Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~I can definitely think of worse things to overdose on than cherries—that’s me with blueberries, especially right now since its blueberry season! :wink:

    @Laurie~Awesome NSV avoiding the temptations abound yesterday! I often have conversations with myself over the same thing.

    @Teresa~As hard as it was, good for you for allowing DH to take some before pics for you. That is my one regret, I never took before pics---while I’ve come far (100+# gone forever), I don’t have a frame of reference when I get frustrated. Pics are good for showing progress when you don’t always feel like your gaining any ground.

    @ferafilia~I’m sorry your kitty is sick and at the vet again, I hope they figure out what is going on. It’s so frustrating when our furbabies are sick.

    @Heidi~I know the feeling, thank goodness for my Fitbit!

    AFM~My surgeon was reluctant due to continued swelling/pain, but he did remove cast. I’m in a splint but still on exercise restriction—I’m allowed to return to lower extremity workouts next week though. Follow up in two weeks. Still cannot use thumb so cooking still on backburner, oh how I wish there were frozen meals that actually tasted like food that were high in protein and weren’t so carb heavy! :sad:

    June Miles:


    Total: 45.75/55 Miles
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- Glad you are out of the cast and into the splint. Just be careful with it. Can you try the Boston Market frozen meals? They have some good selections.

    Tom- Thanks for the quote about it being National Handshake day/ It is so true about handshakes. I love your consistency with exercise.

    Thursday- Having a good day. Trying to avoid the junk food snack temptation. The problem is that I have not eaten enough today so now I am in snack mode. Problem is that I want the junk food that I have in the house. So I am trying to keep busy to avoid the empty calories.

    I did have a good workout today and I managed to get in some weight training as well.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello everyone. Today has been pretty good. I have been fairly busy. I got up later then usual so we started the day off with a walk since me and the doggies dont like hot weather. We also have a weather system skirting around us so its nice and muggy:ohwell: After that I grabbed my mom and it was off to costco and a couple other stores. Today was stockup on a bunch of those fun things like toilet paper:laugh: Not the funnest kind of shopping but necessary every couple of months or so. There was a lot of great looking produce and I had to stop myself from grabbing it since I have quite a bit that needs to be eaten already. The cantaloupe was the hardest to resist but my momma bought some for a cookout we are having on Sunday so I will get some then. Now I am at home prepping food for dinner and putting things away and trying to get a little cleanup/organizing done at the same time. I have prelogged my dinner and I still have a lot of calories left so I think I am going to throw together some strawberry shortcake for a special treat:happy: I am working my way through the giant bag of cherries my hubby bought me before he left. I think I am going to make it before they turn on me. I also bought some outshine frozen fruit bars and they are so yummy:bigsmile: I love the chunks of fruit mixed in with the popscicle yumminess and they are only 70 calories.Great summertime treat:bigsmile:

    Kelly so happy to hear you are out of the cast. I feel your pain in being dependant on frozen meals. Its almost over though. The end is in sight:wink:
    Laurie I feel your pain on snack mode those days are super tough. I did by myself one treat at costco. Its a dark chocolate bark with almonds and coconut. A little high on calories but the chocolate is so rdecadent that a couple nibbles goes a really long way. I am actually going to portion it in half servings as I couldnt imagine eating more then that at one time.
    Teresa that was really brave to get some for real before picks. I couldnt do it. I was afraid the visual would have a negative impact on me since i dont picture myself at all realistically.

    Well everyone have a great day and remember the weekend is almost here.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/26: 1.9 miles.

    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Mileage for 6/25 - 2.2

    Kitty's vet called because she heard from the internal specialist. Brownie's going to have surgery (again) tomorrow (she just had surgery 6 weeks ago!)... This time so they can take some bladder tissue for biopsy. Doctor said, and I quote, "Cancer is low on my list of possibilities because she hasn't lost weight or her appetite and is so active, but unfortunately it is on my list."... They are going to send all the various test results from the last couple months along with the biopsy to the internal specialists to see if they can put the puzzle together and find out what's wrong with my Boo, and how to treat it. We don't get to bring her home until Saturday. :(

    I'm kind of a mess and my usual reaction is to snack, and I'm trying very hard not to. I'm going to try to get to the treadmill for my evening walk tonight and see if that helps to clear my head a bit.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Good evening everyone! I really appreciate the kinds words of support and encouragement. Looks like in a sea of threads and group, I might have found a good one for me. Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    My day was good. Started out with a 20 minute walk on the treadmill, which made it day four. I will work out tomorrow and then take off Saturday (since I work 12 hours) and Sunday (since I have church and then work). I did eat a Panera bagel at work but it went right into my calorie count and I'm thrilled that I've been hitting the mark pretty close since I started. I do realize that 5 days on a plan doesn't entitle me to a party. :bigsmile:

    I keep seeing how people have friends on here. If anyone would like to add me I would be thrilled to get to know you as we support each other towards our goals. :smile:
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. Welcome!
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Teresa, sent you a friend request!

