Toxic Parents...don't believe what you are told



  • kattp07
    kattp07 Posts: 40 Member
    I feel your pain! I'm 38 years old and still to this day hear rude hurtful comments from my mother.Not only about my weight but how I raise my children and the healthy food I give them!When my kids and I eat healthy food in front of her she reminds me of how gross it is and says,why would you want to eat that,thats disusting!In front of my kids .Then tries to shove candy and pop down ther throats!I give my kids candy somtimes in moderation,but not all day long! She also tries to savotage my weight loss by sending home cookies and cakes with me shoved in the bottom of a bags after i've already said no I don't want it 20 times!My whole life she has said to me (if you were only 20lbs lighter you'd look good)!Now I am 20lbs lighter then I was back then and she can't stand that i'm smaller than her now!I go to my parents house so my kids can see them,but I can never stay long,will it ever end?It's not looking like it!I think I need that book!
  • tragicpixie
    Thanks for the reminder about this. I had to move back in with my parents for a bit due to financial problems and my parents are both pretty toxic. To make matters worse, last time I lived at home I had a very bad eating disorder - which you think a parent might notice - but mine never did even when it was pretty hard to hide.
    Anyway, I was doing really well until they all went on Weight Watchers. It's been triggering unfortunately, instead of not eating I end up binging and eating all the things I know I shouldn't (and don't even like) because of all the constant food talk.

    I had an account awhile ago and it helped, but I joined back up when I gained everything back and went ten pounds past my high weight. I have no idea how I'm going to manage to stay sane, lose weight, and be healthy but I have to try. :)

    I have that book: it totally helped me in the past, though now things are a little more difficult. (I was totally one of those people much happier without my parents in my life on a daily or weekly basis.)
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member

    I have that book: it totally helped me in the past, though now things are a little more difficult. (I was totally one of those people much happier without my parents in my life on a daily or weekly basis.)

    Long story, but my sister caused so much drama and upset, that as usual, my mother blindly will gang up with her to attack me. They were screaming at me on the phone, and I said in a very calm voice "I am not putting up with this, I will speak to you when you can have an adult conversation". That was back in February of 2011. That was the third time, I had attempted to mend bridges, but it is far too toxic for my mental health. I miss my (step)- dad dearly, but the mother always answers the phone, and is like a guard dog. I just can't open the door to that toxicity any longer.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My father always told me I was fat... but I didn't consider it abuse of any sort because I was fat! 180 pounds at 5'9.. I was a blimp, who needed to lose weight but never wanted to.. and now that I have, he can't shut up about how good I look. I like to say that I proved him wrong.

    My father also likes to tell me that I'm worthless and will never find a job because I never learned how to do anything in college. I should have gone for engineering or something math based because then at least I would have learned how to do something, and I wouldn't be so stupid... and of course that one stings, but until I can move out, I just tell him that his role is to sit there, pay the bills and be quiet... and it seems that after a year of me telling him that, he's accepted that fact and leaves me alone.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    For those of you interested, I found a pdf copy of the book for download:

    Let me know what you think.

  • cheesypeas71
    My one-time very slim, very attractive, size 8 (UK) mother always called me fat, said I only had attractive friends to make me feel better about myself and taking me shopping for clothes that were bigger than hers was embarrassing. This always struck me as being odd, seeing as though she fed me and bought the food I ate until I was old enough to fend for myself. To me, this is control, manipulation and emotional abuse at the very least.

    Now, I wouldn't wish ill on anybody, but the day she woke up a Size 18/20 and asked if I had some clothes she could borrow, gave me more pleasure than you could imagine. She has not mentioned my weight since then. However, the control and manipulation is still there, because she WILL NOT acknowledge that I am trying to do something about my weight, and still insists on giving me huge portions of meals that she only bothers to cook when we go over. She also controls meals out by refusing to let me pay for any and causing a scene when I try to put my foot down, thereby choosing herself where we eat.

