"I don't want to be too thin" - a "fat" people thing to say?



  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I think it is realative. I'm 5'1 and since I have been 18 I've been every weight from 220-down to 95...I personally look best at a trim/toned 150-130 below 130 and I start looking sick, even though that is considered a healthy weight for me..below 120 and I start just looking imo gross...To me its all about your own personal image.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I want to look like the chicks on star trek. what the crap happened to that figure anyway? the hourglass gals use to be everywhere! did they give to many away before this gen came and we are just sol? i blame microwaves.

    thats ok, when I'm rich I'll buy bigger boobs.

    8% of the female population is a true hourglass. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, women wore corsets to achieve that look.

    Watch Mad Men. January Jones looks like an hourglass when she's in Betty Draper costume, but if you look at photos of her on the Net, she is not an hourglass. She looks great, but her waist is not that small in proportion to her hips without the corset.
  • KaidaKantri
    When I say I don't want to be too skinny, it means I don't want my ribs poking out so clearly you can see them easily, my stomache isn't going in, My hip bones aren't jutting out, etc. It's definitely not a lazy thing for me. My real goal that I want to be at is 135. But I'm going to try for 120 because I want to see what that looks on me, and it's the lower end of what I should be at. Once I get there I might decide that no, I need to put a bit of fat back on, or at least muscle. But I will see once I get down to that weight. I might even decide to go a bit lower, it will depend on what I look like when I get there. :)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I dont think its an excuss. I think people (women in general) look better with some weight on them (curves). It don't have to be alot of weight. But being too skinny is not attractive.
    I hate it when people give out the wrong definition of "curves". No matter how much you weigh, your curves will stay the same. If you're an hourglass then it will stay the same whether you're fat or thin. Its not about the weight but its how you built.

    Rolls of FAT =/= CURVY

    Not so cut and dry. Right now I have hips and boobs that add curve and shape to my body. The smaller size I get the smaller my cup size and a surprise to me and people who always knew me with curvy hips, I actually have a more "up and down" look to my hips. Not curvy at all.
    It only means that you're not really curvy & what you had are just rolls of fat. What I mean is that a real curvy woman won't lose her curves even after she loses weight. Unfortunately many people don't understand it.

    Having fat on your hips and boobs are "rolls of fat'?
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I dont think its an excuss. I think people (women in general) look better with some weight on them (curves). It don't have to be alot of weight. But being too skinny is not attractive.
    I hate it when people give out the wrong definition of "curves". No matter how much you weigh, your curves will stay the same. If you're an hourglass then it will stay the same whether you're fat or thin. Its not about the weight but its how you built.

    Rolls of FAT =/= CURVY

    Not so cut and dry. Right now I have hips and boobs that add curve and shape to my body. The smaller size I get the smaller my cup size and a surprise to me and people who always knew me with curvy hips, I actually have a more "up and down" look to my hips. Not curvy at all.
    It only means that you're not really curvy & what you had are just rolls of fat. What I mean is that a real curvy woman won't lose her curves even after she loses weight. Unfortunately many people don't understand it.

    Having hips and boobs are "rolls of fat'?

    I know, right? I will keep my "rolls of fat" then, because I LIKE hips and boobs. Mmmmmmmmm, boobs :love:
  • wwoelbel
    wwoelbel Posts: 23
    I really think that a good part of this is observation of "normal". I live in a midwestern (USA) college town. When I go to the university rec center (The Gym), the average person there appears to be healthy and moderately to extensively muscular. When I go into town or the student commons, the average person has little to no muscular definition and has excess body fat. I am still 30 pounds over my goal weight which would just barely take me out of the "Overweight" BMI category. Friends of mine have told me that losing another 30 pounds is stupid and that I would look like a famine survivor. Whats really happening is that I am being compared to the average appearance of the area - Given the large "Jiggle Factor" of the populace, I would appear to be a starving street rat. This is a sad state of affairs where obese and unhealthy is the norm. I believe that BMI is a good rough estimate of appropriate body weight ideals as long as there is a decent amount of lean muscle in the composition. Sleek is good. Muffin Top is not...
  • Eleisabelle
    I've never been "fat" (I was on the borderline of overweight when I decided to do something about it). However, when I was in high school, I was healthy, energetic--and 117 pounds at 5'4". That was fine then, but I would never want to be that skinny now. I have no doubt that I could achieve it again, but looking back at myself, I looked like a little girl. No curves, no muscles... easily blown away in a gust of wind. I think I was pretty then, but it would not be pretty on the me that I am now.