    I, for one, hate handshakes... I'm a germaphobe! Don't get me wrong, I'm a friendly person, but I would rather not shake hands with anyone. :laugh:

    And Laurie, I was almost to the end of your yogurt post before realizing I was reading "Brian" instead of "Brain"... and I kept wondering who this guy Brian was and why he was so opposed to you getting your frozen yogurt. :tongue:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Theresa- You have found a great thread here, it is a well kept secret that we are a positive and friendly bunch. Great job on getting on the treadmill for 4 days in a row. I spend more time on this thread instead of the news feed. You will get support from me on this thread.

    Little Shadow- I wish there was a guy in my life who could support me in this process.

    Fera- Sorry that Brownie needs to have surgery again. I hope they can figure out the problem. Good idea to use the treadmill to avoid the snacking. Exercise is a good replacement for nervous energy and it can help clear your head.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Thursday Truth: I'm off track. But, I haven't been off track for tooo long, so I think I can steer this baby back on course. :wink: Getting back to business with a decent grocery list and meal plan for the week. I haven't packed my lunch for work all week, and even though sleeping in late has been helping me get close to my sleep goal for the month, being in a rush in the morning and skipping breakfast has set me up for bingeing later in the day. Argh!
    Robin, I see self-sabotage in my mirror, too. :grumble:

    Anyway, I got up early this morning and got a lot done today! 30 DS and some housework started before the kids even got up. When that happens, you KNOW it's going to be a productive day. :smile:

    Only getting better from here! :drinker:

    June Goal: 130 miles
    6/1: 2.52
    6/2: 1.48
    6/3: 1.50
    6/4: 5.38
    6/5: 5.83
    6/6: 2.58
    6/7: 5.47
    6/8: 2.73
    6/9: 1.73
    6/10: 5.89
    6/11: 1.24
    6/12: 1.78
    6/13: 1.68
    6/14: 8.78
    6/15: 1.00
    6/16: 1.04
    6/17: 2.99
    6/18: 3.01
    6/19: 7.00
    6/20: 2.94
    6/21: 2.09
    6/22: 1.50
    6/23: 1.30
    6/24: 1.94
    6/25: 3.24
    6/26: 3.33

    Total: 73.96
    Sleep Goal: 20/30 days with 7 hrs
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Oh, and I just have to share a funny from last night.

    I asked my daughter if she wanted to join me on a short run. She's almost seven, and has said that she wants to do a 5K with me some day. So, we start out and she's all gung-ho, "How far are we gonna walk, Mom? Do we start running yet, Mom? I have soooo much energy, Mom!"

    Fast-forward to approximately three-tenths of a mile into our run....

    "Ugh! I NEED to sit DOWN!" *pant-pant* "Is it almost one mile yet, Mom? I'm TIRED! Uh-oh....I have to go potty. NOW!"

    LOL....We turned back early so she could get back to our bathroom.....but, for someone who was *so* tired, she had plenty of energy to run her mouth. She talked NON-STOP the rest of the way!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    I just had to jump in and share my happiness. My son and I took the dogs to the park and after hitting balls for them for a while my son challenged me to jog a lap around the track. I DID IT. A quarter mile without stopping. I was so happy I was almost giddy:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.


    Happy PTSD Awareness Day. The National Center for PTSD promotes awareness of PTSD and effective treatments throughout the year. Starting in 2010, Congress named June 27th PTSD Awareness Day (S. Res. 455). Since then, during the month of June, we ask everyone to help us raise PTSD awareness.
    Following trauma, most people experience stress reactions but many do not develop PTSD. Mental health experts are not sure why some people develop PTSD and others do not. However, if stress reactions do not improve over time and they disrupt everyday life, help should be sought to determine if PTSD is a factor.
    The purpose of PTSD Awareness Month is to encourage everyone to raise public awareness of PTSD and its effective treatments so that everyone can help people affected by PTSD

    “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ~Leo Tolstoy

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~Thanks for the suggestion, I hadn’t thought about Boston Market. There is a store here called My Fit Foods that are gluten free, well-balanced healthy meals made fresh daily. They are kind of pricey, but I may pick up a few of their dinners to get me thru next week.

