Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/30: 1.4 miles.
    On the last leg of the trip. Hoping that I didn't gain too much.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    This weekend I was starting to doubt my desire to lose the weight, feeling frustrated over this journey and just the feeling that I am losing the battle to the point where I did not want to fight the battle of the bulge any longer. Tonight, I spent the past few hours writing about my journey and where I want to go from here. In the end, I am still in the game for the long haul. I still have more weight I want to lose and I have accomplished many things that I never thought possible in the past couple of years.

    I have set my blog to friends only so if you want to read it here is the link. It describes my journey the past 4 years and sets goals for me to accomplish in 6 months then long term with no end date. You can check it out if you want.

    Hope everyone had a great Monday.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    June miles:

    June 1 - 3.5 miles
    June 2 - 3.4 miles
    June 3 - 2.4 miles
    June 4 - 1.8 miles
    June 5 - 2.8 miles
    June 6 - 3.0 miles
    June 7 - 1.8 miles
    June 8 - 0.7 miles
    June 9 - 1.4 miles
    June 10 - 2.5 miles
    June 11 - 3.0 miles
    June 12 - 2.6 miles
    June 13 - 2.5 miles
    June 14 - 3.0 miles
    June 15 - 2.8 miles
    June 16 - 1.2 miles
    June 17 - 3.3 miles
    June 18 - 1.0 miles
    June 19 - 3.8 miles
    June 20 - 1.8 miles
    June 21 - 2.8 miles
    June 22 - 3.1 miles
    June 23 - 3.2 miles
    June 24 - 2.1 miles
    June 25 - 2.2 miles
    June 26 - 3.4 miles
    June 27 - 3.2 miles
    June 28 - 1.1 miles
    June 29 - 1.5 miles
    June 30 - 2.4 miles

    Total: 73.3 miles

    Well. My goal was 75 miles (I think?) so I got pretty close, and would have made it, if my kitty hadn't had her issue.

    I'm up for whatever the July challenge is!

    My votes go to either miles again, or exercise minutes. :)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    June 1 5.46
    June 2 6.22
    June 3 5.92
    June 4 5.64
    June 5 6.36
    June 6 7.02
    June 7 5.31
    June 8 5.61
    June 9 2.45
    June10 5.90
    June11 6.30
    June12 5.40
    June13 7.88
    June14 2.98
    June15 3.28
    June16 5.20
    June17 3.63
    June18 4.09
    June19 4.05
    June20 9.17
    June21 8.10
    June22 5.28
    June23 3.59
    June24 4.44
    June25 3.89
    June26 2.79
    June27 5.58
    June28 3.20
    June29 7.01
    June30 4.65
    June total to date: 156.4

    I didn't make it... that's fine I spent a lot of time getting ready for family coming this week and had a fabulous visit. I did a ton of activity... it just didn't convert into steps. :laugh: I'm still pretty happy with my mileage.

    I'll be out of the next one though... I'll be on vacation for a lot of the month.:love:
    I hope everyone does well with their goals!!!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I cannot believe it's July and 2014 is half over. In the spirit of this milestone, I've been contemplating what I've accomplished so far this year and what my goals are for the rest of it.

    Here's what I've accomplished so far in 2014:

    I've been bummed my weight loss has slowed, but the reality is I weighed 216 on January 1st and I now weigh 182. 34 pounds is pretty good especially considering how much I lost in the last half of 2013.

    I've made exercise a priority and now do it almost every day. This is a BIG change for me and it sure has made me feel good.

    I've been consistent with logging my calories and have stayed at or under my goal at least 95% of the time.

    Here's what I hope to accomplish in the last half of 2014:

    Setting a weight loss goal is tough based on the previously mentioned slowing pace of loss, but I still feel the need to set one. So I'm going to shoot for 4 lbs. per month or 24 pounds by the end of the year. That would take me to 158 and 13 pounds away from my ultimate goal of 145.

    My exercise goal is: walk 3 or more miles at least 6 days per week and attend 12 classes per month.

    Continue to log every day and stay within calorie goal.

    Hope everyone has a great July and remainder of 2014!!

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    June 1 - 2.00
    June 2 - 2.06
    June 3 - 2.49
    June 4 - 2.67
    June 5 - 4.00
    June 6 - 2.34
    June 7 - 0.66
    June 8 - 1.41
    June 9 - 2.02
    June 10 - 1.84
    June 11 - 3.99
    June 12 - 1.00
    June 13 - 2.00
    June 14 - 1
    June 15 - 2
    June 16 - 4
    June 17 - 3
    June 18 - 2
    June 19 - 3
    June 20 - 1
    June 21 - 3.52
    June 22 - 2.85
    June 23 - 1
    June 24 - 2
    June 25 - 1
    June 26 - 1
    June 27 - 1.5
    June 28 - 1.57
    June 29 - 4.87
    June 30 - 2.11

    Total - 75.42 / 75

    Not by a lot, but I met my goal!! :bigsmile:

    I'm going to add again to my goal...keep pushing forward. For July, I'd like to set my goal at 85 miles.

