sahm 11/23--11/29

hi ladies! we are a group of sahm's we're casual but very supportive and encouraging. come join the conversation anytime--about health, diet, kids, exercise, recipes...whatever!



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    gm! my goals for this week

    Do the ENTIRE week 4 plan of my exercise regimen.
    Drink 7-8 glasses water EVERY DAY.

    let's all commit to being our best--what is your BIGGEST goal for the week? how can we help you reach it??

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I had a nightmare last night.

    I dreamt Hostess made these strawberry shortcake things. They were twinkie bread squares (at least the size of one's palm) with twinkie cream on top and strawberry pie filling on top, too. Each one had over 1,000 calories. In my dream, I ate FIVE of them without realizing it! When my husband pointed out they were 1,000 calories, I about had a coronary. I was completely mortified.

    So that was my nightmare. It's okay, you can laugh. I had a homemade lemon bar last night as a treat. Maybe treats before bed are a bad idea.

    I'd like to lose weight this week, but I don't see it happening with a certain monthly relative on her way (sorry, tmi) and Thanksgiving. I do plan, however, to maintain my current weight, keep working out, drink my 90 oz of water, and just stick with it until it all passes.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    trish- you are too funny!

    My goals are maintaining through the holiday, not going too overboard and drinking all of my water.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    good reasonable goals, ladies.

    amy, shera, shamm, billie---where are you??
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! Just checking in. Have a great day!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So I was super duper naughty at lunch. I had my lean cuisine pizza, and then decided to have a bowl of leftover veggie chili. I'll have to work super duper hard today to offset it. At least it isn't fattening. Nobody I know has ever gotten fat eating veggies! And veggies are supposed to be low cal, right? So why would 1 small bowl be 900 cals? It doesn't make sense. Somehow I think my measuring is WAAAAY off on it.
  • shamm08
    shamm08 Posts: 109
    I got on the scale today it said 133.8 I'm hoping its right but I don't think it is. That would be about 3 pounds in one week without exercising or my starting weight was off, I don't know I'm going to reweigh tomorrow. I did great today got up and worked out first thing this morning. My goal this week is to work out five times this week. With Thanksgiving this weekend I know I'll need it. I'm still hoping to drop a pound this week.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Why wont the scale get any lower than 138!?

    I'm doing good, Layla is now seven weeks goes too fast! Dylan is being a good little guy today and let me get a work out on the Wii done this morning...yay!

    Goals for this week are:
    - work out on the Wii at least 5 times
    - run at least three times (there is like a foot of snow on the ground now so that may not happen)
    - drink lots of water and count my calories!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Why wont the scale get any lower than 138!?

    MINE DID and then i helped it go back up!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I got on the scale today it said 133.8

    awesome--what i wdn't do to get the #s that low! oh yeah--i have to eat less, eat better, and move more--huh, that may be tricky!

    congrats on making the scale keep moving down :flowerforyou:

    ps--hi silver!! how's life?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- I just checked out your ticker for the miles- Way to go! You are almost to that goal! keep pushing that girl!:flowerforyou:

    Silver! Nice to see you. I hope all is well.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So I wimped out of my Wii Biggest Loser workout. Stupid Bob & his Stupid Tricep Dips! :mad:

    I'm making it up on Wii Fit Plus, though. Already toasted off 214, and dripping sweat. Did you know the Rhythm Boxing Expert level torches off like 100 calories in a 10 minute span? HOLY MOLY! Good thing it's one of my favorites.

    Hmm... maybe I should ask for a boxing game for Christmas.

