"I don't want to be too thin" - a "fat" people thing to say?



  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    For me, saying I don't want to be "too thin" is just that. I've been "too thin". I started out at 300 lbs and lost down to 115, and a size 0/2. I believed there was no such thing as too thin, or too rich. :-) My doctors reinforced that by saying the exact phrasing I just used. But you know what happened? I could see my ribs and the bones in chest. I had no butt. I couldn't lay on my side on the bed because my hip bones pressing into the mattress hurt. My estrogen levels dropped so much that I started having night sweats, just like I was going through menopause. I was exhausted all the time and passing out at 8pm on the couch. My hair started falling out. My periods disappeared. My triglycerides went up.

    For me, now, that is TOO thin. I've managed to gain a healthy weight back and am now a size 6. I'm working on getting stronger. I still have that "last" five pounds I want to get off, but for me, I think I have to realize that I'll ALWAYS want to lose another 5, and I have to be careful.

    bump! .. wow.. good you know and are aware of your mentality on wt and thinking now.. u look amazing and curvy and healthy in ur profile pic.. congrats! huuuuuuuge accomplishment from weighing 300 orig! thats freakin amazing to me
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member

    bump! .. wow.. good you know and are aware of your mentality on wt and thinking now.. u look amazing and curvy and healthy in ur profile pic.. congrats! huuuuuuuge accomplishment from weighing 300 orig! thats freakin amazing to me

    Thanks so much!!!
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    Wait a minute---so it's perfectly acceptable to say "I don't want to be too fat!" but you can't say "I don't want to be too thin!" ?? That doesn't make any sense. You can be too thin just as easily as being too fat. Too thin is when you appear unhealthy and weak (sounds a lot like being too fat, eh?). Just because a person is fat does not mean their greatest desire is to weigh 95 lbs!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I want to look like the chicks on star trek. what the crap happened to that figure anyway?

    Girdles and bullet bras, or rather, what happened is the lack of girdles and bullet bras.
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    Wait a minute---so it's perfectly acceptable to say "I don't want to be too fat!" but you can't say "I don't want to be too thin!" ?? That doesn't make any sense. You can be too thin just as easily as being too fat. Too thin is when you appear unhealthy and weak (sounds a lot like being too fat, eh?). Just because a person is fat does not mean their greatest desire is to weigh 95 lbs!!

    Well, supposedly, if we aren't all striving to be at the lowest possible weight listing for our "ideal weight" for our height and frame or less we're all just lazy fat people.
  • MSmooth747
    MSmooth747 Posts: 55 Member
    I still don't get why having "some weight" on you is a bad thing. If it is not threating your health, and it works for you. Also all weight is not the same. Just cause you have some weight does mean you have rolls
  • MSmooth747
    MSmooth747 Posts: 55 Member
    Wait a minute---so it's perfectly acceptable to say "I don't want to be too fat!" but you can't say "I don't want to be too thin!" ?? That doesn't make any sense. You can be too thin just as easily as being too fat. Too thin is when you appear unhealthy and weak (sounds a lot like being too fat, eh?). Just because a person is fat does not mean their greatest desire is to weigh 95 lbs!!

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    What I would consider too thin.

    I think both ladies are healthy and they both look great, I just like the first one better. I don't really have any explanation for it beyond preference. *shrug*

    I can't view the second picture at work, but the lady on the top picture is too skinny in my opinion.

    "The lady"?! THAT'S SHAKIRA.

    Who the f** is Shakira? I doubt that she's an athlete.

    She is a singer and she also dance a lot. She does awsome belly dance. SHe is actually very active.

    Ahh...that explains it. No wonder I never heard of her. I'm not into belly dancing. :tongue:

    She's a well-known singer, too. I doubt you have never heard her songs.

    I doubt that I have ever heard of her songs. Is she in a rock band? I mostly listen metal, hard rock, and classic rock. My favorite singer is Sully Erna from Godsmack. No belly dancing, but he does have a fine physique, definitely not too skinny. :tongue:

    ETA: I will ask my daughter if she has ever heard of her. My daughter is 15, so she keeps up on all the latest pop music.
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    I still don't get why having "some weight" on you is a bad thing. If it is not threating your health, and it works for you. Also all weight is not the same. Just cause you have some weight does mean you have rolls

    Exactly. Especially when that weight is mainly muscle. I like having muscle. Not just sleek toned muscle like a lot of women go for. I like having good sized quads and calves. I like having impressive biceps and triceps and even forearms. I think I look nice with a little "thickness" to me as long as that "thickness" is firm and strong.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Wait a minute---so it's perfectly acceptable to say "I don't want to be too fat!" but you can't say "I don't want to be too thin!" ?? That doesn't make any sense. You can be too thin just as easily as being too fat. Too thin is when you appear unhealthy and weak (sounds a lot like being too fat, eh?). Just because a person is fat does not mean their greatest desire is to weigh 95 lbs!!

  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I have been really overweight as well as "too skinny" (was 102 at 5'2" which for me resulted in bones sticking out all over). As someone with a serious interest in martial arts, I find my weight best just a slight tad heavier than what would be ideal because I do Aikido and like to have some weight in my hips and lower body because of the way everything comes from the center. It just feels better. Right now I am too fat and am trying to lose 25 pounds more to get to my ideal weight as an aikidoka. Spoken from experience on this end.

