**Fit and Fun-sized**(5'4 and under) WEEK 1



  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! I just found your group. Is it too late to join? I'm 42, 5'3" and currently 174. My goal is 139, which will get me a few pounds into a healthy BMI.

    I've asked Santa for Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, do any of you use it?

    Thanks! Janet

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Good morning everyone. I pretty much had a week without a computer so I'm starting here.

    FAFS SW 144.

    My Goal is 125!
  • jzbaby626
    Hey Ladies. Just weighed in.

    FaFS SW: 143.4
    CW: 142.0

    Loss of 1.4 lb! :happy: Wow..I don't know how i pulled that one off. I thought I did bad this week, i thought i was going to gain weight. Guess i wasn't doing as bad as i thought i was tho. Im not gonna complain lol. Good luck on the week ahead everyone!! :flowerforyou: :heart: I LOVE dancing too Songbyrd!! & i love it even more bc its a great workout!!

    Exactly! You don't even notice it's a workout until the next morning when your legs and hips and abs are so sore you actually creak!! :laugh:

    Haha i know! Some nights if I want to burn more calories before I go to bed, I turn up the music & me and my 3 yr. old son have a "dance party" lol. He loves it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    SW January 14 183
    FaFS starting weight 118
    weight today 117
    Goal weight 115 or maybe lower :laugh:

    I am so impressed with how many of us are still posting and staying focused even with all the stresses of life. Together we can do this.:bigsmile:
  • lailavendar
    I have noticed that a lot of you guys have talked about some 30 day shred thing. It sounds like it works great. I was wondering what it was. I've never heard of it before.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I have noticed that a lot of you guys have talked about some 30 day shred thing. It sounds like it works great. I was wondering what it was. I've never heard of it before.

    Hi Lallavender - it's a Jillian Michaels workout routine that has 3 different levels - you're supposed to advance through the levels (I think Ideally 10 days a level) until you reach the 30 days. It's a 20 minute routine (more like 25 with warm up and cool down stretches) and each level has 3 different circuits of strength, cardio, abs. I started it on November 1, and have taken a couple of breaks in that time, but overall, can tell it's making a big difference. I would be nearly finished with level 3 if not for those stops!!! :( Oh well, I'm still keepin on. Doing level 2 again today.

    All you need is a floor mat and some hand weights to do the routine.. I started with 3 lbs and now using 5 lb weights. Good luck and have fun!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    SW 179
    FaFs SW 148.2
    CW 150.4

    Woops - that's a gain of 2.2 lbs. There's no denying it though - I slacked on the exercise and on eating well during the holiday (and days after). Back at it though.. I did 30 day shred yesteray (Saturday) and again today, and heading out for a run.
  • ButlerMom
    ButlerMom Posts: 23 Member
    Hello all....I weighed in this morning....LOST 2 POUNDS!!!! YEA, I'm so excited!!! Congrats to everyone. I think we all did great!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I didn't see any weight loss this week but wanted to thank everyone for their words of encouragement, it means a lot. I would usually be discouraged by a lack of weight loss especially when I've been doing what I'm suppose to but NOT THIS TIME. I feel good and will continue with my program. I have exercise boot camp tomorrow.

    Great Job ladies for losing all this weight, what inspirations you all are.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm up 1 lb this week, but I'm hoping it is just water weight or bloating from eating more than I usually do. So far I have made my weekend goal which is to do 60 minutes of excercise each day instead of my usual 30. So far I have 40 minutes in today and hope to do the rest later after hubby's football game is over.

    Gratz to everyone who managed to stay the same or loose. Your amazing.

    To the rest of us- Let's get back on track and have a good week.

  • Luke93
    Luke93 Posts: 35
    F&FS Starting Weight: 132.4
    F&FS Week 1: 131.6

    This week loss: -0.8

    I wasn't as successful as I thought I would be this week. This was the first week I have had so many sweets and desserts in my house, so all those little bites here and there definitely added up.

    I know slacked this week, and my scale showed it. That right there is my motivation for this week. I will stick to my cals, and and make each workout count.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    F&FS Starting Weight: 132.4
    F&FS Week 1: 131.6

    This week loss: -0.8

    I wasn't as successful as I thought I would be this week. This was the first week I have had so many sweets and desserts in my house, so all those little bites here and there definitely added up.

    I know slacked this week, and my scale showed it. That right there is my motivation for this week. I will stick to my cals, and and make each workout count.

    that was my loss last week and this week it was 2 lbs I see some weeks I have awesome loss and next week it is low
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I did it! I will try to update the chart now that I know how to do it.

  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Here's what I have so far.

  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    I know weigh ins are Sundays but my regular weigh ins are Mondays. i will post my info tomorrow. Thanks for posting the chart.
  • lailavendar
    I have noticed that a lot of you guys have talked about some 30 day shred thing. It sounds like it works great. I was wondering what it was. I've never heard of it before.

    Hi Lallavender - it's a Jillian Michaels workout routine that has 3 different levels - you're supposed to advance through the levels (I think Ideally 10 days a level) until you reach the 30 days. It's a 20 minute routine (more like 25 with warm up and cool down stretches) and each level has 3 different circuits of strength, cardio, abs. I started it on November 1, and have taken a couple of breaks in that time, but overall, can tell it's making a big difference. I would be nearly finished with level 3 if not for those stops!!! :( Oh well, I'm still keepin on. Doing level 2 again today.

    All you need is a floor mat and some hand weights to do the routine.. I started with 3 lbs and now using 5 lb weights. Good luck and have fun!

    Thanks a bunch. I was sitting there wondering what all the fuss was about the 30 day shred. Does it really work? It sounds like a lot of people like it, so I suppose I'll try it. Is it a video or what? Whatever it is, I'm going to ask for it for Christmas. And good luck to you as well!
  • supermom1114
    Here's what I have so far.


    Thanks for putting this together!!!

    Way to go Ladies!! Lets keep up the hard work!! I did a workout on the EA Active game for the Wii even though it was supposed to be my rest day. I wanted to burn some extra cals since I taste tested a bit of icing and cake crumbs for my project and presentation tomorrow. I would've done a workout on the biggest loser game but it was a rest day on there too and you can't override it like the EA game.

    I hope everyone has a great monday tomorrow!! I won't be on til later in the day, busy busy morning then baking a gluten free red velvet cake then giving a presentation over Celiac Disease, then squeezing in a run and my biggest loser work out!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Is it too late to join?! I just got my computer back yesterday...was without it for 9 days!!!

    My name is Andrea. I am 5'3 1/2"...so I fit the fun-sized requirement ;)

    CW: 137.6
    GW: 130 (or less...I haven't seen 130 in a long time so I'd be happy to get there first...will reassess after)

    I have a muscular build...my thighs are 24 inches around...so I'm not sure my frame will allow me to ever be 115 again! Wouldn't that be nice ;)

    I'm starting to cut out sugar from my diet...well the bad sugars...like candy!!! I'm excited to see the change that comes but am anxious at the same time!
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Please join us. We weigh in on Sundays.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Here's what I have so far.


    Great job on this! :flowerforyou: