Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I’m trying to decide if I’ll get in the miles for July, I did May and June and now my knees are hurting a little.

    Happy Chocolate Day - When : Always July 7th
    Chocolate Day is the perfect opportunity to eat your favorite chocolates in ample portions. Do you really need another excuse to over indulge with your favorite food treat?
    Chocolate is America's favorite flavor. It's the flavor of choice in candies, ice cream, cakes, breakfast cereal, toppings, and a whole host of desserts. Unequaled in popularity, it certainly deserves a day in it's honor.
    Did you know? Chocolate is a vegetable. It comes from the Cacao tree found in tropical rain forests.
    We don't need to tell you what to do to celebrate this day, do we? Eat Chocolate! :happy:

    “Observe everything. Judge nothing.” ~David Colella

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Okay. Back on the wagon. I went to water aerobics this morning. I've updated my ticker and logged my breakfast. Wouldn't it be nice if we could lose as fast as we gain?
    I went to the chiropractor this morning. He gave me a good treatment. I'm hoping that I will be much better by the end of the week.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Ugh! Sorry.....I didn't get caught up this weekend on posts. The beer and shots from 4th of July had me recovering all weekend. It takes way longer for a 41yr old to recover for booze night than a 30yr old. Oh well it was some much needed fun and next time without the vodka shots.

    Hope everyone had a good 4th.
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Good Evening All,
    This weekend was one of no tracking and more sweets than was good for me. We will see what my weight is tomorrow at my official weigh in day. I had a great time and did get a little activity in as well. Went and picked blueberries with my daughter and mother. Yummy snacks!! And free to boot! I watched fireworks twice and watched a parade my sister and her extended in-law family was in. Then went to a large cookout/party on Saturday and Sunday.
    I am back to tracking today and am doing pretty well so far today. I have had lots of water which is good because my water intake is always low over the weekend.
    I know I don't post much personally but I do read all the posts. Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Mmmmmmmmmmmm National chocolate day is the best day of all!!! :love: :love: :love:
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I would like to start checking in here again. I need accountability. I am resuming C25K. W3D3 today.I am Nowhere near 5K in 30min, so I usually add some walk/jog to the end to get closer.
    Most of you probably don't remember me so here is brief intro.
    46 year old. FT Oncology Nurse in a busy Chemotherapy Clinic. Mom of a tween and a teen (soon to be two teens) Married 21 years. I am the only overweight & out of shape one in my family. It has been since the birth of the tween (13 years) that I have struggled with weight. 40 pounds after him....then 30 more with the untimely death of both parents...ugh. My Rock bottom happened last month, right before my 46th birthday, when I had a panic attack (first one since my early 20s) and wound up at the doctor. Found out I was hypertensive and placed on a low dose beta blocker. FREAKED me out...but since then I have not really done anything until restarting C25K three weeks ago. No real change in weight...YET, as I have not changed anything else ...but as of today....NO MORE EXCUSES! I am tired of looking and feeling the way I do. Thanks in advance for allowing me a soft place to land!

    Congratulations on C25K! I'm on week 8 now, second time through the program, did not finish last time. You will be amazed how far you go when you move through the program, it really works!!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I am back...again haha. I have been regularly using MFP again, over 50 days now, so I thought I would pay you ladies a visit.

    Most of you are faces I don't recognize, so I'll start with some background. I'm Erienne, 24, married to a wonderful man. No kids yet, not TTC. I have been big my whole life and healthy despite that. Two years ago, I looked at my wedding pictures when I weighed my highest 280+ pounds. I think 283 was my official highest. I decided I needed a change. I got on MFP, started going to the gym, but not regularly. I didn't know what I was doing. Lost a few pounds here and there. Last February, I started C25K for the first time, got halfway through and then got bored and started the workout program Insanity at 268 pounds and went to 233. I sprained my ankle, had to take a month off in the middle of the program, but finished it when I healed. I also ran my first 5K. I then went on to do Hip Hop Abs. Gained about 15 pounds from not doing Insanity. Today, I weighed in at 251, am on week 8 of C25K, and am actually running the whole time. That was something I never thought I would do. I also started belly dancing in January. I am completely committed to exercise. I eat clean as much as I can, I shoot for 80/20.

