Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    May I join? I had Gastric Sleeve last year. Did well and lost some and then stalled and started to gain. I have about 93 pounds still to lose. I have had a good day today. I have eaten well and have walked 15 on the TM. A good place to start!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    MKknits-what level of science do you teach? I teach 8th grade science and I totally understand about lab reports and conclusions to grade. They are never ending at times.

    Mummsy- You joined just by posting. Come back and post often.

    NK1112-great post and you are so right. We are the only one who control ourselves during this process.

    KJeffries-That is great news about Savannah or Charleston in September or October. We will kept you posted on our plans.

    meliforma- Have fun roller skating.

    Skinny- Karen- Good luck with the grading and enjoy time with friends today.

    Softblondechick- We do have control over our lives, even when things seam to be out of control. We can take charge of our lives.

    I will be back later if not then tomorrow. I will be heading to swim practice tonight unless I get derailed in the next 1.5 hours.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @Lauriek70‌ I teach 7th grade science, and when they get to me is the first time they've been asked to do in depth technical writing. So their lab reports make me want to use the pen to blind myself "Next I will tell you the materials and procedures you need to do to do this lab we did" and my favorite "I hope you enjoyed reading my lab report about xyz I had fun doing it and I hope we get to do another one" (no worries kiddos when you finish with that there will be PLENTY more lab reports in your future). I totally found other things to do and never got beyond looking at the first one. Oh well - maybe tonight I'll knock out one class but I doubt it.

    I struggle at after 4 with my eating - today I was great on on track not hungry and then bam 4 o'clock hits and I just want to eat all.the.things. I made some no bakes to keep my hands busy and that helped (plus they are a treat but they aren't hugely bad calorie wise if you make them smaller like I do) but I still get this out of control binge feeling. I'm still under my calorie goal for the day so it isn't the end of the world and I made good choices - but I want to work on fixing it. I'm not sure if it just habit or that I don't eat enough earlier in the day or what.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everybody. Sorry I disapearred for a couple weeks. I admit the amount ya'll got posted is overwhelming so probably wont get it all read. I hope everyone had a truly excellent holiday. Mine was one of the best I have had with just a couple things that were out of my control so I made myself let them go and enjoyed all the rest. My family got me some lovely gifts but my husband outdid himself. We have been married 22 years now. We got married very young and there were definitly a lot of bumps and brusises along the way. Well during some of those times I would get angry and destroy things like letters and what not and then regret it when it was to late. For Christmas my husband gave me a memeory box with a truly heart touching letter, pics of our three kids as babies and then now, and a new diamond engagement ring we couldnt afford before. He said he felt we were past all the major bad in our lives and he wanted to start filling the box with new memories with me. Yep it made me cry, lol. I spent the day surrounded by most of the most important people in my life and felt truly blessed. Now the husband is working on getting the boat ready for the new season and the holidays are over so time to focus on myself a little again.I hope to catch back up with all of you again real quick and am as always proud of all your hard work and accomplishments :)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Happy Pepper Pot Day
    Today is Pepper Pot Day! Pepper pot is a thick spicy soup first created on December 29, 1777. During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Army experienced an exceptionally harsh winter in Valley Forge. The soldiers were low on food because the farmers in the area sold all their supplies to the British Army for cash rather than the weak currency that the Continental soldiers could offer.
    Christopher Ludwick, the baker general of the Continental Army, gathered whatever food he could find to feed the frail soldiers. The chef was able to find scraps of tripe, meat, and some peppercorn. He mixed the ingredients together with some other seasonings and created the hot spicy soup we now know as pepper pot. It became known as "the soup that won the war."
    To celebrate this historic dish, try making your own pepper pot soup today! It’s the perfect way to warm up on a chilly December day.

    “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” ~Jim Rohn

  • jdpnotler
    Hi newbie here, my success this week is that i joined the MFP community. It will take time to get to know you all.
    I too have 103 pounds to lose (wow what a number)
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    You guys, I think my legs are going to fall off. It was worth the pain, though. My niece and nephew had a blast skating and will probably sleep hard tonight. (You're welcome, LilBro. :wink: )

    Also, a NSV to report: I took them out for ice cream afterward, but opted for iced tea (unsweetened) for myself. I probably would be under my calories for the day even with ice cream, but I wasn't craving it, so I passed.
  • loosaedna
    loosaedna Posts: 20 Member
    my day started out being upset with myself because of what I ate last night. But I am now in a much better mood, Went to hospital because of a big bump I have on my leg. Which they don't know what it is or what it is from. Anyway they weighted me. Well I was 425 in febuary and figured I had gained weight during this time but when I was weighted today I weigh 409 lbs I have lost 16 lbs that is so great. I love it. My face is full of smiles.
  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    @loosaedna‌ , great progress in losing the weight! Prayers of the bump on your leg being nothing major. Keep those smiles coming!
  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    Im in need of listing weight, however I suffer from chronic vertigo 4 years now, so to much movement makes it worse for now. I'd love to go gym with some buddies but that's a hasssle. So as I wait for new doc orders,(Meniere's Disorder) is there any advice out there aside from what I've done physical, vestibular, occupational, etc therapy? Any tips or staples you've lived by with this diagnosis? Thanks on advance
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone,

    WOW! I go away a few hours and this thread just keeps right on amovin’. That is great! Welcome everyone who is new; come back and post often. You have found the greatest group. Sounds like everyone new and not so new is getting in the groove again.