    I'll be back in a bit to do some personals.
  • lmjonesga
    lmjonesga Posts: 32 Member
    I would like to do this, too! Just starting on this adventure again...planning on this being the last time--well forever once maintenance comes around!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Here are the results of my walking for month of June

    6/3- 2.7
    6/4- 3.95
    6/5- 6.73
    6/6- 7.25
    6/7- 2.65
    6/8- 4.17
    6/9- 4.99
    6/10- 9.29
    6/11- 4.67
    6/12- 8.25
    6/13- 5.29
    6/14- 1.07
    6/15- 3.9
    6/16- 4.7 Total 37.47 per fitbit
    6/22-5.31 Total 73.47 per fibit
    6/30-6.65 Total 118.35 per fitbit

    My new goal is 12,000 step and 6 miles per day.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.


    Well I missed my goal by .37 miles:blushing:

    Happy Meteor Watch Day!
    Today is Meteor Watch Day! A meteor or “shooting star” is the visible streak of light from a heated and glowing meteoroid falling through the Earth’s atmosphere; it is also call a “shooting star”.
    Legend has it that if you wished upon a shooting star the wish would come true. It is believed to have originated in Greece, when a Greek astronomer Ptolemy, around AD 127-151, wrote that the Gods occasionally, out of curiosity, peer down at the Earth from between the spheres. When this happened stars sometimes slip through the gap, becoming visible as shooting stars. It was though that because the Gods were already looking at us, they would be more receptive to any wishes we made!
    Did you know that these shooting stars are actually very small? The size of the meteoroid can vary the size of a closed fist to the size of a pebble. Thousands of meteoroids enter the Earth’s atmosphere on a daily basis, but very few of them actually reach the surface; but when they do, they are called “meteorites.”
    To celebrate Meteor Watch Day, hope for clear skies and spend some time star-gazing. Or why not find out when the next meteor shower is going to take place. Remember if you see a shooting start make a wish, the Gods may answer it.

    “People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” ~Lewis Cass

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Dropping by for a quick Hello!

    I am in the midst of a personal wonderful uproar - in contact with daughters of a dear friend who passed away a long time ago- no time to chat however will tell all when I have time - Have been tearing up my condo trying to find his letters to give to them. Had success this weekend - will meet them soon for the very first time. They are now calling me "aunt" such a great feeling. -

    have lost 9 lbs since May 1 WOOT :drinker: !!!!
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Good morning! I have the next two days off from work and actually might find time to just sit and do nothing. That would be nice!! :happy:

    For my July goal, I really want to continue logging my food intake daily. That is so very important to my success! I also have no excuses not to exercise since I changed my work schedule and now have both the elliptical and treadmill sitting in its own comfortable room in my house. So, I plan to log at least 25 miles this month. I have an old groin pull injury that will flare up if I push to hard and I plan to avoid that set back at all cost.

    I wish everyone lots of awesome success this month! :flowerforyou:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    miles updated.

    Robin- Congrats on your lost!! 9 pounds is awesome

    I have started the spread sheet for the July challenge. We will go with miles again.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello agian all, dusting my self off, again. I have been camping and just busy. I have not been on in a while.

    June Mileage was 13.66 miles far from my goal.
    I will start logging food and miles again.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Checking in because I sort of fell of the wagon for the weekend (I'd call it a cheat weekend, but I'm pretty sure that's not a thing). I had a friend visiting and even though we were really active (kayaking for 6 hours! Lots of walking!) we ate out for EVERY meal because her birthday was yesterday and she was treating herself. Thai food on Saturday night (I got chicken satay skewers and vietnamese summer rolls to try and be light, but I'm sure it was heavy), breakfast buffet on Saturday (egg white omlette, huge amounts of fruit, two mimosas and good cheese), Whole Foods Salad bar Sunday night after kayaking and three whole meals out last night culminating in ravioli and two drinks at a really nice restauraunt in town. In some ways, I'm proud of myself for not automatically going for the worst of the worst options because I was treating myself, but I feel bloated and dissapointed in myself, because I feel like I've gained 5 pounds. Just writing this here to be accountable, and then I'm going to try and move on by stepping up the exercise. I'm really worried because I have three friends staying with me this upcoming weekend, and I don't want a repeat.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Lots of new folks on here...welcome. As others have said, come back often and share. It's a wonderful group of people that motivate you and are there for you when you have questions. And they welcome you back when you've been gone (vacation or just a slump).

    I have reset my counter and was pretty depressed when I had to log my gain. But facing the music is the only way to move forward. I've been pretty spotty with my working out and worse with my food. I'm not sure why it's not sinking in for me... Well, I guess I need to just suck it up and make it for one day. Drink my water, log my calories (all of them) and do my walking/workouts. I am a weigh every day gal and when I stopped doing that, it just didn't seem to matter. Well, I got on the scale yesterday and today. Dropped some water weight so at least it was a visual on what I CAN do.