    I like a variety of different exercise and I am really enjoying my new life. Oh, and for those who are wondering, hubs and I bought our first house in March. We LOVE this place.

    So there is my check in! xoxox
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Also, I read we are doing the July mileage challenge. I'd like to participate.

    I'll go with a goal of 50 miles. Currently, I am finishing C25K and after that I plan to use MapMyFitness to get a more accurate mileage count.

    7/1: 2.5 miles
    7/2: rest
    7/3: 2.5 miles
    7/4: rest
    7/5: 2.5 miles
    7/6: rest
    7/7: 3 miles
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a quick drop in tonight. It was a busy day with class all day but I did get in a lot of walking on different types of terrain. I was checking out storm drainage systems that have been rebuilt so they are environmentally friendly and stream restoration projects. Then I met with my trainer tonight so ran 1.5 miles.

    Welcome back ebailey and you are part of our challenge.

    As everyone makes their way back after the holiday weekend, don't forget to update your miles.

    Tom-thanks for the notice about Chocolate Day. I knew there was a good reason to enjoy some tasty treats today.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 7/7: 4.4 (2.0 water aerobics, 2.4 walking)
    First day back to logging went well.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--great job bouncing back after your vacation and then pneumonia. :drinker:

    @laurie--was this a class you took for work? It sounds really interesting.

    @erienne--welcome back! :flowerforyou: Congrats on your progress with c25k. I also get really bored if I do the same workouts over and over. Running is actually the one activity that doesn't bore me--it's my one mainstay as I rotate in other activities. However, I'm sure I would get bored with running if it were my only form of exercise. Congrats on your first house--that's so great!!

    @tom--I agree with laurie and teresa--thanks for the excuse for a chocolatey treat! :wink:

    @becky--blueberries are my absolute favorite!! I wish I could grow them b/c they are so darn expensive at the supermarket. :grumble:

    @holly--oh yes, it is so much harder to bounce back from a night of overindulging in the alcohol than when I was in my 20s and 30s. :ohwell: I've also noticed over the past year that a night of too much drinking can trigger a migraine to accompany my hangover the next day. Getting older stinks. :frown:

    Monday Check-in:
    Well I did much better on my mileage today. I walked gunner and then went to the gym. My plan was to do a short core/weights workout, and then do 20 minutes each of treadmill, stationary bike, and elliptical. I made it through everything but the elliptical. Running 2 miles and then cycling 5 was enough for these legs since most of my exercise lately has consisted of walking and swimming.

    Funny story about my vacation. I think I mentioned that I made it to the gym at the resort twice. The first time I ran on the treadmill and I cranked the speed up to 6.0 which is my pace for a 2 mile run (I'm pushing myself but can sustain for the 20 minutes). Well I was barely walking fast at that pace so I dialed up to 6.5, then 7.0 when I realized something must be wrong with the machine. I continued to dial it up and completed my 20 minutes at a pace averaging 9.5. It wasn't until my second time at the gym there that it dawned on me that the speed was in kilometers per hour. No wonder I was so speedy! :laugh:

    Another development I can't remember if I mentioned: I need to buy a new car. My dad took my car in while I was on vacation to get an estimate on the broken AC, and also to check out the engine b/c it had just started hesitating when I accelerate. I had him take it to a friend I grew up with and trust. He said the AC needs a new compressor (something my DH had already determined), and 2 sensors on the engine are bad. All told, repairs would cost around $2000. :noway: My friend said he wouldn't put that kind of money into the car if it were his decision. Husband and I discussed it and decided it's time for a new car for me. Though I will miss having no car payments, I knew this day was coming. In fact, I was thinking of getting a new car last summer, but then the Switzerland trip came up, so I decided to wait another year. I'm just glad the car made it through our terrible freezing winter--especially since we don't have a garage. Tomorrow we are going to look at some cars. I like the Dodge Challenger, but I need to test drive it to see how much I really like it.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    July Goal = 100 miles

    7/1 = 3 miles
    7/2 = 0 miles
    7/3 = 2 miles
    7/4 = 2 miles
    7/5 = 1 mile
    7/6 = 2 miles
    7/7 = 8.5 miles
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kaye - Great job getting back on track. I know how hard that is.