    So when I say I don't want to be too skinny, I'm saying that I want to be strong and healthy, whatever that implies--not lose weight simply to lose weight.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    What I would consider too thin.

    I think both ladies are healthy and they both look great, I just like the first one better. I don't really have any explanation for it beyond preference. *shrug*

    I can't view the second picture at work, but the lady on the top picture is too skinny in my opinion.

    "The lady"?! THAT'S SHAKIRA.

    Who the f** is Shakira? I doubt that she's an athlete.

    She is a singer and she also dance a lot. She does awsome belly dance. SHe is actually very active.

    Ahh...that explains it. No wonder I never heard of her. I'm not into belly dancing. :tongue:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    What I would consider too thin.

    I think both ladies are healthy and they both look great, I just like the first one better. I don't really have any explanation for it beyond preference. *shrug*

    I can't view the second picture at work, but the lady on the top picture is too skinny in my opinion.

    "The lady"?! THAT'S SHAKIRA.

    Who the f** is Shakira? I doubt that she's an athlete.

    She is a singer and she also dance a lot. She does awsome belly dance. SHe is actually very active.

    Ahh...that explains it. No wonder I never heard of her. I'm not into belly dancing. :tongue:

    She's a well-known singer, too. I doubt you have never heard her songs.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    For me, saying I don't want to be "too thin" is just that. I've been "too thin". I started out at 300 lbs and lost down to 115, and a size 0/2. I believed there was no such thing as too thin, or too rich. :-) My doctors reinforced that by saying the exact phrasing I just used. But you know what happened? I could see my ribs and the bones in chest. I had no butt. I couldn't lay on my side on the bed because my hip bones pressing into the mattress hurt. My estrogen levels dropped so much that I started having night sweats, just like I was going through menopause. I was exhausted all the time and passing out at 8pm on the couch. My hair started falling out. My periods disappeared. My triglycerides went up.

    For me, now, that is TOO thin. I've managed to gain a healthy weight back and am now a size 6. I'm working on getting stronger. I still have that "last" five pounds I want to get off, but for me, I think I have to realize that I'll ALWAYS want to lose another 5, and I have to be careful.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I've never been "fat" (I was on the borderline of overweight when I decided to do something about it). However, when I was in high school, I was healthy, energetic--and 117 pounds at 5'4". That was fine then, but I would never want to be that skinny now. I have no doubt that I could achieve it again, but looking back at myself, I looked like a little girl. No curves, no muscles... easily blown away in a gust of wind. I think I was pretty then, but it would not be pretty on the me that I am now.

    So when I say I don't want to be too skinny, I'm saying that I want to be strong and healthy, whatever that implies--not lose weight simply to lose weight.
    Yep, this. I weighed 110lb in college. I weighed 190 at my highest non-pregnant weight.
    I think I feel and look best around 140 when it's toned and muscular. Too much below that would be too skinny *for me*, although 110-120 looks great on some girls.
    (In my profile pic, I am 22 weeks pregnant. A little softer than I was pre-pregnancy, but I still feel strong and healthy!)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I admit that I used to say that 22 kilos (50 pounds) ago. Why? Because I had been overweight since I turned 15 (I'm now 33) & never have been under 63 kilos (about 140). My heaviest weight was more than 75 kilos or about 170 lbs. At 5'2" the BMI puts me at 101-136lbs. but since i'm medium framed so my ideal weight range is 118-132 only (recommended weight was 56.7 or 125). Because of that, I thought that reaching 56.7 kilos or 125 lbs. is way too impossible for me.