    AFM~Not much to report, short miles yesterday mostly because I needed to charge my Fitbit—hope to get some biking miles in on the recumbent at the gym Sat or Sun. One day I need to see what kind of one-handed cleaning I can get done around the house. :wink:

    June Miles:


    Total: 48.57/55 Miles
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey everyone! Great week I walked over 10,000 steps every day :bigsmile: It is suppose to rain all day here tomorrow so maybe I can get caught up on reading the posts. I have just been focusing on me and what makes me happy. My pup has now become Mr. Naughty he is trying out counter surf and garbage diving so he gets told no a lot. He loves to walk and is an great walking partner, so that is good for both of us.
    Have a great weekend.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Forgot to post my mileage for yesterday - June 26 - 3.4 miles

    Brownie's out of surgery and waking up. She's staying over night because she needs the fluids... But we get to bring her home tomorrow morning. YAY!

    Medical stuff: They went into the bladder and actually found a stone this time, and the doctor said that was good, because it makes many of the other more unpleasant possibilities much less likely. There was also a significant accumulation of crystallized urine in her bladder that needed to be flushed out again. Because of the stone and the 'sludge' in her bladder, she will need to be on a prescription diet for the foreseeable future, possibly the rest of her life.... the analysis of the stone will help them figure out which diet she needs to be on.

    I'm trying not to eat the house right now... It's hard. My husband is out of town today, and the fact that he's watching me is what keeps me in check most days. But I think I'm going too far into being 'careful' because I've pretty much fasted until 6pm. I need to figure out something for dinner.
  • angelinaxox
    Hello, I'm just getting into the message boards, but I've been using this app for a while. 28 days to be percise! My journey is a long one! I've struggled with my weight for a long time now. Back in 2007 I weighed 141 pounds, which I was happy with, it was healthy and I worked really hard for it. Slowly over the years, due to an abusive relationship, I gained a lot of weight. I clocked in at 230 pounds just last year. The highest I've ever weighed in my life.

    I recently got engaged to a wonderful, new man, who is so completely supportive of me and my goals. As of today, 28 days into my life style change, I way 217.2 pounds. This is still a lot- but this is progress! I know that it takes a lot to lose the weight! I get easily discouraged however. I keep telling myself, it took you 8 years to put the weight on, it's probably not going to all fall off in a day!

    I've been seeing a dietican and she capped my calories at 1500 and I need to exercise even just for 15 mins a day every day! I should be dropping 1-2 pounds a week. I have no problem with the calories- actually, I don't even come close to 1000 calories half the time. The exercise is hard, I'm getting there. Usually I do 30-45 minutes a day. 30 minutes of cardio, then 15 mins of free lifting. I can see a little progress. My neck and upper arms and thighs are slowly tightening up. I've lost a few inches in my waist and I can offically fit into my size 13, American Eagle jeans that I pay a fortune for!

    But my goals for the week are:

    Saturday: 40 minutes cardio. 10 minutes weights.
    Sunday: 30 minutes cardio. 10 minutes weights.
    Monday: 40 minutes cardio. 10 minutes weights.
    Tuesday: 30 minutes cardio. 10 minutes weights.
    Wens: 40 minutes cardio. 10 minutes weights.
    Thursday: 30 minutes cardio. 10 minutes weights.
    Friday: 40 minutes cardio. 20 minutes weights.

    I also hope to find more low calorie dinners to make! I get tired of just chicken every night, even if I can make it in a million different ways !

    I hope everyone has a good week!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today, I took the day off from being "good" with the food and exercise. I was tired and gave in to temptation today. I don't regret it at all. At least now I can eat the sweets in moderation- Yes, I made the trip to the amish market and came home with more than enough treats but some healthy stuff as well. I can't resist still warm cinnamon rolls

    I did exercise tonight by rock climbing, which was a great workout. My arms are tired and sore but it felt good to climb tonight.

    Tomorrow, I will go swimming as planned and then I might do something else. Just not sure yet what the weekend will bring. I might go bike riding on Sunday after breakfast. It depends on the weather and what I feel like doing.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/27: 2.5
    Another busy fun-filled day with family.
    Onward and downward. Kaye