What was your bottom/ah-ha moment....



  • MrsBioChem
    MrsBioChem Posts: 80 Member
    For me it was a few factors:
    Having to pull out my "fat pants"... Then a year later being too large for those pants. For me this was depressing because I did not like the way I looked in my clothing. Plus, I am on a limited budget as a college student, and a new wardrobe is not included.
    Then, not being able to run a mile. My do is a runner, and I felt guilty for not being able to keep up with her for even short "runs."
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Seeing myself on a family video and thinking I do seriously not look like that,,, do I,

    more recently,
    getting down to 86 kilos and then being in an accident and going up to above 100 again,

    This week, having a works accident and being on crutches, omg,,,,
    fingers crossed on this one.
  • literatelier
    literatelier Posts: 209 Member
    I bought a pair of jeans without trying them on - the same exact jeans I always buy, so I thought I didn't need to. Fast forward a couple weeks and I packed them, still without having tried them on, to go away on vacation. Long story short I ended up having to buy another pair of pants because they absolutely didn't fit. It was a family vacation and my brother, who had just graduated with a fitness and nutrition degree and is very passionate about fitness, was there and he was very helpful and encouraging through my rock-bottom moment. He showed me a video on youtube (the link is in my profile) which has changed my life. I would encourage anyone to watch it for some motivation. If you think you can't do something, it will show you just how wrong you are. YOU can do ANYTHING.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I bought a pair of jeans without trying them on - the same exact jeans I always buy, so I thought I didn't need to. Fast forward a couple weeks and I packed them, still without having tried them on, to go away on vacation. Long story short I ended up having to buy another pair of pants because they absolutely didn't fit. It was a family vacation and my brother, who had just graduated with a fitness and nutrition degree and is very passionate about fitness, was there and he was very helpful and encouraging through my rock-bottom moment. He showed me a video on youtube (the link is in my profile) which has changed my life. I would encourage anyone to watch it for some motivation. If you think you can't do something, it will show you just how wrong you are. YOU can do ANYTHING.

    I saw that guy in the video on the show "the dr's" He is awesome! A true inspiration!
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    When I was getting changed and caught a glimpse of a body in the mirror. I thought 'oh my god look at the state of that'. Then I realised I was looking at my own reflection. I hadn't realised the mirror was angled at me, so genuinely thought it was someone else.

    I had always told myself I wouldn't let myself go down the same route as all the other women in my family (obese) and it suddenly hit me, that I was overweight (at least a stone and a half) and if I didn't nip it in the bud, I would be exactly where they are before I knew it.

    I am so glad I got that moment sooner than later.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    There were so many that should have been the final one to convince me to get my butt in gear.

    But right before I joined MFP, I had dragged myself to the mall for my semi-annual shopping trip because of the 4th of July sales. I have grown to hate shopping for clothes with a passion because of the difficulty in finding anything that looks right, that doesn't emphasize my fat rolls, etc etc. So I tend to wear the same plain outfits to work over and over until they aren't even worth donating to Good will and then I go to the mall to try to find something decent to replace them.

    This year, I actually found a number of cute things that did look good on me and were marked way down. But I also tried on multiple other, cuter outfits that just wouldn't work. I went home happy in spite of this but I just couldn't get all those lovely clothes on sale out of my head and I thought, I'm going to try losing weight one more time.

    I find it interesting that the final event to inspire me wasn't a day of self-loathing at the mall, or trying to complete a strenuous physical activity in pain while unable to breathe, or a shocking picture of myself, but rather a successful shopping trip in which I DID find cute things that fit me at my starting size of US 16-18. I'm still not sure why that was but here I am anyway, almost 10 pounds down since 7/28.
  • snowydog
    snowydog Posts: 16
    Mine's probably quite strange

    But started my degree 4 years ago UK Size 10, nice and trimmed/athletic....