    She is a nightmare.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I hope that other parents find this message. I will occasionally see posts from parents that say things like "My 8 year old is fat, I made her an MFP account" followed by a picture of a very normal looking kid.

    I'm sorry you have been abused like this.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Basically, all I wanted to say, was.. if there are any young people out there, that have been told you are "fat".... get real support, from TRUSTED people... the school nurse, your family doctor or nurse, a family member who believes in you, a teacher or school counselor. I wish you all the best, be yourself... have fun, and remember... there is always one person out there who believes in you. It WILL get better.

    Believe in yourself, in the end you're the only one who can do anything for you... And strut like hell when you've stood up for yourself. You're a boss.
  • KellyS_86
    Yep! My dad couldn't for the life of him stop telling me how beautiful I was and I used to hate it but then.... I grew up and my mother (who lives off of yoghurt, coffee and cigarettes and was a lifeguard most of her life) starts dropping things in like 'DO you think its the pill Kelly?' Ummmm what's the pill mum? 'Oh you know, this extra weight'. Lovely. And.... even at the ripe age of 25 I flew out to NZ to see her and I cooked for HER, she had the audacity to serve me up the smallest portion you have ever seen. Hmmpf.
  • Sarahneedstoshrink
    Thank You for reminding me how blessed I am to have supportive parents! Sometimes I forget and don't appreciate them like I should.
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I have to say thank you for this post and the mention of the book. It is definitely something i will be reading in the near future. My relationship with my own mother is very toxic And I hope this helps.
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    I hope that other parents find this message. I will occasionally see posts from parents that say things like "My 8 year old is fat, I made her an MFP account" followed by a picture of a very normal looking kid.

    I'm sorry you have been abused like this.

    That is a GREAT point. I too hope manipulative parents get to see this, though I don't think they would EVER look at a posting called "Toxic Parents". Maybe it should be reposted and called "is your daughter too fat"? That MAY get their attention, but then again, these mothers are so self-centered, it is about THEM not about their daughters, they wouldn't even SEE themselves in it.

    Thank you so much, I greatly appreciate you reading my post, and commenting.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    Thank You for reminding me how blessed I am to have supportive parents! Sometimes I forget and don't appreciate them like I should.

    That is wonderful. Tell them how fabulous they are, and what a great job they did. /hug
  • girish_ph
    girish_ph Posts: 148 Member
    For those of you interested, I found a pdf copy of the book for download:

    Let me know what you think.


    Im getting "Download Denied" whats up??
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    For those of you interested, I found a pdf copy of the book for download:

    Let me know what you think.


    Im getting "Download Denied" whats up??

    Not sure why you are having that problem. Try doing a search for the title and free download. Maybe that will help

    Try Parents&author=Susan Forward&category=Family |%20Relationships&eid=2839&type=Book&popular=284
  • tragicpixie
    I couldn't find a PDF but, I did notice one amazon link said it wasn't available on Kindle. I actually purchased my copy on my Kindle, so I know that's out there too.

    Also, just a thought but my I know my local library also does e-lending if you have a library card you just log into the system. If you have an e-reader you can download books or PDF files if you don't.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm glad you've got such a good perspective on a horrible thing.

    <3 to you.
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. My mom used to call me "fat" because she knew I had an eating disorder. There is so much more I could go into about her, the emotional abuse, but now I just don't deal with her. She is all about herself, not her own family in any way. She doesn't talk to any of my family, and even my disabled sister lives with my mom's ex boyfriend. HE takes care of her, not my mom. I couldn't deal with her lies and abuse anymore.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    luckily, my family, as well as my husbands family are very supportive..nobody ever told me i was fat to my face, but it was said behind my back..of course then, i WAS obese, and as much as it would have hurt my feelings and embarassing to have it pointed out to me, it would have been true. now, i get complimented on how GOOD and HEALTHY i sorry you dont have the support like you should :frown: