Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Laurie- Sorry to hear about your Dad.

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes!

    Happy Inventors' Day!

    If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution. ~Author Unknown


  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @tom What a perfect quote. "If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution." ~Author Unknown

    Belated Happy Birthday! Thank you for all you do for this thread; you keep it interesting.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Such a frustrating day today with my email ... apparently Verizon, my ISP was having technical difficulties ... but I didn't know that until I finally did an online chat with support. But boy, oh boy ... did I ever waste a lot of time today on it. And that leads me to my Thursday Truth ... I want comfort food ... something to sooth the savage beast that has risen up inside me. But alas, or hooray, there is no such food in this house and I don't want it badly enough to go bake something from scratch to have later. Instant gratification is the only solution ... and without it I will just say no. But I think I will go pop some corn and sprinkle some hot paprika on it, maybe ... after I eat something for dinner.

    Yes, Tom's quote today is very good. Good thing that I am hungry, cause I do want food to be the solution.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Nikion901, Niki, so sorry you had such a bad day. I looked all day for a response, or chuckle, to my note on FB to you. NO wonder it was not forthcoming. I made chicken noodle soup for supper (homemade...I would share if that would comfort you)
    @LaurieK WOW! and now you sprained you ankle. I hope it feels better soon. I am sure standing and greeting people did it no favors. My best to you and your mom at this very difficult time.
    @jtconst Sorry to hear about the flu. Just did that at this house too. Get better soon.
    @Karen it is much too cold to go out around the Windy City this weekend....though I think it is to moderate a bit. Brrrr~~~that can be brutal down there. I do love that city though, especially around Christmas time.

    AFM: The ankle is feeling better, though at the end of the day it is sore. That said, I didn't wrap it today. The flu too is quieting down, though I still feel best if a little bit hungry. Just had supper of a big bowl of the soup I made so am a little squishy just now. I did come pretty close on protein today; I think I was under about 6 grams out of 84, but the calorie count came out fine.

    Make it a good week everyone. WOW! Tomorrow is Friday; this one got away from me!
    Thanks for being there.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Today's protein consumption is way better.
    Wanted 40 grams
    Got 47
    I'm full as a tick, too! Yay team!!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Well, I started a reply about 4 pages back and of course it didn't follow me when I changed pages so I guess I'll start again.
    @grandmakaye44 & @mountmary84 - About the TENS pain reliever - I just bought one of those (IcyHot brand) today for my DH, he pulled a muscle or something in his shoulder back in Dec and the pain has not gone away, but seems to be getting worse. I'm going to insist his Dr. examine it when we see her on Monday, but in the meantime, I got the TENS for him and he tried it out and it appears it will help him. He said he could feel the difference. I am so glad, he's gotten to where he won't move that arm at all, and that is definitely not good, as he already has mobility issues and that can only make things worse.
    @Lauriek70 - I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing, and of your sprained ankle on top of it. May God give you strength and comfort in your struggle to deal with this pain.
    I don't remember who posted that lovely poem, but it brought tears to my eyes.
    @zcb94 - your struggle to improve your health in the face of all your obstacles is an inspiration, don't lose heart, my dear.
    @mnwalkingqueen - welcome back, we have missed you. You have been dealing with such terrible circumstances, my heart goes out to you. I am so proud of you for taking hold and deciding to start over again! I pray that the new job will be really good for you, and that it will lead to a full time position somewhere that will meet your needs.
    @RobinsEgg - we are always so happy to hear from you!

