Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Vernbluebird-The challenge has started but you can still join.

    The July Challenge
    Mileage challenge- set a mileage goal and then report your miles either daily or weekly. Miles can be tracked by the number on the machine, fitbit or minutes exercise during a class or for swimming, etc. 20 minutes =1 mile

    You can also opt to track active minutes per day. Active minutes means the number of minutes a day you are actively moving. You can count exercise minutes, shopping, cleaning etc. Not sitting on your bottom or just walking up the hall etc.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Using my fitbit for active minutes is not accurate... I hiked for 2 h 15 min but AM was only 83. Should be 135

    Just making a note here so I can remember to try to keep manual record of AM for better accuracy. (And I will only be using exercise minutes) Will edit my AM tomorrow.

    @Laurie... wow, your exercises/AM amaze me! I've upped my activity and my legs just ache, and DOMS from physio is making me cranky. :grumble:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!!! I'm back from vacation--got back late Wed. night--and ready to make some great progress in July. I spent today cleaning, doing laundry, picking up Gunner from the vet, etc. so I just finished catching up on the thread. Looks like everyone has been busy, and I'm looking forward to getting to know Teresa, forgeahead, and the other newlings. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I didn't weigh in this morning, but I can tell from the way my clothes fit that I've done no serious damage. My weight has fluctuated between 182-187 for the past several months, and I'm guessing the scale will read at the higher end of that range.

    Not going to even attempt personals, but just had to say...

    Welcome back toots!!! :drinker:

    For the July challenge I am going to shoot for 100 miles. That should really push me to do a variety of cardio rather than only running and walking.

    The Dominican Republic was beautiful as was my friends' wedding I attended while there. I indulged in lots of food and drink, but also swam and walked a lot every day. I even attended the fitness center twice to run on the treadmill at the resort. Despite some really poor food choices (such as too much ice cream), I was always conscious of what I was eating, and at least made an effort to curb my portions and balance the sugary treats with some lean proteins.

    I will post more tomorrow.

    July Goal = 100 miles

    7/1 = 3 miles
    7/2 = 0 miles
    7/3 = 2 miles
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: This illness has really put me in a funk. I started this morning with good intentions, but as the day goes on and the pain persists, I have lost my determination. Today the FNP gave me an anti-inflammatory shot and stronger pain pills. No relief yet, but my cough is less frequent so hopefully I will be back to doing things right very soon!
    Would like to make some personal comments, but using my arm is painful.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: I was on my feet alot today, but not a lot of actual distance. Mostly standing in the kitchen, standing at the bed folding laundry etc. Once again, my procrastination has caused me to be up late finishing the packing/cleaning before we leave. Michael gets off at 1:00 tonight and he wants to hit the road at that point. Kids are clean and dressed in tomorrow's travelling clothes. I just have to gather Jacob's things (somehow they didn't get in the earlier loads -- about 20 minutes left in the dryer), fill the van with gas and we'll be ready to go.

    @ Teresa...holidays are hard. Just try to fill up on the good stuff/low calories/healthy food first then maybe the rest won't be so tempting cuz you'll be full. :bigsmile: I'm with ya on will power though.

    @Sweetie...hope your pre-planning worked today!

    @Hansea...good luck with the fundraising! Sounds like you've got some fun coming up this holiday weekend.'ve had a great jump start to July and I hope it gets/keeps you out of your funk. fitbit active minutes is never right either. One day I'll have just done standard walking and it'll give me quite a few minutes. The next time I'll have worked with a trainer for 30 minutes and I'll end up with 7....I just don't pay attention to it anymore.

    @Karen...Welcome back, can't wait to hear about your trip. Sounds like it was a great balance of health and fun.

    @Kaye...Take it easy on's not just a common cold, don't mess with the pneumonia stuff! Hopefully the meds will work for you.

    AFM...I woke up thinking it was Wednesday and had tons of time to get everything accomplished. Missed the kids' orthodontist appointments this morning (which made me realize it was Thursday and I had to get a lot done!! :embarassed: ) When she called it kicked me in gear and I had a busy day at work and I've gotten quite a bit accomplished (6 loads of laundry, 3 out of 4 people packed, 2 loads of dishes).

    The 4th is always a nervous holiday for me now. About 10 years ago, we celebrated Jacob's birthday on the 4th and were shooting off fireworks (legally in my town). My sister was sitting by the house enjoying the show. It was a calm night and a shell fell from the sky and hit her in the eye. She was in instant pain and blood filled her eyeball (she looked kinda crazy with one dried blood red/brown eye and one blue eye). She was out of work for 3-4 weeks because she had to lay down most of the day and keep her eyes closed to keep the pressure low. I always thought people that ended up in the emergency room on the 4th were stupid, drunk people...but not necessarily!!!! My kids now get annoyed by me because we are VERY careful to be upwind from the fireworks to stay out of the falling debris. I hope you all have a safe holiday --- from the weather and the fireworks. :flowerforyou:

    July Goal: 85 miles

    July 1: 1.57
    July 2: 2.16

    Total so far: 3.73
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Mileage for July 3 - 2.92
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    Welcome back toots!!! :drinker:

    The Dominican Republic was beautiful as was my friends' wedding I attended while there. I indulged in lots of food and drink, but also swam and walked a lot every day. I even attended the fitness center twice to run on the treadmill at the resort.

    Thanks! I'm really glad to be back! Your friend's wedding sounds amazing!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Toots~I’m so glad they finally figured out what was going on with your husband and that he’s doing well.

    Thanks! We are really glad too! And really annoyed that it turned out to be something so treatable after taking so long to diagnosis it, and his nearly dying twice.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Kaye - Feel better soon!

    Toots - Congrats on your adoption

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots...glad the adoption is going ahead. I hope it gets completed fast enough for his health to be addressed soon enough. It is expensive. We paid about $18K to adopt Emma and she was within the state. Glad your husband is doing better.

    Was it a private adoption? It really shouldn't be so expensive to give a child a home!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Toots...glad the adoption is going ahead. I hope it gets completed fast enough for his health to be addressed soon enough. It is expensive. We paid about $18K to adopt Emma and she was within the state. Glad your husband is doing better.

    Was it a private adoption? It really shouldn't be so expensive to give a child a home!

    We went through Lutheran Social Services. The cost was originally quoted at about $12K, but we did have some added expense because Emma is 100% Native American from two different tribes, so there were some extra lawyer fees/filing fees etc. Totally worth it, but it is sad when there are so many children that need good homes and the cost is so hard for "average" folks to come up with. The nice thing is there are some tax breaks that help you recoup your money, but unfortunately, for us, it spanned two years so we had quite a time frame between spending the money and getting some of it back.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Friday Fitness: going for a walk down to the harbour. The weather has turned cool, and it's a gorgeous day!
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Good morning! I was thrilled to step on the scale and be down .08lbs. That makes me total loss since restarting on 6/23 7.2 lbs. I like losing!!! :bigsmile:

    Didn't exercise this morning because I have to leave for work in about 5 minutes. I do hope we are busy and I will be get in lots and lots of walking.

    Happy 4th everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy July 4th!

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
    7/2 - 5.02 (3.02 walk and class)
    7/3 - 4.86 (2.86 walk and class)
    7/4 - 3.92

    Total: 16.82
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy 4th of July. I hope everyone has a safe and fun day.

    tlh- The story about your sister and the fireworks was scary, I am so glad that she did not lose her sight.

    Kaye- Take it easy and let the meds do their job. A couple of days of rest won't hurt.

    Karen-Welcome home. Glad you had fun on your trip.

    I am heading to a party this afternoon but first I need to take a walk. Once I leave my house for the day, I will not be able to get back home until after 10:30-11pm. I am very close to the area where the city does the fireworks display. Therefore parking is a parking along with traffic congestion getting in and out.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy 4th of July!

    “The cardiologist’s diet: If it tastes good, spit it out.” ~Unknown

  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member

    Total: 10.26 / 60

    07/01 - 0 (migraine!)
    07/02 - 2.5 miles
    07/03 - 2.26 miles walking, 30 min treading water (1.5 miles)
    07/04 - 4 miles
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    All this mileage is making me exhausted and it's only July 4th! :yawn: I hope my body adapts... mostly my legs and feet. Feet hurt, legs ache. Other than that I feel wonderful getting exercise in the fresh summer air. Happy July 4th to everyone from me up in the great white north. :laugh: Hope you all have a wonderful long weekend.