    However ever since I took proper nutrition & exercising by heart then the rest was history. I went down to 53 (115) but at that weight, I looked really sickly & at the same time skinny-fat so that was where I decided to concentrate on building muscle so that I can have a modest weight gain. So after a few months, my weight is up to 55 (121) but inches got smaller & body fat percentage went down from *28% to 19.5%*.

    * measurements vary depending on method used but the variances are very minimal so I'm more or less on that percentage
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I dont think its an excuss. I think people (women in general) look better with some weight on them (curves). It don't have to be alot of weight. But being too skinny is not attractive.
    I hate it when people give out the wrong definition of "curves". No matter how much you weigh, your curves will stay the same. If you're an hourglass then it will stay the same whether you're fat or thin. Its not about the weight but its how you built.

    Rolls of FAT =/= CURVY

    Not so cut and dry. Right now I have hips and boobs that add curve and shape to my body. The smaller size I get the smaller my cup size and a surprise to me and people who always knew me with curvy hips, I actually have a more "up and down" look to my hips. Not curvy at all.
    It only means that you're not really curvy & what you had are just rolls of fat. What I mean is that a real curvy woman won't lose her curves even after she loses weight. Unfortunately many people don't understand it.

    Having fat on your hips and boobs are "rolls of fat'?
    Yep. Our boobs is actually 80% fat. Also the hips especially cellulite are fat as well. When I was really big, I used to have a 45" hips & I could hardly feel my hip bones. But at 36", I can now feel my hip bones (not stucking out but when you touch it, its clearly bones). Despite of that, I'm still a pear since my waist is 10 inches smaller & my upper body is quite smaller than my lower body (only 34" bust).
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    I admit that I used to say that 22 kilos (50 pounds) ago. Why? Because I had been overweight since I turned 15 (I'm now 33) & never have been under 63 kilos (about 140). My heaviest weight was more than 75 kilos or about 170 lbs. At 5'2" the BMI puts me at 101-136lbs. but since i'm medium framed so my ideal weight range is 118-132 only (recommended weight was 56.7 or 125). Because of that, I thought that reaching 56.7 kilos or 125 lbs. is way too impossible for me.

    However ever since I took proper nutrition & exercising by heart then the rest was history. I went down to 53 (115) but at that weight, I looked really sickly & at the same time skinny-fat so that was where I decided to concentrate on building muscle so that I can have a modest weight gain. So after a few months, my weight is up to 55 (121) but inches got smaller & body fat percentage went down from *28% to 19.5%*.

    * measurements vary depending on method used but the variances are very minimal so I'm more or less on that percentage
    So 121 and 5'2" looks fine for you, a medium framed woman...but as a large framed, curvy 5'2" woman, I would look sickly as you did at 115 at 130. 130 is not impossible since I've been that weight before..but to me, that is TOO THIN. Not because I think that curves are all I can achieve or that I'm lazy...but because I know my body and my curves looked better at a larger weight.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I admit that I used to say that 22 kilos (50 pounds) ago. Why? Because I had been overweight since I turned 15 (I'm now 33) & never have been under 63 kilos (about 140). My heaviest weight was more than 75 kilos or about 170 lbs. At 5'2" the BMI puts me at 101-136lbs. but since i'm medium framed so my ideal weight range is 118-132 only (recommended weight was 56.7 or 125). Because of that, I thought that reaching 56.7 kilos or 125 lbs. is way too impossible for me.

    However ever since I took proper nutrition & exercising by heart then the rest was history. I went down to 53 (115) but at that weight, I looked really sickly & at the same time skinny-fat so that was where I decided to concentrate on building muscle so that I can have a modest weight gain. So after a few months, my weight is up to 55 (121) but inches got smaller & body fat percentage went down from *28% to 19.5%*.

