about that. 3. I'm on a roll with cleaning my apartment too. With everything that has been going on, my cleaning was the last thing I wanted to do. I've only been up 30 minutes and have my bathroom clean. Running to a hair cut and the fruit stand and going to get right back at it.

    @Tammy...oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that you are having a problem.

    @Karen...enjoy your new car!

    @Tanya..Kelley (and probably others)...whoo hoo on your weight losses!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I can't believe I've missed posting here the last few days!

    I've just hit my 2 month "anniversary" of sorts since restarting here, and I'm down 26.6 pounds, and less than 5 pounds away from my first mini goal! (Getting my booty below 300 pounds).

    Quick update on me: The cats are finally getting along again, my car is in the shop because it needed a part replaced (less than $500 I'm in shock), my sinuses are being fussy again.... because they are always fussy, and hubby and I will be traveling Mon - Weds to Indiana for his interview with the church council (things are looking good, so we have his ordination tentatively scheduled with the bishop already!) Fingers, toes, eyes, and everything else crossed for a good outcome!

    I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the weekend!

    I'll post later with a mileage update for the last few days. :)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Karen... Congrats on the new car!

    Tlh... Congrats on your successes, keep them coming!

    AFM... I went to a car rally/geocaching event today so didn't get many steps or miles in. I was going to make it a rest day, but I am in several fitbit challenges and would hate to fall behind and really have to bust my butt later in the month to catch up, so I stopped at a trail on the way home. I walked/ran 10.5km and got my 17,000 steps in. Feel much better that I did it. Tomorrow it is going to rain in the morning so that is designated cleaning/cooking time. Should it clear up in the afternoon I plan on a long bike ride.

    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM
    7/6: 9.3 miles 213 AM
    7/7: 2.5 miles 55 AM
    7/8: 5.8 miles 175 AM
    7/9: 7.5 miles 150 AM
    7/10 3 miles 90 AM
    7/11 6.5 miles 150 AM
    7/12 6.5 miles 143 AM

    75.3/200 miles
    1790/3720 AM
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 7/12: 2 miles walking
    Onward and downward. Kaye