    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM


    Goals: 200 miles, 3720 AM (120 -2hr- min AM per day average)
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Ok, one of my July goals is to post more frequently. I need to get back to what worked before life became so chaotic: consistent logging, daily movement, and routine posting. I'm also planning to buy a new fitbit (as soon as I can afford one). Mine broke several months ago and I am much less active without it - you see, I am a competitive soul who strives to stay atop my leaderboard. :blushing: This (school) year's job was indescribably awful/wretched/horrible/bad. :sad: I turned to my old comfort - stress eating (heavy on the drive-thrus) - and gained back most of the 90 pounds I had lost. I regained MOST, but not ALL. And, happily, not MORE (which has happened in the past). So I guess I'll call that my one (very) small victory. The job ended last week, when the school closed FOREVER (a good decision imho, although I do hope my remaining colleagues will find jobs). And I am in recovery. My streak has surpassed 60 days. I've lost @15 of the @60 gained. In a few short months (well, realistically in 8 or 9), I should be back to where I was, only this time a bit stronger and smarter (assuming I allow myself to learn something from this experience). How's that for my backward-Saturday-success? :laugh:

    Although I haven't posted (much) in the last 10 months, I have been lurking :wink: so I have kept up with your various challenges and triumphs. I am so glad to have this thread to visit, even when I don't have an ounce of energy to participate. Each and every one of you inspires me. :heart:

    @Kaye - So sorry you're grounded - I know how much you like to move and do. But please give your body time to heal. Perhaps it's time to let your many kids and grandkids take care of you for a change?
    @Robin - Thanks for starting this thread and for keeping it going, even (especially?) when you're not feeling motivated. I hope you get to go kayaking soon (sans dog). It's so peaceful and relaxing and such a great way to get some movement. As a fellow water-lover, I think it might be just what you need to re-invigorate.
    @Tom - thanks for your many wonderful quotes and facts and a special thanks for continuing to notice me on the home feed, even when I was chronically MIA (the same thanks goes out to Kelley and Kris and others).
    @Kris - Sorry about MowMow (and the fireworks). I know you're lurking here too.... perhaps we can re-commit to posting together?
    @Karen - thanks for the warm welcomes you always give when I pop in - as well as for inquiring about the farm. Hm, what to say? A dream deferred? We are heading out to look at land again on July 14/15, in upstate NY this time (Kelley's old stomping ground?), where land is a bit cheaper than in Vermont (but also possibly comes with more restrictions). We are still hoping to buy within the next year or so.... sooner would be better, but money is tight. My profile and ticker pictures are from the farm we fell in love with last year. Unfortunately, we didn't have the funds to move on it - plus it was a bit over-priced and impractical - it had been on the market for @10 years (CRAZY), but the listing's down now, so we fear it sold. I'm keeping the picture for now, because it is of my best friend Ruckus. That farm trip was her last great adventure (as well as her first ever camping trip). She loved it there - she ran around like a young pup, though she was well over 15. She passed away a couple months later :cry: My heart still aches - we went through so much together and she was my one constant companion.
    @Laurie - I see you've added hiking to your activities and are struggling with the down-hills? You might consider trekking poles to take some of the stress off your legs. Although I don't always take them on day hikes (it depends on the terrain), I would never backpack without them :noway: - way too much weight on these old knees. I use the shock-absorbing variety, to relieve pressure on the steep descents. I just bought a pair of Leki poles and am pretty happy with them - though I should know more about how they hold up after a week-long trek on the PCT with my dad in August (he's hoping to hike @1500 miles this summer through Northern California and Oregon - I'm hoping to join him for @50 - if anyone wants to follow his blog, let me know and I will post the link). Here's a link to an REI article about the benefits of poles: I like REI and am a member (it's a co-op), but I usually find gear much cheaper here:

    Sorry for such a long post, but it has been months in the making. :laugh:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Beth, welcome back. I miss everyone when they quit posting. Cathy and Amy did take care of the family BBQ yesterday. It was a 'small' group, 13. We played games, and I overdid that part. I love to play games with the kids, but I should have stopped sooner. Cathy is cooking for waffle Saturday, so they are trying to take care of me.
    My vacation and forced inactivity have resulted in a weight gain, about 5#. I'm going to give myself a few more days to get back in gear, then adjust my ticker, and move on. I sent the leftovers home with the family, so I don't have to deal with them.
    The pneumonia has responded well to the meds, but the inflammation is still very painful. Monday I'm starting back to water aerobics, and hope to really get moving again.
    Here's to a good July for all of us.
    Onward and downward. Kaye