Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    edited December 2014
    My wishes/goals for the new year

    1. Get moved. We need out of this house, and most importantly we need away from my mother in law. Even my husband has finally figured this out. We're looking at Ohio for the cheap housing and reasonable job market in my husband's field.

    2. Hit 180 pounds by July 21st. (Wedding anniversary.)

    Statement for the year: Expect a miracle, but in the meantime, work your butt off.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member

    HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    @NK1112‌ Thanks! That was really nice!

    January All in Work Goals for 1/2/15

    5 MMPRs
    3 MCARE
    Resource Acct
    PHMP if delivered by 4:00 pm
    Bonus - Nov 7th
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Well, I really enjoyed all the motivational posts on here this week, I have been spending about 350 calories on a nice breakfast and I need to lower that because I only have 1200 to spend. I am going to try to limit bread




    MOUNTMARY (BARBARA) A LOSS - WOOHOO HOO. THAT’S FANTASTIC. You are making great a choices. Must have been a very cold walk

    KAIhuner – WELCOME. Any thoughts about why you sabotage yourself after a good weight loss/ I’m thinking that weight loss is pretty much a mind endeavor. I know I do better when I listen regularly to motivation tapes. I LIKE “OING TH THING”
    FT WILDERNESS – What an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to get control before I gain more weight. You are so determined,. And your husbands support is wonderful. You should be so proud of yourself, You are extraordinary
    Maxpower – Words of wisdom. The turtle won the race and so can you
    Cblue- That’s a good thought
    NK112 Thanks for motivational qyote
    Mumsy- Welcome Good start

    JTConst – Wonderful gift from your hubby. How thoughtful. Your success is spectacular. And you look beautiful
    Morgori – Thanks for the history lesson and recipe, and encouragement. I was in Valley Forge earlier this month and saw the Xmas reenactment which made me grateful for the sacrifices made to create our land of freedom. I am reading a book on Mother Teresa and her work in india and we as a nation are so blessed
    Wisdom70 – welcome
    Skinny – Sounds like a nice day. Tomorrow is another
    Crmillsap - Just post how you are feeling and respond to othrs as you can
    Susan2396 – Thanks for the kind words. Hope this year has been great for you and 2015 continue the trend
    Those we love the most can hurt us the most. I know you are thankful you still have them.

    MNwalkingQueen – Yeah for you and 2015

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all. I hope everyones day is going well. I am having a nice day. Not doing to much as I worked my butt off yesterday :) I spent about 4 hours cleaning out and moving everyhting around in the garage. I am still not done but the next step is a dump run and my son is going to help me with that on Friday and I will finish it up then. I woke up this morning and felt some muscles I didnt know I had, lol. Other then getting stuff done around the house I am just enjoying time with my family. The hubby and I went in on Sunday and traded in our chevy malibu and got a new truck. We have been talking about it for awhile and decided it was time. We got a 2014 Chevy Silverado and I love it.
    Well I hope you all have a great day and enjoy whatever you have planned for the New Years. Have a great night everyone and see you in 2015.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy New Year :D

    Today's weigh in was 202 and is still 3.5 above my ticker. I think this is 62 pounds below my top weight this year. It is 95 pounds below my top weight.
    My year has been one of the best of my life. I truly feel that way. The last time I was this fit was more than 25 years ago. I am still planning to do a triathlon in July. My fitness goals for 2015 will incorporate that event.
    This thread is moving very quickly now and I am still keeping up on the posting. Welcome to all newbies along with a huge thank you for posting.
    I am off to a party this evening and I am so grateful for all that has happened in my life this year.
    One of my favorite quotes:

    The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off. - Gloria Steinem

    This has been a solid truth for me this year. I have made this much progress because I heard the truth about my eating and fitness and was pissed off enough to make the changes I needed.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy New Year!! Best wishes for 2015.

    Right now I am sitting at home instead of at a party. I have felt lousy all day and just plain tired so I did not feel like driving tonight. I even took a nap this afternoon but that did not help. Hopefully, I will be feel better tomorrow night. I did make it to the gym today in the attempt to get rid of a headache.

    Marypoppins- Welcome back and congratulation on your 6 month old.

    jt- Yeah for a new car.

    MKknits- Send me your personal email and I will send them to you on Jan. 5th when I return to school. What topics are you teaching in Science?

    Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year's Eve.