    I had a great day. DH and I drove over to Lake Michigan and took a brief walk on the beach. Yes, it was cold and as I said, the walk was brief. Had a nice healthy dinner on the way home.

    I did it! I got out the DVD and did the core fitness exercises AND went for a brief walk. It felt good.

    December Challenge:

    Calories under goal: 24/29
    Salad a day: I have lost track.
    Cardio Exercise: 2/29
    Core fitness DVD 1/29

    Thanks every one of you for being here.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @loosaedna Edna, WOW congrats on the great loss you posted. Great job. I hope the bump is not too serious and simply goes away. Keep on smiling!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Laurie - congrats on your 4 Year Anniversary of changing your lifestyle ! (*) You're the MOST ACTIVE PERSON HERE I Think - at least, the most diverse! A great example for the newbies and us oldies.
    @Barbara = tenacity - thats a powerful word - great choice.
    @Skinny - road trip -absolutely! So many great books at the library to guide you. Come take I-80 and stop over at Omaha, see my place, have a nice swim, - I just bought a queen air bed for my Den and had a friend stay over who swore it was so comforable. She slept for 11 hours on it. Tons of sheets, pillows, towels, food, HDTV. I can show you the WORLD's Best Zoo, (seriously) and you could steer up to N.Dakota from here and across the state. Its a lovely trip. And your the right age for a road trip. That's important. The older you get, they're not so fun, when arthritis goes along with you!
    @MKknits - you'll get your support needs met here - enjoy your yoga -stretch gently -dont push it!
    @KaiHunter45- Welcome - We will help you with your motivation. I posted a page or two back about learning habits - its worth reading. Nope, not 21 days, more like a year to drill a habit into your routine - amazing, huh!
    @FortWilderness- weilcome also - congrats on 9 months completed - and also on deciding to step up to weight lifting. I really enjoy that!
    @Maxpower -welcome I like how you say it - your moving in the right direction - always moving definitely is right!
    @Mummsy - yes and welcome! GS or no, it doesn't matter. We're all in here to support each other. You did well today eating and walking. Atta girl!
    @Looedna - as with the others, I agree, yesterday might be making you feel guilt and feel terrible. Its OK to listen to the feelings but turn them into a positive force and make it work for you. Guilt does you no good if you just feel bad as if you should be punished. No no no! Never punish yourself - Build yourself up. THink back to the last good effort you made prior to this and think back to the good effort before THAT one. OK? Fixate on those good efforts and push this guilty episode away - banish it - say it was an error, not a weakness, just a lapse in judgement, or filling a temporary need. Reduce your calories by 100 for the next 3 days if that will make you feel better. OK?
    AFM - I'm taking a break from cookie baking - nuff said about where I am at today? I'm going to post my work later. :-)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @jdpnotler - welcome both to MFP and to this Discussion. Don't stress too much about the number of lbs you have to lose, instead break it down into manageable numbers, such as 10 or 20 lbs, - with 20 lbs, you only have 5 sets of 20 lbs to lose, which seems a lot easier in my mind at least. Also you can set up rewards for yourself at each 20 lbs you lose -or what ever amount of weight you decide. Anyway, hope you come back.
    @jtconst - WHOO HOO! your DH's Christmas present really blew me away as well -what a sweet gift - so thoughtful, and with a ring enclosed as well! OMG, you must have been floored!

    @KayaKarma - I'm familiar with Menier'es, and you have my profound sympathies for that problem....but I have no advice as I've never had it. I'll try to learn about it. What type of activities can you do and for how long currently?

    @LooEdna - how wonderful of you to have had a terrific weight loss! WOOT for you!!! Hope the bump is just a bump and it goes away. I'll say a prayer.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @melifornia Welcome, I don't post too often but do read the posts for good ideas and just to keep up with everyone. I just started my new lifestyle the end of Oct. I also live alone (for most of the year) and hate to cook and figure out meals. I was a fast food junkie too. One thing that has helped me is a meal plan I got at It is a 1200 calorie diet meal, 7 day lose 20 pounds. You have to keep repeating it to lose the weight, but I didn't think it was too bad at all and I'm kind of a fussy eater. l like plain, common foods. In two months I have lost 23.8 lbs and been on a 6 day cruise, and of course Christmas with family and friends! If you can find something all laid out for you and get the ingredients you need ahead, it can make things a lot easier.

    @Niki, so sorry about Kitcat. Thinking of you, keep strong!