    2 years in to my degree something happened which I'm still not sure what exactly, but I became really depressed and piled on like 5 stone in space of 2 years - even more depressing to me was the stretch marks that followed and the knowledge that I'd never have a scar free stomach ever again!

    Then in early July I had a bit of a breakdown the night before my graduation .... I was graduating top of my class with first class hons in SPORT AND EXERCISE SCIENCE, yet I was the biggest girl graduating - even though I started the degree as a full blown, competing athlete.

    After that, a few weeks passed and I tried to change, but I was still depressed at how low my self worth was ...

    My whole life has been defined by sport, I've competed my whole life and have never had many problems with weight and these last 2 years just exploded on me! It could be what you call burnout ......

    Last week, I had enough, lowest of the low, decided to get Insanity and tomorrow I will have completed Week 1 (Rest day) ..... and I feel I'm finally getting my life back on track ... I'm really going to stick at it .... once round one is done, Ill be moving on to P90X and strength training and then after that I will be back on to Insanity Asylum ...

    I've ate clean all week, there was one day where I had a small box of chocolates and I felt so bad about it but I still didn't go over my calories....other than that, it's been clean clean clean all week....

    I think I'm getting somewhere and I hope this time next year I'll be back in pre-season ready to compete in field hockey again!! I'm also spending this year training in golf as I've competed in competitions nationally and would like to work towards 2016 in Rio ..... I'm trying to turn my life around now before it's too late!
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    Realizing how close I was to hitting 300 :(
  • wjewell
    wjewell Posts: 282 Member
    I told the doctors for YEARS "Don't tell me my weight...". Why? I have no idea...I guess I wasn't ready to face it. Some girls as work wanted to do a weight loss challenge together and I decided to join, but first I needed to weigh myself at home. NAKED. I stepped on the scale...and BAM!! Just like a ton of bricks.. 286 lbs. WHAT?! I cried. I THOUGHT I weighed MAX 245... It's been yoyo dieting since..Losing, gaining, losing gaining....But now I'm coming up on my graduation in 9 months and I am determined to weigh 199 or less!
  • Rimroses
    Rimroses Posts: 30 Member
    I started getting depressed when the size 12 pants and shorts were getting snug. I have NEVER been a size 12. I kept blaming it on post partum baby weight, 5 months after my baby was born... We took family photos and that was my kick in the *kitten*. I couldn't believe I was THAT big! No more! I am nipping this in the bud!
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    I've been fat my entire life, except for the firs 5 years. You couldn't get me to come inside. I had a short 6 month span when I was 14.. 123 pounds, but I can't quite remember how that looks on the scale.
    The biggest push for me was my dad. He was diagnosed with cancer in May 2009, went into remission in November 2009 and it came back early December of 2011 but didn't get the results back until January 2012. He died July 2012. He spent his whole life eating right and exercising. He built a home gym in our basement and was constantly working out. He used to smoke in his early adult years but quit that well before I was born, and I was 21 when he passed. Someone who took such good care of themselves had their life and health taken away from them.. and I knew I was just throwing mine away. That's when I grew up and started my journey in October 2012, and I'm NEVER going back.
  • Penelope10201
    Penelope10201 Posts: 13 Member
    I Stepped on the scale for that last time...and Said to myself...at 199lbs ...This is IT......you either go over the 200 mark...and no turning back....OR you start in the morning! This was August of 2011......I dropped my starbucks latte's ....and In january 2012 started Myfitnesspal...Best app in the world! From then on...I dropped weight...I am now 161..and can't wait to breakthrough the 150's...I'm 36 yrs old...and I was tired of hating pictures, the mirror...and being in my Fat clothes...It really hit me when I had to stop shopping at white house black market, and had to go to Lane Byrant for the 1st time ever...NEVER AGAIN! I refuse to EVER be there again...I sweated in places I didn't think was possible! My husband joined my journey and went from 265 to 201...he has about 15lbs to goal weight...and I have 25lbs to goal weight...It's slow ...but sooooo worth it! And All i did was calorie count...and change my eating habits..for FREEEEEEEE! No excuses!!!!
    I also watch biggest loser for inspiration!
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    When my husband (who was also my first/HS Sweetheart) told me I was fat and he wasn't attracted to me any longer...sigh.