    I'm going to try to get a walk in when Grace gets up from her nap. If that doesn't happen, I will ask hubby if we can bum around the mall after dinner :)
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Actually my life sucks right now. I was seeing this guy. we got intimate a few days later he breaks up with me. apologizes and hugs me, I think he saying sorry for our little spat, no he was saying sorry for breaking up with me. the next night he comes over and he's all over me. so I figure everything is back to normal, so we go over to my place for a little bit and ahem. :blushing: Then I find out teh next day that we aren't even together. I was actually embarrassed to discover that one. So few days go by and he starts flirting with me again, doing his best to turn me on, we go over to my place and he wants to take a bath with me, so we ahem in the tub and I asked him when we went to the bedroom if that meant he wanted to get back with me and he said yes. Then a day or so later, he says he just wants to date. So we go a couple of days without really talking and then he asks me to go see New Moon with him friday night. He's flirty and doing things to me that he knows turn me on and I kept telling him to behave. He tells me the next night that he's trying to get back with the girl he dated over the summer and doesn't really want to date me. Then today, He tried to hook me up with this family member of his who I have never heard him say ONE good word about. So this guy doesn't want me, so he's gonna pass me onto teh guy he never has anything nice about. It hurt my feelings incredibly. Thank god for my best friend, he pulled me out of the depression that settled me into. so that has been my month of November, so far. Lovely, huh?????
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Actually my life sucks right now. I was seeing this guy. we got intimate a few days later he breaks up with me. apologizes and hugs me, I think he saying sorry for our little spat, no he was saying sorry for breaking up with me. the next night he comes over and he's all over me. so I figure everything is back to normal, so we go over to my place for a little bit and ahem. :blushing: Then I find out teh next day that we aren't even together. I was actually embarrassed to discover that one. So few days go by and he starts flirting with me again, doing his best to turn me on, we go over to my place and he wants to take a bath with me, so we ahem in the tub and I asked him when we went to the bedroom if that meant he wanted to get back with me and he said yes. Then a day or so later, he says he just wants to date. So we go a couple of days without really talking and then he asks me to go see New Moon with him friday night. He's flirty and doing things to me that he knows turn me on and I kept telling him to behave. He tells me the next night that he's trying to get back with the girl he dated over the summer and doesn't really want to date me. Then today, He tried to hook me up with this family member of his who I have never heard him say ONE good word about. So this guy doesn't want me, so he's gonna pass me onto teh guy he never has anything nice about. It hurt my feelings incredibly. Thank god for my best friend, he pulled me out of the depression that settled me into. so that has been my month of November, so far. Lovely, huh?????

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Stacey- I just checked out your ticker for the miles- Way to go! You are almost to that goal! keep pushing that girl!:flowerforyou:

    thanks! i think tho that to reach my miles i'll have to bike at the y a lot. since switching over to p90x i don't get the miles in, kwim? but i want to reach that goal too--so i'll be at the y later this week. !
    how's the running coming along?? are you able to keep a good balance--that is, not pushing yourself too far to protect yourself from further injury? i just got an mp3 player and it's easy for me to overdo when i get the rockin' song. then i have to remind myself to settle down. :tongue:

    **did my p90x for today!** now to finish the water
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Awww Silver...that sucks! I would tell him to get lost a never contact you again! It sounds like he wants his cake and eats it too!

    Stacey- My running is going really good, thanks for asking! My injury last year actually wasn't from running. It was an anger management issue.:blushing: I kicked my son's backpack!:blushing: How is your son's Bum?

    Trish- All this talk of your Wii makes me want to go out and get one!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole... DOOOO! The Wii is so much fun! I ended up torching 442 calories (or so Wii Fit + says), primarily doing the Rhythm Boxing (and I think it's pretty close, cuz I'm drenched). You could spend $400-$600 on a treadmill, and be bored with the same old routine every day, or spend the same amount on a Wii & games and have a blast EVERY DAY! It makes you want to always do more.
    Treat yourself (and your family) to one for Christmas. You'll be surprised how much good it will do you. I would encourage sticking to games that have a lot of motion though, so you're always working out without realizing it. The Star Wars one looks cool, cuz you have to do all the Jedi moves, and one of my favorite family games is Raving Rabbids TV Party.
    I high recommend Biggest Loser for Wii as well. I mean what video game makes you completely avoid it cuz you get your butt kicked physically? LOL
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member

    I'm making it up on Wii Fit Plus, though. Already toasted off 214, and dripping sweat. Did you know the Rhythm Boxing Expert level torches off like 100 calories in a 10 minute span? HOLY MOLY! Good thing it's one of my favorites.

    I have a love hate relationship with the boxing! On the regular one, I can only ever get two stars and I totally don't have enough coordination for anything beyond the beginner level. I get lost very fast!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    The first 10 times I did it on Beginner, I was tripping over myself left and right. I'm pretty useless when it comes to rhythm & moving my feet, but I just kept at it and now I can do the Expert level. I can't dodge to save my life, and I still screw up a lot, but the point is to have fun and slaughter those calories! :)

    I also like the Rhythm Kung Fu and Rhythm Step. Did a LOT of tripping over myself on Rhythm Step, too, until I finally got it.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I see you ladies have gotten talkative tonight.