    Well, it's still Thursday so I will do Thursday Truth - My name is Tracy, I live in central TX where it was 82 degrees today! My DH is terminally ill with COPD, and has been having a difficult time of it since mid-December. He's now on antibiotics and prednisone, and his pulmonologist has put him on a low-dose prednisone booster for essentially the rest of his life, starting when the current dose of prednisone is finished. She said "this is a last resort" when she decided to do it. She said she could recommend Hospice care right now, but we might want to wait "until closer to the end" but wouldn't give me any idea when that might be.
    My husband doesn't want to talk about it of course; who would want to talk about their own imminent death? However, I need to talk to him and make plans for the future without him, and he is not cooperating at all. I want to have an attorney or someone come help us prepare a will, and I need to get all the financial, insurance, etc put together. We need to discuss funeral arrangements (just general, of course, but I need to know if he wants to be buried or cremated, etc).
    How do I get him to open up about this stuff? He seems obsessed with installing security cameras (which is funny because we can't even lock our front door!) and keeps buying more and more stuff (most of which I hate) instead of saving his money. And it is HIS money as far as he's concerned, too, which makes it even harder to plan, since he doesn't want to give me access to his bank accounts, etc. Crazy, because he's got CC bills and other stuff he's paying, so if he passes before he gets them all paid off, how am I supposed to take care of that stuff if I don't have access? Grrrr.
    I'm missing all kinds of work because I'm having to take care of him, too. So far FMLA, Leave Bank, and Leave Transfer have kept me from having short paychecks (bless the generous people where I work) but I am constantly worried about the effect this is having on my career. I don't want to be 70 before I can retire. I love my husband dearly and the thought of losing him (we've been married 37 years) is devastating, but the fact is that women typically outlive the spouse by many years, and he's 13 years older than I am - I have a lot of years left and I need to have some security about what will happen after he's gone. Does that seem selfish? Am I being morbid thinking about life without him?
    Ok, well that turned into a morbid rant, so I will stop. I am not doing well on diet or exercise front, but I did complete the UnderArmor challenge on MapMyFitness, so I'm pretty proud of that. Most days I stay under 1800 calories but my goal is much lower, and I'm not burning enough calories to make up the difference so I have been waffling between 189-194 for almost 8 months now.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited February 2016
    @tracy-- I'm so sorry for the situation you're in. You are NOT being selfish to worry about your future. I think if I were in your shoes I would consult a lawyer on my own to figure out what I could do to prepare without the DH's help. If you've been married 37 years isn't the money in his bank account joint property? I believe it is; however, upon his death the account could be frozen if you are not a signatory and you will not gain access until any creditors have claimed their due. Of course, laws vary from state to state which is why I strongly advise you obtain a lawyer to figure this out. I'm proud of you for finishing that UA challenge! I'm still chipping away at mine.

    @barb-- yes, the weather report just said we will have a slight warm up tomorrow, then back to the deep freeze on Saturday. Pretty sure I will be staying home in my toasty house this weekend.

    Hello, to everyone else! Sorry I don't have time for more personals tonight, but it's late and I'm tired.

    Thursday Truth:
    I picked at Dunkin Donuts all day at work. At least I went to the gym and worked it off, but I know those types of food choices will not result in weight loss, so I need to exercise more self-control.

    Tomorrow is an institute day, so no students, and then Monday we are off for Presidents' Day. I'm looking forward to the 3-day weekend.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 41/41 BNW journals DONE
    2. x/10 AP analysis activities
    3. 20/41 AP quizzes

    Fitness Goals for the month of February:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 3/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 1/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks.
    I will run an 8k twice. 1/2

    Nutrition Goal for February:
    Eat >100 g protein 10/29

    You vs Year Challenge:
    57k done/ 943k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- meeting
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Goinstd - Tracy - I feel so hearsick for you my dear, what a rough time. Honey, you much consider, one hard concept, and ask your husbands doctor this, what is his mental capacity as far as his handling your money and finances; You may need to hurry and get an attorney and stop his spending your money ASAP. Nuff said.
    Dear Tracy, I have never walked in your shoes but I've been close enough to see this happening first hand, and its tragic, and can cause great financial losses. My dad did this and lost 10's of thousands of dollars before he passed away.

    @MountMary - Barbara - aching ankles :'( your recovery has been so slow..dang snow!

    @Niki -a belated WOOT on your 3 lb. loss.

    @ Tom - happy birthday, me boy!

    @ Skinnny - how awful to have your BOSS cry in front of you! I do hope the situation gets resolved; it does not sound like an easy fix at all.

    @Laurie - continued prayers.

    Roast beef sandwich for lunch; bagel and cream cheese for dinner. Oh, milk for breakfast. Good. I'm being good.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Stupid buffets! Just finished tracking everything I ate, thought I'd done pretty good, but I guess not! Grrrr!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy International Darwin Day!
    (He kind of looks like my brother :) )

    Tomorrow Amy and I are going to do the St. Baldrick’s Lepre-con 1 mile fun walk and try to break the world record for the Largest Leprechaun Gathering!

    Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat. For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully; for I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else. ~Samuel Johnson


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited February 2016
    @GOINSTD12 asked for help or advice - she stated:
    How do I get him to open up about this stuff? He seems obsessed with installing security cameras (which is funny because we can't even lock our front door!) and keeps buying more and more stuff (most of which I hate) instead of saving his money. And it is HIS money as far as he's concerned, too, which makes it even harder to plan, since he doesn't want to give me access to his bank accounts, etc. Crazy, because he's got CC bills and other stuff he's paying, so if he passes before he gets them all paid off, how am I supposed to take care of that stuff if I don't have access? Grrrr.
    I'm missing all kinds of work because I'm having to take care of him, too. So far FMLA, Leave Bank, and Leave Transfer have kept me from having short paychecks (bless the generous people where I work) but I am constantly worried about the effect this is having on my career. I don't want to be 70 before I can retire. I love my husband dearly and the thought of losing him (we've been married 37 years) is devastating, but the fact is that women typically outlive the spouse by many years, and he's 13 years older than I am - I have a lot of years left and I need to have some security about what will happen after he's gone. Does that seem selfish? Am I being morbid thinking about life without him?

    Tracy - my earlier response was not really helpful so I brought this up at a luncheon I attend with some ladies here, and 2 of them are widows: They were insistent in their responses - get to an attorney by yourself if you have to! Definitely go soon to save as much of your joint money as you can. They thought your husband would appreciate it. His paranoia is not normal is it?

    Both of them were widowed suddenly, both of them were at a loss as to where important papers were. Only one of them had access to the checkbook and bank accounts but neither one had their names on the utilities, one was not on the mortgage, one even had their brother in law on the mortgage, and although they had gotten along wonderfully for, I thinkover 37 years, the brother-in-law then claimed the house. (and had never made a payment to her knowledge).

    Both widows wished they'd planned ahead of time for their future life. They were so unprepared for life after their husbands' deaths. They both agreed you were not being morbid at all. They thought your situation was very painful, but it provided you with opportunities they missed. They thought it was practical of you, not selfish, since you also have your own health to consider. One pointed out YOU may not be able to get this paperwork together later doing it now is the best thing for the both of you.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    edited February 2016
    @GOINSTD12, my heart breaks for your family. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Although not terminal as far as I know, my dad deals with COPD due partially to having to "smoke 'em if ya got 'em" for 24.5 years. Although I appreciate his troop's and the whole military's service, I do wish that could change.
    Friday Fitness: I might try and dance for a moment this evening, depending on how I feel.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    @GOINSTD12 do your best to get your husband to put your name name on the bank accounts. My mom and I did that with my dad a few months ago so we could access his accounts to pay his bills. Talk to a lawyer and your husband. Hospice care is not just for end of life but can be used before, they provide excellent in home care and health care professionals who make house calls. They were a blessing for my dad and the facility he was in for the last 5 months.

    Karen- Good luck with the bitter cold. It is heading my way tomorrow.

    Thank you for all the kinds words, thoughts and prayers this week. It has been a very emotional and draining week. The funeral went well today and I am relieved that it is over. The service was very nice and more people than we expected attended.

    The ankle is still sore and bruised but it is feeling better after being in heels all day today.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and stays warm.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @GOINSTD12 Tracy, I agree with what Ellen said about seeking legal advice. I think it would probably be a good idea. As for eating out: It is hard to stay under calories at ANY restaurant in my opinion and buffets are the worst. Good for you for trying though.
    @zoe Go for it. You don't know unless you try.
    @Tom and Amy: Have fun at the walk tomorrow. I don't know where you live, but keep warm. Here that would be brutal!