    I'm so mad right now.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    There were a few of those for me:

    1) When I would go shopping with friends and they all were wearing smaller sizes than I was (and I used to be the smaller one)
    2) When I couldn't wear my favorite jeans anymore
    3) The final moment was when I saw a picture of myself and was like "OMG what have I done to myself!"... then I joined MFP.

    After that, it's history. I'd lost 11 lbs before joining MFP and 42 since. I feel like a new me again!
  • SingeSange
    SingeSange Posts: 98 Member
    I always told myself I would NEVER weight 200 lbs, and the most I ever weighed in the past was 195 lbs. But when my scale started creeping up to the 195 lbs range again this past spring AND I had to go out and buy plus-size pants... well, that was it. I knew something had to change. I've lost 9 lbs and changed my top out weight to 190 lbs now. As I continue to lose weight that top out will change to as a way to keep me motivated and sticking with healthy eating.
  • katymcd81
    katymcd81 Posts: 73 Member
    I had two:

    Seeing some recent photos in which I looked far more blobby than I thought I did.

    Getting on the scales after months of avoiding it to find I'd regained 20lb of the 25 I lost last year. I was 'skinnyfat' when I lost all that so I didn't notice it so much going back on, and I was in denial...

    The night I got on those scales something clicked in my head and I signed up here. Three weeks later I'm down 9.5lb, 1.7 BMI points, 2 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my bust (come on, hips, catch up!!), and 3% body fat :bigsmile:
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I haven't really had it yet. My Inspiration Friend (IF) gave me a gift of personal trainer sessions and another friend pointed me to MFP. But still, after nearly 60 pounds, i have not really had a bottom or aha moment. I just keep making better choices most days. But not all days.

    I just saw a few photos from Christmas though, and that could come close to an aha (or an Oh No!) moment.

    Consider that you don't have to make a decision now for next week. Just make the decision now for now. Don't let a long journey or "no cupcakes forever" weigh you down now. Just go for a work out today and make your next meal a better one. Do it one meal at a time for now if you have to.

    And good luck!!
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 186 Member
    I wanted to lose weight right after having my babies, but then I became lazy and food became my comfort. I just started to gain weight at a rapid rate. Before I actually became dedicated in March of this year. I tryed to lose months before but failed. In Febuary I stepped on the scale and it said a number that made me feel embrassed :(. I decided from that day I will begin doing something about my weight issues. I took one last look in the mirror of myself, I saw a person that just wasn't me. Now I'm only 7lbs from my goal. Hard work pays off :)
  • babenes
    babenes Posts: 34 Member
    I had two one was i went with family outing and we took bunch of pictures. When i got home i uploaded to my pc and was looking at them i was like wow. How did i let my self get this big there was one in particular i was sitting on chair next to my mom i just saw how big i was how i could barely fit in that chair. I edited the picture and cut myself out how embrassed i was of the picture. Then a couple weeks later i had blood work done. Doctor sat me down. I was boardline diabetes, high blood, and high cholestrol i knew then it was time because i didnt want to live on medication so i knew i had to do something about.
  • SanjiSun
    SanjiSun Posts: 69 Member
    I have been overweight most of my adult life.
    Back in 2005 I had the only serious attempt to get back into shape. Lost 24 kg, exercised, was fit. And then my motivation was gone, and I gained everything back over a couple of years.
    Since then the desire to be a lean mean fighting machine ^^ slowly came back.
    But I never got around to be motivated enough to make a serious attempt.
    Had all kinds of excuses.
    Anyway, fast forward to July 18th 2012... first general check up and being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
    That was all the motivation I needed and will ever need. I will simply do everything in my power to stay off the meds for as long as possible.
    So far, so good :)
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