    * measurements vary depending on method used but the variances are very minimal so I'm more or less on that percentage
    So 121 and 5'2" looks fine for you, a medium framed woman...but as a large framed, curvy 5'2" woman, I would look sickly as you did at 115 at 130. 130 is not impossible since I've been that weight before..but to me, that is TOO THIN. Not because I think that curves are all I can achieve or that I'm lazy...but because I know my body and my curves looked better at a larger weight.
    I think the ideal weight range for 5'2" large framed is from 128-141. 'm not saying curves look better at smaller weight, I was just correcting people's idea on what the word "curvy" means. Many people think that being curvy = overweight which is wrong. I keep seeing posts & articles not just in MFP with the words "thin or curvy". A curvy woman retains her curves whether she is fat or thin.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I dont think its an excuss. I think people (women in general) look better with some weight on them (curves). It don't have to be alot of weight. But being too skinny is not attractive.
    I hate it when people give out the wrong definition of "curves". No matter how much you weigh, your curves will stay the same. If you're an hourglass then it will stay the same whether you're fat or thin. Its not about the weight but its how you built.

    Rolls of FAT =/= CURVY

    Not so cut and dry. Right now I have hips and boobs that add curve and shape to my body. The smaller size I get the smaller my cup size and a surprise to me and people who always knew me with curvy hips, I actually have a more "up and down" look to my hips. Not curvy at all.
    It only means that you're not really curvy & what you had are just rolls of fat. What I mean is that a real curvy woman won't lose her curves even after she loses weight. Unfortunately many people don't understand it.

    Having fat on your hips and boobs are "rolls of fat'?
    Yep. Our boobs is actually 80% fat. Also the hips especially cellulite are fat as well. When I was really big, I used to have a 45" hips & I could hardly feel my hip bones. But at 36", I can now feel my hip bones (not stucking out but when you touch it, its clearly bones). Despite of that, I'm still a pear since my waist is 10 inches smaller & my upper body is quite smaller than my lower body (only 34" bust).

    YOUR boobs may be, but mine are not. Some women have more mammary tissue than fat in their breasts, which is why they do not shrink with weight loss or grow with weight gain.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I dont think its an excuss. I think people (women in general) look better with some weight on them (curves). It don't have to be alot of weight. But being too skinny is not attractive.
    I hate it when people give out the wrong definition of "curves". No matter how much you weigh, your curves will stay the same. If you're an hourglass then it will stay the same whether you're fat or thin. Its not about the weight but its how you built.

    Rolls of FAT =/= CURVY

    Not so cut and dry. Right now I have hips and boobs that add curve and shape to my body. The smaller size I get the smaller my cup size and a surprise to me and people who always knew me with curvy hips, I actually have a more "up and down" look to my hips. Not curvy at all.
    It only means that you're not really curvy & what you had are just rolls of fat. What I mean is that a real curvy woman won't lose her curves even after she loses weight. Unfortunately many people don't understand it.

    Having fat on your hips and boobs are "rolls of fat'?
    Yep. Our boobs is actually 80% fat. Also the hips especially cellulite are fat as well. When I was really big, I used to have a 45" hips & I could hardly feel my hip bones. But at 36", I can now feel my hip bones (not stucking out but when you touch it, its clearly bones). Despite of that, I'm still a pear since my waist is 10 inches smaller & my upper body is quite smaller than my lower body (only 34" bust).

    This is just where we have a difference of opinion. Yes, there is fat on my hips and in my boobs, I just wouldn't classify it as "rolls of fat". To me, rolls of fat would be actual rolls on a persons belly or even legs and arms.

