30 Day Shred



  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    Has anyone done this 30 days in a row? i have exactly 30 days until I go on holiday! At the moment I do weights 3x a week and intervals 3x a week but I do that in the mroning so I could do 30DS in the evening or do you think that would be too much? I have done level 1 once and didn't find it that hard. I'm not new to exercise but I'm not super fit!
  • jennifermaffei17
    Good luck is the best I've got.
  • runninpal
    I just started 30 day shred this morning. But i'm not sure how to log it. I hope to keep going with this along with spin, running, and swimming during the week..
  • allgoodthings
    allgoodthings Posts: 82 Member
    I just started the Shred (again). The first time through my knees weren't up to level 3. I did 4 days of that level and finished by going back to level 2. I'm half way through level 1 for the second time. I'm amazed at how much stronger I am. The first time I did level 1 I was unable to do the pushups. I had to do them on my knees. This time I can rock (most) of them like a boss. I'm also able to use 5 pound weights as opposed to 3 pounds the first time around. I even use 10 pounds for one of the exercises. I'm hoping by the time I get back to level 3 the muscles around my knees will have strengthened enough to support (i.e., not hurt) my joints during plyometrics.

    Overall, I'm very happy with the results. I visited my sister recently and she started 30DS the day after I left!
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    I did Day 3 of level 1 last night and then did 40 minutes on the treadmill. My body was so tired and today is pretty sore. I'm one of those that embraces that feeling though. Means I'm working it. :) I'm not doing the 30 days in a row though. I'm going to keep my 2 rest days so we will see how that goes. With it only being 20 minutes, I may just go ahead and do it. Happy shredding everyone!
  • allgoodthings
    allgoodthings Posts: 82 Member
    One more thing: take your measurements before you start!

    There were two weeks that the scale didn't budge, but I've lost a total of 10 inches. And I'm not going looking for them!
  • helenlp83
    Level 1 day 9 complete. I measured myself again tonight (because I'm impatient and couldn't wait until tomorrow)


    weight 186lb
    waist 41"
    thigh 24"
    arm 13"
    bum 45"

    level 1 day 9
    Weight 182lb
    waist 40"
    thigh 23"
    arm 12"
    bum 43"

    That's a total of 5 inches lost from all over. Stick with it, it's definately worth it!
  • helenlp83
    Just to say I didn't do 9 days straight I started it on 21st August so it's taken me 15 days to do 9 days of the shred!
  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member
    Did my first day yesterday and wow was I surprised I could keep up with some exervises and others kicked my *kitten*. But never stopped moving regardless if I couldn't really do the exercise or not.
    One day down 29 to go :)
  • ahultgren
    I'm a noob! I just did Level 1 Day 6 today. I've also gotten into yoga and have been throwing that in the mix as well (going to piloxing tonight!). So far I have noticed an improvement in my endurance and am able to do more of the pushups, although they are the "girly" pushups, but pushups nonetheless! I'm going to take new "before" pics because the ones I took are of me unclothed and I don't think that is ok to post!

    Keep up the good work ladies!!
  • livitup85
    livitup85 Posts: 231 Member
    Tonight will be Day 3 of the Shred. So far the only thing that sucks is the bicycle crunches. Other than that, it's a 20 min workout that makes me sweat as much as my 1 hour workout regime. Thumbs up!!
  • tcloutier
    I just started the 30 day shred this week! I definitely feel the burn in my upper body lol. Feel free to add me and we can do it together!
  • kariannmbc
    Today I'm on Level 1 Day 2, and the place I really feel it is in my shoulders: and I can only do one "girly" push-up at this point! Even with two sports bras, I still have to cross my arms when doing jumping jacks.

    Over the last two months, I've tried starting the whole 30 days a few times, but it wasn't until this week that I could do all three circuits without feeling like I was going to die. (Now I just feel like my arms will fall off...) Three or more week days each week, I take a 20-30 minute walk with a colleague during lunch, depending on what the daily schedule is like.
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    I finished level 1 day 3 tonight.. so far so good! The first day was a little overwhelming- had to stop twice for a breather but I finished the work out. I was sore the next day but not so sore that I couldn't complete day 2. However, after day 2 I was reeeally sore so I had a rest day yesterday and just went on a walk. Finished day 3 today and I can already tell it's getting slightly easier. Usually I go on a walk afterward to let my muscles cool down but I didn't get to work out until late tonight so I had to skip the walk today.

    I'm enjoying the workouts so far, and by enjoying I mean they make me work and sweat like crazy. :) So hopefully I'll see some good results soon! Keep it up everyone!
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    I started on the 1st, so today was day 4 of level one. I've been making posts on my blog every day about the workouts, and other things. In three days I lost 3 lbs! I'm hoping I keep losing at that rate! ;-) Anyone doing the Shred is free to add me, and check out my blog for some inspiration, motivation, and humor! haha.
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    Has anyone done this 30 days in a row? i have exactly 30 days until I go on holiday! At the moment I do weights 3x a week and intervals 3x a week but I do that in the mroning so I could do 30DS in the evening or do you think that would be too much? I have done level 1 once and didn't find it that hard. I'm not new to exercise but I'm not super fit!

    I did it 30 days in a row. Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 and Level 3 for 10. I didn't miss any days. I also do weights 3 times and intervals 3 times a week. I shred first thing in the morning and then do my regular routine right after. We have three little ones so I need to get the exercise done and out of the way first thing or else it won't get done.

    Good Luck!
  • chroniclesofthinoholic
    I've been doing it for almost 8 days...It's a good workout if you give your 100% ... 20 minutes means you really have to push it 20 minutes for that sweat... It feels nice to finish off a workout in a short time span...:)...first three days can be hard...but then it gets better as your body gets stronger...
  • Lisaherbalmomma
    Hope this encourages you ladies along-I'm 47 and about 45lbs overweight. I just finished the Shred about a week ago. It was hard and I did do some of the modificiations part of the time. There is no shame in modifications, like she says this workout is hard for her and the 2 girls, too and they are fit! After week one, I could tell I was so much stronger and my family noticed a difference in my size and shape. Each week I had my weak points, but just kept pushing through. Even though I didn't always do the advanced version and had to stop and take short breaks I lost 5 inches and 3lbs. 2inches off the butt and 1inch off waist. The rest was thighs and arms. I can't wear some of my 'fat pants' now as they are falling off of me. It made a huge diff in my shape and look like I lost 15lbs at least.

    One more thing, sometimes I modified the modify! Sometimes I just jogged in place cuz I didn't think I would make it. I always did the modified pushups, but now I'm doing Ripped in 30 and can do a total of 17-20 regular pushups! I took a few short breaks at each level, but at the end of each level they were much less and I was much stronger. My knees were a little strained, I was just careful not to go too deep in lunges. Hope this encourages you all and if a fat, old lady like me can do it I know you can too! Best to you!
  • tmbolt
    tmbolt Posts: 14 Member
    Can I ask what weights everyone is doing on level 1?

    I read to start on 3kgs. With most exercises this is fine, but when I do squat and press and the anterior raises with side lunge I struggle to lift the weights.

    I'm only onto Day 3 and don't want to build up my arms too much (used to be a swimmer so had bulky shoulders before and not keen on them again). So just wanting to know what everyone else is using.

    Tins of bake beans seemed like a good alternative... :P
  • helenlp83
    Just finsihed day 10 of level 1.....am now watching level 2 and scared is not the word!!!! God help me tomorrow when I try it for the first time.

    I use my lowest weights which are 1.1kg. I know it may sound feeble but it works for me and I don't want to bulk up my arms too much