  • jeheer
    jeheer Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. Im new here. Not to MFP but posting here. Its great to see such an active forum and people beimg so supportive of each other. I've been struggling recently. I get the munchies at night and it seems like I can't get satisfied until i eat everything in sight. Grr.. Very frustrating to say the least. I think it is a mind thing. I eat whenever i feel emotional. Like, eating for comfort. Any suggestions on how to help stop this?

    My phrase for the new year is going to be : eat half of that, you will feel satisfied.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy New Year, everyone!! :smile:

    Tonight the DH and I went to his sister's to visit with her son and his daughter who are visiting from Ohio. We left around 10 so as not to be on the road after midnight, and got home around 11:30. I just caught up on posts and wanted to pop in to say hi. I will catch up on personals tomorrow.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @jeheer -welcome and thanks for joining our Discussion on this Happy Day. I like your Choice of Phrase - I thought a lot about that too.
    One of the Bush presidents, I'm not sure if it was Sr. or Jr., was nicknamed "have half" because he was the type of kid who'd always offer whatever he had to anyone who joined him, and he'ld always use the phrase, "Hey, have half!" when anyone sat near him.
    I think its a wonderful choice. You'll do well It will affect your eating late at night. When you get the munchies you will be stimulated to put half back won't you? It really doesn't matter whether its emotional, for comfort or more deeply rooted, you'll be working on a new habit and you will, in the long run, succeed. You have a year to work on it - and you can't give up!.
    Back several pages I posted about a scientific study about how long it takes to create a habit. I hope you have the time to scroll back and find it. Basically its incorrect to believe that you can learn a new habit in 3 weeks, it actually takes about 250 days for the average person to weave a new habit into their daily life!

    @Laurie - I hope your not coming down with something. Take care and get better fast.

    @CBlue - what a lovely post - glad your past year was such a good one! Great loss and improvement in overall health - that is so wonderful when your body becomes toned and fit. Don't you feel so much more powerful as an individual and a person?

    To all who went to bed before midnite in your region - you didn't miss a thing - and you will enjoy a beautiful morning I'm sure! So far, 2015 is a great year!

    AFM - here my phrase for 2015 - and its so darn long, but its really challenging to me: "Get Out of the House or Do Something New" and I am backing that one up with this little one I stole yesterday from someone "Effort Alone is Worthy".........

    You'd have to know how my life sort of deteriorated this past year due to health issues to realize I have ended up going days at a time without leaving home and that develops into lost exercise opportunities. I have gained back too much weight due to this sedentary life style - oh darn - thats an excuse - I've gained the weight by simply over-eating!!!

    Well, today has become Thursday, so it is time for Thursday Truth - so there you are. I'll weight myself after I get some sleep. it won't be pretty.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @MaryPoppins - I hope you get all you wishes,, and the first one very soon. Toxic inlaws are such a drain on relationships moving is about all you can do

    @jtconst - those car sales are so great the end of December - great that you got in on them! What color is your Silverado? Its really YOUR year isn't it?

    @Kai - I didn't understand your work goals - what kind of work do you do? I'm dying to know now - tell me before curiosity kills me!

    @KJeffries - you are so encouraging to everyone and so nice! Had to nap a bit and re-read this page. Hope all your wished come true in 2015!

    @Niki -nIce picture! So serene! thank you!

    Happy New Year Y'all!
  • Happy New Year Everyone! :)

    Starting Weight this morning is: 241.3
    Goal Weight roughly 145

    We can all do this, Day One here we come!
  • ly49
    ly49 Posts: 5
    Hello everyone. I am joining today, thank you for creating this thread. I can't believe it but I have 80 lbs to lose. I don't know how it crept up so high...well I know how but it's like I was in a daze and then woke up. I'm so glad I found this community.
  • mrshunt3
    mrshunt3 Posts: 13 Member
    Happy New Year! I know this is going to be the year that I finally, finally lose this weight! I have 100 lbs to lose, but I've set my goal at 85 for this year and the last 15 over the next year. If I lose it all in this year, I will be pleased, but I know the ups and downs of weight loss. I've been struggling with it all my life. I just want to be healthy, get more exercise and enjoy my retirement years. I'm 63 years old and there are so many things I want to do that I can't because of my weight. I am embarrassed that I've let it get out of hand like this. I know that being of MFP has helped me lose over 20 pounds so far-but still have 100 to go. This group seems to be really encouraging and that's what I need-people who understand this journey.
    So thanks for being here. I'm going to do all I can to make this year a success and want to encourage others as well. Here's my New Year's wish for us all to have a happier, healthier, slimmer 2015!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
  • bootygroove
    bootygroove Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm not new to Myfitnesspal, but I am new to this discussion. I've been trying to lose weight forever it seems, and trying without any friends. It's not working. So, here I am. I have 135- 145 to lose. I actually lost 30 but gained half back since Thanksgiving. I'm not going into it cold turkey from all the bad foods. January 1-15 is to break my sugar addiction. I'm taking baby steps with a great exercise plan. I need all the support I can get. Happy New Years all!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone,

    Happy New Year! I hope 2015 is the best year yet for everyone!

