What was your bottom/ah-ha moment....



  • TeeDeezy
    TeeDeezy Posts: 40 Member
    I hit 200 pounds (which is way to big for me) and immediately went on a diet. I lost 25 lbs in about three months. Then, I had a big life change (a happy one) and gained about 20 of that back. Felt like hell. I felt crappy all the time, so I decided to get back in shape. Now I've pretty much lost it all again and I'm going for more this time. I'm never letting that happen again.

    Like a lot of people have said, take a look of some photos and really look at yourself. I know I find it disgusting when I look at old pictures of myself looking so unhealthy. It can be very depressing, but you have to take that depression, get over it, apply it to your diet, take it to the gym, and put in work. It's the only way you'll ever get started.

    You're the only one who can make the ultimate decision to take care of yourself. At some point, you just have to realize that you're worth it and that you're slowly killing yourself with your bad habits. Get angry at yourself if you have to. Then use that anger to start making better decisions. You have to be confident about improving your self image. That's one thing no one can do for you.
  • SovanJedi
    SovanJedi Posts: 27 Member
    When my best friend told me I had boobs.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I remember this day well...it was when my doctor told me I was borderline morbidly obese. I never ever ever want to hear those words again.
  • zestyzaftig
    zestyzaftig Posts: 103 Member
    Some days I'm still surprised I'm actually doing this but I am so thankful that I am.

    I feel the same. It's like I have to pinch myself, "This is really happening, isn't it?"
  • jehuster
    jehuster Posts: 168
    I was sitting at the table on the deck outside [facing the sliding glass door] and I saw a reflection in the window of a "Fat person." I kept staring at it and realized it was me. :frown: I said to myself, "My God, is that me? How did I let myself get so bad."
  • carlyhawks05
    carlyhawks05 Posts: 20 Member
    My husband came home and said "lets try my fitness pal." I logged for one day and now, 135 days of uninterrupted logging, here I am! 31 lbs lighter and 6 sizes smaller. It really hit home when I saw a picture of myself at Universal Studios last year and compared it with my Warrior Dash picture from this year. My motivation, my husband! I could not have made it this far without him. 50lbs gone between the two of us!
  • jehuster
    jehuster Posts: 168
    Some days I'm still surprised I'm actually doing this but I am so thankful that I am.

    I feel the same. It's like I have to pinch myself, "This is really happening, isn't it?"

    Amen to that ladies...I can relate. :flowerforyou:
  • reinventingandrea
    My niece was playing with my phone and snapped a few pictures of me. I didn't see them until much later that day and right then I decided that it was now or never. That was 2 years ago.
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    I was just wondering...........what was your bottom and/or ah ha moment (if there was one) where you said enough and started your weight loss/exercise journey?

    Feeling nauseated/dizzy from drinking diet coke, and then subsequently phasing it out with lime flavored sparkling mineral water. Definitely an ah-ha moment, since I researched why I would feel so crappy when having the diet coke, and well, it's been 3 months or so and I've changed SO MUCH in my life. The combination of getting a nutritionist and joining MFP has really been what I needed to get myself into gear.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    I was kneeling on the floor in my room wearing skinny jeans. I could feel my leg fat pushing against the denim and the pressure kind of hurt :( these jeans had fit perfectly only months earlier! That's when I really decided to commit.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    When my doctor told me if I stuck to my ways I'd die...very soon...in my mind I'm saying,"Oh Sh!#" I really need to listen to this doctor and do what he says. So far he's been right on track and I'm happy.
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    When I decided to actually look at the scale at the Dr's office instead of turning my head away and saying "Don't tell me... I don't want to know" And I was 296 pounds... I said to myself.. That is it.. I am NOT going to be 300 pounds!
  • kaileykill
    my ah ha moment i'll admit was only a week ago! i've been off and on with dieting for a wile. I walked by a mirror about to change into pajamas and just thought,'I'm 40 pounds over weight' so instead of changing into some PJs i put on some jogging clothes and went for a 30 minute jog/walk. Then i put alarms on my phone, 6:55 Look in mirrior, 7:00 go jogging, 7:30 you can go home now. Having your phone bug you till you do something you need to do makes me run everyday

    That's such an amazing idea!! I shall do this too :D
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I got winded going up a flight of stairs. ONE FLIGHT.

    Before that, I was running 6 miles every evening. It was a huge wake-up call.
  • wormstrup14
    A friend of ours who used to babysit our kids was out walking her dog and stopped to chat...told us she was back to babysitting full time for another family because the wife had just lost her husband...they had 2 small boys (under age 6) and he had died of a heart attack laying on their couch...he was only 40 years old.... the next week both my husband and I joined the Biggest Loser program at our local gym and joined MFP soon after.
  • MemphisGirl75
    MemphisGirl75 Posts: 80 Member
    Seeing myself in the family Christmas picture in 2009. The following February (2010), I turned 35 and decided enough was enough. I had been fat all my life and it wasn't getting better or easier. So I devised a plan and started exercising on March 1, 2010. I had lost 85 pounds total, but gained back 12 of that after developing a stress fracture this spring. But I'm out of my cast and starting over. Have already lost five pounds in two weeks.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    When I couldn't sit up straight in my jeans because my fat pushed SO hard against the seam that it hurt. I looked down and saw what I then termed the "fat person tummy", where half the fat is below the button and protruding and the other half is hanging over the top...


    Sad part? I WAS EVEN WEARING SPANKS! I was at 245 then, now at 215 and going strong! Haven't tried those jeans on but can't wait until I do and they are too big :-)

    I was tired of being uncomfortable in clothes. Always finding the "right combination" of clothes to hide my fat. Always wearing wraps in my already Miracle Spanx swimsuit to hide my lower half and be less offensive and finally, this is small but, being able to wrap a NORMAL sized towel around my body and have it ACTUALLY close. :-)
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Prior to my MS relapse last fall, my MS was my excuse for not doing anything I did not want to do.....

    I had a relapse with my MS and was on steroids for about three months.
    Even though I was careful about not giving in to the food cravings I still managed to gain twenty pounds...

    That put me at 200.. (I had never been there). I could not fit into anything in my closet and I was not about to shop in the fat women's section..... I was miserable and every joint in my body hurt.. but I just whined about it and did notthing.
    My then two year old grandson wanted me to read him a story on my iPad and he climbed up into the recliner and tried to sit with me, but we did not fit side by side.. so he sat on floor instead.. it broke my heart.
    The next day I joined MFP and quit smoking..... that was February 2012. I am forty pounds lighter and my now three year old grandson, climbs up into the recliner now and says "Amma, Amma-- we fit ! We fit!!" and I say, that is because "Amma is smaller" and he says ' Yes, Amma is smaller and I am getting bigger" All the reason in the world for me!!!!!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Christmas 2011 when I saw myself in some photos and I was like OMG who's the fat chick with the gnarly double chin?! I know that heffer ain't me! UMM but it was me....total lifestyle change ever since, still isnt easy some days; but with 9ish pounds to go until I hit my goal weight and being able to wear a juniors size 7 for the first time in 4 years, not to mention having WAY more energy...TOTALLY worth it!!
  • emilym_3
    emilym_3 Posts: 62
    I broke my ankle and lost like 15 lbs because I couldn't get to the kitchen every half hour for a snack, so I thought, I'm gonna keep going! I've lost about 12 lbs since I joined MFP!
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