    AFM: Made the calorie goal today, but went over a bit on protein....I just can't get that quite right can I. I am pleased to say we ate out tonight and for once in my life I sent food back to the kitchen untouched, there was simply too much of it. In the past I felt I "must" eat it, because you know it helps the starving children in some country! I am certainly old enough for that old tape to be worn out, but it still plays in my head! Someday I should ask Mom, now 94, what she thinks of that one now. Maybe she would change her tune.
    On the way home the A+W root beer stand had opened and DH "NEEDED" to buy a gallon of root beer. I couldn't believe they were open, but even more I couldn't believe people were ordering food. The car hops must have nearly frozen as it is below 0º wind chills in these parts. I may even have enough calories left for a small glass of root beer yet tonight.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hello everyone-
    Very sad news tonight. A HS friend who was just recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer passed away. Things took a turn for the worse for her very quickly. I'm just heartbroken for her husband and children.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Update: no dancing for me. If I can feel it, it hurts and I'm tired and blue as all get out! Why me?
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Karen I am so sorry to hear the news of your friend. These things are especially hard when there are still children at home.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Karen - I'm so sorry to hear your dear friend has passed. That pancreatic ca has become a national nightmare.It is so rapid. I recall it was not long ago that you mentioned she was diagnosed.
    As @Barb said, I am so sorry for her DH and children and will pray along with your for her family.

    @Laurie - am I relieved for you that the ceremonies are over .... heels are such suffering aren't they? And on top of a sprained ankle too. Didn't you sprain your ankle a long time ago, right after your dad went into the home? I'm not sure... but take it easy. How lng will you be off to help you mom get accostomed to this and who is dealing with wills, paperwork, etc. Is your brother assisting you? Do you go right back to school?

    AFM; lost sleep last nite due to the pumpkin bars I brought yesterday which were meant to last 6 days. They are mysteriously goneand I tossed and turned from a stomach ache. Who IS this person I wonder some days!!! >:)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Tracy~ You've already gotten loads of advice about your husband's reluctance to let you have control over the property and finances that are in his name, so I won't add any of my own. I hope you have accumulated wealth in your own name during your career and marriage. It sounds like he may be in denial that his condition is as dire as you know it to be. Please get that Hospice care, it will take a lot of caretaker burden off you and help you cope.

    @Karen~ Please accept my condolences at the death of your friend. I feel so sorry for her family.

    @Barb~ That's really funny, your husbands NEED for root beer! Men are so childish that way sometimes ... I want it, I gotta have it, I need it!

    @Ellen~ Pumpkin Bars? Is that a cookie type bar? I learned a long time ago that those good intentions of ... "I'll portion it out" don't work for me ... if it ends up going through the checkout, it'll end up in my belly within 24 hours; that's why I try not to allow myself to buy that kind of stuff ... but I do enjoy to have it in a coffee house or a restaurant. I've been known to have cake and ice cream as my meal in one of these establishments because I 'just needed it". :)

    AFM ... that comment about food ... about starving children being the reason we are in the habit of cleaning out plates even if we don't want the food made me remember my own childhood eating. My parent's never used starving children anywhere as a reason for us kids to eat. I also never used that excuse for my son either. My parents were pretty strict disaplinarians and just expected us to do what was told. If a reason beyond "I said" was given it was that food was expensive and we were wasting money that we didn't have enough of to be wasteful with ... so either eat it, don't take as much next time, and, this will be in the fridge for your next meal ... was pretty much what we got from them. I noticed, as I got older, that no matter how beloved a particular food was, they never took a lot at one time onto their plates but would add seconds if they were still wanting more... and always took just a bit as seconds. Of course, my parents were displaced immigrants from Soviet Ukraine and as children had endured the country-wide famine that was manipulated by Stalin ... that socialist who ruled Russia when it became the USSR .... United Soviet Socialist Republic. They knew that other people not being wasteful with their food didn't feed anybody at all because they weren't in their food chain.

    Too bad their good examples haven't stayed with me as well as they might have ... I wouldn't be so wasteful with either my food or my money if they had. Those are examples I try to bring into my life now ... now that I am a broke old lady living on Social Security and trying to lose the weight I piled on during my self-indulgent wasteful years.
  • mikaiten
    mikaiten Posts: 17 Member
    First post to the discussion here. It looks like an awesome group of people who support each other, so I'm glad to be part of it.

    I'm on week one of my 100lbs weight loss goal. I'm pretty excited about the fact that I managed to get to the gym twice and now have a personalized workout plan. I was always scared of the gym but decided to face my fear because I stopped feeling/looking like myself a long time ago.

    So, um, hi!