    To all of the teachers: I have loved the quotes from the kids. They make me chuckle each time I read one. I know as teachers they have to be frustrating, but from where I sit they are funny. I guess they make me remember so long ago when I was a kid, often without a clue, through no fault of the teacher…I guess that is part of being young. Sometimes I still feel clueless at this age though and then I find my initial thoughts were correct. Perhaps I am still learning to trust myself and my thoughts and ideas.

    To all the new people popping in today, welcome. This is a great place to be and a terrific time to start to do something about that weight. Be consistent and this will work for you too as it has for so many here.

    @Mara good for you having a loss during the holidays. That is tough but you did it. You are such a great inspiration here. I am glad you are here.

    @LaurieK I hope you are feeling better today. I am glad you are on break so you can rest and get over whatever it is that you caught.

    @MaryPoppins What a neat goal to get back into your wedding dress. You can do it; with little kids I am sure you are a very busy lady. That new little one must be a lot of fun just now, they are so sweet. Enjoy. The kids grow up way too fast.

    @Robin Ellen, you do such a good job of taking care of all of us. Thank you. I hope this year you are able to do the same for yourself; follow through on that goal of getting out and doing things for YOU. You deserve it. I know when you hurt it is so easy to say you will do it tomorrow. Enjoy that pool! That is such a great resource to have available. Mostly, again just thanks for being you!

    @Melofornia Yup, starting with a good breakfast at a consistent time is key. I too have trouble when that is not right. It just sort of messes with the whole day doesn’t it?

    @Kjefferies You post the nicest things. I am glad you are here.

    @cblue Lori, simply you are a real inspiration.

    AFM We ended the year with a “thud”. We were coming home yesterday at dusk and hit two, not one but two, deer at 55 mph. Neither of us saw them dart out into the road. We just heard the thud and then saw two very large deer fly over the hood and past the windshield. It did frighten us. We were not hurt, but DH said his morning he had dreams about it. Minor damage to the car and I would suspect major damage to the deer. We are grateful we were not hurt and feel very blessed.

    That triggered a bit of eating. (Crackers and dip) Darn, an excuse for sure , but I had been doing well yesterday. That is obviously a coping mechanism for me. Afterward we had supper, watched the Live from Lincoln Center New Years concert and retired early.

    January Challenge:

    Calories under goal: /31
    Cardio Exercise: /31
    Core fitness DVD /31
    Word for 2015 “TENACITY”

    Thanks every one of you for being here.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy New Year. Wishing you a happy, healthy, peaceful and joyful year.

    Mount Mary- Sorry about the deer and your car, very happy that you were okay.

    Robin- Wishing a healthy and happy New Year. May 2015 be a better year for you.

    Welcome to all the new people. We hope you come back and post often as you get to know us.

    I am feeling a better today and I do have more energy today. The weather is very cold here so I am not sure if I will get out for a walk and the gym and pool are closed today. I might go to the mall and walk there or just catch a movie. I think it will be a full rest day.

    My words for the year- Determination to try new things and confidence in my self to do anything I want.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning Friends, old and new. Happy New Year. The last couple of weeks have been great family time and really ugly food-wise. I have made very little progress with my weight-loss during the last year. I am pleased that I have maintained my loss and feel healthy and fit, but it is time to get my head round this again and get rid if this last 15#. With your continued support, I can succeed.
    My mantra will be 'Do it'.
    I'm 'all in' on logging, exercise, and water. I am going to work extra hard on the water because that is still a problem for me.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Happy New Year, everyone! :)

    @mountmary84‌ - Thank you! And yes, they're wonderful. My son is 3 now, he was 15 months old when I first started here. Between them I don't get a lot of time to exercise, but thank God for breastfeeding!!

    Hubby & I are considering a PlanetFitness membership, since there's a location very close to us and we both want to start lifting weights again. Reality check: Where are we going to find a babysitter? Ah, parenthood.