    @Amanda...did you talk to someone in HR or Building Maintenance? They should get a curtain, you could even offer to do it yourself and submit an expense. :tongue:

    @Teresa...5.2 is a great start to this!! Way to go!:flowerforyou:

    @JNettie...nice to see your smiling face. Hope things work out for you...will be thinking of you.

    @Tom (and everyone)...hope you all got hugs yesterday (for National Hug Holiday). I did!

    @Bad Bad Slacker Jenn...been there, done that, just did it again.:cry: That's okay, get back up, keep drinking your water and set a goal for just today. Then tomorrow you can take care of that.

    @Robin B...enjoy your family get away. continue to amaze me. What a great day for exercising and just get enjoying the things you like!! :heart: Great blog!!!! Looking at your accomplishments is quite impressive to me. I know you've been struggling a bit, but having your goals written down will probably help you. They are SMART goals too. should be proud of your mileage...great job! should be proud of your continued's a known fact that the lower you go, the slower it goes.

    @Robin...Whoo Hoo -- 9 pounds!!!

    AFM...having a tough month. Started with the elation that we had found a home and agreed on a price and would close at the end of July. This week we found out that the appraisal came in $17,000 lower than the agreed upon price. At first the owners said they'd work with us and then they came back the next day and said they didn't have any flexibility in price (which I get). So we've started the hunt far nothing. Our realtor asked for the appraisal to be reviewed as she felt it was way too low (so did our banker). They never called her. However, the bank has decided to intervene on our behalf and have started a formal review process. So, while we are being practical and looking for a new place, we are still a bit hopeful that we might get a higher report next time. We do have some money set aside so if we need to reach into cash, we can, but not $17K. The scariest part is that we are out of our apartment officially on July 31st. I REALLY don't want to live with my mom or sisters.

    Worked out with a trainer last night and she killed it...I didn't even have to wait for DOMS, my legs were sore last night. :huh: We will go again on Wednesday for sure. I'd like to do it on Thursday night as well, but we'll have to see. I wish I could remember each day how good I feel afterwards...:blushing:

    We leave for Kansas City at 1:00 AM on Friday, July 4th. (My husband works until then and we want to be in Kansas City for fireworks that night). We will be staying with his brother but one of our main goals was to go on Verruckt (the world's largest water slide - taller than Niagara Falls and Statue of Liberty). It was suppose to open in May but due to different issues, is still not open. It better open in the next couple of days because it has to successfully work at least 3 days before I go on it (or allow my family to go on it).

    July Goals:

    Walk 85 miles
    Drink my water
    Get back to working out at the gym 3 times minimum per week
    Log all my food (regardless if I'm over or not)
    Pop will be reserved for only when we eat out...and maximum of 2 times a week.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Happy Canada Day !! There's lots of festivities here and tonight will be a huge fireworks display off a barge on the lake behind my house. I love it! This is the first year that I haven't had a party and invited lots of people. I've been spending more time on myself lately and getting away to the cottage...I feel better for it.
    My Wed. Wish is that when I stand on the scale tomorrow morning, I lose 2 lbs. I know it's a lot to ask in 5 days. I've been swimming almost every day so we'll see.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~I think active minutes would have been a great goal for the month of July, but sticking with our original mileage is great for everyone as well. I would like to give you a break, maybe if we do the mileage challenge again in August (maybe I’ll be out of splint by then and will have more mobility in my hand)—it would be nice if that responsibility could be shared, though. Thank you for taking care of it again.

    @Laura~Sounds like a fun weekend with your friend and you made mostly healthier choices, the important thing is that you enjoy being with your friends. I suspect the weight is water retention from sodium, should disappear in a couple of days.

    @Robin~Awesome on the 9# loss!!!

    @L2T~Great progress this year and great goals!

    @Tracy~I’m sorry about the house, I hope your banker can make some headway and it works out. We have tons of water parks in TX. There’s a Schlitterbahn a few hours from me, supposed to be the water park to end all water parks—I’ve never been though.

    @p1xyn1xy~Awesome mileage, you should be proud. Enjoy your vacation!

    AFM~I haven’t thought much about goals, although I would like to lose 10# in July (that will get rid of a gain) and lose 40# by the time my cruise rolls around in October—it’s a lot to ask but it’s what I’m shooting for.

    June Miles:


    June Total: 56.82/55 Miles

    July Goal: 100 Miles
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Happy Canada Day, eh!


  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Hello again! Every time I think I'm going to start posting more frequently, life gets crazy again. :grumble:

    But I would like to get in on the July challenge. My goal is 90 miles, counting miles I swim, bike, hike, or kayak. Thanks!

    Talk to you soon. :smile:
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    In for the July challenge! I'll set my goal at 75 miles again. :)