    @teresa - Yay for losing 1.5!

    @tom - What.... only one day for chocolate?!?

    @skinnyjeanz - LOL at the kilometers. No wonder you were confused. I know how you feel about buying a new car. I want a Mini Cooper badly, but my good sense prevails when I think about either parting with a chunk of money or having a car payment. Especially knowing there's a wedding in my not too distant future.

    @laurie - You're my hero when it comes to doing many different kinds of activity! I hope I can branch out like you have.

    @susan - Miss you on the thread. Hope all is well.

    AFM - Hot day here in the South. Heading to Nashville on Friday to visit friends and just getting through the work week until then.

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
    7/2 - 5.02 (3.02 walk and class)
    7/3 - 4.86 (2.86 walk and class)
    7/4 - 3.92
    7/5 - Rest Day
    7/6 - 2.70
    7/7 - 4.72 (2.70 walk and class)
    7/8 - 2.91

    Total: 27.15
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @kaye I have some sewing projects I need to get to doing also, but I have zero motivation right now.
    @tom I got my chocolate fix through a Clif bar yesterday, although Nutella on a spoon sounds tempting as always.
    @skinnyjeanz Good to see you again! Yes I have found that running isn't boring me this time around, and I actually am looking for more ways to progress. I am almost done with C25K, then I plan to do the 10K program and some ladies at work are talking about training for a half. I need a new car also, but hubs is still paying on his (one or two payments left) and I am NOT ready for a car payment. I am going for a promotion at work, maybe I can justify it then.

    As far as mileage, today is rest day in C25K. Husband expressed to me last night he doesn't want me running every day after the program is over because he doesn't want to receive a phone call at 9am saying I hurt myself again and need him to come get me. It really is sweet of him to be so concerned considering I have past issues with my ankles. We agreed I would continue running every other day to give my legs a break. I have been wanting to bike to work because we only live about 5.2 miles away from my building, but it has been storming here and the weather has been very unpredictable.

    Tuesday Goals:

    Monday: C25K w8d1 DONE
    Tuesday: Strength and Belly Dance
    Wednesday: C25K w8d2
    Thursday: Strength and Softball
    Friday: FINAL C25K WORKOUT!!
    Saturday: The Color Run
    Sunday: REST. I have a birthday party for my boss's daughters. And I shall eat cake.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Holly~Yep, totally agree. Last time I had a bender of Jameson it took me two days to recover, like Karen I ended up with a migraine too.

    @Becky~I’m jealous of your blueberry picking—:love: blueberries but hate paying the high prices at the store, glad they are in season right now which makes them a little cheaper.

    @L2T~Temps are on the rise here too, July in Texas has arrived! :laugh: Its going to miserable here until October.

    @Karen~Funny about the treadmill, if only you could truly run that fast. :wink: I’m sorry for your car problems, I hate car repairs! :angry: I’ve put so much into my car in the last year and now I need a new rim (stupid pothole) and battery—seems every time I go for an oil change it needs something else. :grumble: Like you, I love not having a car payment--my car has 90k but still hope I can get 5 more years out of it. Have fun car shopping!

    @Erienne~Its good to give your body a break from running, I find I run better when I have days or even a week off from running—it’s weird, but I seem to improve my time that way.

    AFM~Got in an actual workout last night, first time since my hand surgery—I went to my trainers studio and got on the incline trainer, it felt so good! :bigsmile: I hope we can return to training soon. He has a far infrared sauna and wanted to get in there so bad afterwards, but the surgeon said I have to wait until my incision is completely healed (which seems to be taking forever).