    Went to visit kids and grandkids for a late Christmas this last weekend and my cold came back full force! Just hoping I didn't give it to any of them. Had a great time with them, they are at such cute ages. My six year old grandson told his mother last week that "You scared me out of my daylights!" LOL

    Wishing everyone a wonderful new year!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Just saw this and really liked it. Let's start out 2015 with this mind!

    New Year.
    New Feels.
    New Breath.
    New Chances.
    Same dreams,
    fresh starts.
    I dare you to
    believe in
    yourself. You
    deserve all
    things magic!

    I think my word for 2015 will be believe!
  • wizdom70
    wizdom70 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone this is my first post. I am new to fitness pal community posts. I am hoping to gain insight support and accountability to stay on coarse to loose 100+ pounds. Taking it one day at a time. It is inspiring and relieving to read everyone's post. Have a good week :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!
    First—welcome to all of the newlings!! Come back often and you’ll get great support on this thread. :smiley:

    So many people have posted that I’m not even going to try to get to everyone.

    @bap--great to see you pop in!

    @edna—congrats on your great loss!!

    @tammy—what a lovely and thoughtful gift from your husband!

    @melifornia—roller skating sounds fun and it’s great exercise. Awesome that you passed on the ice cream since you didn’t really want it.

    @robin—thank you for the invite! If we decide to take the trip, I may take you up on your offer.

    Monday Check-in:
    I had a nice day out with my friends. Didn’t get as much grading done as I would have liked, but every little bit adds up, right? I also had a nice NSV today. I was gathering up the clothes to drop at GW and found a pair of jeans in the bag. I really like them, but last year they didn’t fit quite right—fine in the waist, but just slightly snug in the hips/upper thighs. I wore them a couple of times last year, then my sister gave me a bunch of her hand-me-downs that fit better, and they got relegated to the donation pile. Today, I decided to try them on and they fit much better. I wore them out today to see if they were comfortable enough to keep, and I’m in love with them now! That reminds me that I need to take my measurements—haven’t done so in ages.

    On the down side, I went over calories today. :blush: I actually made good choices while out—split a chicken and veggie quesadilla with a friend for lunch, then ordered from the “life balance” menu at Cooper’s Hawk (ahi tuna tacos—YUM!). I even limited drinks to 2 and one was from the “skinnylicious” drink menu at RAM brewery. However, when I got home I was still hungry. DH was making French fries and the smell made me even hungrier. I ended up skipping the fries b/c I was really craving protein, so I ate some left-over steak and veggies. It was a better choice, but it still put me over for the day. Not going to stress about it—will just make better choices tomorrow.

    Speaking of tomorrow, I have another day out with friends. We are going shopping to some really great outlets by O'hare. It's where I buy all of my running gear, so I may splurge on some new shoes--a late christmas present to myself. I also need to get my niece's birthday present. She loves Hello Kitty (though she calls her "Hello Cat" lol), so I'm planning to get her a Swarovski Hello Kitty charm at the outlet.

    Cleaning Goals:
    1. file paperwork/bills
    2. drop off bag of clothes to GW
    3. clean fish tank

    December All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 25/29 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    Workout: 9/29 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k over Winter Break (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k was 56:49)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/50 AP essays
    2. x/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--8k at gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
  • sharablue9185
    Hey everyone! Not a New Years newbie, more like a on and off the boat again. This time I have managed to lose about 36 pounds and need to go for 30-35 more pounds or something like that. I have been focusing more on inches lately as I seem to be building muscles, who would have thought :) Anyways hope to become a part of the group and take in a lot of advice from people who are making it work for them :) Always looking to add new friends too
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @bap - Believe - what a resounding word! glad to see you're still around, so often people come her but once, and then gone forever. You made my heart rise -so, thank you for the lift!
    @Melfornia -skating, I can picture that, and your leg muscles talking back at you! Really good strong show not getting ice cream! Good NSV!
    @sharablue-welcome -yep this is a great group. Glad you stopped by. You've done well so far and don't you feel proud of those muscles? Keep it up.
    @wizdom70 - Hi and welcome! Congrats and your first post and please keep posting - its great that you've joined us.
    @Karma - pretty cool picturre! I've been thinking. Although movement is a problem for you, you don't really have to add it to your day to lose weight. Many people have lost weight without adding any exercise ! They only reduced their calories and lost weight. One person on here had only used a pedaling device under her chair and used that. I sat in the chair and moved my arms at first. It is possible. Let your focus on that go. Watch your calories and get interested in that.
    @Skinny - I'm tickled you rescued and now have favorite jeans from the GW bag! Did you get the rest to the GW or are you in doubt now? Your niece is a lucky girl to get a charm like that! You know, I just learned that Hello Kitty is a girl and not a cat -I was so surprised, and all the historical stuff I read, made me like her all the more.

    @All The Newbies: I'll post our plans for January and you can join in on the Challenges or not, its not required, and its not a competition either.