    Think everyone is different, but when I was really thin you could knock me over with a feather which I do not like. :)
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I personally think overly thin people look gross. I'm not jealous or trying to be a jerk, but that's how I feel. I want to look fit and healthy and don't mind having an *kitten*.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    For me I'm going through something like this now. People all around me are telling me I'm gorgeous and that I do not need to lose more weight. If it was just people who have known me all my life, I'd just chalk it up as they have never seen me this small before. However people who have never known me till recently, are saying things like "Why the hell would she be counting calories for?" I've also been told "I'd kill to have a body like yours." Of course these people have only seen me in clothes and never naked.

    So in my mind I'm like "Maybe my mind hasn't caught up and I'm not seeing what they are seeing?" Yes I know I'm a lot thinner and I look pretty great and I feel great, but I do see more that I need to lose and tighten up. I fear that I'm going to go over board if my mind doesn't play catch up.

    For me I just do not see myself ever to thin, I just can't see that I'll ever look like I want to, but yet I know I can, it's weird. It's my fat mind lol. I'm 5'3 134lbs and I'm ok with that but not satisfied. I don't wish to be thin I wish to be fit and healthy.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    OP HERE!

    Sorry I wrote this in a half sleep and think I may have phrased it wrong here. I am not saying it is bad to say you don't want to be "too thin"

    I just see a lot of people saying things like "OH I DON'T want to be under 140lbs because that is TOO THIN. And I think.. dang.. I'm just under 140 for the first time in a long time TODAY and I still want to be 9 lbs less because I think that looks perfect on me and is easily sustainable." I questing being "too" thin at 140 and if people say "too thin" to things that may not be "too" thin because they are "afraid" of failing if they dare to set the bar "that" low.
  • crazybigchick
    OP HERE!

    Sorry I wrote this in a half sleep and think I may have phrased it wrong here. I am not saying it is bad to say you don't want to be "too thin"

    I just see a lot of people saying things like "OH I DON'T want to be under 140lbs because that is TOO THIN. And I think.. dang.. I'm just under 140 for the first time in a long time TODAY and I still want to be 9 lbs less because I think that looks perfect on me and is easily sustainable." I questing being "too" thin at 140 and if people say "too thin" to things that may not be "too" thin because they are "afraid" of failing if they dare to set the bar "that" low.

    Lol that makes more sense. (or at least nicer sense :) ) I look bad under 140 but my sister who has the same basic height and build looks amazing (and very healthy) at 125. Just depends on the individual.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Yeah I see some people took it wrong and after reading my initial post I can see where the misunderstanding arose.. but yeah.. I feel like a lot of times I see people post a specific weight that is in the normal range or maybe even on the higher end of "normal" (because I mean.. come on.. whats normal right?) and call it too thin. And I think to myself.. how on earth is that too thin? and is it really too thin or are they making it out to be too thin for other reasons?
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    When i say this, I mean I'm pretty curvy, and i don't want to lose that. Not ever intending that Skinny isn't pretty or anything ! Thats just my opinion though ! :happy:
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I wouldn't want to be 'too thin' but I have no idea what too thin would look like on me! I've never been below 11 stone in my adult life (154lbs) and at 5ft5 that's never even been near thin! I just prefer women's figures to have a bit if softness to them. I'm not a huge fan of bones being visible, but then I'm not s fan of really ripped figures either.

    I tend to think of women who are too thin being the ones who wear kids clothes because they can't find adult clothes small enough. Although I know some women who are small in height also have that problem.

    Anyway I'll never be too thin as I love food too much, do I don't need to worry about it!:laugh:
  • adreeea
    adreeea Posts: 47 Member
    I don't see there anything wrong with saying or feeling like you don't want to be too thin. At my lowest weight and highest weight, I felt like that. It's not because I was lazy or didn't want to "put in the work". I just don't find the thin look attractive. I want to still feel soft and like a woman, not hard and very muscular. My fiance likes a butt, hips and a soft look and so do I. I don't need all my muscles to show or to have 8 pack abs. My goal is a healthy BMI and Body Fat %, more energy, and be toned.

    This being said, I'm sure that the women that do have low bf% and a lot of muscle definition as their goal are happy and look wonderful. Everyone's goals are different. What everyone finds attractive is different. It is not, however, an accurate assumption to say that people that say they don't want to be too thin just don't want to work to get there. They may just honestly not want that.
  • Newf13
    Newf13 Posts: 28
    I definitely don't want to be "too thin" or "skinny". However, I have no idea what I'll look at skinnier than 170 because I've always been overweight. I don't think it's an excuse, at least not for me. I really prefer the way women looked in the 50's with curves and softer lines than the "heroin chic" look of the 90's. I have a larger frame, I can already see my some of ribs at 183, so at 5'7 I don't think that my "ideal" weight of 143 is going to look good on me, I think I'll look like I need a cheeseburger. My best friend has a smaller/medium frame at 5'9 and weighs 150 and is perfectly in shape.