    July Mileage:


    Total: 18.28/100 Miles
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Kelley glad your hand is getting better but please let it heal before working it too hard.:smile:

    Happy National Video Games Day
    Video Games Day - always on July 8th
    National Video Games Day - always on September 12th
    Video Games Day celebrates popular video games that stormed onto the market, and changed the way your kids play games. From Atari to Nintendo to Xbox, video games provide all too many hours of playing time on your television set.
    In grandma and grandpa's day, they had stick horses for toys and playtime. Todays kids (big kids and little kids) have an enormous array of video games to play. Before you get tired of one game, another one hits the market.
    Our extensive research into this special day discovered two separately distinct dates. Also, both dates for this special day refer to it as Video Games Day and National Video Games Day. Based upon our research results, we give the edge to September 12th as National Video Games Day. Lucky gamer that you are, you get to celebrate two video games days.
    Celebrate National Video Games Day by playing video games. If you are off from school (or if you are a big kid off from work), make this a marathon day for video games. Better still, invite a few friends and hold a competition. Just make certain that you have enough controllers.

    “Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Forgeahead32

    Sorry I haven't posted lately, but we've been disconnected from internet for a week and just got back on yesterday! I feel myself slipping into old habits but I'm trying to get back into things tonight. With the holiday weekend over maybe I can get back into the swing of things again. I definitely want to and NEED to keep going, and not gain what I lost like I've done every time I've done this before. On the 5th I went bowling with my 15 year old daughter and 19 year nephew, so I counted that as one mile. It was fun! Tonight I'm going to grab my walking friend (Arcadia) and go for a long walk after the temperatures go down. (hard to walk in 101 degree weather!)

    By the way, my name is Dawn :-)

    7/1 - 1.5
    7/2 - 1.0
    7/3 - 0 Had bad headaches all day
    7/4 - 0 Too much fun w/ family
    7/5 - 1.0
    7/6 - 0
    7/7 - 0

  • Forgeahead32
    Since everyone else is giving a little info on them, I'll tell you about me.

    My name is Dawn and I'm 33 and a single mom to two teenagers, Alex who's 14 and Abby who's 15. I got divorced three years ago after being married for 12 years. After going through a deep depression and getting my life straightened out, I am ready to concentrate on me! I am currently an accountant-in-training. I take on-line classes for my degree and am learning and training at work. Sometimes it feels like a brain overload! lol I finally feel like my eyes are opening to what I am missing out and have missed out all these years that I want and need to keep going to get healthy and better for me and my kids. I finally feel like I want to enjoy life! :-)

  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I am still alive, just have not checked in much as of late. I have not been logging and not walking. Camping trip disrupted my fragile routine. I need to get back to walking and logging again.

    Had a great 4th with family and friends and fireworks parades, and food.
    My garden is growing slowly, no tomatoes or pepper yet. I did get a zucchini yesterday first one.

    Life is good, just need to walk more and watch my food intake.

    July mile goal 40 miles

    Total = 0
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Tom - thanks for your many wonderful quotes and facts and a special thanks for continuing to notice me on the home feed, even when I was chronically MIA (the same thanks goes out to Kelley and Kris and others).
    @Kris - Sorry about MowMow (and the fireworks). I know you're lurking here too.... perhaps we can re-commit to posting together?

    <3 you know me too well.

    Still around and kicking. Spent all last week playing Florence Nightengale to MowMow after his double lumpectomy and tooth extraction.

    Brought in a new little monster to the house. Little Neelix.

    He's been keeping Shepherd Book company while I baby MowMOw (and for your laughing pleasure, I found a sure fire way to keep MowMow away from his Sutures. infant footie pajamas with the feet cut off)

    As for me, I've been an eating and napping machine. IT seems like that's all I do. Now that the 'kids' are all doing well, I really need to start concentrating on myself again.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Whew! I'm back after 72 hrs in the dark. Tropical storm Arthur sure packed a punch in eastern canada. By the time the storm was over, our city of 70 000 people had 56 000 without power. 2000 trees down all over the city. I have been in "eat what you can before it goes bad" mode for the past 3 days and today is "disaster recovery mode"... tomorrow I will start back at logging in earnest. Fortunately other than the actual storm day, I've been pretty active so hopefully I haven't done too much damage. It was pretty stressful with my two "high needs" boys and I'm so glad things can return to normal now.


    Total: 21.26 / 60

    07/01 - 0 (migraine!)
    07/02 - 2.5 miles
    07/03 - 2.26 miles walking, 30 min treading water (1.5 miles)
    07/04 - 4 miles
    07/05 - 0 (storm!)
    07/06 - 3 miles
    07/07 - 5 miles
    07/08 - 3 miles