    I understand what you are saying that if someone has a wide-set hip frame then yes, they will always have that shape at any weight, but not all people are built that way and some of us actually like having any extra inch or two to have some shape and not look too much like 12 year old boy and have some curve to their body. Despite what the magazines may claim, not all of us want to look like Kate Moss. Yes she is beautiful, just not the body type I would want.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I dont think its an excuss. I think people (women in general) look better with some weight on them (curves). It don't have to be alot of weight. But being too skinny is not attractive.
    I hate it when people give out the wrong definition of "curves". No matter how much you weigh, your curves will stay the same. If you're an hourglass then it will stay the same whether you're fat or thin. Its not about the weight but its how you built.

    Rolls of FAT =/= CURVY

    Not so cut and dry. Right now I have hips and boobs that add curve and shape to my body. The smaller size I get the smaller my cup size and a surprise to me and people who always knew me with curvy hips, I actually have a more "up and down" look to my hips. Not curvy at all.

    Exactly. Right now I am overweight so I just have huge boobs and wide hips with the fat rolls. When I get healthier I will keep my hips and boobs but they will be much smaller and look a lot better.

    So some people really do know what curvy means while othesrs do use it to justify their overweight body. Blanket statements are tricky like that.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member

    Just something I overheard the other day that got me thinking. Usually larger people saying that they don't want to be "too thin" or "skinny".

    In my opinion both of those terms are relative so one person views skinny as 5'5 110lbs person and another may say that the 5'5 girl is skinny at 120.

    So when you say "I don't want to be skinny/too thin" what are you implying? Are you saying you don't find thin attractive or are you simply saying it because you don't believe you can reach a certain weight or is it just an excuse? Like you're heavy and you'd probably like to be that weight but are too lazy to actually work for it?

    I don't mean to offend anyone. When I say I don't want to be skinny I mean under 120 (I'm 5'4) and at that weight I have hip bones jutting out and don't look healthy in my eyes.

    This usually comes from two camps:

    1. Women who have never been a healthy weight and so can't imagine themselves at one and
    2. Women who think fat = curves.

  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I admit that I used to say that 22 kilos (50 pounds) ago. Why? Because I had been overweight since I turned 15 (I'm now 33) & never have been under 63 kilos (about 140). My heaviest weight was more than 75 kilos or about 170 lbs. At 5'2" the BMI puts me at 101-136lbs. but since i'm medium framed so my ideal weight range is 118-132 only (recommended weight was 56.7 or 125). Because of that, I thought that reaching 56.7 kilos or 125 lbs. is way too impossible for me.

    However ever since I took proper nutrition & exercising by heart then the rest was history. I went down to 53 (115) but at that weight, I looked really sickly & at the same time skinny-fat so that was where I decided to concentrate on building muscle so that I can have a modest weight gain. So after a few months, my weight is up to 55 (121) but inches got smaller & body fat percentage went down from *28% to 19.5%*.

    * measurements vary depending on method used but the variances are very minimal so I'm more or less on that percentage
    So 121 and 5'2" looks fine for you, a medium framed woman...but as a large framed, curvy 5'2" woman, I would look sickly as you did at 115 at 130. 130 is not impossible since I've been that weight before..but to me, that is TOO THIN. Not because I think that curves are all I can achieve or that I'm lazy...but because I know my body and my curves looked better at a larger weight.
    I think the ideal weight range for 5'2" large framed is from 128-141. 'm not saying curves look better at smaller weight, I was just correcting people's idea on what the word "curvy" means. Many people think that being curvy = overweight which is wrong. I keep seeing posts & articles not just in MFP with the words "thin or curvy". A curvy woman retains her curves whether she is fat or thin.

    BUMP... yeah I agree.. im curvy bigger or smaller.. i always say I love my hour glass shape.. i just want a smaller glass !!! haha.. i like your more realistic wt range for the height.. esp on curvy girls like me.. im 5'4" and I look great even at 180! (im 221 now... started mfp 5wks ago.. was 234) but my more ideal happy wt is like 160-165 and way goal and dont want to be under wt is 150...